Oct. 17, 2015, 7 p.m.
Oct. 17, 2015, 7 p.m.
This goes out to the anon on tumblr who harassed me for a chapter :P I hope this is satisfactory!
Kurt stretched as he woke up. He was still naked from his and Blaines time together and looking across the bed he could see that Blaine was too. He smiled lazily and shuffled closer to Blaine. As he moved he could feel dried come on his ass but he didnt think much of it. In his sleep Blaine moved so he could accommodate Kurt as Kurt came to rest his head on Blaines shoulder. He closed his eyes again to just relish the feel of being with Blaine like this without the worry that Joey would come running in at any moment.
After a few moments, Kurt sprung up out of bed as he remembered what he and Blaine had done in the early hours of the morning and he properly took notice of the dried come that was still on him. He couldnt remember is they had been safe or not. He certainly hadnt thought about it at the time and he wouldnt blame Blaine if he hadnt either.
"Blaine!" Kurt whispered loudly, shaking his boyfriend.
"Huh? Wazzamatter?" Blaine mumbled, cracking an eye open to give Kurt some of his sleepy attention.
"When we had sex this morning, did we use a condom?" Kurt asked, his eyes wide.
Blaines eyes opened wide at the question and he sat up checking around the bed for one that he might have thrown down when they had finished that morning.
"Shit." He said when he couldnt find one.
"We didnt did we?" Kurt asked, his voice resigned. "What are we going to do?"
"There isnt much we can do at this point. Well spend our Christmas break in L.A. with our families and by the time we get back well be able to take a test." Blaine said, trying to remain calm for himself and Kurt.
"Okay." Kurt agreed quietly, a million thoughts buzzing through his head.
"For now, lets go have a shower and then we can go and see our little boy."
Kurt nodded, giving Blaine a smile. He was eager to see how Joey had got on last night without them being there.
"Daddy! Papa! Youre home!" Joey yelled as Kurt and Blaine entered their apartment. He flung himself at his daddies, making them both drop their luggage to catch him. "I missed you guys!"
"We missed you too baby boy." Kurt said, ruffling, Joeys gorgeous and soft curls. "Did you have fun?"
"Yep. We watched movies and ate popcorn and played board games! It was really fun." Joey was bouncing up and down excitedly.
"And how much sugar have they given you?" Blaine laughed, looking towards his two friends who were sat at the table.
"Oops..." Jeff said, giving Blaine a dastardly grin.
"Im just glad I made enough pancakes for all of us, we werent expecting you back so early." Nick said, from where he was stood at the oven.
"Pancakes that I havent had to cook? Yes please." Kurt said, taking off his coat and passing it to Blaine so he could hang both of them up.
Over breakfast Blaine and Kurt told Nick and Jeff all about their romantic date, leaving out the stuff that happened at the hotel and especially anything about this morning.
Blaine however couldnt stop thinking about it and wondering what Kurt was thinking about the situation they were in. A part of Blaine was angry at himself. They had always been so careful. They always used a condom because they didnt think that they would financially or otherwise be able to provide for another child. They were both so busy and Blaine was still in school. They hadnt dismissed the idea of more children, they both wanted Joey to have a sibling one day but they wanted to be a bit more prepared for it. Another part of him was excited. Excited to find out if Kurt was pregnant again and excited to have another child. It was true that there was something about seeing the person that you loved carrying your child. Blaine had loved seeing Kurt pregnant with Joey, even though he had spent most of that time living in fear about what sort of father he would become and if Kurt and Joey would be alright. Hed still probably be just as scared the next time it happened but it was worth it in the end.
Realistically Blaine knew that there wasnt much that he and Kurt could actually discuss. It was either that Kurt wasnt pregnant, and they would have to be more careful until they decided to try for a baby again, or Kurt was pregnant and they would be having another baby. Even with the new research that had come out about carriers, abortion was still too risky and life-threatening as was miscarriages. Not that they would abort their baby, Kurt had made that perfectly clear when he was pregnant with Joey.
