Our Distance
This Is Love Previous Chapter Story
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Our Distance: This Is Love

T - Words: 3,595 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Sep 04, 2013
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Author's Notes:

"Oh my god. Kurt…" Blaine turned the paper around for Kurt to see. He gets up from the couch and takes those few steps to Kurt. Blaine can't read his face at this second. "You got in!" Blaine shouted. He is overjoyed for Kurt, that he almost forgets Kurt is holding his letter in his hands.

"Blaine, I'm…I'm sorry, you…" Kurt turns around Blaine's letter. Kurt suddenly breaks out into a smile. "You are going to have to see me way more often." Blaine looks into Kurt's smiling eyes. He takes the page gently out of Kurt's hands. Kurt does the same. They both stare down at their letters, in disbelief.

Kurt Hummel, We are delighted to say you have been accepted in NYADA.

Blaine Anderson, We are delighted to say you have been accepted into NYADA.

"We got in. I can't believe it. I don't know what I feel right now." Blaine let out a laugh. Were those words really there? He reads over them again. There the same. He's still got accepted.

"Told you we are unstoppable together." Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms and picked him up as far as he could from the ground. Kurt laughed as he did. Blaine couldn't hold him up for too long. When his feet hit the ground again Kurt collides his lips with Blaine's.


"Kurt, come on. Please, please, please." Blaine held out his hand for Kurt to take. Kurt is sat at their table at prom. They had been sitting with Tina and Sam who had disappeared on the dance floor.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" Blaine shakes his head. His hand is still held out for Kurt. Kurt smiled at him. He takes Blaine's hand in his and gets up from his seat. As they make their way onto the dance floor, Aerosmith's song, I don't want to miss a thing starts.

"Of course that would start playing." Kurt said. He and Blaine are on the dance floor with other couples while they start to dance. Kurt's arms around Blaine's shoulders. Blaine's arms around Kurt's back. "Wait, Blaine, did you go up and ask for this song?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I guess we will never know." Blaine grinned. Kurt let his head fall down under Blaine's, laughing. After a few seconds he lifts his head back up and gives a little peck onto Blaine's lips. "Is it really bad, to love someone so much, that you just want to lock them away and let no one else have them?"

"I think that's called kidnapping, Kurt. No I am pretty sure that is kidnapping and stalking at the same time."

"What if it's the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with?"

"Oh well then am sure it's okay then." They both laughed. They held each other a little closer. Kurt dropped his arms down from Blaine's shoulders and onto his back. Blaine rested his head against the side of Kurt's and sang quietly into his ear.

I don't want to miss one smile I don't want to miss one kiss I just want to be with you right here right here with you just like this For all the rest of time

Kurt closed his eyes and listened to the perfect sound coming from Blaine's lips. Blaine's voice could put him to sleep. It had more than enough times. It's easier to fall asleep with Blaine there. And when he's not there, he still is.

"Were going be okay, no matter what, aren't we?" Kurt whispered as Blaine stopped singing. He could feel Blaine's smile against his neck.

"We always are."

5 Months Later

"Blaine, Blaine, get up." Kurt shook Blaine's shoulder as the alarm rang out. He is so tired he can't be bothered to turn of the alarm yet. He thought he would be used to this by now. He was in high school, but college is just taking all his strength out of him. Between that and spending as much time as he can with Rachel and Blaine, at the end of every day, he's exhausted. It's all worth it thought.

"Whaaaaat?" Blaine mumbles into his pillow that his face down in. "T-turn of the a-alarm." Blaine covers his ears with his pillow.

"Kurt, turn that god damn alarm of or it's going out the window! Some people don't have class early today!" Rachel shouts angrily from her room. He's awake. He doesn't need an alar when Rachel shouts at him. He finally turns it off and pushes his body up from the bed. He sits at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, nearly falling back asleep.

"No, I'm okay. I'm up." He gets up from the bed and into the bathroom.

When he comes back out he's brushing his teeth and looks over to their bed. Blaine still hasn't moved. Kurt pulls the covers of him and sits on top of his back.

"Kuuuurt, get off." Blaine twists his body around, Kurt falling to his side of the bed while he does.

