No More Mistakes
Chapter 12 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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No More Mistakes: Chapter 12

E - Words: 1,994 - Last Updated: Oct 17, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 20, 2014 - Updated: Nov 20, 2014
200 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes:

Im so sorry about the delay guys and thank you to everyone that asked if I was okay. Ive been struggling at the moment with life in general but I think Im starting to get on the right track. Hopefully I never leave you hanging for this long again. Please forgive me!

Neither Blaine nor Kurt spoke for a minute before Kurt let out a nervous chuckle. "Ive never taken a home pregnancy test before."

Blaine gave a small smile. This was a first for him too and this time he would be there if Kurt found out he was pregnant, the both of them together. It was nerve-wracking knowing that one little thing would change everything. Blaine wasnt a fool he knew that there was a big difference between being a parent of one child and being a parent of two. Everything would change if the test was positive. They were still trying to find their feet what with all the changes that had happened in the last year and there was so much that was going on in their lives.

But at the end of the day, they had both agreed a long time ago that their child or children would be their main priority. Their well-being and happiness was the most important thing. That wouldnt change if they were having another baby, their existing life would just have to adjust to it.

There was of course the issue of the cost when it came to another baby. They werent struggling when it came to money, because thankfully their apartment was being paid for by Blaines grandmother, but they didnt exactly have money that they could throw around. They tried to rely on themselves as much as possible. With Kurt starting work things had become a little easier but if Kurt were pregnant then that income might not be coming in anymore.

Blaine was dabbling in giving piano and guitar lessons to people, and it brought in a little bit of money but it wasnt exactly a stable income and was always done around his college work and spending time with his family. Already Blaine was planning in his mind ways that he could give more lessons in order to get more money for them.

"We should probably check the test now." Kurt said, interrupting Blaine from his thoughts.

Blaine glanced at his watch and saw that it had been over two minutes.

"I want you to look at it first." Kurt shyly said. "I found out about Joey first and its only right that you find out first this time, even if it is only for a little bit."

"Are you sure?" Blaine asked, feeling touched at his boyfriends actions.

Kurt smiled and nodded, before closing his eyes so that Blaine could pick up the test.

Taking a deep breath, Blaine leant over to the table and picked up the pregnancy test. One glance at it and he couldnt help but let out a little chuckle.

He leaned towards Kurt, kissing his lips so that he opened his eyes before he held up the test which declared that they were 3+ weeks pregnant.

"Were having a baby." Blaine declared.

Kurt grabbed Blaine in a hug, all of their doubts and worries forgotten about for now. Tears started gathering at his eyes and he wiped them away, a grin on his face.

"I cant believe that were having another baby. I know that this is going to affect so much but I cant help but be happy, you know?" Kurt said, letting Blaine go.

"I know, I know exactly what you mean." Blaine pecked a kiss on Kurts lips again, not being able to resist. "I dont want to go into college now. I just want to stay here with you."

"No, you have to go, youre going to probably have to have time off for any appointments I have so youd better not have any time off when you dont need to. How about we go and pick up Joey early and then we can all walk you to college together?"

"I would love that." Blaine said, knowing that Kurt was right and that they would need to make an appointment soon to confirm their pregnancy.


"Daddy? Papa? Why are you picking me up early?" Joey asked, grabbing each of their hands so that they could all walk together.

"We thought it would be nice if we could all walk papa into college together, and then I was thinking that you and I would go to the park for an hour before we would come back and pick up papa from college and then we could all go out and get some lunch at that burger place that you two love." Kurt explained.

"Yay!" Joey exclaimed.

"Ill message Connor and ask if he would like to join us for dinner or whether hes got other plans and then he can meet us too." Kurt said.

Blaine smiled gratefully, it made him happy that Kurt wanted to include Connor.

Walking down the busy New York streets with his family made Blaine want to grin. Of course they had done it before but this time they were a family of four. He knew that he was probably getting ahead of himself but he couldnt help but see it that way. It completely blew his mind that Joey was going to be an older brother and that they would be raising another baby. He couldnt help but keep glancing at Kurt, knowing that it wasnt just one person anymore, even if there was nothing to show for it yet.

When they reached NYU, Joey hugged and kissed Blaine goodbye, telling him, cheekily, to be a good boy at school, just as they told him each day.

Blaine gave Kurt a lingering kiss, gently running a finger over Kurts abdomen, before he was pushed away and Kurt told him that they would see him in an hour.

