Our Distance
My Christmas Angel Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Our Distance: My Christmas Angel

T - Words: 6,186 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Sep 04, 2013
461 0 1 0 0

Author's Notes: Happy 1st of December :)
Christmas Eve

Kurt and Blaine sat at the kitchen table in Blaine's house on the laptop. They were on twitter looking at all the new tweets coming up on Blaine's twitter page from celebs and his friends.

"Oh look at this one. Why does Sebastian feel the need to put a picture up of himself on his twitter every day?" both looked at the picture of Sebastian posing into his mirror. Kurt took a good look at the picture to find something funny in the background but nothing was there.

"I don't know. Maybe it's to look back at well he's old and not good looking anymore." Kurt shrugged as he rolled his eyes. Blaine looked over at Kurt who was still looking at the other tweets coming up. Did he just say…?

"You think Sebastian is good looking?" Blaine tried to hold back the smirk on his lips. Kurt's eyes went bigger as he realised that he just did say Sebastian was good looking. He looked to Blaine with a serious face.

"Shot me. Oh god, I need my mouth shut. And don't pretend he's not because you know he is." Blaine rested his head on his hand with his shoulder resting on the table as he went into the people he was following.

"Yeah he is, just like the guy's in New York and Glee club but there's only one guy to me that is stunning." Blaine clicked on Kurt's name and it went into Kurt's profile. "That's him. I think you might know him." Blaine grinned as Kurt looked at him before looking away laughing. Kurt turned back to the laptop shaking his head as Blaine just smiled at him. Kurt clicked out of his profile and back into Blaine's profile. He was looking at the new tweets when he saw Cooper's.

Kurt Hummel Blaine Anderson the awkward moment when you walk in on your brother and his boyfriend GETTING IT ON ;)

Blaine saw the tweet to and his jaw dropped when he read it.

"Oh my god, like ten people retweeted it, each one is dead." Kurt's face had gone a little red and after a few seconds Blaine burst out laughing. Kurt gave him a bitch look that only made Blaine laugh more.

"I'm sorry Babe, but it is kind of funny. Don't worry, we'll get him back."


Blaine's mum and dad walked in all dressed up. Blaine's dad was in a grey suit and his mum in a black and silver dress, her hair all back out of her face.

"Where are you two going all dressed up?" Blaine asked curious as he looked to his parents all done up. Kurt was still looking at the laptop to see if Cooper had tweeted anymore.

"Church. Their going to have a little Christmas service. You two can come if you want to." his mum smiled sweetly as she put on her bracelet. His dad walked over to the sink to get a glass of water.

"Mum, you know we don't go. I would but you know, people judging because…"

"You are gay. Son, I have told you before it doesn't matter what anyone thinks, if you and Kurt want to come with us then do, okay. But if you two don't want to go that's fine but if it's because of what people will think then that's not the Kurt and Blaine we know. Besides you would be surprised how accepting people have gotten since you were last at church." Blaine's dad shrugged his shoulders as he finished his water.

"When was the last time you went exactly?" Kurt asked curious. He and Blaine never really talked about religion or church or any of it because neither of them went or believed anymore.

"Not since he was eight." His mum said as she went over to the table and picked up her bag and checked if everything was in it.

"Well, there was no point. You find out your gay, you stop going to church because am not going to heaven. Why should I respect him when he doesn't respect me?" Blaine said getting mad, this is why he never wanted to talk about it, it just hurt. He used to love going to church with his family because they all went together and him and Cooper would always stop in the sweet shop on the way home and get a load of junk and watch movies and eat for the rest of the day. Sure he could go if he wanted to, but the looks, people talking behind his back, being uncomfortable where people are supposed to be accepted.

Kurt looked to Blaine's mum and dad and saw in their eyes how it affected them to see their little boy feeling that way. Now Kurt felt the same way as Blaine but as his dad had told him before, if those people judge you, then god is mad at them because I believe no matter who you are or who you love god will always accept you because he made you like this. What is written in the bible is what a few people had written and that is what they taught and just because they though it doesn't mean it's true or right.

"Well then, they can judge us together then, can't they?" Kurt took Blaine's hand under the table and gave him a smile. Blaine returned the smile and gave a little nod.


All of them walked into the church and it was beautiful, it was all done up for Christmas and it felt magical.

Kurt looked over to Blaine who honestly looked like a little kid taking in the beauty of the place. But then again he hasn't been here in years, maybe he really missed it. How much could an eight year old boy remember?

