Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
Feb. 12, 2012, 12:12 a.m.
“Where are we going to go?” Sam asked as they made their way quietly down the corridor.
“Jump out the window?” Puck suggested.
“With a paralysed boy and an injured one? Wise move” Lauren said.
“Maybe we could – what was that?” Mercedes asked.
Everyone fell silent as they listened, they heard voices. Female voices. Coming from nearby.
“Puck! Mercedes!”
“Is that Quinn?” Sam asked.
“Quinn?” Puck shouted.
“In here idiot!”
The voice was coming from Mr Schuester’s Spanish classroom.
Sam, Mercedes, Puck, Lauren and Artie moved towards the door and opened it cautiously.
Quinn was crouched by the door. Puck had never been more relieved to see her. He sat Artie down on the table.
“We’ve nearly got it” Santana voice said.
Mercedes jumped and looked around. She saw Santana and Brittany in the corner of the room.
“Got what?” Lauren asked, walking over to them.
Quinn closed the door and stood up. Puck walked over to her and gave her a spinning hug.
“Are you okay?” He asked looking into her eyes, he noticed that her clothes were singed.
“My arm is still sore but otherwise fine”
“She saved us.” Brittany said.
Puck looked at Quinn.
“I put out part of the fire so they could get free.” She said with a shrug.
Puck was about to say something when Santana’s victorious voice filled the room.
“Yes! I’ve done it.”
“Done what?” Sam asked.
“There’s a trapdoor here. We’ve managed to open it”
“No, you’ve opened it. I got confused which was to pull the handle.” Brittany said.
“You helped. You were here”
“Girls, stop getting sappy. Does it look like it leads anywhere?” Mercedes said.
“I don’t know Wheezy! All I can see is dark!” Santana snapped.
“Hold the phone. Why the hell is there a trapdoor in a teachers office? Did Mr Shue plan this?” Sam asked.
“No. But the person who seems to be in charge is his ex-wife’s sister so maybe she made this” Puck said.
“How do you know that?” Sam asked.
“We saw her. She was ordering the men around. I worked for his ex-wife last year to pay Vocal Adrenaline back for slashing their tyres. Her sister came into the shop a lot, I always thought she was weird.”
“Is it worth it? Going through the trapdoor?” Artie asked.
“It’s worth a shot right?”
“Back choice of words Sam” Mercedes said gently.
“What if we end up in the base of all these men?” Quinn asked.
“Then at least we’ll be out of the school. No fire” Puck said.
They heard voice in the corridor.
“Let’s do it now” Lauren said.
Puck picked Artie up again and moved towards the trapdoor. Quinn was the last one to leave the room. She looked around briefly then went down the hole. She grabbed the handle of the trapdoor and pulled it shut after her.
Mike was running. He didn’t know where to. All he knew was that he needed to get him and Tina out of the school. He paused for a moment wondering with path to take when he heard someone say his name.
“Mike? Tina?”
He turned around and saw Mr Schuester sitting on the stairs.
“Mr Schue! Are you alright? Puck, Finn and Lauren went to find you”
“I’m fine enough. You’re still in school. Why are you still in school?” he asked weakly.
“We can’t get out” Tina said, “There’s a fire at the front and the men in black at the back”
“Is everyone still in school?” M Schuester asked standing up.
“We don’t know. We got separated right at the beginning. The only person we’ve seen other than the men with guns is Coach Sylvester” Tina said.
“I’ve seen her too. She seems to be helping”
“She saved our lives” Mike said.
“Tina, are you okay? Is there a reason why Mike is carrying you?” Mr Schuester asked as he walked towards them.
“She hurt her leg when the bomb went off” Mike explained.
“Why is this happening?” Mr Schuester asked putting his head in his hands, “No one was supposed to get hurt”
“Wait, you knew this was going to happen?”
“No! Please don’t think that!” Mr Schuester said quickly, “I didn’t know what was going to happen”
“But you knew something was going to happen?” Tina asked.
“I knew Terri was going to get back at me in some way. And I guessed she’d put Kendra on the case, but I never though it would be this!”
“So they’re after you?” Mike asked.
“I don’t know. Kendra has spoken to me but she refuses to say what her plans are. If they were just after me they’d have got me by now. That also doesn’t explain why there are so many people, nor why they’re hurting you” Mr Schuester sounded on the verge of tears.
“We don’t know either” Tina said softly.
The three of them remained in silence as they listened to the gunfire in the distance.