No More Mistakes
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No More Mistakes: Chapter 1

E - Words: 2,898 - Last Updated: Oct 17, 2015
Story: Closed - Chapters: 13/? - Created: Nov 20, 2014 - Updated: Nov 20, 2014
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Author's Notes:

So here is the first chapter of the sequel! I know, I know, its been a long time coming. Thank you all for your patience. I really hope you enjoy this :) I will be posting the next chapter in two weeks to give me a chance to finish NaNoWriMo and my neglected uni assignments! But here is my gift to you on my birthday :D

Chapter One

August 2016

The house was abuzz with people. There were groups of people all talking amongst themselves in the living room, the kitchen and the garden. This was the event of the summer that brought everyone together from all the different places that they had moved to over the years.

The common thread that pulled all these people together was one little boy who was, at that moment in time, trying to sneak his way into the kitchen where he knew a cake was. The boy was short with an unruly amount of dark curls on his head. His mischievous eyes, shone blue with hints of green and grey. The boys name was Joey Hummel-Anderson. The event that was occurring was his fourth birthday party at his Grandpa Burts house in Ohio. And the cake that he was trying to sneak his way to was the birthday cake that his daddy had specifically told him not to touch.

He had managed to make it under the kitchen table when he saw the shoes of his daddy enter the kitchen. His papa was already in the room talking to Uncle Cooper and had yet to notice his sneaking. But Joey had to be particularly careful when his daddy was around because if he caught him then Joey would be in big, big trouble.

"Blaine, have you seen Joey? I cant find him anywhere."

Joey giggled.

"I dunno Kurt. Where, oh where could he be?"

"I know that he couldnt be near the cake. He promised me he would wait."

"Wed better go and look for him then. Hopefully he hasnt gone missing."

Joey watched as the feet of his papa and his daddy disappeared from his view. Satisfied that they werent in the room anymore, he planned how he was going to get from under the table to on top of it where his Thomas the Tank Engine birthday cake was waiting for him.

All of a sudden Joey felt hands around his waist and he was being pulled up from under the table. He was in his papas arms and his expression instantly schooled itself into a guilty look when he saw his daddy was stood beside them.

"Going after the cake, huh? We know you too well Joey-bear." Blaine said and started tickling the small boy.

Joey let out a shrill laugh and started wriggling trying to get away from Blaines hands. Tears of laughter soon came to his eyes as Blaine continued to tickle him.

"Stop it papa!" Joey managed to say in between laughing.

Blaine stopped and eased Joey to the floor. Joey brushed down his clothes, in a similar way that Kurt would always do if his clothes got the slightest bit ruffled. It was very clear to see the different characteristics that he got from Kurt and Blaine.

"Im sorry daddy. I really wanna try my cake now though. Ive been waiting all day!"

"Sorry baby boy. Its presents and then cake. There are a lot of other snacks that you can have to tide you over." Kurt said, leading Joey out of the kitchen.

Joey pouted but was suddenly distracted when he saw his uncle Finn carrying a big box with a bow on it. He knew what that meant. Presents. And then cake.

Joey skipped over to Finn and everyone else gathered with their presents that they had bought for the little boy.

Joey was a simple kid, he didnt have much interest in anything that was too expensive. He was very active and loved it when Blaine would take him to Central Park with a soccer ball. Most of his presents became related to sport. Kurt loved that his son was so active and tried to get as involved as possible, even though it wasnt really his thing. It seemed that Joey sensed how Kurt tried to get involved because he never complained about the outfits that Kurt put him in. He kinda liked dressing up nice anyway.

"You ready for your presents?" Kurt asked.

"Ready, daddy!" Joey said and eagerly leapt into the middle of the room, where people were putting his gifts ready for him.

"You wanna open this from Grandma and me?" Burt asked, handing his gift to him.

Joey wasted no time, ripping open the wrapping paper. Inside was a Buckeyes top that had Hummel-Anderson written on the back.

"Does this mean Im on the team now?" Joey asked excitedly.

Everybody chuckled at Joeys hopeful expression. Hed grown up watching the buckeyes and had even been to some games with Burt.

"Maybe one day you can but for now you have some growing to do." Burt patted Joey on the head.

"What do you say?" Blaine prompted.

Joeys eyes widened. "Thank you Grandpa!" He jumped up and hugged Burt. "Thank you Grandma!" Then he went to Carole and accepted a quick kiss and a cuddle.

