Our Distance
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Our Distance: Let go and believe

T - Words: 3,368 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Sep 04, 2013
124 0 0 0 0

He tried.

He kept trying.

He had to get this right.

He was not going to screw this up. It is too important for him to screw up.

Come on, Blaine. Get this right and your halfway there. You'll be ahead of yourself. You will be doing great. Come on.

Blaine was the only one at home. His dad was at work. His Mum was out with her friend for a few hours and Blaine got his chance to practice for Regionals. The second his Mum had left he ran up the stairs to his room and started practicing.

That was four hours ago.

In those four hours he practiced his solo and dance moves. He had to be better because this was his last chance in Nationals, his last chance to win, his last chance to go out fighting, and his last chance to be a kid from high school in Glee club.

His last chance before facing the scary future.

He could feel himself starting to feel light headed that made him want to get sick. No, he had to keep going. Kurt would be here soon and he had to get as much practice in before that. Blaine was about to practice his dance moves again when a horrible pain shot through his head. He leaned his hand against the wall to steady himself before he ended up falling.

Blaine made his way down the stairs slowly and into the kitchen to get his headache tablets. He took two, washed them down with water and made his way into the living room. He sat on the couch before he let his head fall onto the cushions. If he had had a little bit of energy left in him he would try to get practice more, but it was all gone.

Kurt pulled into the Anderson's driveway. He couldn't wait to see Blaine. He couldn't wait to spend tonight and tomorrow watching DVD's, talking, kissing, laughing with Blaine. It had feel like forever ago that they had really spent time with each other just more than a few hours. He grabbed his bag from the back seat and got out of the car. He locked his car and practically ran to the Anderson's front door. He knocked and waited a few seconds. When no one answered he decided to just head in. He knew Mr and Mrs Anderson wasn't going to be at home when he came around as Blaine had told him and Blaine probably had his headphones in.

"Blaine? Your Fianc� is here if you want to see him!" Kurt said loudly as he laughed. He put his bag down onto one of the kitchen chairs. His eyes catch to the box of tablets lying on the counter. He walked over and picked them up. Kurt was confused. Blaine had told him he hadn't gotten headaches in a week. Why hadn't he told him he started getting them again? Clam down. He's okay. They are just headaches, Kurt. I'm sure he's fine.

Kurt went out of the kitchen and into the hallway. He passed the living room, reversing back when he saw Blaine lying on the couch. He walked over to the couch seeing Blaine with his head lying on one of his arms and the other arm handing over the couch. One leg lying on top of the other one. Kurt let his lips form into a smile as he looked down at Blaine. He looked peaceful and as much as Kurt wanted to wake him up and spend time together, he couldn't. Blaine needed the rest. He needed to be lost in that world in his head for a little while longer. Kurt took the blanket from the back out the couch, unfolded it and set it over Blaine. Kurt was careful not to wake him up. He leaned down on his knees and kissed the top of Blaine's head.

"I love you, angel." Kurt whispered. Kurt got up and headed out of the room quietly.

Two hours had passed. Blaine's parents hadn't come home, Blaine didn't wake yet and Kurt was in another room, where all that stood in it was a grand piano, a stool and Blaine's guitar in the corner of the room. Mrs Anderson's paintings hung on the walls. This was Kurt's favourite room when he came to Blaine's.

Kurt is sat at the piano running his fingers over different keys. He isn't playing any song, just trying to find a new melody. It's relaxing. Just to sit down and play the piano, listen to the chords ring out, close your eyes and imagine your somewhere magical, that is one of the best feelings in the world to him. It always has been, since he was a kid. Since he heard this beautiful sound. He plays the random key's he has found a melody to, over and over.

"You should just live here." Blaine's voice came from the doorway. Kurt didn't stop playing, he just smiled.


"On what?" Blaine leaned his head against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest, eyes on Kurt.

"If I can stay in this room forever." Kurt slows the melody down, making it sound a little different. He doesn't look to Blaine yet. He doesn't need to look to know what Blaine looks like right now.

"Forever is a really long time. I don't think Broadway will wait forever, then again you are Kurt, so maybe it will."

"Of course. But give me you and a piano and I'd be happy till I die."

"I'm I not enough Mr Hummel?" Blaine chuckled. He made his way over to Kurt.

"You're okay, I guess." Kurt held back a chuckle. His finger's still danced on the keys. He wondered who had played a piano for the longest. Maybe he could break that record. Blaine sat down beside him, his eyes never leaving Kurt.

Kurt stopped playing. He let his hands pull away from the piano. He felt Blaine's lips on his cheeks. When he felt Blaine start to pull his lips back from his cheek, Kurt turned his head to the side, his right hand resting on the back of Blaine's neck pulling him in and closing the distance between their lips. Blaine was about to bring his hand up onto Kurt's back when that pain in his head came out. He could have pretended it wasn't there, but having a pain in your head is to hard not to notice. He pulled away from Kurt, his hand over his forehead, like somehow that would ease the pain.

