Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Blaine is sat in the library studying. He could never study at home. There would be always something that would distract him. Or someone who would want to talk. So he put his phone on silent and put it into his bag. Went to the library on his own and got a table on his own. There was hardly anyone in the library expect for the new Librarian sat at the top desk, who always smiled at Blaine when he comes in.
He had been looking over his notes for the past hour. His Maths copy is open in front of him, rewriting the question and answer down in his copy. It is the best way he can remember how to do the sums. He did love Maths. He loved how it got his brain really thinking and the smile on his face when he got it. Blaine was nearly always the first one to understand how to do new math questions that they would get. He would always look around the classroom to see if anyone else was done. But all he got was students asleep and others with confused faces. Oh and Sam copying his answers, without letting Blaine see. But Blaine always caught him. He would laugh and tell Sam I am not going to be there on the day of our exam.
They're exams start two days from now and Blaine is getting as much of studying done as he could. His Maths and Geography exam is this week. The rest is next week. Just one week and two days from now it will be his Graduation. That's what he tells himself to get through studying. Next Friday, this will all be over.
Two hours later and he's still here. Still at Maths. And yes, his mind is about to explode. He doesn't even know what time it is. The library is staying open till 9 every day until the exams are over, giving the students a place to study if needed. Blaine lifts up his head to quickly from his box and the pain in his neck shots up it. He places his hand on his neck, somehow like it would ease the pain. He's pretty sure it wasn't because of his hand, but the pain starts to fade out slowly.
He looks around the library, slowly, not hurting his neck. More people had come in in the last two hours. He thinks about leaving, but he really needs to get this finished. Another hour wouldn't hurt, would it?
Blaine's head is lying on his book. His red hood up over his head. He's sound asleep when Kurt's standing beside him. He can't help but chuckle. He bends down on Blaine's side where his face is facing. Kurt gently places a hand on Blaine's shoulder and shakes him a little. Blaine doesn't move. Kurt gives him another little shake, careful not to scare him when he wakes up.
"Mmm," Blaine mumbles. His eyes don't open. Kurt is not letting his fall back asleep. It can be impossible to wake Blaine up sometimes without having to shake him hard. If Kurt did that here people would look at him like he was abusing Blaine or something. So Kurt slaps him gently on the face, so no one can see him doing it.
Now he's awake. Blaine opens his left eye and looks straight to Kurt.
"How's my little nerdy boy?" Kurt smiles amused as he looks at Blaine trying to remember where he is. Blaine twists his head to look in front of him and see's shelves filled with books. He looks back to Kurt confused and lifts his head up slowly, yeah; of course the pain in his neck is back. As he moves his neck side to side, he looks down at his book and see's it's maths. Now he remembers. He takes his hands away from his neck and rubs them across his face and looks back down to Kurt.
"H-how did you know…I was h-here?" Blaine asks through his yawning.
"Where else would you be if you weren't at home or with me?" Blaine pretends to look offended by that.
"I have friends, thank you." Blaine chuckled as he shut over his Maths book. "Stupid Maths. I am not going to pass it." Blaine's voice suddenly turns to disappointment. Kurt stands back up and gets Blaine's bag of the chair.
"Well, that's crap. Of course you are. I think you forget your Blaine Anderson sometimes." Kurt puts all of Blaine's stuff into his bag. Blaine pulls down the hood of his hoodie. "Who is it that helped me last year with mine? So stop talking like that." Kurt zips up Blaine's bag and puts it onto his own shoulder. "Now, please hurry up and get up. We are going for a late dinner. When is the last time you ate today Mr?" Kurt is looking at him seriously now. Blaine could lie and say about two hours ago, but Kurt would know by the look on his face.
"At lunch," Blaine says guilty.
"I will kill you because of that."
"I thought we were getting dinner."
"Dinner first. Then I kill you. Deal?" Kurt jokes. Blaine nods.
"I'll eat slowly then." They both laugh and head out of the library.
