Owl Post
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Owl Post: Chapter 3

T - Words: 5,662 - Last Updated: Aug 02, 2016
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 19, 2014 - Updated: Nov 19, 2014
253 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: So I figured after my chapter 2 mix up, that Id go ahead and just post Chapter 3 - in the right order this time! And so that anyone confused can get an update with a note of explanation!

For those who missed that correction: I accidentally posted Chapter 3 as Chapter 2, so you may have already read this chapter as the second one. In that case, theres a new chapter 2 awaiting you. And then this one is next. Apologies again for the mistake and confusion. Im a doofus at 4am, what can I say?

In light of this mixed up nonsense, I will not be posting a new chapter on Friday. I will mostly likely be posting Chapter 4 on Monday, December 8th. That way I can get my last week of college finished without worrying about posting an update.

Enjoy the new chapter, for those who havent read this part or for those who have a new chapter 2 to peruse.

After a long day of classes and being stalked around the castle by Sebastian Smythe, Blaine was glad for the comfort of his squishy armchair by the fire in the Hufflepuff common room. Mondays were exhausting. It was like trying to work a broken wand with no spell and no hands. Around him, Sam and Mike flicked bits of parchment at each other, Sugar Motta was squealing about her new fur scarf, and a rowdy crowd of second years were attempting to help a first year get his cat off the top of one of the round windows.

Blaine watched a few of them stack more books up until they could reach the kitten. They always seemed to forget magic as an option, even the wizard-born ones.

"Thats going to fall over," Blaine called as he shoved his Charms book and half-finished essay aside. The second years backed away nervously. The girl about to climb onto the books paused. "Look, wingardium leviosa!"

The tabby kitten meowed and its fur puffed up in fright as Blaine lowered it into the boys arms. When Blaine dropped back into his armchair the kitten was purring and winding itself around the boys neck. Back at their table by the fire, Sam and Mike had started a gigantic pile of parchment balls and were stacking Exploding Snap pieces on top of them.

"Youre going to lose your eyebrows," Blaine said as he flipped to the back of his Charms book to look something up. "Then theyll grow back and look like mine."

"I said I was sorry for that, like, six hundred times," Sam said with a frown. "I like them better this way. Boomerangs are awesome. Unless they come back and break your nose."

"That was also one time," Blaine mumbled around his grin. The summer of their third year had meant a vacation to Australia with Cooper and his modeling entourage. While Cooper had been spray tanned and stuffed into a million different outfits, Sam and Blaine had fried themselves at the beach, learned to surf (badly), and then broken Sams nose with a brand new boomerang. "I never did apologize. I was too busy laughing at your bloody screaming."

Sam glowered and flicked a parchment ball at him. Blaine ducked, but his hand hit his book and knocked it into the growing tower. Mike gasped as it exploded in his face. A cloud of ash and smoke engulfed his head as Sam started howling and Blaine rolled his eyes. As the other two argued over who was cleaning what up and got into another parchment ball fight, Blaine flicked back to the chapter and a folded piece of parchment slipped out.

The letter from his secret admirer. Heat poured into his cheeks as he cradled it in his hands. He glanced at Sam and Mike, found the two busy wrestling on the couch, and unfolded it. The same words from earlier, the same deep green ink, and a neat, curvy handwriting he didnt have an owner for. More than anything, he wished he could just tap his wand against the page and have it tell him who had written it, who had a crush on him, and if they were as worthwhile as they seemed.

"Oh, is this from your cutie?" A wad of bubblegum smacked next to his ear. Blaine quickly stuffed the letter into his pocket. Sugar was leaning over his shoulder with bright eyes. Sam and Mike paused in their tangled wrestling match.

"Its nothing," Blaine said, but his face burned. "Just the schedule for prefect duties next week."

Mike sat up and looked him over. "Margaret said we wouldnt have those until Thursday."

"Its a, uh, preliminary schedule," Blaine invented as he stuffed his books into his bag. "She wanted my help looking it over."

"She hates you." "She does not. Its not my fault Im gay and she had a crush on me when we were second years."

"It was kind of funny watching you do the gentleman dodge all year," Sam said. "Finally had to tell her myself."

