No More Mistakes
Chapter 8 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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No More Mistakes: Chapter 8

E - Words: 1,889 - Last Updated: Oct 17, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 20, 2014 - Updated: Nov 20, 2014
192 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

I am so sorry about the lateness of this. Uni was kicking my butt, badly and I didnt have much time to write. Thankfully, I have just completed my second year of uni and now have the whole summer free. I will be writing as much as I can, promise! To all of you that are sticking by this story, I am so thankful!

Thanks to Nicole who is staying up late for this update. 2am? I call that dedication lol

"Joey, buddy? Can I talk to you?" Blaine stood at Joeys door, not wanting to go in if his son didnt want him to.

Joey was sat at a little table, set up by the window in his room, where he was colouring in some picture. He was being very quiet, which was not like him at all. Blaine hated that his actions had caused his son to become withdrawn, especially as it wasnt just him that was suffering from a withdrawn Joey, Kurt was too, though not as much. Blaine wanted to make things right with Joey, he needed to. Joey was always such a happy little kid and knowing that Blaine had done something to make him sad, really sad, was killing him. Not to mention his relationship with Kurt had taken a hit. Hed never seen Kurt so angry, not that Kurt didnt have the right to be that furious.

Joey sniffled a little but didnt say anything, focusing intently on his drawing. Blaine moved into the room and closed the door gently behind him. He walked quietly over to Joeys bed and sat down on the edge of it.

"Joey, Im so sorry for not picking you up from school. I never, ever meant to do that. It was bad and I shouldnt have forgotten. I know youre upset, Papa is upset with himself, not to mention daddy is upset with me too. But I love you Joey and not having you talking to me, or to daddy… It really makes us sad Joey. We love your voice, it makes the day better listening to you talking. Please say you forgive papa?" Blaine said it weakly, his upset was obvious.

Joey stopped his drawing and crawled into Blaines lap. Hed be wanting a hug from his papa for a while now and it seemed like this was the perfect time to get one. Joey was still upset about what had happened, what four year old wouldnt be, but he knew that his papa wouldnt have done it on purpose.

Blaine felt relieved that he had Joeys forgiveness, he wasnt kidding that it had wrecked him when Joey had started acting withdrawn from him. Now all Blaine had to do was get Kurt to forgive him.

Kurt had been furious with Blaine and they had argued several times about it. Kurt had started to simmer a bit but there was definite tension between them. Blaine could understand why. He had really let Kurt down when Kurt had needed him. This was the first year that Kurt was in a fully-fledged job, one that he didnt think hed ever be able to get, what with having a child so young. Hed really beaten the odds to get where he was right now. It wasnt even like he asked much of Blaine when it came to childcare. All throughout Blaines time at college he hadnt had to worry much about Joey while he was in school, Kurt had stayed at home with him while he was studying. Blaine had always felt bad about that but Kurt had always reassured him.

After a few cuddles with Joey, Blaine left him to his own devices and went back to the kitchen where Kurt was sat at the table with his design book laid out in front of him.

"So Ive apologised to Joey and hes forgiven me." Blaine said.

Kurt looked up from his book. "Thats good."

"Kurt please. I said I was sorry. I never meant to forget and I have no excuse. I already feel like a horrible person, can you please just forgive me?"

"I can say that I forgive you but Blaine, Im still furious. You didnt see him when I went to pick him up. He was heartbroken." Kurt said, shortly, giving his attention back to whatever he was working on.


Kurt watched as Blaine retreated to the music room. He hated fighting with Blaine and he wanted nothing more than to put this whole thing behind them. He guess it was just a part of his stubborn nature that he couldnt.

For Kurt, it wasnt just about that fact that Blaine had forgotten their son, it was about that fact that Kurt had really needed Blaine to step up on that day and he hadnt. Kurt had figured that he would be able to balance a career and having a child. Hed managed studying and parenting and it should have been easier now that Joey was in school for part of the day. It hadnt really though, the one perk to having your child at home with you meant that you didnt have to worry about picking them up or anything.

Kurt had somehow managed to make it work somehow and that was mostly thanks to Isabelle and her allowing Kurt to be flexible about his work and allowing him to work from home. He really felt like he had let her down by having to leave the meeting to go and pick Joey up. They both knew, of course, that for Kurt, Joey would always have to come first, but while Isabelle had that understanding, Kurts other colleagues didnt. To them he was a guy that skipped out on an important meeting.