It is later than usually and at the worst time. It's today. The weekend before they're last exams. But what can they do. This is just as important as their exams. Luckily it was just half an hour out of Lima. It was meant to be held back in Chicago again but that got cancelled after a double booking of where it was going to be held. By the time they got a venue and a weekend, this is how it got to being at an Arts school and on the weekend before their last exams.
The other two acts had already performed and the last one before them is on right now. They are nearly finished. Blaine and Sam stood at the side of the stage looking out at them.
"Can we beat them? I mean the other two groups were good, but we can beat them. But-"
"Sam, yes, we are going to do this. We put everything we have into this, we are going win, not because we are good, because as a team New Directions is unstoppable." Sam smiled brightly at that. Just as Sam is about to say something Mr Schue calls for a show circle. Sam and Blaine head over with the rest of the group and stand in the circle. Mr Schue looks at them all, smiling. He hasn't planned on what to say, he never does, it just comes out. You can't plan on what to say for a moment like this.
"I want you all to look back on this moment not as a competition, but as a group of friends having the time of their lives. Because we did, because we are. Because we always will." Mr Schue puts his hand in the middle as everyone does the same. "Let's make this a moment to remember."
You are what you love
Not who loves you
In a world full of the word yes
I'm here to scream
All of New Directions step forward as Sam sings that last line. They all sing the chorus together. They all look out to the crowd trying to spot their friends, their family, their boyfriend or girlfriend. They're singing with all their heart. As Artie, then Tina sing there parts, Blaine steps forward and sings his lines. His eyes catch onto Kurt's. So he sings it. He sings for everyone. He sings for Kurt. He sings for how far they have made it. He sings for how happy he is right now.
I will defend the faith
Going down swinging
I will save the songs
That we can't stop singing
The girls are on stage now singing. The boys wait until the song is over for them to go back on and join them for the last song. Two minutes later and the boys are running back on the stage to join the girls. Sam is standing beside him. Their backs are turned to the audition, waiting for the next song to start.
"One last time," Sam whispers to Blaine. Blaine looks to Sam, grinning.
"One last time,"
The music starts and Blaine's smile could not be any bigger.
I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
Blaine turns around to the crowd and continues to sing. He walks down the steps.
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything
Everyone sings their parts with everything they have. The chorus is the most powerful when they all sing together. One more chorus. It's the most powerful they have ever sounded together. They know this is the last time on a stage together and they are going down swinging.
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Everyone stands in there finally place and they all look to Blaine as he sings the last few lines. Blaine's eyes are on Kurt as he does.
You'll hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me ROAR...
There's silent for two seconds, before Kurt is the first one standing up and cheering making Blaine laugh. Straight after, everyone else is up cheering.
All the New Directions run to Blaine and get into a massive group hug. They did it. They did it...one last time.
They won.
Blaine signed his name on the front of the paper and walked up to the front of the classroom and held out his paper in front of Mrs. Hope. She smiled and took the paper, putting it beside her. She took a sheet of paper beside her and put it in front of Blaine to sign his name, to show when he had his exam done. He happily signed his name.
"Thank you, Blaine." She whispered as to not disturb the others students.
Blaine walks out the door and shuts it gently behind him. He clicked his pen as he walked down the corridor and pushed open the doors and walked outside. He put the pen in his pocket. He looked around him, no one is around. Everyone is still inside doing their exam. Where was...
"You're finished!" Blaine doesn't have time to turn around and see Kurt running towards him. Kurt hugs him tightly from behind. He gives Blaine a kiss on his cheek. Blaine holds onto Kurt's arms around his chest and moves his head to the side to meet Kurt's eyes. "We got there, Blaine. We got there." Blaine turns his body around fully and puts his hand on Kurt's cheek and the other on his back, pulling him in closer.
"We were always going to." It feels like the best kiss in the world. The feeling passes through both of them. It's like a dream. Maybe it is a dream. When they think about everything that happened in the year, the days they thought they might break, the days where their hearts broke for each other, the days it got too much and felt like they were on the edge of giving up. But then it was this moment that pulled them through it all. And being in that moment right now, it doesn't feel real. But it is. It's more than real.