Kurt looked over to his left as they were about to take a seat near the back of the church when Kurt saw his dad, Carole and Finn near the back to. Finn was looking around him when Finn spotted them and waved.

"Oh Kurt, there's your family. Let's go and sit with them." Blaine's mum said as she smiled, her smile was always so sweet and would put a smile on your face to. Kurt nodded as they made their way over to them.

"Now how on earth did you get my boy to come to church?" Burt asked not believing Kurt had come to church. They all took a seat.

"Well Burt, wherever Blaine goes, Kurt goes and the other way around." Cooper laughed and Burt chuckled and nodded his head.

Everyone was looking up towards the kids doing their play of the birth of Jesus. Everyone was silent expect for the kids saying their lines and moving around the place. The church was so full and this time, Kurt was glad he came. It was nice to be here with his family and Blaine's and Blaine. Kurt didn't know what the feeling was being here with everyone but let's just say it was a good, warm, sweet feeling.

Blaine though the kids were doing such an amazing job. He remembered being in two plays when he used to go to church. It was so much fun doing it and he had never told Kurt but he did miss it. He missed being part of those plays, he missed playing the guitar and piano every so often on the Sundays. It all stopped when he was nearly nine, he knew he liked boys the way he was supposed to like girls and he had knowing it wasn't acceptable to be gay here and that's why he had stopped. His parents didn't understand why he had just stopped going until he was thirteen and told his parents he was gay. And no matter what his parents had told him he hadn't gone back until today. Today, he realised he missed it and being here with Kurt meant even more to him. That feeling was back, the feeling were everything felt right sitting here with his family again, Kurt's family and Kurt. He knew Kurt came for him and that's just one of the reasons why he loved him. He felt like that happy little eight year old again.

Blaine found Kurt's hand in between them and wrapped his fingers around Kurt's as Kurt did the same. Blaine looked down to their joined hands and up to Kurt's bright smile looking towards him. They looked into each other's eyes and Kurt could see how much this meant to Blaine. Kurt wasn't sure if he would go back to church because he always thought why did people have to come and listen to someone go on about it all when he could just pray, read the bible and all at home, but I guess this feeling of being at church you couldn't get anywhere else.

If you asked any of their family's did god and Jesus expect them? They would say yes because if they can't expect and see two people so in love then they aren't the people they thought Jesus and god were. But they knew they expected them boys; they accepted everyone, no matter what anybody else or the bible says.


Everyone had come out of church to snow falling fast from the sky. They had only been inside for an hour and came out to the ground covered in snow and more falling from the sky.

"Awesome!" Blaine shouted as he looked up into the sky, the snow falling onto his face and clothes. Kurt chuckled at his boyfriend who looked so excited, yes he really was a kid, an adorable kid.

"Kurt! Blaine! Catch!" they didn't have time to see the two snowballs hitting them. One hits Blaine in the face and one hits Kurt in the leg. Cooper and Finn were stood a few feet away from them laughing and holding another snowball.

"Boys!" Carole and Blaine's mum shout at Cooper and Finn.

"What?" they both said at the same time just before it was their turn to get hit with snow balls.

"That's it, you two are dead!" Cooper shouted as him and Finn charged after a laughing Kurt and Blaine running through the grass trying not to slip.

"Don't fall clumsy." Kurt said as they kept running from Cooper and Finn. Blaine looked over to a laughing Kurt.

"Hey, I am not clu…" Blaine tripped up on the ball in front of him, landing on Kurt as they fell to the ground.

"Blain…Blain…you…you are…" Kurt couldn't get the words out from dyeing of laughing and the freezing cold snow under his back. Thank god Blaine had made him wear his scarf and jacket. Blaine was lying flat across Kurt's chest, his face in the snow. He lifted up his head and spat out the snow that had gotten into his mouth. He couldn't help but laugh himself and drop his head in the crock of Kurt's neck.

"It's so cold." Blaine mumbled against Kurt's neck before lifting up his head to face Kurt who was looking so adorable at him.

"What? Do I have snow on my face? Why are you looking at me like am a puppy or something?" Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's back and brought him closer to his body.

"Because you're adorable and I just…I love you, like a lot." Blaine chuckled as he shook his head.

"Yeah, I kind of love you to, handsome." Blaine smiled as he leaned into Kurt's lips and kissed him slowly, each of them smiling against the smile. Not long after two more snowballs hit them and both in the face.