"Morning grumpy." Kurt chuckles as he sits on the bed facing Blaine, still brushing his teeth. Blaine is lying on his back now.

"I feel dead." Blaine runs both his hands throw his hair, closing his eyes again.

"Go have a shower. It will wake you up. But go now if you're having one because we need to be leaving here in half an hour." Kurt hopes of the bed and back into the bathroom.

Sometimes he couldn't believe he is actually sitting here in NYADA.

He was devastated when he didn't get in the first time and he really felt like he wasn't going to try again. But he is so thankful right now that Blaine and Rachel pushed him to do it. He's smiling as he watches one of his classmates called; Toby is doing some acting with Jessica, another of Kurt's classmates. Jessica was the first person he talked to in this class and now she's one of his closest friends here. She's pretty. Her long red hair is probably the shiniest hair he has ever seen. She doesn't wear any make-up expect for lip-gloss that she puts on what feels like every hour. She's not thin, she's a health weight. She's a very passionate girl. And that's one of the reasons a lot of people like her. But most of all she's one of the kindest people he has met.

Kurt's phone beeps and he takes it out to check it. It's a message from Blaine. Kurt should be paying attending, but no one would notice.

I wish I took that extra acting class. Why did I pick to do Art? I suck. And plus, Josh will not stop looking at me, it's creepy, Kurt. HELP ME!

Hey, it's your own fault. I begged you to do this with me, but you just have to be different. Don't you? Just stare back at him and then he will be the one getting creped out, maybe, or maybe not. Just do it!

Kurt didn't notice Jessica taking a seat next to him. She looks at Kurt until he is done texting. She tries to be noisy and to see what he's texting, but her eye sight is not that good to see it from the way Kurt is holding it.

"Okay, so it's either Blaine you are texting or…Blaine." She sounds unsurprised. Kurt looks up from his phone and to Jessica's amused face. Up acting out a scene are Clay and Michael. Kurt wonders why she doesn't watch Clay perform, seeing as she has a massive crush on the tall, blue eyes, blonde short hair, sweet, hot guy.

"It's not always, Blaine." A smile tugs at his lips. "But yes, it's Blaine. You know I feel like you think the only person in my life is, Blaine." Kurt jokes. "And instead of annoying me, look at your boyfriend acting. Her mouth drops open when Kurt said it. She hit's him in the arm.

"Shut up. He is not." She whispers, folding her arms over her chest, pretending to sulk.

"But you want him to be. Don't hide it from me." Kurt's phone beeps again. He puts it on silent. It's not loud but he doesn't want to annoy anyone with it.

Ummm, so I did that. And I hate you. He came up to me and started flirting. Oh and here's the best bit, He asked me out, Kurt. Again, I hate you!

Awwwwwwww someone has a crush on you. So what did you say? Yes or No? Are you and Josh getting married anytime soon? I can plan the wedding.

"Okay, fine. But it's not like he would ever go on a date with me." Jessica said. She looks disappointed. Like he already said no. What she didn't know is Kurt had been talking to him yesterday after school. Clay had asked Kurt if Jessica had a boyfriend. Kurt had said no and asked why. The only answer he had got was no reason and had started asking Kurt how he is enjoying NYADA.

"Yeah it's not like you're a kind, beautiful, thoughtful, talented girl or anything." That made her smile. She leaned her head on Kurt's shoulder and watched Clay and Michael's performance. Kurt reads Blaine's text.

You are not funny. Telling him I have a fiancé didn't work either. It's like I didn't say it at all. He left me alone for now. I am not taking this class next semester. Maybe I'll just take up a next hobby like…pole dancing ;)

Sexy! That I would love to see. Okay, I got to go. I am on a mission. See you at three. x

If I don't get kidnapped by, Josh. But if I do you know where to find me!

Yeah, and I am the drama queen.

When class is over Kurt takes his time packing up his things. Clay is talking to their teacher. Jessica is standing waiting for Kurt, telling him to hurry glances at Clay and sees him saying goodbye to their teacher.

"Kurt? I will leave without you." Jessica said impatiently.

"Alright, alright. I'm done."

