Our Distance
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Our Distance: So far away

T - Words: 1,894 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Sep 04, 2013
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Monday morning and Blaine was walking through the halls of McKinley. He was walking past Kurt's old locker when he stopped there just for a few seconds and remembered the times he and Kurt had so many conversations there. He knew it was going to be hard to let Kurt go to New York. It had only been two full days since Kurt had gone to New York and he missed him so much. Blaine started to walk again and headed to the choir room; he was the first person there and took a seat. He put his bag down on the ground beside him and waited for the rest to come in. Nearly every place in this school had memories of him and Kurt. Blaine was lost in thought when Sam walked in.

"Hey dude!" Sam said as Blaine looked up and gave him a small smile. Sam took the seat beside him and he didn't know was it the right thing to ask or not but he wanted to.

"How's Kurt?" he asked softly as Blaine looked towards him.

"He's okay. Rachel's already annoying him." They both laughed knowing that would be true. "He's better there, he can start finding that dream and get to living it sooner."

"It's hard though isn't it?" Blaine nodded his head trying not to think about it too much. "If you ever need anyone to talk to, I am always here for you, bud."

"Thank you. That means a lot. What about you and Mercedes?"

"Well, I don't know. We still keep in touch and are on Skype and that. She's coming back for Halloween so I will get to see her then and I guess we will see what happens there." Sam said trying to stay positive that he and Mercedes will be okay to.

"The same goes for you, you know that? Whenever you need to talk I am here for you to, Sam." Sam gave a grateful smile and a nod as Brittany, Joe, Tina and Artie came in.

"Brittany, for the last time, Kurt did not swim over to New York, he got on a plane like a normal person." Tina snapped as Joe and Artie couldn't help but laugh.

"But he did! Blaine, didn't Kurt swim to New York?" Sam and Blaine chuckled as Blaine shook his head.

"No, he didn't, Britt." Everyone took a seat and was all seated now when Will came in with a big grin on his face and walked over to the board and started writing on it. When he came away from it and turned to the class they saw what was writing on the board memories.

"Okay guys. So we are just a few weeks back and we all have memories, some good, and some bad. What I want this week is for you guys to pick a song that means the most to you because it reminds you of a special memory that you will never forget." When Will was saying all of this everyone was thinking of the memories when New Directions were all together.

"I know we have all had a good few memories from being in school and a lot of good ones since Glee club started. Now it doesn't matter if you have sung the song or if it was playing in the background at that special moment, as long as the song reminds you of a good memory, that's all we need." Will looked to his students to see they had suddenly gone silent and knew that this was going to be a tough lesson but it would hopefully help them all.


Blaine lay on his bed doing his homework when a beep came from his phone. He picked it up and read the text that was from Kurt. A smile appeared on his face as he read it.

Skype? If you're not busy :) x

Be on in two seconds :) x

Blaine picked his laptop up from the ground and put it on the bed as he moved his books. He opened the laptop, switched it on and waited till the internet connected and went into Skype seeing Kurt was already on. It would be their first time being on Skype since Kurt had gone to New York. They had only texted and called the other few days. Blaine pressed the call button and waited for Kurt to accept and he did and Kurt appeared on the screen.

"Why, hello beautiful stranger." Kurt grinned as Blaine laughed.

"Right back at you. How's New York?"

"It's great. Rachel showed me around more yesterday and it really is a beautiful city."

"Well that's good because there's a beautiful boy in it." Kurt blushed as he looked back up at the laptop.

"Kurt, is that Blaine you're talking to?" Blaine heard Rachel's excited voice. The next second Rachel appeared in the screen with Kurt.

"Blaine, oh my god, I miss you so much. How is Glee club? Is it falling apart without me? I wouldn't be surprised but with you there am sure you will do fine."

"It is fine, Rach. We're all just missing everyone, it feels so different now."

"What do you have to do this week in it?"

"Rachel, come on, let me talk to Blaine alone. Don't you have to get back to Ryan?"

"Fine. Talk to you soon, Blaine." Rachel smiled before moving away.

"Bye, Rachel." Blaine said with a laugh seeing Kurt looking towards the door giving her a bitch look before the door closed and turned back to the screen.

"Please don't tell me Ryan is her new boyfriend?"

"No. He's some guy friend from NYADA. But the way Rachel talks about him you swear he was. Anyways, how's school?"