"Ow!" Kurt shouted as he and Blaine looked over to Coop and Finn running away from them.

"Stop making out and get us back, lovebirds." Finn turned around and shouted before running again. Kurt looked back to Blaine with a serious face.

"I can't move."

"Oh, there they are. Did you two have fun making out?" Coop smirked and earned himself a hit in the stomach by Blaine. Coop got Blaine in a head lock and as Blaine tried to get out Coop had such a hold on him he couldn't get out.

"Cooper Anderson, let your brother go, right now." Their mother said and he did.

"Fine." Blaine stuck out his tongue at Cooper before walking back over to Kurt.

"Kurt, buddy, are you coming home with us?" Burt asked and Kurt moved closer to Blaine wrapping his arms around Blaine that made everyone laugh.

"I will take that as a no but be home before ten okay and if the snow gets bad ring me and I'll come get you." Kurt nodded his head and Burt chuckled at Kurt still holding on to Blaine. After they had all said Happy Christmas and goodbye, Kurt, Blaine and Blaine's family made their way to the car. Cooper was in front of Kurt and Blaine and they picked snow up from the ground, made a snowball and made a run up behind Coop, putting snow down his back and legging it to the car laughing as Coop shouted he was going to get them back.


"Kurt I can drive you home. It's not safe you driving home on your own." Blaine said concerned as he and Kurt stood on the porch. Kurt stood in front of Blaine with his two hands on Blaine's scarf pulling Blaine closer.

"Stop worrying, okay? I promise I will take it handy going home and I will text you when am at home."

"But Kurt I…" Blaine was cut off by Kurt's lips on Blaine's. Blaine brought one of his arms up and rested it on the side of Kurt's neck and the other resting on Kurt's back pulling him into the kiss more. Kurt moved him hands around Blaine's neck. Their teeth hit against each other before Kurt found Blaine's tongue and glided slowly over each other's. The kiss got deeper and deeper as the seconds went by before Blaine pulled back a bit.

"Don't go, please." Blaine said even though he knew Kurt had to. They lay their foreheads together and looked sweetly at each other. The cold hit of them but they didn't notice because they were wrapped up in each other.

"I don't want to, but you know I got to. I'll see you sometime tomorrow. Happy Christmas you."

"Happy Christmas, Sweetheart." Kurt gave one last kiss to Blaine's lips before walking down the steps of the porch and to his car. Kurt pulled out of the driveway and rolled down the window.

"Get inside, Anderson or you will freeze to death." Kurt pointed to the door behind Blaine. Blaine chuckled as he shook his head.

"I will when you're gone."

"Fine I am going now. Love you." Kurt said chuckling before heading of.

"Love you to." Blaine said as Kurt drove up the road and out of sight. Blaine looked up towards the sky to see the snow still falling down fast to the ground. This really is a magical Christmas so far Blaine thought as he took one last look out into the dark snowy area around him with a big smile on his face, looking forward to now and onwards.


Christmas Day

The next morning Kurt woke up to his brothers excited voice.

"Kurt, Kurt, come on. I want to open the presents."

Kurt opened his eyes slowly, bringing his hand up to rub at his tired eyes. He just wanted to sleep, sleep for the whole day, but Fin was making that impossible to do.

"Finn, stop!" Kurt looked up to his brother who was standing at the side of Kurt's bed with a big grin on his face.

"But I want to open my presents, please!" Finn grabbed the top of Kurt's duvet and started pulling it back.

"Finn! No! My duvet! Stop!" as much as Kurt tired to pull the duvet away from Finn's hands he couldn't. Kurt tried to give Finn a bitch look that would make him leave but as he was about to he burst out laughing as Finn ended up falling to the ground. Kurt was kneeling over in laughter on his bed as Finn stood back up.

"Kurt, don't laugh. That's mean!" Finn moaned as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Sor…sorr…sorry!" Kurt managed to get said through his laughter when Kurt had stopped laughing he hoped up from his bed and Finn's face lit up.

"And you can't change, okay? Stay in your pj's."

Kurt let out a moan as he looked down at his old tracksuit bottoms and Blaine's jumper he was wearing.

"Fine then." Kurt said as they both headed down the stairs to Carole and Burt.


Christmas wrapping paper was all over the floor and cards were put to one side and presents everywhere. Carole and Burt were sitting on the couch watching Kurt and Finn looking at all the presents they had gotten.