Sugar pouted as she draped herself over the couch and rubbed her new scarf over Blaines face. "I missed all the good stuff."

Mike sat up and dusted his sleeves off. "Come on, whats on it?"

"Its– just a–"

"You grow more beautiful every morning when the sunlight–"

Blaine leapt to his feet and snatched the letter out of Sugars hands. Shed grabbed it while shed been rubbing the scarf all over his face. "Its nothing. Just a note–its probably from some first-year girl who doesnt know Im gay. Forget it."

"Forget it?" Mike grinned. "Since when do you not at least let us have a laugh at a note like that? Its from a guy, isnt it?"

"A boy?" Sam shouted. "Let us read. I wanna see what your secret admirer has to say. If he doesnt at least comment on your round, onion booty–"

"I do not have an onion booty!"

Blaine ducked past Mike and stumbled his way towards the dormitory. His bag and books could stay in the common room overnight. Nobody would mess with them except Sam and Mike. He slammed the door on the sixth year dormitory and flopped face first into his bed. Why hadnt he kept the note in his book? It would have been safe there, a secret for just him.

Blaine rolled onto his back and held the letter up over his head. Maybe it was a little cheesy, a little too clich�d or whatever else Sam and Mike were saying downstairs, but it was his. Someone had taken the time to write him a letter trying to express what Blaine hadnt managed in four years. He couldnt even say hi to Kurt Hummel without squealing and tripping over himself. At least this person–this boy he hoped–had done something about his feelings.

Hed write back. It was worth a chance to find out who this person was, to try to meet up somewhere and give himself a hope at something besides his fantasies. Blaine rolled back over and tugged his dresser drawer open and dug out ink, a quill, and parchment.


The door creaked open a little wider and Sam poked his head in. Blaine could just see his long blond hair through the part in his curtains. "You dont have to stay up here. Were sorry we teased you. We just figured that letter was like those notes you used to get."

"Its fine, Sam," Blaine said. He set the parchment on his bed and let Sam nudge his curtains apart. "This one was… it was really sweet. Its probably stupid."

"No, I dont think it is. A weird way to meet, but maybe it is a guy. A really sexy one thatll appreciate your onion booty."

"I dont have an onion booty!"

Blaine rammed Sam with his pillow and beat him back towards the door. He heard Sam trample back downstairs and was getting ready to shut the door when Mike appeared.

"Now you? Let me guess, youre all going to take apology turns like last time."

"We did that?" Mike looked around and then shook his head. "Look, Im sorry. We didnt mean to upset you. Were just excited that you might have someone."

"I dont. Its probably nothing," Blaine said. He sat back down on his bed and shrugged. "Theyre always notes from girls, but… this one was different. It was sweet and it put into words how I feel about–forget it."

"Oh, well, thats good, right? Whos it from?"

As Mike sat down beside him, Blaine hesitated. As much as he wished he knew this persons name, he didnt. But he couldnt deny that swelling in his belly. It wasnt heavy like hed eaten too much or like he was bloated with water or air. It was a light feeling full of warmth and something that felt like hope.

"Queen delivered it to me this morning," Blaine admitted. "No name or any hint about who it is. Ive never seen the handwriting before either. It might even be a joke. It probably is."

"With a smile like yours? Youre a catch, you dolt. Can I see it?"

Blaine pulled the letter out of his robe pocket and handed it to him. Mike read it and beamed. "Thats adorable. Aw, I wish someone would write me a letter like this."

"I could talk to Tina about that if you want," Blaine said.

Mike shoulder checked him and laughed. "No, shed only write about my abs." He stared at the letter for a few moments. "I dont know the handwriting either. It looks too neat to be any of the boys I know."

Blaine wilted a little. Hed thought the same thing earlier. The script was strong, but neat and curling. The only man he knew with handwriting more eccentric was Cooper.

"You should write back," Mike said after a moment. "It doesnt hurt to see if theyd say who they are. And you can ask if theyre a boy or not, too. Maybe it is someone youll like. You said Queen brought you the letter?"

"Uh, yeah, at breakfast," Blaine said. "Whoever it is knew my owl."

"Well, shes easy to spot," Mike reminded him. "Only pure snowy owl in the whole castle."

