Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Jan. 31, 2014, 6 p.m.
Kurt's eyes popped open when he felt the bed move. He looked around quickly, trying to figure out where he was when he saw Damian crawling into the space between him and Blaine.
Damian saw Kurt was awake and crawled up so that he was face to face with him. Staring into Kurt's eyes, he whispered, “Does this mean you can be my daddy now?”
Kurt blushed as Blaine stretched and yawned. “Mm. Guess we didn't wake up early enough,” he mumbled, wiping the sleep out of his eyes. “Morning, buddy.”
“Hi, Daddy. Kurt stayed the night!”
“I see that.”
“So can Kurt be my daddy now?”
Blaine pouted playfully. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
Damian laughed and said, “No silly. I mean can he be my other daddy?”
“I think that's something that Kurt and I need to talk about before I can give you an answer.” He pulled Damian down into a hug and kissed him on the cheek before releasing him. “How about you go watch some cartoons for a while and let me wake up?” Damian jumped up and ran out the door. Blaine rolled onto his side, facing Kurt. “Good morning,” he smiled.
“Good morning,” Kurt whispered with a blush accepting a kiss from Blaine. The kiss soon turned heated. Kurt pulled away, panting. “Wait. We should go check on Damian.”
Blaine groaned. “Way to ruin the mood,” he teased. He nuzzled Kurt's neck. “We've got about twenty minutes before he comes back. Just lay right where you are.”
Kurt nodded. “Okay,” he said quietly. They lay there gazing into one another's eyes for a few minutes when Kurt's phone rang, interrupting the moment. “I should get that,” Kurt said, not moving away from Blaine.
The phone stopped ringing and Blaine laughed when it started again almost immediately. “You really should get that. It might be important.”
“It's just Sebastian.” Kurt's eyes went wide. “Oh no. It's Sebastian,” he said, jumping up and searching for his clothes. “We were supposed to meet for breakfast. He's probably outside my door assuming I'm asleep and trying to wake me up.” He winced a little when he pulled his pants on, still a little sore from the night before.
Blaine frowned. “Are you okay?”
Kurt smiled. “Of course I am. I have to go meet up with my crazy best friend, but I'll call you later. Okay?” Blaine gave a playful pout, making Kurt groan. “Don't do that. How can I walk away from that? You don't play fair.” His phone started ringing again. Kurt quickly kissed Blaine once more before answering. “I'm sorry, Bas. Give me ten minutes.”
“Wait, Kurt,” Blaine called, stopping Kurt in his tracks. “I want you to know, this was more than just a one night stand for me and I hope you feel the same.” Kurt nodded and smiled before heading out. Blaine sighed when he heard Kurt say goodbye to Damian. He dragged himself out of bed, going to his dresser and pulling on a pair of pajama pants, heading out to join his son.
Seeing Sebastian leaning against his door, Kurt stopped short. Sebastian must have heard him though because he turned to face Kurt. His eyes went wide before a smirk came to his face. “Walk of shame? Why, Kurt Hummel, I didn't think you had it in you.”
Kurt rolled his eyes, but blushed. He pushed Sebastian aside and unlocked the door. “I'm sorry I'm late. Let me shower and we can go. I'll even pay to make up for it.”
“No way,” Sebastian laughed loudly. “You're finally a man. I'm buying.”
“How do you know I didn't just fall asleep on his couch again?” Kurt challenged.
Sebastian's eyes widened. “Oh my God. I thought it was some random. It was your boss?! That's even better.”
Kurt ignored Sebastian and headed to his bedroom to grab clothes before getting in the shower.
When Kurt got in the car, he winced a little then cursed his reaction when Sebastian chuckled and said, “I guess I don't have to ask that question.”
“Shut. Up. I'm not talking about it.”
Sebastian pouted. “Was it that bad?” He lowered his voice conspiratorially. “Did he have trouble keeping up? Or keeping it up?”
Kurt glared. “I said, I'm not talking about it.”
“Come on, Kurt. At least tell me it was everything you've ever dreamed of.”
“Fine,” Kurt gave in with a sigh. As much as he didn't want to tell Sebastian about his night with Blaine, Sebastian was his best friend and he wanted to shout from the rooftops how amazing he felt. “It was perfect.”
Sebastian gave an undignified snort. “It was not. Nobody's first time is perfect. It's messy and hurts like hell.”
“It was perfect,” Kurt insisted. “Yeah, it hurt a little at first, but he took his time and made it feel amazing.” Sebastian scoffed. “Fine, don't believe me.” Sebastian parked the car and looked over to see Kurt watching him. “So, was your first time really that bad?” Kurt asked curiously.
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I was fifteen. Of course it was bad. And before you ask, I don't regret it. Come on, I'm starving. You can tell me all the kinky details while we eat.”
Kurt didn't tell Sebastian any details other than what he had already. Some things were too sacred to share. Even with your best friend.