"It's okay. Weird without you there but other than that it's fine. I think there's going to be another play this year; Mr Shue is still thinking what one to do, if we do one."

"Well if you are in it, which you will, I will be there, I promise. I miss you like crazy."

"I miss you to. " Blaine said his voice going sadder just as his mum knocked on the door and walked in.

"Sweetie, do you have any clothes to be…oh, Kurt, hello. How are you?" Kate Anderson said as she looked towards the laptop. Blaine looked a lot like his mum. Black curly hair, short, and big brown eyes like Blaine's and a thin woman with great dress sense.

"Hey Mrs Anderson. I am fine. How are you?"

"I am great Hun. How's New York treating you?"

"It's really good so far."

"I am glad to hear that. This one here misses you a lot." She looks down to Blaine who was giving her the look to please, go away.

"I miss him to."

"Well, I better leave you to alone. Blaine dinner will be ready in half an hour." She said and gave Kurt a wave before heading out of the room and shutting the door behind her.

"So, what's Mr Shue making you guys do this week in Glee?"

Blaine didn't say anything for a couple of seconds. "Um…we have to sing a song that reminds us of a good memory we have." Kurt coped on at how Blaine seemed to look a bit sadder by saying it.

"Well, that sounds awesome, but you don't seem too excited about it." Kurt said worried as Blaine shrugged his shoulders.

"I am it's just…all of my memory's that I can remember and have a song that reminds me of it are all memories of you. I just don't want to start singing one of those songs and end up in tears." Kurt didn't know what to say and other times when he didn't know what to say he could just hug or kiss Blaine and now, he can't.

"I wish I was there right now so I could give you the biggest hug. Long distance sucks." They both chuckled for a second before meeting eye other's eyes again.

"Yeah, but we can survive it."

"I know. Hey, how about you open our playlist on your iTunes and we listen to see which one you could sing for Glee club."

"Sound's perfect." That brought a smile to Blaine's face and for the next half an hour that's what they did. They had narrowed it down to three songs and Kurt said for Blaine to pick the song he wanted. Blaine's mum shouted up the stairs that dinner was ready.

"You better go have your dinner. And you better be eating health to." Kurt said serious as Blaine nodded his head.

"Yes mum." Blaine joked as they laughed.

"Talk to you tomorrow, okay?"

"Okay. I love you." Blaine smiled as did Kurt.

"I love you to. Bye." They ended the call and the screen went blank. Blaine let out a sad sign as he shut down his laptop and headed down into the kitchen and sat at the table. His mum brought over his plate of food and put in on the mat in front of him as she sat across from him. Blaine picked up his fork and started to poke at the pieces of chicken on his plate. His mum looked at him looking down at his plate. Blaine didn't realise tears were forming in his eyes.

"Are you okay, sweetheart?" his mum asked concerned and it took Blaine a few seconds to realise what she said. Blaine dropped his fork on his plate and rested his elbows on the table and his head in his hands as he shook his head. Tears started to fall from his eyes and his mum got up quickly and went around to Blaine bending down on her knees and pulling him into her arms as he cried into her shoulder.

"I-I miss him so much, mum. I wish I w-was with him." Blaine choked out sobbing into his mums shoulder.

"I know, Blaine, I know. You will be with him in a few months' time. Just think about the day you both will be there and together." Kate could feel her own tears fall as she saw her son break down in front of her. Blaine nodded his head as he cried some more. It was better to let it out then bottle it up. He knew it would get easier, it would just take time.


Blaine laid in his bed with his face still a little wet from all the tears. His eyes were all red and puffy and the crying had tired him out. Kate pulled the duvet over Blaine who was nearly asleep. She then picked up the laptop and books and put them on Blaine's desk. Blaine moved a bit without opening his eyes. He still had his clothes on him and he pulled up the duvet a little more. Kate walked back over to the bed and picked up the dog Kurt had gotten him and walked over to Blaine's side, putting the dog beside Blaine on the empty side of the bed. She kissed the top of Blaine's head.

"Night, Blaine." She said quietly as she headed to the door and turned back around when she got to the door. She hadn't put her son to bed in years and she missed it so much. She knew all kids grew out of it but it was nice being able to do it even though Blaine was seventeen. She knew how strong her son was and that Kurt and Blaine would be able to do the long distance relationship. She smiled as she turned off the light and headed out the door.


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