"Blaine Anderson," Cheers come from the audition filled with friends and family as they watch the class of 2013 graduate. Blaine walks out onto the stage and bows to the audition, laughing. Kurt shakes his head. He's standing beside his dad and Carole on one side, Blaine's mum and dad on the other. Cooper wished he could have been here. He wasn't able to make it because he is in Ireland shooting scenes for a new film by Danny Boyle. He had rang Blaine just before the graduation started and told him how proud he is of him and how much he wished he could be understood.
Kurt's parents and Blaine's look equal as proud of Blaine. And then there's Kurt who is more than proud of him.
Blaine takes his certificate from Emma and hugs her. He smiles out to the audition, then to his parents bursting with pride, then to Burt and Carole. Burt's cheering. And then his eyes wander over to Kurt, like they always do. Kurt gives him a wink and mouths I love you.
I love you, Blaine mouths back.
Blaine joins his class. Next to come out is Sam, who dances his way out before grabbing his certificate and standing beside Blaine. He gives Blaine a high five. They look back out to the audition.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the class of 2013." Principal Figgins announces. The cheers and claps get louder. It hits them that this is the last time they will stand together as a class. But it's not the last time they will stand as friends.
"There's our little boy. We are so proud of you!" Blaine's mum gives him a big kiss on his cheek. "Why did you grow up so fast?" She can't help but feel emotional. The tears start to form in her eyes.
"Mum, don't. If you do, I will." Blaine said. He pulls her into a hug.
"Well, he didn't grow up in the physical way." His Dad jokes to lighten the mood. It does. Blaine and his Mum pull away chuckling. His Dad takes his turn to hug his son in a tight hug.
"I'm proud of you no matter what, son. I promise." He whispers as they hug. Blaine closes his eyes tight, fighting back the tears. Those words meant the world to Blaine.
"Thank you, Dad." Blaine manages to get out without his voice cracking.
Kurt, Burt and Carole are making their way down the corridor. There's hardly anyone else in the corridor, just a few more parents and their kids. Blaine's takes of his robe and is folding it up when Kurt, Burt and Carole get to them. His Mum takes it of him. Carole and Burt give him a hug and congrats him.
"I'm starving. Shall we four head to the restaurant while Blaine and Kurt clear out Blaine's locker?" Burt asks and they agree.
"Good idea. Don't be long boys. We aren't waiting all day for you two to meet us there." Blaine's mum says.
"We won't be long." Blaine said. Their parent's head on up the corridor.
"We are free at last!" Artie announces as he comes up behind them with Sam, Brittany and Tina.
"Hell yeah! Kurt, Blaine, are you guys going to come to Artie's tonight?" Sam askes excited.
"They better be or I am going to kick their asses." Tina jokes.
"Yes, yes we are. It wouldn't be a party without us." Kurt smirks.
"Don't be late, okay? Can't have you guy's missing all the fun." They agree they won't and the rest head on to meet their parent's before everyone heads to Arties at ten. Blaine and Kurt walk around the corner and go to Blaine's locker. Blaine opens it, taking the box out he put in their yesterday to bring all his stuff home in.
"You okay?" Blaine's just staring into his locker when Kurt asks.
"Yeah, it's just...weird how it's all over." Blaine looks to Kurt. Kurt can see the sadness in his eyes, but he can also see the happiness. He remembered feeling like that a year ago. Being over joyed because he was leaving, but sad because this is where he made his best friends. Where Glee club was. Where Blaine was still going to be.
One year ago he dreamed of this day. Dreamed of Blaine and him making it. And they did. They made it.
"School's over, Blaine. It's the only thing that's over, but everything thing else, it's all still here." Blaine nodded his head and smiled to him.
"You're right. It's still here." He turns back to his locker and starts to take out his things.
Blaine has everything in the box out of his locker. He puts the box to the ground and grabs a marker out of it. He starts writing on the locker door.
"The straight A student vandalises his locker. Blaine's turned bad." Kurt laughs as does Blaine. Blaine finishes writing on his door and hands the marker to Kurt.