Blaine nodded and picked his quill back up. "Im going to write back. An answer is better than hoping theyll keep writing."

Mike clapped him on the shoulder and left. As the other sixth year boys slowly trickled in over the next hour, Blaine wrote and rewrote his reply. There was so much to say, but so much he shouldnt put in this first letter. What if it was just some young girl? Or a prank? Pouring his heart into a reply this soon would be stupid. He had to just stick to questions and compliments.

By the time Sam returned to the dormitory Blaine had a decent, but short, letter to send off.

"Youre writing back?" Sam whispered as he changed into his pajamas. Around them the other boys snored and snuffled in their sleep.

"Yeah, I just want to see if theres anything there. Kind of stupid, I know."

"No, its, like, romantic," Sam said. He slid into his bed and turned to look at Blaine folding up his letter. "Hey, dont look so scared. I bet it is a hot guy and youll have a boyfriend by winter break. Then we can go on double dates in Hogsmeade for Valentines Day. Quinn will love getting to tease you."

Blaine laughed as he crawled under his blankets and said goodnight.

In the morning, Blaine woke up after the other boys in his dormitory. It was Tuesday. His first class wasnt until noon and then there was another long break until Astronomy in the evening. Blaine yawned and climbed out of bed. After a quick shower, he put on his robes and took his letter up to the Owlery. It was still early, only a little after ten oclock.

Inside the Owlery, it was blustery and cool. The sunlight was just starting to stream in through the long, high windows as Blaine crunched his way towards the perches. Overhead, dozens of owls had their heads tucked under their wings. Blaine stared up into the crowd for a few moments before he spotted Queen nestled way at the top between two eagle owls.

"Queen? Come here, girl!" Blaine whistled softly until she poked her head out. She glared at him and turned away. "Please? Ive got bacon."

Before he could even pull the strips out of his napkin ball, she was on his shoulder. Blaine laughed as she started rubbing her head under his chin.

"All right, all right! Here." He tore a few pieces off and set them on the windowsill. After she finished the first strip, Blaine pulled the two letters from his pocket. "Question for you. Theres toast in it if youre honest."

Queen cocked her head and hooted.

"The letter you brought me yesterday," Blaine continued as she inched towards the food in his napkin, "do you know who gave it to you?"

A nod and a nudge against his fist.

"Which house were they in? Was it a boy or–"

The door creaked open behind him. Queen fluttered away into the rafters as another boy entered. It was Kurt Hummel.

Blaine stood up and stuffed the letters into his pocket. His napkin of toast and bacon tumbled out of the glassless window. "H-hi."

Kurt spun around as the door clanged closed. "Hello, Anderson."

Blaine stood there as Kurt shuffled forward and called a handsome owl down to him. He should leave. Come back later or forget the whole thing. How could he even bother with some sweet anonymous person when his insides splintered like fireworks at the sight of Kurt?

"Hi, McQueen. You up for a long trip?" Kurt smiled at his owl and offered him a bite of toast.

Blaine bit his lip at the sight. For the longest time hed thought he was the only one who snuck food for their owl. Sam and Mike always nagged him about it. Even Sugar raged at him for giving Queen an unhealthy diet. But Kurt seemed to agree with him about bribes disguised as treats.

Queen fluttered back down and settled on his shoulder as Kurt woke his owl up with more toast.

"Hey, girl. Um," Blaine watched Kurt for another moment before turning towards the window. "Ive got a delivery for you."

Queen shook her head and hooted loudly. Behind him, Kurt scuffled around through the old mice bones.

"Shes beautiful."

Kurt stopped beside him at the window. Blaines stomach felt like it was trying to float out of his body. He nodded as Kurts owl fluttered down onto the windowsill.

"My brother gave her to me when I got my Hogwarts letter," Blaine said. He didnt know what else to say, but at least hed managed a few words. "Her names Queen."

"Really? This is McQueen after the–"

"Fashion designer," Blaine finished. Kurt laughed as he squatted down to tie his letter to his owls leg. "Thats cute. I, uh, I named her after the band, Queen."

Kurt finished tying his letter on. "Take this to Dad, okay?"

McQueen hooted and took off out the window.

