Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
"Kurt, please don't be mad at me. I don't like it when you are." Blaine's sad voice came through Kurt's phone. Kurt tried to calm himself down before he spoke on the phone again.
Blaine thought he wasn't going to get an answer from Kurt. All he heard was Kurt's breathing and he really needed Kurt to talk to him, to tell him it's okay, to tell him everything would be okay and that Kurt, loved him.
Still nothing.
"Where is my strong boy gone?" it was barely a whisper and Blaine thought maybe he wasn't meant to hear those words, but he was.
"He never went anywhere, he's just tired and missing you." It was all true and all Blaine wanted right now was Kurt, but he couldn't, all he could hear was words from the boy he loved through a phone line that started and ended god knows where.
"I can't bare you being unhappy."
"Am not." Blaine tried to convince Kurt but his voice didn't.
"A week ago you broke down at my house, in my room, in my arms, don't tell me that wasn't you being unhappy. Blaine, you are allowed to feel like this but the Blaine I know would of done what he was going to do what he told me and now you're not…why?" Kurt hated being miles away because he couldn't hug or kiss Blaine through a phone and he really needed to right now.
"Because if I go back, then, then, am not in the school where all our memories are and honestly that keeps me going. I know it might sound stupid but, when I walk past your old locker or on the school steps, in glee club…it all reminds me of you." Kurt smiled through the phone, but Blaine couldn't see.
"I think my love, you are forgetting our first make out sessions in Dalton, our first kiss, lying on your bed in your dorm, singing, dancing, Christmas, meeting for the first time and so much more. Our memories are there to sweetheart, it's not like you're going to a place we have never been before."
There's something else, Kurt. Remember I said I was lonely and stuff well, it's because you're not here, it won't matter where I go, it will feel the same when you aren't there, so it doesn't matter where I go, it will all feel the same when you're not there. Am going stay in McKinley, try visit my friends more, make it through the year, and then be with you again."
"I will be okay, okay. It will only make me stronger, make us stronger. I love you."
"I love you to."
Rachel was stood at the window looking out onto the street with the shining bright lights. Christmas was coming soon and lights were already being put up, decorations, selection boxes, everything that was Christmas was coming out.
Rachel remembered last Christmas, it was when she really realised that she was such a lucky person, she didn't need presents or any of that stuff. She was here on this earth, Rachel Berry was happy. She was in New York with Kurt, in NYADA, what more could she ask for.
Kurt came out of his room with one of Blaine's jumpers on and walked over to Rachel, standing beside her, looking out at the city.
"This time last year were did you wish to be?" Rachel asked thinking out loud. Kurt looked over at her, but Rachel just kept looking out the window.
"Right here, in New York city with my best friend." He could see the smile appear on her face.
"I thought Blaine was your best friend."
"Oh he is, but he's the best friend that is also my handsome boyfriend. You're my beautiful best girl friend. It's just I would rather make out with Blaine and…ow!" Kurt screamed as Rachel hit him in the arm messing and laughing.
"Hey, am a good kisser…just ask Blaine." Kurt gave Rachel a bitch look before breaking out into a smile.
"He was drunk."
"True. Did you tell him your surprise?"
"It's called a surprise for a reason, Rachel." Kurt shook his head and Rachel shrugged her shoulders.
"What do you think Christmas will be like this year?" Rachel asked and Kurt really didn't have to think about that.
"If it's anything like last year, it will be perfect."
"Why do you say that?"
To always love you.
To defend you even if I know you're wrong.
To surprise you.
To always pick up your phone call, no matter what I'm doing.
To bake you cookies at least twice a year.
To kiss you wherever and whenever you want.
But mostly just to make sure that you always remember how perfectly imperfect you are.
Kurt smiled brightly as he looked over to Rachel. "No reason."
Blaine looked through his laptop trying to find something to do. He decided to look for a song for Glee club that they could do at sectionals.
He opened up YouTube but didn't know what to type in. He looked at the screen for a few minutes trying to come with some ideas before putting his hands on the keyboard and started to type.
It might have been short but it was still amazing. It is nice to see Rachel and Kurt spending time together and thinking about the past year. I loved that you put Blaine's promises to Kurt in the chapter because I absolutely love that scene. I can't wait to see what happens next and thank you for writing an awesome story that keeps Blaine and Kurt together while they are in different locations.
Not one, but three comments I read from you and they were so sweet. Seriously, you are so kind to say all that stuff and it means a lot that you like it, so THANK YOU so much for taking the time to read it.And yes I laughed while writing that bit about Kurt and the rat because Kurt would act someway like that ha ha :)