"I swear you two are still little kids." Burt said as he and Carole laughed at the two boys looking up at them with the biggest grin on their faces.

"Dad, how on earth did you know what to get me?" Kurt asked as he held up a pair of new boots that his dad gotten him and he had wanted these for ages but being in New York, well, it kind of makes you poor.

"That's for me to know and for you to never find out."


His dad tried to keep a straight face at Kurt studied his dads face to see was he right.

"No, I knew myself."

"It was so Blaine. Am going ask him and I will know if he's lying." Kurt smirked as he went back to looking at his boots and started to try them on.

"Well, am glad you both like the presents boys and thank you for yours, I love them." Carole got up from the couch and gave each of her boys a kiss on the cheek. Carole headed into the kitchen to start the last few bits for Christmas dinner.

The next second the doorbell rand and Burt was about to get it when Kurt said he would. Kurt walked to the door in his new boots feeling so happy he had finally gotten them He stopped looking at his boots for a second to open the door.

He opened the door to a smiling family, Blaine's family. Oh shit.

"Happy Christmas, dude!" Cooper said loudly and Kurt was sure the neighbours had heard him.

"Wait…what are…" Kurt looked to Blaine who was holding back a laugh and had an adorable look on his face. Kurt realised he wasn't dressed. His hair was a mess, he wasn't wearing nice clothes and oh god.

"Nice outfit, Kurt." Cooper commented before Carole was standing beside Kurt at the door.

"Hello everyone. Happy Christmas. Kurt are you going leave them standing outside the door." Carole said with a chuckle as did Blaine's parents, Katie and Nick.

"See this is what happens when people don't tell me anything." Kurt moved his hands up and down gesturing to what he was wearing.

"Sweetie you look, Fine." Katie said with a sweet smile she always wore as she entered into the hallway with everyone else.

"I bet Blaine thinks your smoking h…ow!" Cooper shouted as Blaine hit him in the stomach to shut him up.

"Hi Cooper!" Came Burt's amused voice from the sitting room.

"Hi Burt." Cooper said as he headed into the sitting room to Burt. Nick followed behind Cooper as Katie went into the kitchen with Carole. Katie had left the presents in the hallway she had brought with her.

Blaine closed the door and turned around to look at Kurt who felt very, very under dressed. Blaine held the bag with Kurt's present In it behind his back as he walked close up to Kurt.

"You look beautiful." Blaine whispered before kissing Kurt's lips slowly as they both smiled against each other's lips before slowly pulling away.

"No I don't, you do. Stop being so nice." Kurt chuckled as he rested his head on Blaine's shoulder and let his arms wrap around Blaine's waist and held him close.

Blaine could feel Kurt's hand fall down his back to try and grab the present.

"No, not yet, later." Blaine laughed as Kurt moaned and started to bit Blaine's shoulder where he still laid his head.

"Ku…Kurt…that tickles…sto…stop." Blaine laughed as Kurt kept doing it before Blaine escaped Kurt's arms and gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading into the sitting room.


"Blaine that's mine, give it back." Kurt playfully hit Blaine's arm to get back his toy that came out of the cracker.

They had all been sitting at the table at least two hours from when they first sat to eat Christmas dinner.

No one had told Kurt Blaine and his family was coming for Christmas dinner. They wanted it to be a surprise and it really was. Burt and Carole had asked a few weeks ago if they had wanted to spend Christmas with them and they were more than happy to and plus it would mean Kurt and Blaine would get to spend all of Christmas day together.

"You have to share, Kurt." Blaine laughed as Kurt stuck out his tongue before a smile appeared on his lips. Kurt picked up a piece of unfinished cake from Blaine's plate and popped it into his mouth. Blaine tried to stop a laugh escaping his lips.

"You have to share, Blaine."

"Em Kurt…that was…on the floor." Kurt stopped chewing as a look of disgust appeared on his face. Kurt got up from his chair as quick as possible and went over to the bin spitting out the cake.

"Dude, that's gross!" Finn said as he looked over to his brother who was wiping his mouth now.

"Says the one who picks his nose and eats it." Blaine gadded at what Kurt said making everyone laugh.

"I do not, not all the time, just when I have nowhere to put them." Finn shrugged thinking it was no big deal. Blaine gadded worse this time and he swore he tasted sick. He put his hand over his mouth as Kurt sat back down.