"Hey, guy's. Jessica your performance was pretty amazing. I'd love to get the chance to act with you, if you wanted to." He smiles brightly at her. It's like Kurt isn't there anymore. Jessica takes a few seconds to reply. Her hearts racing.

"Ye…yes I'd love to. When?" She tries to hide her nerves with a smile. She can feel her hands getting sweaty as she holds onto the strap of her bag tight.

"How about we practise after school tomorrow? If you aren't busy."

"Yes. That would be really great." She is going to die of happiness if Clay stays here any longer.

"Great, see you then. Bye, Kurt." Clay is out the door in seconds. Jessica lets out a little squeak and puts her hands over her mouth. Her eyes look to, Kurt.

"Aren't you glad I took my time now?" Kurt says, pleased with himself.

"Rachel, how is this funny?" Blaine asks. He isn't one bit amused at Rachel laughing at him. They are sat in the NYADA cafeteria waiting for Kurt and Jessica.

"He's harmless, Blaine. Take it as a compliment."

Kurt and Jessica enter the place, hyper. Blaine and Rachel look over to them amused.

"Didn't I tell you? I am taking all the credit for that."

"Credit for what?" Rachel asks. She's curious as to what they are on about. She had been listening to Blaine for the last half an hour; she needed someone else to talk to a bit for now.

"Clay. It's possible all because of Kurt that I am going to be acting with him tomorrow. He said he liked my performance today. And that he wants to try it with me." Kurt swears this is the happiest he has ever seen her. She takes a seat beside Rachel, telling Blaine and Rachel what had just happened. Kurt takes a seat beside Blaine, placing a kiss on his cheek and resting his elbow on the edge of Blaine's chair.

"Oh am glad you were planning this in your head when I was getting hit on." Blaine jokes.

"Shut up. Take it as a compliment." Kurt puts his arms around Blaine's shoulders and rests his forehead on the side of Blaine's head.

"That's what I said!" Just then Josh comes in.

"Oh my god." Jessica, Kurt, and Rachel look over to where Blaine is looking. "He's everywhere. He's going to come over here." Kurt gets an idea in his head. It might work, it might not work. Either way, Kurt gets to. Kurt puts his fingers under Blaine's chin and moves his head to face Kurt. Kurt kisses Blaine hard. He lets his fingers run up the back of Blaine's neck and into his hair, breaking the curls free from the gel. It doesn't take long for Blaine to kiss back, letting his hands wander to Kurt's waist.

Rachel looks back to Josh, who is turning away and walking back out of the place. She's surprised that actually worked. She laughs and looks back to Kurt and Blaine full on making out.

"Alright, guy's, he's gone." They don't hear her. "Hey!" She clicks her fingers in front of them. They pull their lips away from each other, still leaning their heads against each other when they look to Rachel.

"What?" They both say.

"It worked. He's gone."

"Worked? I don't know what you are talking about. I just wanted to make out with my beautiful fiancée." Kurt says with a serious face. Blaine nods his head to, to agree.

"You two are ridiculous."

"That was pretty hot." Jessica said with her mouth hanging open a little.

"Not when you don't see it all the time and have to live with them." Rachel says and shakes her head.

"You love us really. We are leaving now, so we won't be annoying you." Kurt stands up and puts his bag over his shoulder. Blaine put's on his coat. "And you," He looks to Jessica. "Tell me how tomorrow goes. Or I will hunt you down or I can ask Clay either." He winks at her. She smiles, grateful for what he did. Blaine picks up his bag and they say goodbye to Jessica and Rachel. They head out of NYADA and down the street.

"If we made a sex tape, I wonder how hot it would be?" Blaine nearly chokes on nothing. He looks to Kurt as they walk down the street. Kurt looks like he is really considering it.

"No, what? No. We are not making a sex tape." Blaine takes Kurt's hand in his and leans into his closer, whispering into Kurt's ear. "No matter how hot it would be." Blaine smirks and places a kiss on Kurt's cheek.

"Yeah, I guess we are too innocent for that."

"Oh, we are far from innocent, Mr Hummel."


