March 30, 2012, 8:12 p.m.
March 30, 2012, 8:12 p.m.
This is going to be a short one; I'm sorry. I just wanted to get out chapter two! (: But I promise, after this it will get longer .
This is more of a filler chapter; to really show how Kurt is starting to feel.
Kurt made his way downstairs and walked into the kitchen, leaning over towards Carol and pecking her cheek before walking to stand by his dad.
“Morning dad; did you so.. kindly.. send Finn up to wake me up this morning?” He stated, letting out a small huff as he eyed his father whom was discreetly trying to put some bacon into his breakfast sandwich he was making.
“And is that bacon I see? Dad! I've told you already, healthy stuff only!” He said frowning, quickly reaching for the bacon and threw it into the garbage which earned a slight glare from his father.
“Morning to you too son and yes I did send him up. I thought you'd want some pancakes that Carol so dearly made for you guys today” Burt stated as he took his bacon less sandwich with a frown, and walked over to the table to sit down.
“Sorry dear. I hope he didn't frighten you to much. Finn just get's excited when he's not the one being woken up” Carol stated with a slight laugh as she reached over to take a sip from her coffee.
Kurt shrugged his shoulders, giving her a small smile before glancing over at the stack of pancakes that looked so very delicious on the counter just waiting to be eaten.
“I'm surprised there’s any left. Did Finn not eat any? Speaking of Finn, where is he anyways?” He said quickly as he took a step closer towards the pancakes, taking in a breath; the glorious smell of them just momentarily making him lose his mind.
“Oh I sent him out to do some quick errands and he had three already but I bet he'll be back for more” Carol said with another laugh as she sat down at the table beside Burt, then reached for the TV remote.
“Now come on sweetie, eat up. Don't even worry about finishing them. Finn already had his share” She added in softly as she turned on the TV before flicking through the channels. She eventually stopped on one, letting out a slight gasp of excitement.
“Oh Kurt look. A runway show is on! I believe they are modeling Marc Jacobs? I don't actually know. You know how bad I am with this fashion stuff but I know you adore these kinds of things!” She said excitedly, earning a slight grunt from Burt beside her as he frowned gazing at the TV.
“But.. sports are on I think” he mumbled softly, not bothering if he wasn't heard at all.
“I don't think it's Marc Jacobs. It's men's fashion week so it's just different designers showing off their outfits” Kurt stated simply as he leaned over the counter to get a better look at the TV. The moment he stared at the screen, a frown crossed his face as he watched the exceptional good looking men strut across the runway.
He watched their lean bodies fit so perfectly into the outfits they were dressed in. The way their skin glowed in the lights. The way their eyes just sparkled and the slightly indents along their arms showing how muscular they actually are. He let out a quiet sigh, letting his eyes drift over their bodies; taking in their long legs and imagining how perfectly sculptured everything looks without clothes. These thoughts suddenly piled up, leading him to compare it to himself.
He was in no shape or form like these men. He didn't have that flawless skin. He was completely pale and looked sickly. His eyes didn't sparkle; they had a dull bluish to them that just seemed to show sadness more and more each day. His legs were long yes, but they weren't as percent as those on TV. He had huge thighs that ruined the effect.
Not only that, his stomach was nothing like the perfectly sculptured one on TV. He knew he wasn't entirely fat, to say, but he was quiet chubby in that area. He also hated the fact that he had no muscles whatsoever; he felt that every time he waved, there was just fat hanging off his arms, jiggling with each movement.
His eyes suddenly watered up but he quickly blinked them back, letting out a breath as he stood up straight, his eyes stuck on the models in front of him. He desperately craved at that moment to look like them on TV. Honestly, how was he expected to get anywhere with Blaine if he looked so...ugly...so... incompletely and ruined. It just didn't make sense. He had to change; It wasn't to late yet, there was still time considering they were only at their kissing stage.
“I can change” he mumbled mostly to himself as a sigh escaped his lips; his eyes drifting towards the pancakes in front of him.
“What was that Kurt? Why aren't you eating yet. The pancakes are going to get cold!” Carol suddenly said; snapping him from his imagination as his gaze flicked towards her. He shrugged his shoulders a bit once more; stuttering slightly in an attempt to respond to her quickly. A blush crept onto his cheeks, realizing that he had been caught staring off into space, before he quietly replied.
“Uhm, Not hungry, but..but don't worry, just save them for me and.. I'll get back to them later. Promise”
“Alright.. but maybe at least have a glass of milk?” She asked softly; her gaze filled with worry. Kurt instantly gave her a forced smile in attempt to set back her worries.
“Okay, a glass of milk should be fine... uh. After that I am going to head out for a bit, alright?” He said loudly, for Burt to hear as well who just nodded in acknowledgment. He had managed to take the remote and changed the channel to sports; something he greatly enjoyed.
Kurt turned towards the fridge letting out another sigh as he chewed on his bottom lip. It's just milk. It won't do anything to you. He thought to himself as he grabbed the carton and a glass before filling it up. He chugged into down instantly, and wiped his mouth.
“I'll be back later” He said in a rush before running up the stairs deciding that he needed to grab something first.
The moment he entered his room, he shut the door behind him and leaned against it, panting quietly as his eyes scanned his room.
“What in the world am I thinking!? Of course I'm not like those models. Kurt, you are perfect the way you are!” He mumbled to himself like a mantra, as he made his way over to his bed where he reached under, pulling out a bag.
“But a quick work out wouldn't hurt. Just earn a few muscles. Least Blaine would have something to grab onto when-”he instantly trailed off, cheeks bright red as he let out a nervous laugh.
“God damn, I feel like I'm going through puberty again or something”He added in with a huff as he stuffed in his only pair of sweat pants into his bag, along with his only baggy t-shirt that actually belonged to Finn.
“So... work out, come home, shower, dinner with Blaine.” He whispered as he shifted his bag onto his shoulder and walked back downstairs.
“Dad. Carol. I'll be back soon!” he called out, giving them a wave before heading out the door.