"Boys I think you all better stop talking about that cause you are are making Blaine feel sick." Carole said as she looked over to Blaine who gave her a grateful smile.

"Awh Blaine always does that. Remember bro when I found a dead bird and I chased you around outside with it and you got sick on me." Cooper laughed at the memory of that.

"Coop he was just a kid, that's mean." Kurt said as Blaine shock his head at Coop to not say anymore but of course, Cooper didn't listen.

"Oh no, this was a few weeks ago."

"Well, you had a dead bird in my face, it was gross." Blaine said disgusted.

"Okay, that's enough of that talk. Who want's dessert?" Burt asked trying to change the subject but only got moans from the boys not wanting any after what they had talked about.

"I will." Finn said with a grin on his face as everyone looked at him with an amused expression.



"Okay, okay, open my present." Kurt said excitedly as he handed Blaine his present. Blaine took the present with an excited look in his eyes.

"Promise me you didn't spend too much because we promised each other we would only get one present for each other."

"Yeah I know." Kurt said as he picked up Blaine's present to him from his bed. They were both sat on Kurt's bed sitting across from each other. Both presents were small, just like they promised each other.

"Okay, one, two, open!" Blaine shouted as they both started to unwrap their presents.

Kurt was the first to open his present. It was a mixed cd that Blaine had made of their songs. Kurt opened up the CD case and found a concert ticket inside. Kurt picked it up and read the first few words.

Lady gaga live.

3rd July 2013.

Blaine had ripped of the paper as quick as he could. When he opened it he got so excited. It was the Katy Perry movie; he wanted to see this so badly but never got to.

Kurt and Blaine both looked up at eat other with their mouths handing opening. Kurt glanced done at the DVD in Blaine's hands.

"Ope…open it." Kurt said still shocked at what Blaine had gotten him, he couldn't even say anymore. He honestly though he wasn't going to this, he wanted to so, so badly but after getting Christmas presents he hadn't enough money to buy it.

Blaine did as Kurt said and opened up the case, something falling out of it. Blaine put the DVD down on the bed and picked up what had fallen out, the same thing as Kurt was holding in his hands right now, expect a little different. Blaine looked down at it and read what was on it.

Katy Perry live in Times Square, New York.

20th June 2013.

"Oh…my…god…Kurt, you…I…I freaking love you." Blaine said before a scream escaped his lips and he jumped on Kurt making them fall back onto the bed. They both let out a laugh.

"I freaking love you more. Lady gaga Blaine, I can't believe this." Kurt said excited before he collided his lips with Blaine's. Blaine happily returned the kiss to Kurt and couldn't stop smiling, either could Kurt.

Turns out both of them couldn't effort to go to the concert they wanted to because they had spent that money on a ticket for each other and themselves.

"Best present…" Blaine started, "Ever!" they both said as they chuckled before leaning into the kiss again.


Nick, Katie, Carole and Burt where in the Kitchen chatting and having a cup of coffee. Blaine and Kurt were lying on the couch in the sitting room watching the Katy Perry film and Finn and Cooper were playing the x box in Finn's room.

"Thank you so much for having us over, it was really nice." Nick said as he took a sip if his coffee.

"You are very welcome. It was nice having more people over, made it even more special." Carole said as she put the towel on the radiator and joined the rest at the table.

"Well, I can tell it was very special for Kurt and Blaine." Burt grinned as he looked into the direct of the sitting room but not being able to see them much.

"I just hope they can get through this long distance thing, you hear of so many couples breaking up and it's just horrible to hear." Katie said with so much hope in her voice for them two boys.

"The only thing with them couples is they weren't Kurt and Blaine." Nick said as the rest agreed.

"They'll get through it, their strong enough to." Burt smiled knowing that his words were true because they would, because they are.


Blaine had his head resting on Kurt's chest, his legs tangled with Kurt's while Kurt hand his arms wrapped around Blaine's waist and held him close as they lay on the couch watching Katy Perry the movie. The film had been on for a while now and was now at the stage where it showed Katy not feeling herself and her friends telling her she can rest before the meet and greet.

To say Blaine loved watching this, well, that was an understatement.

Kurt looked over at the fire that was keeping the living room warm. The fire danced as it burned and burned, letting the heat escape. Kurt took his eyes away from the fire and looked back to the TV.

He was excited to see Katy Perry live with Blaine in New York. It would probably end up being the first thing they would do together in New York together after the Easter holidays. Blaine was coming to Kurt for Easter and after that Blaine would be studying at home for the next two months for his final exams.