Kurt is sat at a table beside the window at their new coffee shop they picked out a few weeks ago. He has his laptop open in front of him, looking up research for one of his classes at NYADA. He and Blaine had to each look up a famous actor or an actress in the 60's they liked and write about why they liked them? And how did they inspire them. Kurt is still trying to decide.

His eyes look out the window. It's dark and the lights outside light up the city as best they can. It's really beautiful. It really feels like such a perfect moment. Being in a little cosy coffee shop with Blaine, while they do their homework, all the while outside is dark, cold and beautifully lit up. People are rushing by the window. It's nice and warm in here to. Yes, it really is a moment that feels pretty amazing.

Blaine comes back with their coffee taking a seat opposite, Kurt. He sits Kurt's coffee down beside him and takes a sip of his own before putting it down beside him and taking out his books. Kurt's smiling at him. When Blaine gets the two books he wants out and put's them onto the table he meets Kurt's gaze.

"Are you having one of those perfect moment's right now?" Blaine asks. Kurt's not surprised that Blaine knows he is. After all they only happened when Blaine is there. He nods his head slowly before taking a sip of his warm coffee. The liquid falls down the back of his throat, warming him up more. Kurt puts it back down and looks back to his laptop. His eyes might be on the screen, but his mind wasn't. Blaine's the one looking at him now, with a massive smile on his face.

"Weren't you the one who thinks people staring are a little creepy?" Kurt chuckles, his eyes looking back to Blaine.

"It's not creepy when the boy in front of you is the one you are spending the rest of your life with." A smile spreads across Kurt's face at Blaine's words. He got him there. Blaine moves his hand across the table and entwines his fingers through Kurt's.

"I knew we would make it. I never had any doubt about us making it through a year apart. If we can do that Blaine, we can pretty much do anything, together." Blaine agreed. It was a tough, long year. But they made it. Sitting here now and thinking they did it, that they are still here, stronger than ever. He has that feeling just like Kurt that they can make it through anything. It's difference for everyone. So, that's why they didn't listen to the stories of couples breaking up because they couldn't do it anymore. But they weren't them people and they weren't Kurt and Blaine.

"I'm pretty sure to, angel." Blaine gently lets his hand come away from Kurt's. Kurt moaned at the loss of Blaine's hand on his. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Always." Kurt pulls his eyes away from Blaine's smiling face and back out the window. Blaine opened his book to the page he left off at last and read.

I guess it's like a dream when you really are living your dream. But it's not a dream anymore because you aren't going to wake up in a while and remember it wasn't real. Kurt felt like he was always chasing a dream that he couldn't have, that maybe it would always just be at night he was living it, and it would never be reality to him. Then without knowing, he got two dream's, not just one. He could live without the other as long as he always had Blaine. No matter how much he wanted an amazing career, it wasn't as amazing if he didn't have Blaine standing right beside him.

Blaine thinks back to this time last year when he was back in Ohio without, Kurt. Trying to get through every day without seeing him. There were times where yes, he felt like he couldn't do it anymore. But it didn't last long when he thought of being in New York with Kurt the following year. It wasn't just something to get him through the year without, Kurt and then it would never happen, he knew it would. And he just had to ring Kurt, to listen to his voice and be okay for a while. He was going to New York, whether he had gotten into a college or not, it's where he belonged and it's where Kurt is and it's the only place he could ever see himself being for now.

Things will change, they will grow, they will have so many more memories, but one thing that will stay the same is them being together, being so in love with each other. Wherever they are in a year, in five, in twenty, they know they will still be in love, and falling for each other more and more every day. It's a love they have for each other they thought they might never find, until that one day. It's their love that pulled them through the year apart from each other. It wasn't a long distance between them for that year, it was their distance, and their distance is closer than ever, even when they are miles apart in steps, but not in their hearts.

Kurt runs his hand back along the table to take Blaine's in his. Blaine doesn't look up. He keeps reading while wrapping his fingers around Kurt's.

"I think your hand likes holding my hand a lot. But that's okay because it likes holding on to yours." Blaine looks to their joined hands and then to a smiling Kurt. That smile never failed to make Blaine smile too.

"They just won't and never will let go."

