Oct. 17, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oct. 17, 2015, 7 p.m.
Dedication goes to Nicole for harassing my twitter for this chapter aha. Nothing like a good threat to get you writing! I kid, I kid!
Also I wanted to let you guys know that I will be posting my new story very soon after this chapter goes up and would love if you gave it a look at. I thank you in advance :D
Kurt sat on the sofa, flicking through the newest Vogue magazine while Blaine and Joey folded up all of the laundry, ready to be put away. It was always adorable that Joey wanted to get involved with household chores and both Kurt and Blaine hoped that that was a quality that would last when he got older as well. Blaine and Kurt both agreed that they wanted Joey to grow up to be practical and able to cook and clean like a modern gentleman. It was how Kurt had been raised and how Blaine wished he could have been raised. They always wanted what was best for Joey and his future.
"Hey, B? What are you doing tomorrow? I know you dont have school." Kurt said casually, marking down a corner of the magazine where a particular outfit caught his eye.
"Well, Whitney has invited me to go and see her band practice, she plays the guitar for them and does some of the vocals. They wanted an outside opinion on their music before this gig thing they have coming up." Blaine shrugged. "Thats in the afternoon though, so my evening should be free."
"Thats kind of perfect because I have meetings all day tomorrow at work, there was a problem with an article and they want all hands on deck, and that includes me, dont get me started on how excited I am about that, but I would need someone to pick up Joey from Pre-K."
"Say no more, I think I can handle that." Blaine said, giving Joey a light poke in the side, sending him screeching.
"Youre the best." Kurt deserted his magazine and walked over to Blaine, kissing him on the lips.
"Oh really." Blaine whispered suggestively.
"Joey, its time for your bath and then straight to bed, okay. Ill give you ten minutes to play and then Ill come in and help you wash your hair." Kurt said, brushing his fingers gently, through his sons unruly curls.
"Only ten minutes?!" Joey whined.
"Its getting late Joey." Blaine admitted, glancing at the clock. "Besides the longer you stay out here the less time you get to play."
Joeys eyes widened and he ran to the bathroom.
"Works every time." Kurt laughed, wrapping his arms around Blaine.
"He is predictable. I wouldnt want him any other way though." Blaine rested his head on Kurts shoulder before reaching to place several small kisses on Kurts neck.
"I have to go and help Joey." Kurt murmured.
"Do you think that when Joeys in bed and asleep you could help me out a little bit?" Blaines voice was low.
"I think thats an acceptable request." Kurt said, easing out of Blaines embrace and heading to the bathroom.
"Fuck, Kurt! Why dont we do this more often?" Blaine moaned as he fucked himself on to Kurts cock.
Kurt laid below Blaine, watching as his boyfriend rode him. "Most of the time youve ravaged me before I get the chance." Kurt teased, before biting off a moan.
"I cant help that I love fucking that ass of yours." Blaine lent down so that he could kiss Kurt.
"There is something special about watching your own cock sink into someone." Kurt said in between kisses.
"Oh shit." Blaine arched his back as Kurt hit his prostate.
"You gotta be a little quieter honey." Kurt whispered fully aware that their child was down the hall.
"I dont think Im gonna last much longer." Blaine whined.
Kurt gave Blaine a wicked look before thrusting up harder into Blaine, wanting his boyfriend to cum without his cock even being touched. Neither of them said anything more, both of them so completely lost in each other, the only sound was the slapping of skin and their harsh panting.
Kurt felt Blaine tighten around him before Blaine groaned and ropes of semen squirted out of Blaines dick and over Kurts stomach. It only took a couple more thrusts before Kurt was emptying his load into the condom.
Blaine practically collapsed on top of Kurt, exhausted and absolutely spent. They lay breathing together for a minute before Blaine raised his lower half so that Kurt could slip out of him and he could move to the side of Kurt so that he wasnt crushing him.
"We should get cleaned up." Kurt said, running his fingers over Blaines bare chest.
"In a minute." Blaine murmured.