Kurt got lost in his thoughts and was pulled out of them when he heard crying. He looked over to the TV and saw Katy crying as someone said around her, "She never cries."

Kurt guessed this was probably the bit about Katy and Russell finding the distance too hard to deal with. As it went on it got sadder and Kurt swore he was about to cry for the poor girl.

Kurt heard sniffling but it wasn't coming from the TV. He looked down to Blaine who had half his face buried into Kurt's chest and Kurt felt wetness on his shirt where Blaine laid his head.

"Blaine, sweetheart, are you okay?" Kurt asked concerned looking down at Blaine not being able to see all his face. Blaine nodded his head slowly but didn't look up at Kurt and sniffled again.

"You do remember you're talking to your boyfriend who knows you better than yourself?" Kurt said wanting Blaine to look up at his. Blaine just buried his face into Kurt's chest.

"I love you." Blaine mumbled and Kurt could hear his voice cracking. Okay, now Kurt was concerned. Kurt ran his fingers through Blaine's hair.

"I know. I love you to. Hey, look at me." Blaine shook his head.

"Blaine Anderson, look at me." After a few seconds Blaine finally looked up and it broke Kurt's heart. Blaine's cheeks were stained with tear stains, his eyes red from crying, and a look that said nothing. It was unreadable to Kurt.

Kurt reached his left hand up to wipe away the tears from Blaine's wet cheeks.

"Is it the film or…"

"It..it's us."

"Were not Russell and Katy." Kurt said guessing that Blaine could be upset because of the distance they had to go through and remaining him of them.

"But Finn an…and Rachel. Tina and Mike. N…now, Santana and Brittany. Who do you thinks going to be…next." It wasn't a question. Kurt though it was Blaine who was stronger out of the two of them with the distance. Kurt looked Blaine straight in the eyes and tried to find a good reason why Blaine would think that, but he found nothing.

"Bl…Blaine I love you and you love me. We are so strong. We have been put through a lot of shit in our lives and look at us, we are okay. Distant is nothing to us. Remember when I rang you after Finn and Rachel broke up and I was so upset, you were the one who helped me see we would be okay. Where's that Blaine gone?" Blaine sat up on the couch as did Kurt, sitting across from each other. Kurt put his two hands on Blaine's knees.

"It's just…it's so hard Kurt. I can't just drive to see you, your…you're not in school, our lives are so different and yes am fine at times but other times…it all falls down on me, knocking me to the ground and I can't bare it, I can't bare being away from you." Blaine wiped the rest of the tears away from his face as he looked to Kurt.

"Yes, but all of that is worth it, it's worth it because it makes moments like coming home for Christmas so special. Just four more months Blaine till your finished school and I come back here for a few weeks and then we head of too New York together. I know right now that seems like such a long time, but really, it's far from it. Waiting four months is better than waiting for forever and I waited for you and am not letting you go, no matter how hard this is because I…I would rather put everything I have in this relationship than start again." Kurt gave a little smile as he took Blaine's hand in his and gave it a little squeeze. "An...and I am never starting again because I only want to be with you, your everything to me Blaine and I can promise you I will always fight for us, no matter how far." Kurt held his voice together but now he felt like crying, but he didn't want to upset Blaine anymore.

"Am never giving u…up on us either…never." Blaine said as his voice croaked.

"This is what happens when we watch Katy Perry." Kurt said trying to lighting the mood and it worked. Blaine let a laugh escape his lips as he kneeled on the couch to pull Kurt in for a hug that Kurt leaned into it. He kissed the side of Blaine's forehead before whispering into his ear.

"You'll always be the only one."


Kurt walked slowly down the stairs so he wouldn't make noise. It was pitch dark and he was sure he would end up tripping up over his own feet. He let out a sign of relief when his feet touched the bottom of the stairs. It was so cold in the hallway. Kurt thanked himself for wearing warm clothes and two pairs of fluty socks. He walked down the hallway and made his way over to the sitting room door. He pushed open the door as slowly as he could so his dad and Carole wouldn't hear him.

If we had no door at all this would be a lot easier, Kurt thought. When he got into the sitting room a wave of heat hit him from the fire. He looked over to the couch and saw Blaine under the three duvets Kurt and Carole had brought down for him.

He was really glad Blaine was allowed to stay, but mad that his dad wouldn't let Blaine sleep in his room. Well, that was going to be sorted.

