Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
"Maybe she just needs time by herself." Finn whispered as he pulled into the car park he had hundred times before. It was a Friday and they would be starting Glee practice soon.
Kurt sent Rachel a quick text before him and Finn got out of the car and headed to the building. It hadn't changed, or maybe it had but this was the way it was always going to look to Finn and Kurt.
"He is going to be so surprised."
"When was the last time you saw him?"
"When I left. He was supposed to come up at Halloween but his parents made him go with them to visit his family that live hours away for a couple of days." Kurt said remembering Blaine telling him he couldn't go and both were really disappointed about it.
Kurt was coming back to Lima in a few weeks to see Blaine and the new directions at regionals but, that was weeks away, no way could Kurt wait that long.
Finn made his way to the choir room, while Kurt walked up the hallway and took out a piece of paper and slides it into Blaine's locker before heading to the choir room.
Blaine ran to his locker to throw his books into it and to make his way to Glee. He was going to be super late, but he needed to get his books for his homework, like he always did before Glee practice.
He opened his locker and was about to take a book when he saw the piece of paper in his locker and picked it up.
See you in Glee x
Why would someone leave that in my locker? Blaine didn't know who it was, he would just ask in Glee.
"Guy's, which one of you put this…" Blaine holds up the note and looks up to them all as he enters the choir room. "…in my…Kurt, oh my god." Blaine stopped in the middle of the room and looked over to Kurt who was now out of his seat and running over to Blaine. Blaine still hadn't moved and the next second Kurt was wrapped up in his arms. They could hear the awe's behind them.
"I missed you so much." Kurt mumbled into Blaine's shoulder before pulling back a bit to join his lips with Blaine's.
"I missed you to." Blaine mumbled against their lips between kisses.
Kurt pulled Blaine back in for another long hug. He missed everything about Blaine, everything.
"So, come on, how's school going?" Kurt asked excited to hear all about Blaine. Blaine shrugged his shoulders as and Kurt sat down at their usual table at the lima bean at the window.
"Fine, I guess." Kurt knew something was wrong, the look in Blaine's eyes told it all. Why was Blaine not, Blaine?
"Blaine, sweetheart, what's wrong?" Kurt asked very concerned as he tried to meet Blaine's eyes but Blaine, just looked out the window.
"I don't want to tell you." Blaine whispered in a broken voice.
"Because…you have a great life in New York now and I don't want you to have to…to be worrying about me because it's stupid." Kurt's heart broke at that, why would Blaine think that anything he feels like he can't tell Kurt is stupid?
"Nothing, and I mean nothing, is stupid when it comes to you, Blaine. Now, please tell me. I love you and I just want you to be happy, but you aren't, I know that." Kurt's voice was begging for Blaine to tell him what was wrong.
"I…um…I don't know if I can make it to May. I don't know if I can keep doing this till May, Kurt. My heart is breaking…everyday, without you and I feel so lonely, I don't…feel like myself anymore."
That was Blaine, feeling this way, the boy who was so strong when he first met him. Kurt moved his hand along the top of the table and held onto Blaine's. Kurt looked down at their joined hands before moving his eyes to look up at Blaine, who was finally looking at him, his eyes shining with unshed tears.
"Do…do you-you want to bre-"
"Kurt, don't even say that, I just feel very lost right now, that's all. I need my best friend to talk to." Kurt gently nodded his head.
"Let's go back to mine and talk, okay."
Kurt came into his room with a glass of water for Blaine in his hand. Blaine was sat on the windowsill looking out at the pouring rain that was hitting against the window. He looked so lost in his thought.
"Blaine?" No answer. "Blaine, sweetheart." Kurt sat on the other side of the windowsill and that's when Blaine noticed him and gave him a little smile. Kurt gave Blaine the water that he took gratefully and took a sip before sitting it on the little table beside him.
"Promise me you won't get mad when I ask you this but, are you getting bullied at school?" Kurt hoped that Blaine would say no, he couldn't face Blaine getting bullied again and Kurt knew how bad McKinley was for the bulling.
Kurt let out a sigh of relief. "Okay…good."
"I just need something to get me through till May when I go to New York with you. Am not being mean saying that you aren't enough to get me through it because you are, of course you are. I just need something else when you aren't here and when I am not on the phone or skyping you. It's harder than I thought it would be, Kurt. And I feel like no one is there to listen to me, am not lonely in an I-want-to-have-sex way, am just lonely all the time."
"Blaine, be true full when I ask this and remember back. When I met you, you were in Dalton and your friends were there and you were really happy there, right?" Blaine nodded his head slowly not knowing where Kurt was going with this.
"Okay and when I left to go back to McKinley, what did you feel like then?"
Blaine thought about it for a second before answering. "I was okay; I knew I was going to see you after school and at the weekends."
"When I wasn't there in Dalton, after I transferred back to McKinley, were you lonely?"
"I…I missed you yeah and wanted you there with me again."