Kurt didnt think he would have minded so much if Blaine had been caught up doing something for college, like maybe a class ran late. But it wasnt anything like that. He was hanging out with that girl. Its not like Kurt was jealous or was worried about Blaine leaving him for Whitney, no way. It was more that fact that Kurt had needed him and instead of Blaine outing his family first he had been hanging out with her.

No, he needed to cool down first before he could really accept Blaines apology. There needed to be a little more trust there first.


"My daddies are fighting still." Joey told Tommy the next day in class as they sat at a table colouring together.

"That not good." Tommy said.

Joey put down his pencil and looked at his friend. "Why not?"

"Well when my mummy and daddy was fighting, my daddy went away and we not seen him in a long, long time." Tommy said as if that was obvious.

Joeys eyes widened at the thought of not seeing either his papa or his daddy ever again, he didnt like the sound of that at all. He hoped that that wouldnt happen to him and his daddies.

"Its called dee-vorce." Tommy whispered the word like he thought it was bad.

Joey looked even more alarmed at the word. "I dont want my daddies to get dee-vorced!"

"We got no choice, its up to them whether they do it or not." Tommy got bored of the topic and moved on to something else.

Unfortunately the topic didnt seem to be leaving Joeys head. He loved his daddies and he had assumed that they would always be together as a family because thats how families were. They stuck together forever. Did a dee-vorce mean that they wouldnt be a family anymore?


Kurt watched Joey as he sat looking even sadder than he had that morning before he dropped him off for nursery. He wondered if something had happened of if it was more upset about everything that was going on.

The door to the apartment opened and Blaine came in brandishing a pizza box. "I thought wed have pizza for dinner tonight, how does that sound?" Blaine said, directing a smile towards Joey.

"Fine." Kurt replied tersely.

Blaines smile diminished a bit. "Im trying my best Kurt."

All of a sudden Joey started sobbing loudly and Kurt and Blaine both rushed to him. "Baby boy, whats the matter?" Kurt asked.

"I dont want you guys to get a dee-vorce. I dont want either of you to leave me. Please daddies!" Joey sobbed, making both Kurt and Blaines hearts break.

"Sweetie, you need to be married to get a divorce, and your papa and I arent married. But were not breaking up either way. We love each other Joey and that is never going to change. Neither of us are going anywhere." Kurt reassured Joey, shooting Blaine an apologetic look.

He couldnt believe he had done this.

"People argue sometimes Joey. One day youre going to argue with the person that you love. You cant always escape arguments or disagreements. But just like your daddy said, at the end of the day we are always going to love each other." Blaine smiled at Kurt, encouraging him.

"Promise?" Joey asked, sniffling.

"Promise." Kurt and Blaine said at the same time.

They all spent the evening snuggled up on the couch together watching a couple of Disney movies. Kurt and Blaine would talk after Joey had gone to bed but they wanted to give him their undivided attention until then. They sung along to all the songs and ate a lot of popcorn before Joey was falling asleep, sat between his daddies.

Blaine carried Joey to his room and both he and Kurt tucked him in giving him a gentle kiss on the forehead before tiptoeing out of his room, leaving the door open a crack, just the way that Joey liked it.

"So we should talk." Blaine whispered.

"Yeah, we should." Kurt agreed.

They went back to the couch and sat down together, settling in for what they knew was going to be a long talk, but at least it was going to be a good one.


"Make-up sex is the best. Weve never had it before." Kurt murmured as he snuggled against Blaine in bed.

They had stayed up until the early hours of the morning talking and both of them were feeling a lot better after their talk. Neither of them quite knew who had instigated the sex that they had just had but neither of them were complaining. It had been a little while since they had been intimate and there had been so much passion. They had taken the time to worship each others bodies, before they had found their release together. It felt incredibly powerful. Normally their lust got the better of them and they went at each other hard and fast. It wasnt always that they were able to take their time and make love beautifully.

"I love you Kurt." Blaine said, wanting to make sure Kurt knew it.

"I love you too. Always, Blaine."

"I think we need to spend some more time where it is just the two of us. I love Joey and I know that you do too, but we need to have some time to focus on our own. We should go out and have proper dates." Blaine said.

"You asking me out on a date, Anderson?" Kurt said, raising his eyebrow at his boyfriend.

"I am. And whats your answer going to be?"

"Id love to go on a date, just the two of us."


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