Kurt walked over to the couch and kneeled down beside the couch and saw Blaine sleeping. His eyes fully closed his hands under his head and the duvets pulled up to his face. He looked so peaceful that Kurt almost didn't want to wake him up, almost.

Kurt leaned into Blaine's flips and placed a gentle kiss to his lips. When he slightly pulled back Blaine moved his head a bit, letting out a little groan and sank further down under the duvets. Kurt let out a quiet laugh as Blaine did to.

"T…to tired…to kiss." Blaine's mumbled voice came from under the duvets and Kurt heard a little laugh escape Blaine's lips.

"What about making out?" Kurt said as Blaine pulled the duvet down from his face and peaked out.

"It's the same thing." Blaine couldn't help the smirk appearing on his face. "You're supposed to be in bed."

"Yeah but I came down here because I want to sleep with you." Kurt said meaning it the innocent way but Blaine just raised his eyebrows, about to say something smart.

"Oh you know what I mean Blaine Anderson. Now move over." Kurt said as he pulled up the duvet and Blaine moved over for Kurt.

"Kurt, your freezing!"

"Yes I know that thank you." Kurt chuckled as he lay down facing Blaine as Blaine faced Kurt. Kurt pulled over the duvets over them. Blaine let one of his arms fall behind Kurt's back and pulled him closer. Kurt also let his right arm fall behind Blaine's back. Both of their heads rested on Blaine's pillow and looked into each other's eyes.

"Your dad's going kill us in the morning."

"Not if get up in time and plus if I don't I can just say you only said Blaine couldn't sleep in my room."

"Cheeky. New York hasn't changed you one bit. You're still Kurt."

"Well I was planning on being Neil Patrick Harris." Kurt said trying to be serious before giggling.

"Na, I would rather you, as hot as he is, it's you I want and something like his and David's life someday, with you." Blaine said and was thankful it was dark enough so Kurt couldn't see him blush.

"Hum, I want that to. But one thing, our kids aren't wearing hair gel." Blaine pretended to look shocked as Kurt just shook his head.

"Then our kids aren't allowed to do a skin route every morning and night."

"Blaine, they need to take care of their skin, that's good for them but hair gel isn't."

"I bet you will lose your hair quicker than me."

"If I do, shot me." Kurt said serious as Blaine tired not to laugh to loud.

Blaine let his left hand trail up Kurt's back, then to his side, then resting on the crook of Kurt's neck. He let his thumb rub gently over Kurt's cheek. His skin was so soft, maybe he would let their kids do a skin route if that's what they wanted.

"It was a really special Christmas." Kurt nodded slowly in agreement.

"The best." Blaine's eyes started to close and then open and close quickly again, finding them hard to keep open for too long.

"Someone's tired." Kurt smiled looking at his adorable boyfriend who opened his eyes to make it look like he didn't have his eyes closed.

"Nope am just…" Blaine yawned as he spoke. "Okay, yeah I am." They both chuckled.

"Go to sleep then you. Oh and Carole is making pancakes tomorrow." Blaine's eyes lit up through the tiredness.

"I love her cooking." Kurt gave him a what about mine look. "And yours." Blaine smiled as he let his hand slip down between their chests and his eyes nearly about to close and sleep. Kurt leaned in to Blaine's lips and gave another kiss to Blaine's lips, this time lasting longer and Blaine put all his strength into the kiss.

"I swear I'll kiss…better tomorrow." Blaine mumbled queitly as his eyes closed.

"It's a make out date." Kurt smiled and let Blaine drift off to sleep.

Blaine was asleep in seconds, his breathing slow and steady. Kurt fell asleep shortly after, looking at his sleeping adorable boyfriend sound asleep.

End Notes: So I hope you all enjoyed and I would love it if you all dropped a review and tell me what you thought :) I loved writing this chapter so, so much :) Thank you for reading :) Oh and I was meant to say in the other chapter the song that Blaine sang was falling slowly from once. And I decided to make him sing that song because I saw a video of Darren Criss and Lea Michele singing it and it was so beautiful, so, check it out if you haven't yet. And you probably saw I changed the name of the story, I rather this one better :)


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This chapter was the absolute best. I loved seeing Kurt and Blaine interact with their brothers and to see them act like little kids. The chapter was so sweet and I just love seeing the two boys together and in love. I can't wait to see what happens once Kurt returns to New York after Christmas.