Both of them knew full well that they couldnt fall asleep in the state they were in, so they both started the clean up before they would have a chance to pass out. Blaine used some baby wipes to wipe the cum off of Kurt and himself, while Kurt pulled off the condom and tied it up. They wrapped up the condom in the baby wipes and deposited in the bin when they were done, not wanting to risk Joey seeing anything like that.
They slipped into their pyjama pants before crawling back into the bed and snuggling each other.
"I love you, Kurt." Blaine murmured.
He waited for a reply and when he didnt get one he opened his eyes to see Kurt had fallen asleep already. Blaine smiled and cuddled Kurt closer to him.
Bottoming with Kurt always left Blaine feeling completely emotionally open and vulnerable. Kurt never said anything but Blaine knew Kurt knew that. Hed never done it with any one else apart from the guy who had taken his virginity, and still to this day it left Blaine like that. He knew he could trust Kurt completely and he could let it all go with him and thats why he enjoyed it so much, he doubted that he could be with anyone else like that though, not that he ever wanted anyone else.
Thinking back to the first time Kurt and he had been together like that, he was surprised that Kurt even liked bottoming. Blaine knew that he hadnt made the aftermath too enjoyable for Kurt, completely the opposite, and to this day he wished he could do that part over. Especially as at the time, when he had dropped Kurt off at home after that night, though he didnt know it, the beginnings of their child was happening inside Kurt. Hed almost screwed everything up. Blaine didnt think back on that too often but when he did he still felt angry at himself for what he had done. Sometimes he couldnt even believe that Kurt had forgiven him for that. He was just so glad that he had.
"Blaine! You made it!" Whitney said, hopping over to grab Blaine in a hug. "Come and meet the guys."
Two guys and another girl introduced themselves to Blaine before getting themselves ready at their instruments. Whitney handed Blaine a beer and slowly pushed him back so that he sat on the sofa, facing the band. She didnt see the small wince that Blaine gave as his butt hit the seat.
"I cant wait to get your opinion on our music, Blaine. You dont know how much it means to me that you said you would come watch us." Whitney fluttered her eyelashes at him, laughing freely.
"Come on Whitney, stop your flirting." A guy sat behind the drum kit said, rolling his eyes at Whitneys behaviour.
"Who said anything about flirting?" Whitney said, giving Blaine a wink before joining her band mates and grabbing her guitar.
Blaine really enjoyed their music, it was exactly the type of music that would have fit his bad boy image from high school, sort of punk rock. Their lyrics were poetic and Blaine loved the way that they flowed with the instruments.
As they played other people filtered into the house and soon Blaine found himself in the middle of some kind of house party. After Whitney and her band paused their playing someone else took their place and there was constant live music filling the space. Before long the house was packed with people and Blaine was settling onto his third beer.
"Mr Hummel? Theres a phone call for you outside, they say its urgent." A receptionist motioned for Kurt from the doorway of the meeting that they were in.
Kurt grimaced and made his way out of the room quickly, sending everyone an apologetic look. He grabbed the phone, wondering if something had happened with Blaine or Joey, knowing that no one else would disturb him at work.
"Hello, this is Kurt Hummel here."
"Hi, Mr Hummel, this is Mrs Jefferson from Joeys school. We have Joey here still and school ended over an hour ago. We were just wondering if there was some kind of problem."
Kurt glanced at his watch in panic, seeing that is was quarter past two and Blaine should have picked up Joey at one oclock. He wondered what on earth Blaine was doing and if he was alright.
"Im so sorry. My partner was supposed to pick up Joey today." Kurt explained.
"We tried giving him a call but we havent been able to get through to him. Joeys pretty upset, are you able to come and collect him?"
"Of course, Ill just let my boss know and then Ill be right on route. Im so sorry, thank you for calling me, Mrs Jefferson."
"See you soon Mr Hummel."
They hung up and Kurt quickly grabbed his things, explaining to Isabelle what had happened. She understood and made him promise to let her know that Joey was okay. It was times like these that Kurt really loved having Isabelle as a boss.