"Sign your name." Kurt does so. He signs it beside where Blaine signed his, just under a quote that says...
If you're going through hell, keep going. We did. Your heart can to.
Blaine takes one last look in his locker and shuts it. It's time to leave it all behind.
"I am ridiculous proud of you. You are going to do great things in this world, Blaine." Blaine puts his hands on Kurt's waist and pulls him closer to him. Kurt drops his arms over Blaine's shoulders.
"We will be doing great things, together." Blaine leans in and catches Kurt's lips. They stand there for what only feels like seconds, before Kurt pulls his head back a little.
"Now when you say great things together do you mean, changing the world great things together? Or just our kind of great things together." Kurt raises an eyebrow, smirking.
"Kurt, shut up and just kiss me you, idiot." Blaine chuckles before kissing Kurt again. Blaine pushes Kurt gentle against the lockers, his hands wandering up Kurt's back.
"Mmm, can we s-skip...the dinner and...the p-part tonight." Kurt gets the words out through breathes.
"They would kill us. Our parent's and our friends." Blaine throws his head back for a second, wishing they could. He looks back to Kurt. "But maybe, just maybe, the sooner we go, the sooner we can leave."
"Yes, sounds like a plan." Kurt nods his head slowly. He looks down to Blaine's lips that are parted slightly. He looks back up to Blaine's eyes. "Want to make out like five minutes more?"
"Do I want to make out with my fiance? Only always." Kurt put his fingers on the back of Blaine's neck and pulled him back in. They could feel the smile from each other and honestly, they couldn't be happier right now. Everything was falling into place.
"I can't. I can't. I can't. I just...no." Kurt is pacing around his living room. He keeps his eyes on the letter the whole time as he does so. "Oh god, I feel so sick." Blaine is sitting on the couch looking towards the letters too.
They had both got there letters from NYADA this morning. Three days after the graduation. Blaine had gotten his and rang Kurt straight away. Blaine's parent's weren't at home at the time, so he decided to just ring Kurt and head over to his. No one is home at Kurt's either, expect for Blaine and Kurt.
"Okay, no matter when we open them the answer is still going to be the same, right? It can't change. We both did the best we could in our auditions and if we don't get it...its okay...it will be okay." Blaine doesn't take his eyes of the letters. Kurt sits beside him and grabs Blaine's hand and puts his head onto Blaine's shoulder.
"I can't take a no again, I just, I can't." Kurt mumbles. Blaine knows it's hard for himself, but for Kurt it's his second time and it was hard enough to get him to audition again. Rachel had to drag him to the audition that morning. He was too scared to do it, but Rachel had talked some sense into him.
"If it's a no, then we move on. There are more colleges and this isn't the only way we can get to live our dream. It's us that is what us makes us live our dream, not a college, it just helps. So Kurt, no matter what those letters say..." Kurt lifts his head up to look into Blaine's eyes. "A college just helps us get there, but it doesn't get us there, we get ourselves there. We will get each other there, okay?" Blaine does believe that. Some people forgot that it's them, that they make themselves get there, not a school, not a college, them.
Kurt closes his eyes and lets out a long breath. A few seconds pass before Kurt opens his eyes and nods his head with a smile. "Okay."
"Do you want to open mine and I will open yours?" Kurt doesn't need to think about it. He agrees and reaches for the letters. He hands Blaine his and Kurt takes Blaine's. Kurt stands back up not being able to sit.
Blaine and Kurt start to open the letters. When they have the seal broken they take out the letters and hold them in their hands. They don't unfold them yet.
"Ready?" Blaine asks through the nerves.
"No," Kurt laughs nervously. Blaine lets out a nervous laugh to. He doesn't know how Kurt can go through this again. Once is bad enough. But then it is, Kurt.
"On the count of two," Kurt nods. "One...Two." They both unfold the letters at the same time and read them.
They both just read the first line.
Blaine's the first one to look up at, Kurt.
Kurt lifts his head up slowly and looks to, Blaine.
