Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sectionals had been moved to over a week before Christmas and if they win Sectionals, this would be a Christmas present them all.
Everyone was waiting to go on stage after The Warblers. And to stage The Warblers was killing it was an understatement. They were amazing.
Cheers and claps came from everyone as the warblers finished performing and made their way of the stage, saying good luck to the New Directions as they passed them by.
Blaine was getting really nervous now; would it be too late to back out now?
"Blaine, buddy, you ready?" Will asked as he squeezed Blaine's shoulders. Yeah it was too late. Blaine nodded his head slowly and he heard the New Directions being announced. His heart started beating fast, his hands getting sweaty and what was wrong with him? He had never felt this nervous before, Kurt was always with him other times they performed, he had performed on stage without Kurt before, but he guessed it was the feeling of not having Kurt beside him after him always being there so long and this was the first big thing he was doing without Kurt beside him since they met.
Blaine took a step forward and made his way onto the stage. Applause broke through the silent as Blaine made his way over to the piano on the right hand side of the stage. Relax, Blaine, come on. Blaine took a seat as the applause fainted. It was silent for a few seconds before he heard two really familiar voices.
"Go, Blaine!" Blaine looked out into the crowd and found them. Kurt and Rachel were standing up cheering. People looked at them to be quiet but they didn't notice and either did Blaine. Blaine met Kurt's proud eyes across the room, through the crowd. So many questions ran through Blaine's head, but they couldn't be answered because he had to perform right now, as much as he wanted to run to Kurt.
"I love you." Kurt mouthed and Blaine broke out into a grin mirroring Kurt's.
"I love you." Blaine mouthed back, took one last look at Kurt before he looked to the keys on the piano and rested his hands on the keys to start the song.
Kurt and Rachel took their sits and looked to the boy who began to play the sweet sound of the piano.
I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react
Blaine looked over to Tina as she walked onto the stage singing the next few lines. She walked over to Blaine and took a seat beside him at the piano and they both sang the chorus.
Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You'll make it now
As the song went on Blaine couldn't help but look over to the love of his life every now and then. Tina and Blaine both sang the last few lines of the song.
You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing it loud
They performed the next two songs. Each person in new directions getting to sing.
When they were finished performing and made their way backstage to the choir room, Blaine grabbed his phone from the top of the piano and ran back out of the room. Half knew why Blaine left and the other's where just clueless.
Blaine rang Kurt's phone and in just a ring Kurt answered.
"Why hello beau…."
"Where are you?" Blaine said rushed and mostly just dyeing to see Kurt.
"I'll give you a clue. What are you promising?" Kurt smirked and knew Blaine knew where he was.
Blaine wasn't far from that place. He walked up the corridor and turned to his left down the long hallway where he saw Kurt standing at the bottom, at the place Blaine had given Kurt the promise ring. Kurt waved at him with that smile on his face that Blaine loved so much. Blaine started to walk fast down the hallway and when he was halfway and Kurt was just a few steps away from him, Blaine slipped and landed on his back.
"Ow!" Blaine shouted as the pain shot up his back.
"Blaine!" Kurt ran the last few steps between them and kneeled down at Blaine's side.
"Damn floor." Blaine mumbled as he opened his eyes to see Kurt's face trying so hard not to laugh. Kurt burst out laughing, biting his lip to try and stop laughing but he couldn't.
"You're so mean." Blaine moaned as he sat up slowly trying not to laugh at himself.
"Am sorry sweetheart." Kurt said as the laughter faded and put his hand on Blaine's heart and the other on the crock of Blaine's neck and rubbed his thumb over Blaine's cheek.
"Am really clumsy." Blaine let out a laugh as Kurt nodded.
"Yeah, but your my clumsy boyfriend." Kurt said back before leaning in and kissing Blaine's lips softly and slowly, taking it all in like they haven't kissed for years. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist and pulled him forward making them fall back on the ground.
"Blaine." Kurt giggled, not taking his lips of Blaine's. Kurt leaned back into the kiss, not wanting to stop.
"So you guys can really win without me then." Rachel said looking at all the new directions.
"Well, seeing as Blaine is the new Rachel, then yes we can. But Blaine you should look more like Rachel if you're her." Brittany said seriously as everyone laughed.
"Hey, it's bad enough living with one Rachel Berry; I don't need a boyfriend like her too late." Blaine poked Kurt's side's to shut him up but it just made Kurt scream and try to escape Blaine's arm wrapped around him as they sat on the couch in Rachel's house. Rachel had invited all of New Directions to her house after sectionals seeing as her dads wouldn't be back until tomorrow from a trip.
"Oh god, you to go get a room already." Santana said but a smile appeared on her face. She looked over to Brittany who was talking to Artie.
"Artie, can I have a go on your magical wheelchair?"
"Brittany it's not magical."
"It is because it helps you to get everywhere and if you didn't have it, then you wouldn't have to." She makes a point Santana thought as she smiled even more at her girlfriend.
"I will bit you if you do that again." Kurt said seriously and as he did Blaine poked him again laughing. Kurt let out a scream before finding Blaine's arm and biting it.
"Ow, ow, ow…dude, that was mean." Blaine pretended to be mad but smiled when Kurt kissed his cheek and his other one.
"Guy's seriously. We love you but you two don't have to be adorable all the time you know." Mercedes said sweetly as she shook her head slowly.
Neither of them heard her as they looked into each other's eyes as Kurt got an idea. He leaned over to whisper in Blaine's ear.
"Carole, dad and Finn won't be back till later tonight." Blaine could feel Kurt smile against his neck.
"You better have a good excuse to escape this lot." Blaine let out a laugh and Kurt faced Blaine again with his eyebrows raised before turning to everyone else.
"Guy's am sorry but I forgot dad wanted Blaine and I home for dinner tonight, well come back later."
"You better, Hummel and Anderson."
"Yes you better. My two boys are getting drunk with me tonight," Puck said proud of himself.
After they said bye and headed out the door and into the car Kurt pulled Blaine in for a kiss. It lasted for a few seconds before Kurt pulled back a bit to see Blaine's eyes.
"You were perfect at Sectionals by the way. I was so proud of you and I can't wait to spend all of Christmas with you."
"Me to. I love you."
"Love you to, my amazing boy." Kurt grinned before leaning in for one more kiss.
Kurt started up the car and pulled out of Rachel's driveway. As he drove he looked over at his boyfriend looking out the window and knew they would make it, they would make it through this distance.
This chapter was amazing and I loved that you had Blaine and Tina sing Falling Slowly from Once. I saw Lea Michele and Darren Criss sing it on youtube and I instantly fell in love with the song and Darren's voice. I agree with you about the latest episode of Glee, I found myself wanting to hug Blaine as well but I was glad to see that he did care and realize that he made a mistake. I just hope that Kurt will let him start making up for that mistake soon. I am so glad that this story involves happy Klaine and I can't wait to read the next chapter in December.
That was why I put that song in. I totally forgot to say that at the end of the chapter, I shall mention it in the next one. Awh Lea and Darren were so amazing singing it. I was the same, I love it so much.Yes that is true. At least he accepts that. A big thank you for your kind review :)