Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
There was rubble everywhere. Mike shifted the bricks off his legs and surveyed the school. It didn’t look like a school. The ceiling had come down, there were bricks and stones everywhere, splinters of wood that must have come from the tables, charred pieces of paper that could have been someone’s homework or a piece of sheet music. Mike could even tell which room he was in, or was it a corridor? He felt sick with fear. Where were his friends? What if they’d been caught in the blast? Had Tina and Mr Schue managed to get away? With all these questions running through his head Mike stepped forward. He could feel heat on the back of his neck. He slowly turned around and screamed. Either the fire had moved or a new one had started. Mike turned and ran down the corridor, away from the blaze.
“Finn! Puck! Kurt! Mercedes! Rachel! Sam! Artie!” He yelled.
There was no response.
Mike kept on running, shouting his friends names, hoping against hope that he’d find them.
Blaine opened his eyes. He couldn’t see anything. He blinked several times and sat up. Where was he? Why was he covered in dust? What was - ? Oh God! Suddenly he remembered.
“Kurt!” He yelled, “Kurt!”
He received no answer.
“Rachel! Finn! Kurt!”
He stood up, painfully aware of the pain in his leg. He limped around. He spotted something blue out of the corner of his eye. Wasn’t that the colour of Rachel’s dress? He limped towards it and moved the stones asides. It was Rachel. Her eyes were closed and her mouth was slightly parted.
“Rachel! Wake up! Come on Rachel please!” Blaine begged.
He checked her wrist. He could feel a steady pulse. He blew cold air onto her face.
She stirred.
“Oh thank God! Rachel!”
“B- Blaine?” She coughed.
“Yes it’s me. Are you okay?”
“I think so” She said as she tried to sit up, “What happened?”
“I think a bomb went off”
Blaine didn’t reply. The evidence was all around them.
“Rachel? You need to help me find Finn and Kurt. They must be here somewhere”
“Oh my God!”
Blaine helped Rachel stand up and the two of them began searching. After a few minutes Blaine was close to becoming hysterical.
“Blaine! I’ve found them!”
Blaine had never been so pleased to hear those three times words. He ran (ignoring his leg’s protests) towards Rachel. He saw them immediately. It looked like Finn had managed to shelter Kurt from most of the rubble.
“What a good brother” Rachel said fondly, having noticed the same thing.
Blaine and Rachel shifted the rubble so that they could get to their boyfriends. Rachel reached them first.
“Finn? Can you hear me? Kurt? Please wake up. Please please please wake up!”
Blaine approached. He felt Kurt’s neck for a pulse. There was a pulse. Blaine felt relief run through his entire body, right to his finger tips. He checked Finn’s pulse too, it was also there. She gave a cry of relief and hugged Rachel. Together they help onto their boyfriends and waited. Blaine pressed his lips to Kurt’s in an attempt to resuscitate him. Rachel did the same to Finn. The two boys spluttered and opened their eyes.
“Rach?” Finn asked groggily.
“Oh Finn” She cried throwing herself at him.
Blaine thought it was lucky Finn was lying down; else he’d have been knocked off his feet.
“Blaine.” Kurt said.
Blaine smiled at the fact that it wasn’t a question. Kurt knew that Blaine was there for him. Always.
“Let’s try and get out of here, shall we?” Finn asked.
Everyone nodded and Rachel helped Finn stand up. Blaine held out his hand for Kurt, who took it. However as soon as Kurt moved he screamed. Finn and Rachel turned around to see Kurt doubled over in agony.
“Kurt?” Blaine was repeating.
Blaine looked at were Kurt previous wound had been. He saw at once when he was in pain. When he’d moved he moved right into a lose brick, stabbing him in his bullet wound. His wound was also filled with dust. He turned to Rachel and Finn.
“Go” He said simply, “There’s no way Kurt going to be able to move. I’ll stay with him. You two get yourselves out”
“No” Finn replied simply.
“He might be your boyfriend Blaine, but he’s my brother. I’m not leaving him”
“Finn, you should save Rachel”
“What makes you think I want to leave? Kurt’s my best friend! I’m not going anywhere without him”
“Kurt wouldn’t thank you for losing your lives just to stay with him” Blaine protested.
“Don’t you dare tell me what Kurt would or wouldn’t like to do. He’s your boyfriend, he’s Finn’s brother and he’s my best friend. We all love him equally in very different ways. We’re all staying” Rachel said fiercely.
Blaine smiled. A few months ago a broken boy had come to Dalton because he was being bullied and no one was protecting him enough. Now he had three people who were willing to lose their lives just because they didn’t want to leave his side. He turned to look at Kurt who was obviously thinking the same thing.
“Thank you” Kurt said weakly.
Blaine, Rachel and Finn all went to his side.
“We’re not going anywhere” Blaine promised as Kurt snuggled into him.
“Mr Schue you have to turn around!” Tina was yelling.
“Tina, the school just exploded. I can’t exactly go back”
“Mike’s in there! Everyone’s in there! Your students are in there and you’re just going to walk away?!”
“There’s nothing I can do!” Mr Schuester said insistently.
“Put me down then”
“I’m under Mike’s orders to get you out of here”
“Meaning you wouldn’t if he hadn’t told you?”
Mr Schuester didn’t answer.
“Oh my God! You – Put me down now!” Tina said aghast.
“Then you will have nowhere to go and you can’t run” Mr Schuester said as they reached the end of the school.
“We didn’t run into any gunmen on our way out”
“I know”
“Just put me the hell down!” Tina yelled at him.
He ignored her and carried on running. Tina aimed her hand and whacking him in his groin. Mr Schuester howled and dropped Tina. She hit the ground with thump. She was winded for moment then she sat up.
“Coward!” She yelled after Mr Schuester’s retreating figure.
She turned around. She was alone, unable to walk, facing a pile of rubble that used to her school in which all of her friends were. She began to cry.