Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
“It’s cold down here”
“Santana, are going to moan the whole way?” Sam asked.
“Yes. Because it is cold, dark, damp, uninviting and dismal down here” Santana replied reciting everything she’d complained about.
“Can anyone see anything?” Mercedes asked.
“Nope. Clearly haven’t eaten enough carrots over the years” Puck said.
They’d been walking through the tunnel for a few minutes. They had no idea how far they’d walked. Santana and Brittany were at the front, using their phones for light. Puck and Artie were right behind them. Lauren was behind them, she was using her hands to feel her way down. Sam and Mercedes were behind her, Mercedes was still helping Sam walk. Quinn brought up the rear. She hadn’t spoken since they’d been in the tunnel. Everyone was silent for a few seconds, then there was a loud beeping noise. Everyone jumped.
“What was that?” Artie asked.
“I think it was my phone” Mercedes said, digging into her pocket.
“You have signal? I tried to call someone when we still in the school but I had no signal” Sam said.
“I didn’t in the school”
“But know we’re underground you do?” Puck asked.
Mercedes had found her phone and she unlocked it.
“I have three new messages. One from Mike, Rachel and an unknown number”
“What are they saying?” Quinn said.
“Mike says ‘Where are you? I’m trying to find you’”
“Isn’t he with Tina? Shouldn’t he say ‘we’re trying to find you’?” Quinn said.
“I don’t know”
“What about Rachel?” Puck asked,
“Rachel says ‘Where are you? Kurt’s been - ’ Oh My God!”
“What?” Everyone asked.
“Kurt’s been shot!” Mercedes said, showing the screen to Sam.
“Is he okay?” Brittany asked.
“She says he’s in pain but it doesn’t look fatal” Sam said reading the phone screen.
Brittany breathed a sigh of relief.
“And the third text?” Artie asked.
Mercedes took her phone back and pressed a few buttons. She was silent for ages.
“What time is it?” She asked nervously.
Santana looked at her phone, “Ten to nine. Why?”
Mercedes made a choking sound and dropped her phone.
“Mercedes?” Sam asked concerned.
Mercedes began to shake with fear. Sam was comforting her. Quinn picked up the fallen phone. Her hands shook as she read the message.
‘We know where you are’ sent at 20:47.
Kurt and Rachel saw the man pull out a second gun.
Kurt yelled “Blaine!” at the same time as Rachel yelled “Finn!”
Both boys heard their partners cry and noticed the gun. Finn grabbed the man and pulled him to the ground whilst Blaine dove for his hand and pulled the gun out of grasp. Blaine stamped on the gun so that it broke. Finn had succeeded in knocking the gunman out. They both stepped back, breathing heavily. They high-fived each other and turned to Rachel and Kurt. Rachel stood up and ran to hug Finn. Blaine ran towards Kurt.
“Never, scare me like that again!” Kurt said after he released Blaine.
Blaine looked down at Kurt’s blood-soaked shirt. Kurt noticed this. His placed his hand under Blaine chin and lifted his face up.
“Blaine, look at me”
Blaine tore his eyes away from Kurt’s wound and brought them to Kurt’s eyes.
“I’m okay” Kurt said with a weak smile.
Blaine gave Kurt a quick kiss.
“Guys, we should probably move” Finn said, “I don’t know how long he’s going to be out for and we weren’t every quiet so we might have attracted some attention”
“Can you stand?” Blaine asked Kurt.
Kurt nodded determinedly. He began to move. Finn and Rachel moved so help him stand. After a minute or so, with Blaine, Finn and Rachel’s help, Kurt was on his feet. He swayed so Blaine took hold of him. He placed an arm gently around Kurt’s waist, taking great care to not touch his wound, whilst Kurt placed his arm around Blaine shoulders.
“It’s lucky you’re shorter than me” Kurt said.
“Don’t knock it, I’m not that small”
Finn coughed.
“Unless you compare me to that giant” Blaine said with a smile.
The four of them began to move, Finn and Rachel keeping an eye out for possible offenders to arise.
“Can you hear that?” Rachel said suddenly.
They stopped moving. They heard a whistling from above them.
“Isn’t that the same sound as before?” Finn asked.
“Yeah… Run!” Kurt said, well aware that he wasn’t able to.
“Kurt, we’re not leaving you” Finn said.
“Save yourself!” Kurt yelled at his stepbrother.
“No. I’ve done wrong by you before. I’m not going to this time” Finn said as he swung his stepbrother into his arms.
Kurt gave a scream of pain however Finn began running with Rachel and Blaine in his wake.
They didn’t get far before the second bomb hit them.