"You writing home, too?" Kurt asked as Blaine dug into his pocket for the letter he wanted to send. He didnt want to tell Queen what to do in front of Kurt. Hed look even stupider than he already did.

"Um, to my brother," Blaine lied. "Hes in America right now modeling some new line of robes."

"Oh, hes the one in the magazines! Wizard of the Robes cover boy, Cooper Anderson. Hes gorgeous," Kurt babbled. His cheeks turned pink. He kicked at a few bones on the floor. "Ive had the biggest crush on him when I was eleven."

Blaine swallowed and looked away. Of course. Kurt liked Cooper. Even when he wasnt in the same country, Cooper was still the better one. He didnt stand a chance, even less than before. He tugged the letter out of his pocket and looked at it.

"Yeah, thats Cooper." Blaine cleared his throat. "I guess youve got to get to class."

Kurt startled a little and his smile faltered. "Well, I have to finish that Transfiguration essay for this afternoon. Um, Ill see you in class?"

Blaine nodded sadly and watched Kurt shut the door behind himself. Queen hooted softly at him and nudged his chin with her head. Kurt Hummel was a closed door to him. But this letter, this secret admirer wasnt.

"Take it back to him," he said. Blaine offered his reply to Queen and she grasped it with her beak before flying out the window. He sat and watched her circle around the tower and out of sight. Someone, somewhere, would get his reply shortly and he only hoped theyd be brave enough to write him back.

All day Kurt bubbled from his toes to his cheeks. Blaine had spoken to him! Sure, it had only been in the Owlery and about nothing important, but it was something. Those few moments had been more than hed ever dared to dream up since July. And Blaine had been writing to someone, too.

As Professor Binns droned on about some legislative amendment from 1891, Kurt stared off towards the window. History of Magic was one of his favorite subjects despite the dull professor. Looking up facts, reading about how things had transformed and changed to get to this moment, was something he enjoyed. Of course, the rest of his year-mates didnt seem to agree. There were only seven who had continued on to N.E.W.T. level; a few sturdy Ravenclaws, Mercedes Jones from Gryffindor, one Hufflepuff whose name escaped Kurt, and then himself and Sebastian. Clearly theyd never bothered to read the textbooks and had tried to rely solely on Binns reedy, yawn-inducing voice. History was fun, and not continuing such an exciting subject was silly. Even Blaine, for all his intelligence, hadnt chosen this class.

"Are you going to take notes for us or not?"

Kurt glowered at Sebastian and continued twirling his quill. "Take your own notes."

"I sell mine at a high price," Sebastian said. He rested his head on his hand and looked over at Kurt. "Besides, you catch all the stupid details on the tests."

"Because I read the damn book, Smythe." Kurt turned away and looked out the window to his right. It was clear and bright outside. After his surprise meeting in the Owlery, Kurt had taken his Transfiguration essay outside to finish by the lake. He hoped it would stay nice at least until Quidditch season so he could enjoy the sun for a few weeks.

"Why you arent a Ravenclaw, Ill never know." Sebastian sighed and kicked his chair back against the wall.

Up front, Professor Binns continued to drone on about the 1891 Goblin Legislation Bill as Kurt zoned out. Maybe it was stupid to take this class at N.E.W.T. level. It would look nice on a resume, but sitting through it wouldnt be much fun. Professor Sylvester would let him drop, then he could just read the book in his free time and avoid chatty hour with Sebastian.

"So what do you think about Anderson? Certainly sharpened his little mop-top up, hasnt he?"

Kurt stiffened and tried not to grind his teeth. He had to deflect Sebastians interest, had to cut him off without Sebastian realizing it. But how? The only way Kurt would still be accepted by the other Slytherins was if he turned Blaine into a conquest and he would never do that to anyone.

"Still a Puff," Kurt said slowly. He watched an owl swoop past outside and was hit with a spark of inspiration. "He looked better when his hair hid that awful face. I cant believe you, of all people, would chase that."

"Why wouldnt I?" Sebastian demanded. His chair legs clattered back down. The other five students paused to stare back at them, but Professor Binns continued like he always did. Kurt was sure ghosthood came paired with deafness.

"Why would you? A Gryffindor I would understand. Its fun to mess with them, but whats the point of a Hufflepuff? Theyre just… ugh."