Blaine is sat in the library studying. He could never study at home. There would be always something that would distract him. Or someone who would want to talk. So he put his phone on silent and put it into his bag. Went to the library on his own and got a table on his own. There was hardly anyone in the library expect for the new Librarian sat at the top desk, who always smiled at Blaine when he comes in.
He had been looking over his notes for the past hour. His Maths copy is open in front of him, rewriting the question and answer down in his copy. It is the best way he can remember how to do the sums. He did love Maths. He loved how it got his brain really thinking and the smile on his face when he got it. Blaine was nearly always the first one to understand how to do new math questions that they would get. He would always look around the classroom to see if anyone else was done. But all he got was students asleep and others with confused faces. Oh and Sam copying his answers, without letting Blaine see. But Blaine always caught him. He would laugh and tell Sam I am not going to be there on the day of our exam.
They're exams start two days from now and Blaine is getting as much of studying done as he could. His Maths and Geography exam is this week. The rest is next week. Just one week and two days from now it will be his Graduation. That's what he tells himself to get through studying. Next Friday, this will all be over.
Two hours later and he's still here. Still at Maths. And yes, his mind is about to explode. He doesn't even know what time it is. The library is staying open till 9 every day until the exams are over, giving the students a place to study if needed. Blaine lifts up his head to quickly from his box and the pain in his neck shots up it. He places his hand on his neck, somehow like it would ease the pain. He's pretty sure it wasn't because of his hand, but the pain starts to fade out slowly.
He looks around the library, slowly, not hurting his neck. More people had come in in the last two hours. He thinks about leaving, but he really needs to get this finished. Another hour wouldn't hurt, would it?
Blaine's head is lying on his book. His red hood up over his head. He's sound asleep when Kurt's standing beside him. He can't help but chuckle. He bends down on Blaine's side where his face is facing. Kurt gently places a hand on Blaine's shoulder and shakes him a little. Blaine doesn't move. Kurt gives him another little shake, careful not to scare him when he wakes up.
"Mmm," Blaine mumbles. His eyes don't open. Kurt is not letting his fall back asleep. It can be impossible to wake Blaine up sometimes without having to shake him hard. If Kurt did that here people would look at him like he was abusing Blaine or something. So Kurt slaps him gently on the face, so no one can see him doing it.
Now he's awake. Blaine opens his left eye and looks straight to Kurt.
"How's my little nerdy boy?" Kurt smiles amused as he looks at Blaine trying to remember where he is. Blaine twists his head to look in front of him and see's shelves filled with books. He looks back to Kurt confused and lifts his head up slowly, yeah; of course the pain in his neck is back. As he moves his neck side to side, he looks down at his book and see's it's maths. Now he remembers. He takes his hands away from his neck and rubs them across his face and looks back down to Kurt.
"H-how did you know…I was h-here?" Blaine asks through his yawning.
"Where else would you be if you weren't at home or with me?" Blaine pretends to look offended by that.
"I have friends, thank you." Blaine chuckled as he shut over his Maths book. "Stupid Maths. I am not going to pass it." Blaine's voice suddenly turns to disappointment. Kurt stands back up and gets Blaine's bag of the chair.
"Well, that's crap. Of course you are. I think you forget your Blaine Anderson sometimes." Kurt puts all of Blaine's stuff into his bag. Blaine pulls down the hood of his hoodie. "Who is it that helped me last year with mine? So stop talking like that." Kurt zips up Blaine's bag and puts it onto his own shoulder. "Now, please hurry up and get up. We are going for a late dinner. When is the last time you ate today Mr?" Kurt is looking at him seriously now. Blaine could lie and say about two hours ago, but Kurt would know by the look on his face.
"At lunch," Blaine says guilty.
"I will kill you because of that."
"I thought we were getting dinner."
"Dinner first. Then I kill you. Deal?" Kurt jokes. Blaine nods.
"I'll eat slowly then." They both laugh and head out of the library.
It is later than usually and at the worst time. It's today. The weekend before they're last exams. But what can they do. This is just as important as their exams. Luckily it was just half an hour out of Lima. It was meant to be held back in Chicago again but that got cancelled after a double booking of where it was going to be held. By the time they got a venue and a weekend, this is how it got to being at an Arts school and on the weekend before their last exams.