"Oh my god. Kurt…" Blaine turned the paper around for Kurt to see. He gets up from the couch and takes those few steps to Kurt. Blaine can't read his face at this second. "You got in!" Blaine shouted. He is overjoyed for Kurt, that he almost forgets Kurt is holding his letter in his hands.

"Blaine, I'm…I'm sorry, you…" Kurt turns around Blaine's letter. Kurt suddenly breaks out into a smile. "You are going to have to see me way more often." Blaine looks into Kurt's smiling eyes. He takes the page gently out of Kurt's hands. Kurt does the same. They both stare down at their letters, in disbelief.

Kurt Hummel, We are delighted to say you have been accepted in NYADA.

Blaine Anderson, We are delighted to say you have been accepted into NYADA.

"We got in. I can't believe it. I don't know what I feel right now." Blaine let out a laugh. Were those words really there? He reads over them again. There the same. He's still got accepted.

"Told you we are unstoppable together." Blaine pulled Kurt into his arms and picked him up as far as he could from the ground. Kurt laughed as he did. Blaine couldn't hold him up for too long. When his feet hit the ground again Kurt collides his lips with Blaine's.


"Kurt, come on. Please, please, please." Blaine held out his hand for Kurt to take. Kurt is sat at their table at prom. They had been sitting with Tina and Sam who had disappeared on the dance floor.

"I'm not getting out of this, am I?" Blaine shakes his head. His hand is still held out for Kurt. Kurt smiled at him. He takes Blaine's hand in his and gets up from his seat. As they make their way onto the dance floor, Aerosmith's song, I don't want to miss a thing starts.

"Of course that would start playing." Kurt said. He and Blaine are on the dance floor with other couples while they start to dance. Kurt's arms around Blaine's shoulders. Blaine's arms around Kurt's back. "Wait, Blaine, did you go up and ask for this song?"

"Maybe, maybe not. I guess we will never know." Blaine grinned. Kurt let his head fall down under Blaine's, laughing. After a few seconds he lifts his head back up and gives a little peck onto Blaine's lips. "Is it really bad, to love someone so much, that you just want to lock them away and let no one else have them?"

"I think that's called kidnapping, Kurt. No I am pretty sure that is kidnapping and stalking at the same time."

"What if it's the person you're going to spend the rest of your life with?"

"Oh well then am sure it's okay then." They both laughed. They held each other a little closer. Kurt dropped his arms down from Blaine's shoulders and onto his back. Blaine rested his head against the side of Kurt's and sang quietly into his ear.

I don't want to miss one smile I don't want to miss one kiss I just want to be with you right here right here with you just like this For all the rest of time

Kurt closed his eyes and listened to the perfect sound coming from Blaine's lips. Blaine's voice could put him to sleep. It had more than enough times. It's easier to fall asleep with Blaine there. And when he's not there, he still is.

"Were going be okay, no matter what, aren't we?" Kurt whispered as Blaine stopped singing. He could feel Blaine's smile against his neck.

"We always are."

5 Months Later

"Blaine, Blaine, get up." Kurt shook Blaine's shoulder as the alarm rang out. He is so tired he can't be bothered to turn of the alarm yet. He thought he would be used to this by now. He was in high school, but college is just taking all his strength out of him. Between that and spending as much time as he can with Rachel and Blaine, at the end of every day, he's exhausted. It's all worth it thought.

"Whaaaaat?" Blaine mumbles into his pillow that his face down in. "T-turn of the a-alarm." Blaine covers his ears with his pillow.

"Kurt, turn that god damn alarm of or it's going out the window! Some people don't have class early today!" Rachel shouts angrily from her room. He's awake. He doesn't need an alar when Rachel shouts at him. He finally turns it off and pushes his body up from the bed. He sits at the edge of the bed with his head in his hands, nearly falling back asleep.

"No, I'm okay. I'm up." He gets up from the bed and into the bathroom.

When he comes back out he's brushing his teeth and looks over to their bed. Blaine still hasn't moved. Kurt pulls the covers of him and sits on top of his back.

"Kuuuurt, get off." Blaine twists his body around, Kurt falling to his side of the bed while he does.