"But where you lonely, Blaine, like you feel now?" Blaine shook his head as he looked into Kurt's worried eyes.
"No. But, it's different now, you're in New York and I…" Kurt kneeled in front of Blaine and put his hands on Blaine's chest.
"Don't make excuses; what was is the different when we were in different schools and now?"
"I don't know." Blaine felt himself about to cry, he didn't know why, for the past few weeks he would just cry for no reason sometimes.
"You had your best friends and you were in Dalton that was safe. Hun I am not saying you don't have friends at McKinley but, we both know that you only moved there for me and when you did that you left your best friends behind."
"What…what are y-you trying to say?" Blaine asked with a few tears falling down his face.
"Do you want to go back to Dalton? You won't hurt me by saying yes because am not there anymore, it won't change or relationship if you go back to Dalton." Kurt waited for an answer.
Blaine started to breathe a little heavier as he nodded his head slowly.
"Hey, it's okay, come here you." Kurt pulled Blaine to his chest and kissed the top of his head. Blaine sobbed into Kurt's chest as he held onto Kurt.
"It's okay; it's going to be okay."
Blaine lay in Kurt's bed as he woke up the next morning. He slowly opened his eyes and saw Kurt lying down beside him looking at him.
"Morning beautiful." Kurt smiled gently.
"Morning you." Blaine leaned over to give Kurt a quick kiss on the lips. They faced each other with their foreheads touching.
"Sorry for being a mess last night." Blaine whispered as he looked into Kurt's eyes.
"Don't say sorry, am the one who is sorry for not knowing sooner. Promise me you won't keep anything from me again."
"I promise. I think it's the right thing going back to Dalton."
"If it makes you happy, then yes it is. Just kept away from Sebastian, I still don't trust him."
"I will. He knows when to back of now."
"He better because you're my boy." Kurt smiled brightly as did Blaine.
"Say that again."
Kurt pushed himself up on the bed and moved on top of Blaine, throwing one of his legs the other side of Blaine.
"Your." Kurt kissed Blaine's lips gently. "My. Boy." Kurt's lips went from Blaine's lips, across his jaw line as Kurt moved his body further down on Blaine causing them to touch against each other.
"God, Kurt, your, your amazing." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. Kurt's lips kissed back up Blaine's neck and back to Blaine's. Kurt's tongue entered Blaine's mouth as their tongues danced around each other. Blaine's hands were on Kurt's back and he pulled Kurt closer to him, chest to chest.
"Um, I. Missed, god, I missed this." Kurt mumbled as Blaine moaned under him.
"Is anyone in the house?"
"I hope not, I really need you, like right now." Kurt started to unbutton Blaine's shirt that he slept in last night. Once he had it unbuttoned, he pulled it of Blaine and threw it on the floor.
A knock came on the door. "Kurt?"
"Shit." Kurt whispered. "Yeah dad?"
"Carole and I are heading out to do some shopping. I'll see you later."
"Okay, bye." They waited until they heard the car pull out of the drive way.
"That was a close one, now where were we?" Kurt smirked as he joined his lips with Blaine's again.
Kurt and Blaine walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Blaine was wearing Kurt's old jumper and tracksuit bottoms, while Kurt wore old tracksuit bottoms and a black t shirt.
"You hungry?" Kurt asked before turning around and seeing the smirk on Blaine's face.
"For you, yeah." Blaine said as he kissed Kurt making them stubble into the kitchen were Finn sat. Kurt's eyes went wide when he saw Finn. Finn was still in his pyjamas and eating his breakfast. Kurt was sure his face was as red as a tomato while Blaine was trying not to laugh.
"Finn, how long have you been up?" Finn just shrugged.
"If you mean by that question, did I heard you both? Then yes and no. When I coped on I went outside in the sun for a while. Bro, you don't have to get embarrassed, you walked in on Rachel and I before."
"Please don't remind me and Blaine, stop laughing." Kurt gave Blaine a dirty look but honestly, he was happy Blaine was laughing after what happened last night.
"Do you guys want breakfast? I can make it."
"Finn, you burn everything. I will make it." Kurt went to make the breakfast and Blaine sat down beside Finn.
"Am sorry about you and Rachel."
"It's okay, dude. It was the right thing to do. Promise me thought you will never let Kurt go, it's less than a year and you will both be in New York together, you both belong together." Finn said with a smile and Blaine knew even though Finn was trying to hide it, he knew Finn was hurting by letting Rachel go.
"I promise." Blaine looked over to Kurt smiling at the love of his life. Kurt turned around for a second and met Blaine's loving eyes and smiled brightly back. Blaine was never going to let Kurt go and either was Kurt.
Why can't the writers of Glee be more like you? I mean seriously, they basically smashed every Klaine fans heart while you are giving us a story that shows that love can pull through even when faced with distance. I truly do believe that Klaine will be happy on the show again but until then I will continue reading your story because it is awesome and it shows that love can conquer all.