The other two acts had already performed and the last one before them is on right now. They are nearly finished. Blaine and Sam stood at the side of the stage looking out at them.
"Can we beat them? I mean the other two groups were good, but we can beat them. But-"
"Sam, yes, we are going to do this. We put everything we have into this, we are going win, not because we are good, because as a team New Directions is unstoppable." Sam smiled brightly at that. Just as Sam is about to say something Mr Schue calls for a show circle. Sam and Blaine head over with the rest of the group and stand in the circle. Mr Schue looks at them all, smiling. He hasn't planned on what to say, he never does, it just comes out. You can't plan on what to say for a moment like this.
"I want you all to look back on this moment not as a competition, but as a group of friends having the time of their lives. Because we did, because we are. Because we always will." Mr Schue puts his hand in the middle as everyone does the same. "Let's make this a moment to remember."
You are what you love
Not who loves you
In a world full of the word yes
I'm here to scream
All of New Directions step forward as Sam sings that last line. They all sing the chorus together. They all look out to the crowd trying to spot their friends, their family, their boyfriend or girlfriend. They're singing with all their heart. As Artie, then Tina sing there parts, Blaine steps forward and sings his lines. His eyes catch onto Kurt's. So he sings it. He sings for everyone. He sings for Kurt. He sings for how far they have made it. He sings for how happy he is right now.
I will defend the faith
Going down swinging
I will save the songs
That we can't stop singing
The girls are on stage now singing. The boys wait until the song is over for them to go back on and join them for the last song. Two minutes later and the boys are running back on the stage to join the girls. Sam is standing beside him. Their backs are turned to the audition, waiting for the next song to start.
"One last time," Sam whispers to Blaine. Blaine looks to Sam, grinning.
"One last time,"
The music starts and Blaine's smile could not be any bigger.
I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath
Scared to rock the boat and make a mess
So I sat quietly, agreed politely
Blaine turns around to the crowd and continues to sing. He walks down the steps.
I guess that I forgot I had a choice
I let you push me past the breaking point
I stood for nothing, so I fell for everything
Everyone sings their parts with everything they have. The chorus is the most powerful when they all sing together. One more chorus. It's the most powerful they have ever sounded together. They know this is the last time on a stage together and they are going down swinging.
I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion and you're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Everyone stands in there finally place and they all look to Blaine as he sings the last few lines. Blaine's eyes are on Kurt as he does.
You'll hear me ROAR
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
You're gonna hear me ROAR...
There's silent for two seconds, before Kurt is the first one standing up and cheering making Blaine laugh. Straight after, everyone else is up cheering.
All the New Directions run to Blaine and get into a massive group hug. They did it. They did it...one last time.
They won.
Blaine signed his name on the front of the paper and walked up to the front of the classroom and held out his paper in front of Mrs. Hope. She smiled and took the paper, putting it beside her. She took a sheet of paper beside her and put it in front of Blaine to sign his name, to show when he had his exam done. He happily signed his name.
"Thank you, Blaine." She whispered as to not disturb the others students.
Blaine walks out the door and shuts it gently behind him. He clicked his pen as he walked down the corridor and pushed open the doors and walked outside. He put the pen in his pocket. He looked around him, no one is around. Everyone is still inside doing their exam. Where was...
"You're finished!" Blaine doesn't have time to turn around and see Kurt running towards him. Kurt hugs him tightly from behind. He gives Blaine a kiss on his cheek. Blaine holds onto Kurt's arms around his chest and moves his head to the side to meet Kurt's eyes. "We got there, Blaine. We got there." Blaine turns his body around fully and puts his hand on Kurt's cheek and the other on his back, pulling him in closer.
"We were always going to." It feels like the best kiss in the world. The feeling passes through both of them. It's like a dream. Maybe it is a dream. When they think about everything that happened in the year, the days they thought they might break, the days where their hearts broke for each other, the days it got too much and felt like they were on the edge of giving up. But then it was this moment that pulled them through it all. And being in that moment right now, it doesn't feel real. But it is. It's more than real.