"Morning grumpy." Kurt chuckles as he sits on the bed facing Blaine, still brushing his teeth. Blaine is lying on his back now.

"I feel dead." Blaine runs both his hands throw his hair, closing his eyes again.

"Go have a shower. It will wake you up. But go now if you're having one because we need to be leaving here in half an hour." Kurt hopes of the bed and back into the bathroom.

Sometimes he couldn't believe he is actually sitting here in NYADA.

He was devastated when he didn't get in the first time and he really felt like he wasn't going to try again. But he is so thankful right now that Blaine and Rachel pushed him to do it. He's smiling as he watches one of his classmates called; Toby is doing some acting with Jessica, another of Kurt's classmates. Jessica was the first person he talked to in this class and now she's one of his closest friends here. She's pretty. Her long red hair is probably the shiniest hair he has ever seen. She doesn't wear any make-up expect for lip-gloss that she puts on what feels like every hour. She's not thin, she's a health weight. She's a very passionate girl. And that's one of the reasons a lot of people like her. But most of all she's one of the kindest people he has met.

Kurt's phone beeps and he takes it out to check it. It's a message from Blaine. Kurt should be paying attending, but no one would notice.

I wish I took that extra acting class. Why did I pick to do Art? I suck. And plus, Josh will not stop looking at me, it's creepy, Kurt. HELP ME!

Hey, it's your own fault. I begged you to do this with me, but you just have to be different. Don't you? Just stare back at him and then he will be the one getting creped out, maybe, or maybe not. Just do it!

Kurt didn't notice Jessica taking a seat next to him. She looks at Kurt until he is done texting. She tries to be noisy and to see what he's texting, but her eye sight is not that good to see it from the way Kurt is holding it.

"Okay, so it's either Blaine you are texting or…Blaine." She sounds unsurprised. Kurt looks up from his phone and to Jessica's amused face. Up acting out a scene are Clay and Michael. Kurt wonders why she doesn't watch Clay perform, seeing as she has a massive crush on the tall, blue eyes, blonde short hair, sweet, hot guy.

"It's not always, Blaine." A smile tugs at his lips. "But yes, it's Blaine. You know I feel like you think the only person in my life is, Blaine." Kurt jokes. "And instead of annoying me, look at your boyfriend acting. Her mouth drops open when Kurt said it. She hit's him in the arm.

"Shut up. He is not." She whispers, folding her arms over her chest, pretending to sulk.

"But you want him to be. Don't hide it from me." Kurt's phone beeps again. He puts it on silent. It's not loud but he doesn't want to annoy anyone with it.

Ummm, so I did that. And I hate you. He came up to me and started flirting. Oh and here's the best bit, He asked me out, Kurt. Again, I hate you!

Awwwwwwww someone has a crush on you. So what did you say? Yes or No? Are you and Josh getting married anytime soon? I can plan the wedding.

"Okay, fine. But it's not like he would ever go on a date with me." Jessica said. She looks disappointed. Like he already said no. What she didn't know is Kurt had been talking to him yesterday after school. Clay had asked Kurt if Jessica had a boyfriend. Kurt had said no and asked why. The only answer he had got was no reason and had started asking Kurt how he is enjoying NYADA.

"Yeah it's not like you're a kind, beautiful, thoughtful, talented girl or anything." That made her smile. She leaned her head on Kurt's shoulder and watched Clay and Michael's performance. Kurt reads Blaine's text.

You are not funny. Telling him I have a fiancé didn't work either. It's like I didn't say it at all. He left me alone for now. I am not taking this class next semester. Maybe I'll just take up a next hobby like…pole dancing ;)

Sexy! That I would love to see. Okay, I got to go. I am on a mission. See you at three. x

If I don't get kidnapped by, Josh. But if I do you know where to find me!

Yeah, and I am the drama queen.

When class is over Kurt takes his time packing up his things. Clay is talking to their teacher. Jessica is standing waiting for Kurt, telling him to hurry glances at Clay and sees him saying goodbye to their teacher.

"Kurt? I will leave without you." Jessica said impatiently.

"Alright, alright. I'm done."