Sebastian stared at him for a long moment. He was thinking it over, hopefully buying it, or talking himself out of it with just that little nudge. Kurt met his eyes and schooled his face into a bored expression. The less interested he was, the better chance he had at changing Sebastians mind.

"Quidditch," Sebastian said carefully. "If I fuck that tight little ass and then stomp on his heart, Berry might actually manage to beat him."

"Right, lets piss an Anderson off and hope that makes Rachels job easier."

Sebastian flushed at his words. Everyone who was anyone knew about the Anderson family. Theyd been around for longer than Sebastians and Kurts combined and as long as any of the other pureblood families. Each Anderson who was note-worthy was famous for never backing down, and Blaines own mother and her glorious Quidditch career were proof of that. There was even a section in their history book from fourth year that mentioned Blaines great-great-great times six grandmother and her fight for centaur rights.

"But hes so meek. Hes not like the rest of them. Thats why hes a tosser in Hufflepuff and not some brash idiot in scarlet."

"And when you mess with him and his mother finds out, guess whos going to be out of a job, Smythe? Three hints, hes responsible for squirting you in your mother."

As Sebastian frowned and twisted his hands, Kurt glanced back out the window. Maybe he was being too aggressive about this, but there was truth to his words. Blaines mother, Marcia Anderson, visited Kurts fathers Quidditch shop several times a year and hed seen firsthand how protective she was of her younger son. These days, she was the head Quidditch correspondent at the Daily Prophet, and Sebastians father (as much as he loathed it) was her employee. Theyd played together in the league, two seekers on rival squads that had become rather legendary in the twenty years they faced off. Every match, Marcia beat him and nobody ever let the Smythes forget it.

Blaine wasnt like them, Sebastian had that right. He was softer, kinder to those he didnt know, and more willing to stop and talk than rush into action. But he had some of that fire, too, and Kurt was willing to bet hed be a churning vortex is Sebastian managed to hurt him.

"I–hed be furious if she fired him," Sebastian admitted after a few minutes. He stabbed his parchment with his quill and growled. "He wants nothing more than to get her fired and take over, and–damnit, Hummel. Why cant you use that brain to find me a sharp Seeker instead of skinning my ass before my father does?"

"More fun to mess up your plans," Kurt said. He held in his sigh of relief at the hopeful end of Sebastians conquest. Sebastian wouldnt pursue Blaine for anything serious–he didnt go after anyone for more than a fling–and unless he found a way around his fathers job, then Kurt was safe.

Sort of.

A school owl had landed on the window ledge and hooted softly at Kurt.

"Whats it doing up here?"

Kurt ignored Sebastian and unlatched the window. It was a school barn owl, not McQueen or Queen which was a relief. Blaines owl was quite smart and listened to his requests well. The owl hopped in, dropped the scroll in its beak on Kurts desk, and took off out the window.

"Letter from home," Kurt said. It took all of his self-control to say it slowly and with a frown. It was a reply from Blaine. Hed seen enough of Blaines handwriting this week to recognize it, but it made his chest twang slightly to see "Secret Admirer" written in that hand. "Checking up with my dad, you know."

Sebastian frowned in return. It was common knowledge that Kurts father had suffered a heart attack two summers ago. Even Sebastian had been sympathetic when hed heard what had happened and the long recovery process.

"Hows he, uh, doing? Not trying his hand at some Muggle hopscotch, I hope."

Kurt snorted. "Hos-pi-tal. Hopscotch is a kids game. Hes better compared to before. And do you really think Hudson would be my stepbrother if hed hadnt been going to St. Mungos? Thats where he met Carole."

"Oh, right. I forgot about that," Sebastian said with a shrug. He stretched his arms over his head as Kurt tucked the letter into his bag. "How is that troll ass these days? Still lumbering around the pitch, way I hear it."

"Only thing he seems handy with is a bat," Kurt agreed. Finn was the Captain and a Beater for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. A second later, Sebastian chuckled and Kurt rolled his eyes. "What?"

"From what I hear from your four-poster, youre more than capable with a bat yourself." Sebastian grinned and did his usual full-body glance just to see if Kurt would squirm. He didnt. "You wouldnt happen to be handy with a broomstick would you, because–"

"I am not doing anything with your alleged broomstick, Smythe. I imagine its much more of a twig than anything else," Kurt bit back.