"Blaine Anderson," Cheers come from the audition filled with friends and family as they watch the class of 2013 graduate. Blaine walks out onto the stage and bows to the audition, laughing. Kurt shakes his head. He's standing beside his dad and Carole on one side, Blaine's mum and dad on the other. Cooper wished he could have been here. He wasn't able to make it because he is in Ireland shooting scenes for a new film by Danny Boyle. He had rang Blaine just before the graduation started and told him how proud he is of him and how much he wished he could be understood.
Kurt's parents and Blaine's look equal as proud of Blaine. And then there's Kurt who is more than proud of him.
Blaine takes his certificate from Emma and hugs her. He smiles out to the audition, then to his parents bursting with pride, then to Burt and Carole. Burt's cheering. And then his eyes wander over to Kurt, like they always do. Kurt gives him a wink and mouths I love you.
I love you, Blaine mouths back.
Blaine joins his class. Next to come out is Sam, who dances his way out before grabbing his certificate and standing beside Blaine. He gives Blaine a high five. They look back out to the audition.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the class of 2013." Principal Figgins announces. The cheers and claps get louder. It hits them that this is the last time they will stand together as a class. But it's not the last time they will stand as friends.
"There's our little boy. We are so proud of you!" Blaine's mum gives him a big kiss on his cheek. "Why did you grow up so fast?" She can't help but feel emotional. The tears start to form in her eyes.
"Mum, don't. If you do, I will." Blaine said. He pulls her into a hug.
"Well, he didn't grow up in the physical way." His Dad jokes to lighten the mood. It does. Blaine and his Mum pull away chuckling. His Dad takes his turn to hug his son in a tight hug.
"I'm proud of you no matter what, son. I promise." He whispers as they hug. Blaine closes his eyes tight, fighting back the tears. Those words meant the world to Blaine.
"Thank you, Dad." Blaine manages to get out without his voice cracking.
Kurt, Burt and Carole are making their way down the corridor. There's hardly anyone else in the corridor, just a few more parents and their kids. Blaine's takes of his robe and is folding it up when Kurt, Burt and Carole get to them. His Mum takes it of him. Carole and Burt give him a hug and congrats him.
"I'm starving. Shall we four head to the restaurant while Blaine and Kurt clear out Blaine's locker?" Burt asks and they agree.
"Good idea. Don't be long boys. We aren't waiting all day for you two to meet us there." Blaine's mum says.
"We won't be long." Blaine said. Their parent's head on up the corridor.
"We are free at last!" Artie announces as he comes up behind them with Sam, Brittany and Tina.
"Hell yeah! Kurt, Blaine, are you guys going to come to Artie's tonight?" Sam askes excited.
"They better be or I am going to kick their asses." Tina jokes.
"Yes, yes we are. It wouldn't be a party without us." Kurt smirks.
"Don't be late, okay? Can't have you guy's missing all the fun." They agree they won't and the rest head on to meet their parent's before everyone heads to Arties at ten. Blaine and Kurt walk around the corner and go to Blaine's locker. Blaine opens it, taking the box out he put in their yesterday to bring all his stuff home in.
"You okay?" Blaine's just staring into his locker when Kurt asks.
"Yeah, it's just...weird how it's all over." Blaine looks to Kurt. Kurt can see the sadness in his eyes, but he can also see the happiness. He remembered feeling like that a year ago. Being over joyed because he was leaving, but sad because this is where he made his best friends. Where Glee club was. Where Blaine was still going to be.
One year ago he dreamed of this day. Dreamed of Blaine and him making it. And they did. They made it.
"School's over, Blaine. It's the only thing that's over, but everything thing else, it's all still here." Blaine nodded his head and smiled to him.
"You're right. It's still here." He turns back to his locker and starts to take out his things.
Blaine has everything in the box out of his locker. He puts the box to the ground and grabs a marker out of it. He starts writing on the locker door.