"Hey, guy's. Jessica your performance was pretty amazing. I'd love to get the chance to act with you, if you wanted to." He smiles brightly at her. It's like Kurt isn't there anymore. Jessica takes a few seconds to reply. Her hearts racing.

"Ye…yes I'd love to. When?" She tries to hide her nerves with a smile. She can feel her hands getting sweaty as she holds onto the strap of her bag tight.

"How about we practise after school tomorrow? If you aren't busy."

"Yes. That would be really great." She is going to die of happiness if Clay stays here any longer.

"Great, see you then. Bye, Kurt." Clay is out the door in seconds. Jessica lets out a little squeak and puts her hands over her mouth. Her eyes look to, Kurt.

"Aren't you glad I took my time now?" Kurt says, pleased with himself.

"Rachel, how is this funny?" Blaine asks. He isn't one bit amused at Rachel laughing at him. They are sat in the NYADA cafeteria waiting for Kurt and Jessica.

"He's harmless, Blaine. Take it as a compliment."

Kurt and Jessica enter the place, hyper. Blaine and Rachel look over to them amused.

"Didn't I tell you? I am taking all the credit for that."

"Credit for what?" Rachel asks. She's curious as to what they are on about. She had been listening to Blaine for the last half an hour; she needed someone else to talk to a bit for now.

"Clay. It's possible all because of Kurt that I am going to be acting with him tomorrow. He said he liked my performance today. And that he wants to try it with me." Kurt swears this is the happiest he has ever seen her. She takes a seat beside Rachel, telling Blaine and Rachel what had just happened. Kurt takes a seat beside Blaine, placing a kiss on his cheek and resting his elbow on the edge of Blaine's chair.

"Oh am glad you were planning this in your head when I was getting hit on." Blaine jokes.

"Shut up. Take it as a compliment." Kurt puts his arms around Blaine's shoulders and rests his forehead on the side of Blaine's head.

"That's what I said!" Just then Josh comes in.

"Oh my god." Jessica, Kurt, and Rachel look over to where Blaine is looking. "He's everywhere. He's going to come over here." Kurt gets an idea in his head. It might work, it might not work. Either way, Kurt gets to. Kurt puts his fingers under Blaine's chin and moves his head to face Kurt. Kurt kisses Blaine hard. He lets his fingers run up the back of Blaine's neck and into his hair, breaking the curls free from the gel. It doesn't take long for Blaine to kiss back, letting his hands wander to Kurt's waist.

Rachel looks back to Josh, who is turning away and walking back out of the place. She's surprised that actually worked. She laughs and looks back to Kurt and Blaine full on making out.

"Alright, guy's, he's gone." They don't hear her. "Hey!" She clicks her fingers in front of them. They pull their lips away from each other, still leaning their heads against each other when they look to Rachel.

"What?" They both say.

"It worked. He's gone."

"Worked? I don't know what you are talking about. I just wanted to make out with my beautiful fiancée." Kurt says with a serious face. Blaine nods his head to, to agree.

"You two are ridiculous."

"That was pretty hot." Jessica said with her mouth hanging open a little.

"Not when you don't see it all the time and have to live with them." Rachel says and shakes her head.

"You love us really. We are leaving now, so we won't be annoying you." Kurt stands up and puts his bag over his shoulder. Blaine put's on his coat. "And you," He looks to Jessica. "Tell me how tomorrow goes. Or I will hunt you down or I can ask Clay either." He winks at her. She smiles, grateful for what he did. Blaine picks up his bag and they say goodbye to Jessica and Rachel. They head out of NYADA and down the street.

"If we made a sex tape, I wonder how hot it would be?" Blaine nearly chokes on nothing. He looks to Kurt as they walk down the street. Kurt looks like he is really considering it.

"No, what? No. We are not making a sex tape." Blaine takes Kurt's hand in his and leans into his closer, whispering into Kurt's ear. "No matter how hot it would be." Blaine smirks and places a kiss on Kurt's cheek.

"Yeah, I guess we are too innocent for that."

"Oh, we are far from innocent, Mr Hummel."


