Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
He had gone for an interview last week and he was extremely nervous. After the interview he had gotten a call two days after to tell him he had gotten the job. He had gotten an internship for Vogue magazine. He remembered telling Blaine. He had rung him straight after he had gotten off the phone to one of the mangers at Vogue magazine. Blaine was nearly as excited as Kurt was about it.
No matter how excited he was about this, it didn't fill that gap of missing everyone back home.
Kurt was in a serious rush today. He had woken up late and now he was literally running towards the Vogue building. He was meant to be there at ten and Kurt really couldn't be late. It was only his third day. He made sure to get up early the last two days in case he had gotten lost and would have to fine where he was going.
He got to the building and slowed down as he got to the elevator, pressed the level he wanted to go to, and started trying to catch his breath again. Thank god he was the only one in the elevator because he looked like a mad man trying to catch his breath.
The doors open and he walked out. He looked around him and headed to the left of the building. Yes, he was in the right place, he didn't get lost.
A few hours later Kurt was sitting at his desk coming up with some designs. His Boss Mrs Key had showing him some things that they do for the magazine. She had gone out for a while and Kurt was on a break and decided to mess around with drawing some designs.
"You're very talented." A soft voice came from behind Kurt. Kurt turned around to see who it was. It was a guy, which looked around his age. He had light brown hair with his fringe swepted to the side, bright blue eyes, skinny and had good fashion sense and couldn't stop grinning at Kurt.
"Sorry. I am Adam. I got an Internship here and just started working here today."
"Nice to meet you. I'm Kurt. I got an Internship here to."
" It's amazing isn't it? I really didn't want to go to college, so this is great." Adam sat down in the chair beside Kurt.
"It is amazing. Really? I wanted to go but I didn't get in."
"Either did my boyfriend, Luke. He was really upset about it."
"Did he come to New York with you?" Kurt asked curiously. Why did Kurt get the feeling this guy was going to be really chatty?
"Oh yeah. He hasn't gotten anywhere yet but he will. He loves doing creative writing and acting, I believe in him, he will get there." Kurt couldn't help but think of Blaine when Adam was talking about Luke. God, he missed Blaine so much.
"I'm sure he will. You sound like you really love him."
"I really do. I've known him since middle school."
"Wait, seriously? That's…woo. That's really sweet." Adam nodded his head with a smile.
"Took him long enough to figure out he meant more to me than just being my best friend." They both chuckled at that and Kurt nodded his head.
"Yeah tell me about it. Blaine, my boyfriend, never copped on I liked him until I told him on Valentine's Day. Even then it took a little longer for us to finally get together."
"Well, the main thing is you both got together."
"Blaine, I swear, his boyfriend didn't cop on for years that Adam liked him." Kurt laughed as did Blaine. Kurt was sat on his bed with the laptop on his knees. It was nearly ten at night and they had both been on Skype for over an hour. They were both getting tired but neither one wanted to stop talking to each other.
"See, that's worse when I didn't cop on you were falling head over heels for me." Blaine smirked as Kurt just shook his head.
"Hey, I wouldn't go that far. Okay, maybe that's true. I loved you from the moment I saw you, happy?"
"Indeed. I couldn't imagine being in love with my best friend and them not knowing."
Well, welcome to my world in those first few months I knew you. You and your damn singing and being hot, not cool Blaine, not cool." Kurt tried to say seriously but just broke out into a smile.
"Well you got me, best friend. You do know you are still my best friend even though we are boyfriends?"
"Course I do. Like, I mean you have no other friends so…" Kurt giggled as he ran his hand through his hand.
"You are mean. Best friends aren't mean to each other, Kurt." Blaine pouted as he stuck out his bottom lip.
"Awe looks who's being adorable. I am your boyfriend so I get to be mea…" Kurt yawns and rubs at his eyes. "…mean. I can't wait till Halloween. I am going be really mean to you then."
"I don't think so because we will be too busy making up for lost time." Blaine smirked.
"I will hold you to that, Anderson."
"Hold me to what?"
"Go away with that dirty mind of yours. What do they teach you in that high school of yours?"
"Boring stuff, so I teach myself." Blaine shrugged and that smirk on his face was still there. "Well, Glee club is really fun, so I guess it's not all boring."
"Speaking of Glee club, good luck with your song tomorrow, you are going kill it. Now go to be bed because you are about to fall asleep and you have a lot of jumping on furniture to do tomorrow."
"I am not that bad jumping on thing's, thank you very much. But yeah, I better. Talk to you soon. I love you like crazy. Night."
"I love you to. Night beautiful." They looked to each other until Blaine ended the call and the screen went blank.
Kurt put his laptop back on his table and went into the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Yes he knows it's late, but the coffee never keeps him awake anyways. Rachel was sat at the table reading a magazine as Kurt came in the door and she looked up to him grinning.
"I love you like crazy. Night beautiful." She giggled as she tried to sound like Kurt and Blaine. Kurt raised his eyebrows at her giving her his best bitch look.
"That does now even come close to sounding like us." Kurt took out a cup from the cupboard and put the switch down for the kettle to boil.
"You guys are too adorable. It must be hard the whole long distance thing."
"Well, in a way, you're doing it to." Rachel just shook her head slowly and looked back down to the magazine.
"I don't know what you would call mine and Finn's thing. I haven't heard from him in two weeks. I mean I know he's at booth camp, but you know." Kurt made his way over to sit beside Rachel.
"If you two are meant to be together, you will be. I know it's not the same, but I haven't heard from Finn in a long time to, but that's what just happens; it doesn't mean we love each other any less." Rachel looked up again and tears had filled her eyes.
"Kurt, I miss it. I miss being in high school, being with our friends, being with Finn. I miss Glee club and Mr Shue. I just want to go back to last year where everything still felt normal and I-I was still that annoying person in Glee. I want to s-stop growing up. High school was safe, and n-now i-it's just gone l-like that. I don't know if I can do this anymore. I want my old life back. I want to be in O-Ohio, back in McKinley, and seeing the love of my life every day." Tears rushed down her eyes and Kurt pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. He couldn't stop himself from crying. Rachel had said everything he was bottling up inside. Rachel and Kurt had finally got to New York and now all they want is their old life back.
"I-I miss it all Kurt." Rachel cried into Kurt's chest.
Kurt sniffed as he brought one of his hands up to wipe away his tears.
"I do to, Rach. I-I do to." Kurt leaned his head against the side of Rachel's.
He missed everyone so much. What he would give to be back in senior year and be sitting in Glee and listening to his amazing boyfriend singing. Why had it all gone by so fast?