"Open mine next!" Finn said with excitement.

Cooper snorted. "Its not just from him. Its from both of your uncles."

Finn rolled his eyes and handed the box that he had in his lap to Joey.

Kurt saw Cooper shoot a wink in the direction of Blaine which let him know that Blaine knew what they had gotten Joey. Kurt himself had been left out of the knowledge so all he could do was hope it wasnt something that was annoying, messy or inappropriate. Or even all of those things. You could never tell when it came to Finn or Cooper and so putting them together… Really it just spelled disaster.

Joey again ripped open the wrapping paper, his face completely lighting up when he saw what was beneath the wrapping.

"Daddy! Papa! Look! They got me a 3DS and its blue. My favourite!" He eagerly held up the box to his parents.

"Oh wow! Thats great." Blaine enthused.

Kurt couldnt deny how happy Joey looked with his new device. He hadnt imagined that Joey would get something like that until he was older. Kurt knew he that hed have to control Joeys usage of the portable device.

"And dont worry, we got him some educational games to go with it. Hes gonna be the smartest little kid in the whole of his class." Cooper added.

Kurt smiled gratefully, feeling a little better about it.

Blaines grandmother was next. She had always been a practical woman, wanting to make sure that her family were set up financially for the future which was why she always gave everyone in her family one hundred dollars for birthdays and Christmas. Those that were under eighteen had it put into an account that they couldnt touch until they reached that age. Of course she got them a little gift alongside that, especially for the younger ones that didnt quite understand the whole idea.

From Blaines mother, or Nanny as Joey knew her, he received a collection of fairy tales with beautiful illustrations decorating each page. It was an instant favourite because Joey loved being read bedtime stories, always having to have one read to him before he would settle down to sleep. When Blaine was on story duty he was always somehow convinced to read two stories, he could hardly ever say no to Joey.

Joey opened the rest of his presents eagerly, thanking everyone with a bright smile and hugs. He was doted on by everyone and always received a lot of gifts for birthdays and Christmas. Unlike other children he always seemed to appreciate everything he was given.

A hopeful look from Joey was thrown in Kurts direction. He rolled his eyes but got up and went to the kitchen to put the candles on the cake and light them. When he got into the kitchen, he put four candles on the cake that Joey had begged for. He grabbed the box of matches from the drawer and lit the candles.

Carefully Kurt carried the cake into the garden where everybody had moved to. When they saw him coming they all started up a chorus of Happy Birthday as Kurt placed the cake on the garden table, in front of Joey. He stood back and felt Blaines arms circle around his waist and he allowed himself to lean into the embrace. They watched as their son clenched his eyes tight as he made a wish and then he blew all of the candles out in one breath. Everybody clapped enthusiastically and Joey beamed.

Carole cut up the cake into manageable slices and served them to everyone on napkins. Joey sat on Melissas lap as he ate, talking animatedly about how excited he was about going to pre-kindergarten. It was going to be his first year there, he was only doing half days but it made him feel really grown up and he couldnt wait.

The reason he was going into pre-kindergarten was because Kurt had just started writing columns at Vogue and couldnt stay at home with Joey as he had been while Blaine had been at college. Blaines grandmother had offered to pay for the year, otherwise there would have been no way that they could afford that for him. Kurt had arranged things with his boss, Isabelle Wright that enabled him to only work in the office half days and do the rest of the work at home. Her only condition was that she got to meet Joey and play dress up with him. Kurt had no problem with that and he knew that joey would probably enjoy it immensely.

Once the cake had settled Joey went off with Blaines cousins, Ashley and Sophie who were now nine, and played on the trampoline that Burt had had put up in the garden especially for when Joey visited. He was old enough now that he didnt really need adult supervision on the trampoline, apart from the occasional glance over. He knew how to be safe while playing on there now and it made him feel really grown up that his parents let him play to his hearts content.

Joey liked playing with Ashley and Sophie. They were fun to be around and always helped him either bounce higher on the trampoline or catch the other when they were playing tag. It made Joey want a brother or sister too. He sometimes got bored and lonely when they were home in New York because he hadnt really got that many friends and really a brother or sister was basically a live-in friend. He hadnt brought it up with his daddy or papa yet but he had wished for it for his birthday. He hoped that they would be get him one soon.


"So how do you feel about Joey going into school?" Melissa asked Kurt as he deposited the used napkins in the trash can.