"The straight A student vandalises his locker. Blaine's turned bad." Kurt laughs as does Blaine. Blaine finishes writing on his door and hands the marker to Kurt.
"Sign your name." Kurt does so. He signs it beside where Blaine signed his, just under a quote that says...
If you're going through hell, keep going. We did. Your heart can to.
Blaine takes one last look in his locker and shuts it. It's time to leave it all behind.
"I am ridiculous proud of you. You are going to do great things in this world, Blaine." Blaine puts his hands on Kurt's waist and pulls him closer to him. Kurt drops his arms over Blaine's shoulders.
"We will be doing great things, together." Blaine leans in and catches Kurt's lips. They stand there for what only feels like seconds, before Kurt pulls his head back a little.
"Now when you say great things together do you mean, changing the world great things together? Or just our kind of great things together." Kurt raises an eyebrow, smirking.
"Kurt, shut up and just kiss me you, idiot." Blaine chuckles before kissing Kurt again. Blaine pushes Kurt gentle against the lockers, his hands wandering up Kurt's back.
"Mmm, can we s-skip...the dinner and...the p-part tonight." Kurt gets the words out through breathes.
"They would kill us. Our parent's and our friends." Blaine throws his head back for a second, wishing they could. He looks back to Kurt. "But maybe, just maybe, the sooner we go, the sooner we can leave."
"Yes, sounds like a plan." Kurt nods his head slowly. He looks down to Blaine's lips that are parted slightly. He looks back up to Blaine's eyes. "Want to make out like five minutes more?"
"Do I want to make out with my fiance? Only always." Kurt put his fingers on the back of Blaine's neck and pulled him back in. They could feel the smile from each other and honestly, they couldn't be happier right now. Everything was falling into place.
"I can't. I can't. I can't. I just...no." Kurt is pacing around his living room. He keeps his eyes on the letter the whole time as he does so. "Oh god, I feel so sick." Blaine is sitting on the couch looking towards the letters too.
They had both got there letters from NYADA this morning. Three days after the graduation. Blaine had gotten his and rang Kurt straight away. Blaine's parent's weren't at home at the time, so he decided to just ring Kurt and head over to his. No one is home at Kurt's either, expect for Blaine and Kurt.
"Okay, no matter when we open them the answer is still going to be the same, right? It can't change. We both did the best we could in our auditions and if we don't get it...its okay...it will be okay." Blaine doesn't take his eyes of the letters. Kurt sits beside him and grabs Blaine's hand and puts his head onto Blaine's shoulder.
"I can't take a no again, I just, I can't." Kurt mumbles. Blaine knows it's hard for himself, but for Kurt it's his second time and it was hard enough to get him to audition again. Rachel had to drag him to the audition that morning. He was too scared to do it, but Rachel had talked some sense into him.
"If it's a no, then we move on. There are more colleges and this isn't the only way we can get to live our dream. It's us that is what us makes us live our dream, not a college, it just helps. So Kurt, no matter what those letters say..." Kurt lifts his head up to look into Blaine's eyes. "A college just helps us get there, but it doesn't get us there, we get ourselves there. We will get each other there, okay?" Blaine does believe that. Some people forgot that it's them, that they make themselves get there, not a school, not a college, them.
Kurt closes his eyes and lets out a long breath. A few seconds pass before Kurt opens his eyes and nods his head with a smile. "Okay."
"Do you want to open mine and I will open yours?" Kurt doesn't need to think about it. He agrees and reaches for the letters. He hands Blaine his and Kurt takes Blaine's. Kurt stands back up not being able to sit.
Blaine and Kurt start to open the letters. When they have the seal broken they take out the letters and hold them in their hands. They don't unfold them yet.
"Ready?" Blaine asks through the nerves.
"No," Kurt laughs nervously. Blaine lets out a nervous laugh to. He doesn't know how Kurt can go through this again. Once is bad enough. But then it is, Kurt.
"On the count of two," Kurt nods. "One...Two." They both unfold the letters at the same time and read them.
They both just read the first line.
Blaine's the first one to look up at, Kurt.
Kurt lifts his head up slowly and looks to, Blaine.