"It–no, piss off, Hummel. Im talking Quidditch," Sebastian continued and for once he looked serious. "Look, Berrys a little shit, okay? I know you can play, what with your family owning a shop for six generations."

"My dads a Squib, remember?"

"Do I ever let you forget it? He still makes fantastic brooms, and your mom played internationally," Sebastian said. "Look, Im sick of Berrys drama and Ive finally got a chance to get rid of her. Im Captain now, and Im holding trials this weekend, no reserves or favorites. As much as I hate saying it, and you know I do, shes easily the best unless theres a miracle first year that staggers onto the pitch and has the snitch fly into their mouth. Do you play Seeker?"

"Once, in Little League," Kurt finally said. And that was perfectly true. Hed been a fantastic seeker as a young child, all the way up until Hogwarts when he stopped. Playing for his house team had been a huge dream when he was little, he could be just like his mother if he did, but then hed met his house team and thought better of it. Theyd kicked him out of tryouts that first year, both for being a scrawny firstie and for what he was wearing. "I havent played in years and I doubt Im any good."

"No first year tries out unless theyre the best," Sebastian snapped. His fist hit their table as the dismissal bell rang. "I know you went to that tryout. Berry told me because she had every intention of sabotaging you if youd showed up second year. Shes such a–ugh. Tryouts are Saturday morning. If you arent there, youll be very cross with yourself."

Sebastian snatched up his bag and left. It was a threat more than anything, and Kurt wished he had a way out of it. Unless he thought of something, hed have to tryout and either stun everyone or flop. Flopping wasnt an option, not in front of his Slytherin peers.

With a snarl working up his throat, Kurt slammed his textbook shut and hurried downstairs for dinner. Sebastian wasnt there when Kurt arrived and he hoped he wouldnt show until he was finished. Rachel and Santana were at the middle of the table. As usual the younger students had given them a wide berth, while the seventh years speckled the end closest to the entrance hall. Kurt slid onto the bench beside Santana and dragged a dish of chicken towards himself.

"What do you have to look so pissy about?" Santana snapped when she caught sight of him. Kurt glanced up and saw the frown pulling her face down. Rachel didnt look any better. Apparently news of the tryouts had already spread, though how he wasnt sure. Sebastian hadnt made the announcement yet from what he understood. With any luck, he was making the post on the notice board in the common room right now. That gave Kurt twenty minutes to stuff his face and leave. "Well?"

"Smythe being his usual self," Kurt settled on. "Im stuck with him sodding my ear off in history."

"Ew, why would you take history? That class is just a long nap," Rachel said.

"He gets a boner over that old ghosts warbling tones," Santana said loudly. A few Ravenclaws paused and looked over at them. "I cant believe Smythe is taking it."

"Not much else he can take with his O.W.L.s," Rachel said happily. "Hes lucky he can take any classes at all. I wish he couldnt. Then Id be Captain and–"

"Oh, would you shut up about Quidditch," Kurt snapped. "Thats all he talked about and Im sick of hearing it."

Santana and Rachel exchanged looks and Kurt almost mentioned the tryouts, then thought better of it. Let them find out on their own.

"Oh, what do you care if we talk Quidditch? Do you have any idea how much work it takes to play?" Rachel said. She glared at him, swung her hair a little and Santanas fork clattered to her plate as she covered her face. The hair swing always meant a rant. "I get up early every day to fly laps, to do physical exercise like a Muggle, and then to catch walnuts. Walnuts, Kurt. Id like to see you try that. Oh, wait, thats right. You cant play Quidditch, can you? You couldnt even stay on your broomstick during Flying lessons first year."

"Yeah, he could," Santana mumbled. "Better than Smythe as I recall."

"I was still the best!" Rachel screeched. She glared at Kurt and stood up.

Kurt stared at her, suddenly hot all over his face and neck. He could play, even if hed never done so around them. And he was a better flyer than her. The only reason he had held back was because he hadnt wanted his dad to find out and encourage him after those stupid tryouts the week before flying lessons had started. That had been enough of a disaster without making his dad worry about him being bullied while he was away at school.