"I dont know. It doesnt seem that long ago that he was my little baby and now hes going off to school. I know its only half days and its not compulsory but still. I guess Im just going to miss all the time that we have spent together over the last four years." Kurt sighed.

"You and Blaine will probably be more upset about him going off than he is. Itll be a new adventure for him and he can make some new friends. Itll be good for him, Kurt, I promise."

Kurt sighed again. "I know."

Melissa rubbed his shoulder, knowing exactly how he felt. The first child was always the hardest as was the first stage of their independence. She knew that this year would be hard for them. It was Blaines last year at college and Kurts first time going out and doing work it what was going to be quite a demanding job. They were going through a lot of changes and they would either have to pull together or fall apart. Melissa wasnt too worried though, they were strong and she had complete confidence that they would get through it.

"Just you boys all stick together and youll be fine."

She watched as Kurts eyes roamed to find Blaine across the room talking to Sam. Both of their eyes always filled with love when they were looking at each other, she doubted that either of them knew that.

"Go on." Melissa chuckled, waving a hand in the direction of Blaine.

Kurt smiled gratefully and she watched as he wandered over to Blaine, slipping and arm around his waist and resting his cheek on Blaines shoulder. Blaine adjusted himself while carrying on his conversation with Sam. It just looked so effortless.

"Dont you go getting all sentimental." Adele said to Melissa, making her snap out of her wistful glance.

"Mum, seeing them like this, it just reminds me of everything I missed while Blaine was growing up. I missed everything. Why did I leave him behind when I left? I know I thought hed be safe, which quite clearly he wasnt, but Im his mother. I should have taken him with me but I left him there. What was wrong with me?"

"Sweetheart, dont beat yourself up like that. At the time you had no idea where you were going or what you were doing. Dragging Blaine with you, you had no clue what kind of future you had. Once you got settled with me you tried to get him back, didnt you?"

"Of course I did." Melissa hurriedly said.

"It wasnt your fault that by then his father had made things too difficult for you to get him back and that he put those ideas into Blaines head. You need to let go of the past. Blaine is a good young man. Hes happy and he is settled. You dont have to beat yourself up anymore."

Melissa nodded though she didnt really agree with her mother. She still had some more beating up of herself to do.


It settle down to the evening and Blaines family started making their way back to the hotel that they were staying at as there wasnt enough room in Burts house for all of them and Melissa and Cooper had moved back to Los Angeles when Blaine and Kurt had moved to New York. Ohio held a lot of bad memories for them.

Joey was sprawled in the middle of the living room floor with his book of fairy-tales open in front of him. He couldnt quite read properly yet but he was learning more and more every day, though he still preferred to be read to more than anything. He was mostly looking through the book, flipping the pages to see the different pictures that were inside.

Burt, Carole, Kurt, Blaine and Finn all settled in the living room with him to watch a movie before they called it a night. It was the evenings like this that Kurt missed when they were in New York. They still had a movie night once a week where they stuffed themselves full of popcorn and ice cream but it was just the three of them. Kurt missed spending time with their families while they were at home. There was always that link with Ohio that made it feel slightly more like home than New York was.

They made casual conversation throughout the movie until the credits started rolling. Everyone was feeling pretty drained from the day, dealing with all of the hustle and bustle that came with trying to keep the kids entertained.

"Looks like someone was a bit tired." Carole chuckled and pointed to Joey who had fallen asleep in the middle of the living room floor, his head on top of the fairy-tale book.

"My poor baby." Kurt laughed quietly.

"Need a hand getting him upstairs?" Burt asked.

"Dont worry about it Burt. Ill carry him up, no point in waking him." Blaine said.

He gently lifted Joey off of the floor and carried him upstairs. Kurt followed behind them, having picked up Joeys book. He got Joey into his pyjamas, trying not to wake him up as he did so.

"Can you believe our baby is four now?" Blaine asked as he watched Kurt tucking him in.

"It doesnt seem possible, I was saying to your mum earlier."

Kurt placed a kiss on Joeys forehead before moving out of the way so that Blaine could do the same. They were both about to leave the room when a tired and small voice stopped them.

"Daddy? Papa? I wanna tell you my birthday wish."

They turned back to him but he didnt give them a chance before he told them what he wanted.

"I wanna brother or sister please. I dont know where youll get one but maybe we could pick one out together." Joey said, sleepily.

Kurts eyes widened as he registered what Joey wanted. He looked towards Blaine who had the same look of shock on his face.


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