But they would discuss it later, Christmas was always a busy time for them because all of their families got together so that they could all spend the holiday with Joey. It had become kind of a tradition especially when the little family had moved to New York away from both sets of families. They could take this holiday to relax and then when they come back and they could actually do a test, and discuss everything properly.
"You look deep in thought, kiddo." Burt said, coming to sit on the sofa next to Kurt, who was nursing a hot chocolate as he watched Joey and Blaine sat on the floor playing with the massive train set that Blaines grandmother, Adele, always kept there for him.
Kurt looked up at his dad and smiled while letting out a small sigh. "Sometimes I just cant believe how quickly hes grown up. It seems like just yesterday that he was my little newborn in my arms and Blaine and I were terrified about how wed be able to take care of this little person that depended on us for everything."
Burt chuckled, knowing exactly what Kurt meant. "Thats what kids do to you. They change everything and they are always changing and growing. Hell always be your little boy though. Just like you will always be my little boy."
"I never really thanked you. For all that you did for me. Before and after I was pregnant. I couldnt have done any of it without you."
"You would have been fine. You and Blaine, your doing a great job at parenting and having a life in the city that you dreamed of. Gotta admit that we were a bit dubious when your plans didnt change after Joey was born but you proved to everyone that you could do it. You guys did good." Burt said patting Kurts shoulder.
"Thanks dad."
He focused back on Blaine and Joey on the floor, his two boys. As he looked at them he tried to imagine another child and he found that it wasnt a very hard thing to do.
A few days before Christmas day, Blaines mother, Melissa, insisted that they should take Joey to the mall where Santas grotto was being held. Joey had never been before and was instantly excited about going. He was so excited to meet Santa as he had never had done before. All the drive to the mall he kept chattering away to Burt, Melissa and his daddies.
The mall was of course, cram-packed with people in the last few bustles before all the shops would be closed on Christmas. Kurt tended to avoid the stores at peak times whenever he had Joey with him because it made him nervous trying to make sure that he had Joey in his sights at all times. Luckily, Joey seemed quite content to hold hands with his grandmother, allowing Kurt to relax a little bit. He and Blaine trailed slightly behind Melissa, Burt and Joey. Blaine was holding Kurts hand and swaying it a little between them. It was helping Kurt to feel anchored, something that he was having trouble with, what with all the thoughts that were going through his head.
In the queue to get to sit with Santa it was apparent that Joey was getting restless. He could be a little impatient sometimes and it was showing now. He bounced from adult to adult, each one of them trying to hold his attention for as long as they could. Luckily for them, Joey was a very well behaved boy, so even though he was bored he didnt wander off or misbehave. Finally it was Joeys turn to go and sit with Santa.
"Go on kiddo." Burt said.
Joey hesitated, nervously. He was a little bit scared to go up there alone. "Grandad? Will you come with me?" He asked.
Burt took Joeys hand and walked with him towards Santa, standing off to the side when Joey sat on the Santas lap so that Melissa, who was armed with a camera, could snap a load of pictures and take a video of Joeys actual chat with Santa.
"Well hello there young man! Whats your name?" Santa asked, looking kindly at Joey.
"My name is Joey Hummel-Anderson, sir." Joey said, making a lot of the mothers waiting in the queue, coo at how cute and polite he was.
"Well now Joey, I can tell that youve been a very good boy this year, so you will be on the nice list."
"Cool!" Joey exclaimed. Blaine and Kurt couldnt help but chuckle.
"So, Joey, is there anything that you would like for Christmas this year?"
"I already know what I want." Joey replied eagerly and Kurt and Blaine listened closer so they could make sure they got Joey exactly what he wanted. "I want a brother or a sister to play with and look after!"
Kurt couldnt help his mouth dropping open in shock and he tightened his grip on Blaines hand who gave his hand a squeeze back in reassurance. Kurt didnt really hear what Santa said in reply to Joey and before he knew it they were heading back to the car so they could get back to the house. Joey was chattering excitedly the whole way back but Kurt didnt hear a thing he said. His head was a jumble of thoughts that kept tumbling around his mind. The sooner they could get the test done, the better.