He watched as they walked away. Joey was holding Kurts hand and talking excitedly to him about something. Blaine wanted nothing more than to go with them but he knew that Kurt had been right earlier and that he couldnt take unnecessary days off of college.

With a sigh he made his way into the building, his mind full of thoughts of his family.


Kurt and Joey had picked up both Blaine and Connor up from NYU and they had all gone to the burger place. Kurt and Blaine celebrating privately about their news, and Joey chattering happily with Connor.

The men had agreed that they wouldnt be telling anyone about their news until it had been confirmed at the doctors and then they would only probably tell their parents and Connor, so that he knew what was going on. Anyone else they would wait until Kurt was further along.

This whole thing was a novelty for Blaine. He hadnt been there for the beginning stages of Kurts pregnancy with Joey, he hadnt found out anything till quite a bit later, after Kurt and his family had already known. He would be right there from the get go with this child, supporting Kurt the whole way. It made him feel a little bit guilty about the fact that he hadnt been able to experience this bit when it came to Joey. If he hadnt been such an ass then he would have been the one that Kurt had turned to straight away. It was something that Blaine still really regretted, even though it had been a long time since he had been that person, he felt like a much better person now, someone who Kurt and Joey, and even the rest of their family could be proud of.

They were all in good spirits as they made their way home. Blaine and Kurt walking hand-in-hand behind Connor and Joey who were discussing comic books animatedly.

When they reached the apartment, Connor and Joey disappeared into Connors room so that Joey could check out his comic books.

"We should probably phone and make an appointment with the doctor." Kurt said, hanging up his and Joeys coat. "While hes distracted."

Blaine agreed and they settled down together in their bedroom so that they wouldnt be disturb. After a quick phone call, they had an appointment booked at the hospital for the next day.

"Ill probably get a load of maternity notes and have a ton to fill in once its been confirmed. You may be a bit late to your lesson." Kurt said, pulling a face. He didnt really want to interrupt Blaines education.

"This is more important. And being late is better than not going at all. Ill just drop in an email to my lecturer." Blaine said, kissing Kurts cheek. "Let me worry about college and you just worry about yourself and keeping yourself healthy, okay?"



"Well Mr. Hummel, the test you took was correct and you are pregnant." Doctor Mills said, with a smile.

Doctor Mills was a young man who didnt look like he could be that much older than Kurt, probably in his late twenties. It was very different for Kurt who had had a female doctor when he was pregnant with Joey. He didnt know if he would feel so comfortable with a man and a young one at that. They had been assured though, that Dr. Mills was an expert in the field of the Mpreg gene, having done a lot of his studies on the subject. Hed yet to actually have a male pregnancy, he had told them honestly, having only dealt with women having babies before. He reassured Kurt and Blaine that he would be working closely with another doctor from a nearby hospital who was also an expert when it came to the Mpreg gene to ensure that Kurt and the baby got the best possible care that he could afford them.

"Youve written down in your notes that you have a child already. I would just like to get a feel of how that pregnancy went for you. If there were any complications, things like that?"

"Umm well, not really, it was pretty normal. A few spikes in my blood pressure but nothing that was deemed serious. I did go into labour four weeks before my due date, which was three weeks before the planned C-section, but Joey, our son, was born perfectly healthy, he was even able to come home with us straight away." Kurt explained.

Kurt and Blaine both watched as Doctor Mills noted down that information on the computer. "Well it looks as if we wont have to keep too many checks on you then. Obviously, as youre already probably aware, there will be more than if this was a female pregnancy because of the dangers involved, and I promise to keep an eye on anything that I think might be worrying. At this point well need to book a scan for you to find out how far along you are and to take some blood a urine samples. Well send you a letter in the post with all that information on it. For now, you guys can go home and celebrate this new baby." Doctor Mills smiled at them both and Kurt and Blaine definitely felt at ease with him.

"Thank you." Kurt and Blaine said as they prepared to leave the room.

"Just doing my job. Ill be seeing you guys soon. Have a good rest of your day."

Kurt and Blaine left the room and entered into the busy hallway of the hospital. They made their way outside before either of them really said anything. When they had just got outside of the main doors of the hospital, Blaine turned to Kurt and lifted him up into a hug, making Kurt yelp.

"What are you doing?" Kurt asked, giggling.

"I just love you so much, Kurt Hummel. I just love you."


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