"Did you ever think maybe I blew that race on purpose?" Kurt asked softly. "That maybe, just because youre full of yourself and slap it in everyone elses faces, that I dont? I am better than you, Berry, and I always have been."

Rachel gaped at him and mouthed wordlessly for a moment. "You are not! You take that back, Kurt Hummel."

"Nope, I cant," Kurt said with a little snarky shrug. "Truths out just like me." He slapped a heap of mashed potatoes onto his plate and then a piece of steak. "Now, if you dont mind, Im going to eat and ignore your Banshee mouth."

Santana cackled happily as Rachel snarled and made a big show of flouncing out of the hall.

"Oh, I miss having you in all of my classes," Santana said as she piled roast beef onto her plate. "Its always nice to have another sharp wit around with her bellowing about her superiority complex."

Kurt grunted and stuffed a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth. "Wh aha lass ou akn?"

She rolled her eyes and then stuffed a piece of roast beef into her mouth. For a few minutes they gibbered at each other with their mouths full, before swallowing.

"Not much," Santana said finally. "I dont see the point when Im just going to play Quidditch. Charms, Herbology, Transfiguration, Astronomy, Divination, Care of Magical Creatures, and Potions. Most of those are so I can see Britt more."

Kurt nodded even as he made a face. "Divination? Why would you ever want to continue that?"

"Because Professor Holliday is easy and kind of hot," Santana explained. "Me and Britt like to sit there and imagine a threesome with her." Kurt grimaced and gagged as Santana pushed her peas around. "I might drop it, though, since Berrys in there and insists on sitting with us. That Brett kid in your dormitory takes it, but she wont go near him. Says he smells like stale potions."

"Shes not wrong," Kurt said. "I keep catching Sebastian disinfecting our room because of the smell. Like troll feet fermenting in goblin piss."

Santana crinkled her nose and said nothing. They finished their dinners in silence and left the Great Hall together. At the marble staircase, Brittany was waiting.

"Charms homework when I get back?" Santana asked as Brittany bopped forward and pecked her cheek. "Hi." They kissed properly as Kurt nodded.

"We can compare and edit each others essays," he said. "Im mostly done. Weve got a free period in the morning if we need it."

"See you in the common room."

Kurt watched the two disappear up the stairs and out of sight. Seeing them was a little saddening and also a reminder of the letter still hidden away in his bag. He headed down the dungeon steps, turned down the first corridor and ducked into the bathroom. It was empty as always. Nobody used it because it was too dark and cold down here.

Still, Kurt locked the door with a wave of his wand and shut himself in a stall. He pulled the letter out and, with trembling fingers, unfolded it.


Um, that sounds really lame, but I dont know your name. Your letter was lovely, though. It made my day, but I have to ask: are you a boy? Im gay, you see, and Ive gotten a few letters (not as beautiful as yours) from girls before, so I just want to be sure.

If you are a boy, Id love to hear from you again. Or meet up sometime. You seem really sweet and kind, so I hope you write back, even if its only to say youre not a boy.



Kurt couldnt stop his feet from stamping. He grinned as he read the letter a second, and then third, time. Blaine thought he was sweet! He wanted him to write back! He tucked the letter into his pocket and almost skipped down to the Slytherin common room. Sebastian was just inside, pinning his tryout notice up on the board with a murmuring crowd of third years looking on.

He took one look at Kurt and laughed.

"Look like you finally got some ass."

"Shut up, I–what are you lot looking at?" The third years scrambled away from the notice board, whispering. "I–my dads going great," Kurt said as he glanced at the tryout notice. His stomach gave a pleasant little leap. "Really great. Next Saturday at ten? Ill be there."

"Really? Im not going to have to blackmail you into being on the team?" Sebastian stared at him steadily for a few moments. "If you make it, I mean."

"I will," Kurt said sharply. "You tell Berry her days are numbered. Ive got a nice broom at home Im going to have Dad send up. She wont know a handle from a twig once Im done with her."

Sebastian chortled and clapped him on the back before returning to his chair by the fire. Kurt smiled grimly at the notice and the chance hed missed out on so long ago. This time he would try out and prove everyone wrong once and for all.


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