Kurt is sat at a table beside the window at their new coffee shop they picked out a few weeks ago. He has his laptop open in front of him, looking up research for one of his classes at NYADA. He and Blaine had to each look up a famous actor or an actress in the 60's they liked and write about why they liked them? And how did they inspire them. Kurt is still trying to decide.

His eyes look out the window. It's dark and the lights outside light up the city as best they can. It's really beautiful. It really feels like such a perfect moment. Being in a little cosy coffee shop with Blaine, while they do their homework, all the while outside is dark, cold and beautifully lit up. People are rushing by the window. It's nice and warm in here to. Yes, it really is a moment that feels pretty amazing.

Blaine comes back with their coffee taking a seat opposite, Kurt. He sits Kurt's coffee down beside him and takes a sip of his own before putting it down beside him and taking out his books. Kurt's smiling at him. When Blaine gets the two books he wants out and put's them onto the table he meets Kurt's gaze.

"Are you having one of those perfect moment's right now?" Blaine asks. Kurt's not surprised that Blaine knows he is. After all they only happened when Blaine is there. He nods his head slowly before taking a sip of his warm coffee. The liquid falls down the back of his throat, warming him up more. Kurt puts it back down and looks back to his laptop. His eyes might be on the screen, but his mind wasn't. Blaine's the one looking at him now, with a massive smile on his face.

"Weren't you the one who thinks people staring are a little creepy?" Kurt chuckles, his eyes looking back to Blaine.

"It's not creepy when the boy in front of you is the one you are spending the rest of your life with." A smile spreads across Kurt's face at Blaine's words. He got him there. Blaine moves his hand across the table and entwines his fingers through Kurt's.

"I knew we would make it. I never had any doubt about us making it through a year apart. If we can do that Blaine, we can pretty much do anything, together." Blaine agreed. It was a tough, long year. But they made it. Sitting here now and thinking they did it, that they are still here, stronger than ever. He has that feeling just like Kurt that they can make it through anything. It's difference for everyone. So, that's why they didn't listen to the stories of couples breaking up because they couldn't do it anymore. But they weren't them people and they weren't Kurt and Blaine.

"I'm pretty sure to, angel." Blaine gently lets his hand come away from Kurt's. Kurt moaned at the loss of Blaine's hand on his. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Always." Kurt pulls his eyes away from Blaine's smiling face and back out the window. Blaine opened his book to the page he left off at last and read.

I guess it's like a dream when you really are living your dream. But it's not a dream anymore because you aren't going to wake up in a while and remember it wasn't real. Kurt felt like he was always chasing a dream that he couldn't have, that maybe it would always just be at night he was living it, and it would never be reality to him. Then without knowing, he got two dream's, not just one. He could live without the other as long as he always had Blaine. No matter how much he wanted an amazing career, it wasn't as amazing if he didn't have Blaine standing right beside him.

Blaine thinks back to this time last year when he was back in Ohio without, Kurt. Trying to get through every day without seeing him. There were times where yes, he felt like he couldn't do it anymore. But it didn't last long when he thought of being in New York with Kurt the following year. It wasn't just something to get him through the year without, Kurt and then it would never happen, he knew it would. And he just had to ring Kurt, to listen to his voice and be okay for a while. He was going to New York, whether he had gotten into a college or not, it's where he belonged and it's where Kurt is and it's the only place he could ever see himself being for now.

Things will change, they will grow, they will have so many more memories, but one thing that will stay the same is them being together, being so in love with each other. Wherever they are in a year, in five, in twenty, they know they will still be in love, and falling for each other more and more every day. It's a love they have for each other they thought they might never find, until that one day. It's their love that pulled them through the year apart from each other. It wasn't a long distance between them for that year, it was their distance, and their distance is closer than ever, even when they are miles apart in steps, but not in their hearts.

Kurt runs his hand back along the table to take Blaine's in his. Blaine doesn't look up. He keeps reading while wrapping his fingers around Kurt's.

"I think your hand likes holding my hand a lot. But that's okay because it likes holding on to yours." Blaine looks to their joined hands and then to a smiling Kurt. That smile never failed to make Blaine smile too.

"They just won't and never will let go."


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