Kurt quickly made his way inside the school and towards the principals office. Outside Joey was sat on a chair, clutching a teddy bear, with tears marks staining his face. He looked so small and vulnerable like that and Kurt felt his heart break a little bit.
"Joey, baby?" Kurt said, letting Joey know that he was there.
Joey looked up and instantly ran towards Kurt. Kurt bent down in order to hug Joey close to him, just as his son burst into fresh tears.
"Daddy." Joey cried, burying his head in Kurts shoulder and Kurt stood up, picking him up off the ground.
Kurt felt tears prick at his eyes, hearing how upset Joey was. Joey hadnt cried like this since he was a baby.
"Shh, Joey-bear. Youre okay, youre alright." Kurt tried to reassure.
"Mr Hummel?" An elderly lady that Kurt recognised as the head teacher, Mrs Jefferson, approached.
"Hi, Mrs Jefferson. Thank you so much for calling me, Im so sorry that this happened. Im normally the one to pick Joey up from school but today I had a meeting and my partner was supposed to but I dont know what happened." Kurt hurried to explain, even though he had no idea what had happened and why Blaine hadnt come to pick up Joey.
"Papa forgot about me." Joey whimpered.
"Im sure thats not it baby boy. Sometimes daddies make mistakes and I know that papa is going to be very upset with himself about this."
"Why dont you get yourselves home and have a nice snuggle. Im sure Joey could deal with a lot of cuddles." Mrs Jefferson smiled kindly at Kurt.
"Thank you again. Really thank you. Joey honey do you wanna give the teddy back?" Kurt asked.
Joey shook his head against Kurts shoulder, no doubt getting snot on Kurts jacket.
"Why doesnt he bring it back tomorrow? As long as he promises to look after it tonight."
"I promise." Joey whispered.
"Ill see you two tomorrow then. Have a good evening now."
Kurt nodded his thanks and carried Joey out of the school, knowing that he wasnt going to want to walk by himself.
It had taken a few hours, a movie and some ice cream for Kurt to get Joey calm and asleep. He carried Joey into his and Blaines bedroom and tucked him in, it was going to be a very early night for him, it seemed.
Glancing at the clock, Kurt wondered where Blaine could be. It was seven and there was no way that Blaine could have lost track of that amount of time. Kurt was starting to get worried.
It was half an hour later that the door opened and Blaine walked in.
"Hey, Kurt. Why are you just sitting there?" Blaine asked, looking confused.
As he walked closer Kurt could smell alcohol on him and all of the worry that he had turned to anger. when he realised that Blaine had actually forgotten to collect Joey and had instead spent his time drinking.
"Arent you forgetting something?" Kurt asked, his voice full of venom.
Blaine stopped in his tracks. Kurt could see Blaine working through it in his mind and then suddenly it struck him.
"Oh god, Joey!" Blaine exclaimed. "Is he alright?"
"No Blaine, hes not alright. He is heartbroken because his papa forgot about him and he had to sit for over an hour at his school wondering if someone was going to come and take him home. I have never seen him so upset!" Kurt shouted at Blaine.
"Im so sorry Kurt, I dont know what to say." Blaine knew that he had fucked up, badly and it was no ones fault but his own.
"Im not the one you need to apologise to. I cant believe you would do something like this. I thought something had happened to you. I thought that you couldnt have possibly forgotten. He is your son!"
Blaine just hung his head, knowing that there was no excuse for this.
Kurt shook his head, wiping away angry tears. "Youre sleeping on the sofa tonight. Joeys going to be sleeping with me in our bed. You better find a way to make this right with him, Blaine."
"I will, Kurt, I promise."
Kurt just shook his head sadly and made his way to their bedroom. Joey was curled up under the covers, clutching the teddy bear from school, looking so small. Kurt quickly got changed into some pyjamas and climbed into bed beside Joey. Joey turned to face him, his eyes red with more tears and Kurt knew that he had heard Blaine and he fighting. Kurt took Joey in his arms and started humming Come What May until Joey slowly fell asleep again.