"Blaine? Hey, Blaine," Kurt got really worried, he tried talking Blaine's hand's away from his forehead but Blaine wouldn't let go. Blaine ignored Kurt. He got up and started to head to the kitchen, not talking one hand away from his head. Kurt watched as Blaine walked out the door. What was wrong? Kurt got up quickly and followed him. Blaine was already in the kitchen at the counter. When Kurt came into the kitchen, Blaine was taking out the tablets from the box.

"Blaine! No. You're not taking anymore." Kurt took the box away from him. Blaine had already gotten two out that he held in his hand. Kurt went to take them of him but Blaine closed up his hand.

"Kurt, stop! Just stop! I need to take them."

No. I know you already had some today, it's not good for you to take anymore." Kurt was trying to reason with him. There was no way he was letting him take anymore today.

"But it hurt's. It hurt's. Kurt, please j-just…stop." Tears started falling from his eyes. Between the pain, the tiredness and not telling Kurt, he just broke. Kurt held his hand that held the tablets, Blaine let him take them, he wasn't strong enough for Kurt. Kurt put them onto the counter and pulled Blaine into him tightly.

"It's okay. You're okay. I'll make the pain go away, sweetheart. I promise." Kurt whispered as he held a broken Blaine.

They sit in silence.

Blaine didn't know what to say. Kurt waited for the truth. Blaine doesn't want to tell the truth. Kurt needs to know the truth. Kurt wished right now he could read Blaine's mind. He looks to where Blaine sit's, at the kitchen table across from Kurt. His head down, his eyes staring into his cup he holds in his hands.

It's me, Blaine. You can tell me everything. You can tell me anything.

Kurt thought in the last half an hour sitting here what it could be. Was Blaine more than sick? Did something happen while Kurt was in New York? Why would he lie about headaches? If they were just….

"Are you sick?" Kurt's words came out fast. Blaine lifted his head up, his eyes meeting Kurt's in confusing. "I mean sick, sick? Like-like some illness because I swear Blaine if you do and you didn't tell me-" Kurt stopped. His bottom lip started to quiver, his eyes started to water.

"Kurt, no, god, no. I swear. I'm okay." Blaine gave a little smile to make Kurt feel a bit better.

"Don't put on that fake smile. Have you forgotten that I know? I know every time you pretend." Kurt's biting his bottom lip, shaking his head slowly.

"You deserve the truth. It's not bad, it just doesn't help that am still sick." Blaine suddenly looks like a kid getting in trouble. "I let everyone down for Regionals. I don't like letting people down."

"I don't understand. What has Regionals got to do with you feeling this way?"

"I'm going make it up to them. But the only way I can do that is working harder than ever before. When I went back to school, that day I started practicing for Regionals, not just with New Directions, by myself. There is a massive dance number and I have a solo. My dance moves, my singing, it has to be better than ever, am not letting them down, I won't."

"Well that's okay than Blaine. Just keep pushing yourself until you fall, don't give a shit about your health or the fact that you're still sick. You told me those headaches where gone. Were you lying? Or did they come back." Kurt was a little angry now.

"They were gone. They came back three days ago."

"Right and why was that Blaine?"

"I—I don't know." Blaine's voice turned into a whisper. Why was Kurt mad? Why couldn't he understand he was doing this for Glee club. He was just being a good team member.

"Yes you do. Look at me, Blaine. You know why. I bet they come on when you're pushing yourself to much. You are putting yourself under stress, Blaine. You are thinking of this too much. You have got to stop before it gets too far. Nothing is that important that it comes before your health." Kurt was trying to get through to Blaine. He knew in Blaine's head no matter how good he did something to someone else, to Blaine it had to be a thousand times better.

"You don't understand. You didn't let your whole club, your friends down. I did. I fucked up." Blaine could feel tears trying to form, but he wouldn't let them. Not again.

"They don't care about that. As long as you got better-"

"No!" Blaine got up from his seat, still looking towards Kurt. "You don't understand. So don't pretend you do. It's my last chance to make them proud. My last chance to know I can do it and to be happy on stage with everyone."

"It's not your last chance. It is far from that. What are you on-"

"Go Kurt. Just-leave." The tears escaped Blaine's eyes as they started to fall down his face.


"Leave me alone!" Blaine shouted before leaving the kitchen. Kurt's eyes followed Blaine as he left. He heard his footsteps on the stairs, then a door closing so loud it made Kurt jump.

Kurt knocked gently on Blaine's door. He had given it ten minutes before even coming up here. He just wanted Blaine to be okay. He would be no reply came, Kurt tried the handle, the door was locked. Of course it would be. Kurt let his head fall forward and rested the top of his head on it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I upset you…but, am not sorry for what I said because it's true." Kurt took a seat on the floor and rested his back and head against Blaine's door. He looked at the door, like maybe he could see through it and see Blaine if he tried hard enough.

"Nationals is not worth you getting sick over. It's not worth messing your health over. What do you think that would do to me Blaine? We all give everything our best shot and our best shot is what we are able for, not what stress or make ourselves sick over because that isn't our best shot, that's not knowing when to stop."

"What if mine isn't good enough?" Kurt was happy Blaine spoke, but broken with the sound of Blaine's torn voice. Kurt knew from the sound of his voice Blaine was sat at the other side of the door.

"It always is. If it wasn't enough for something or someone then it doesn't belong in your life. We could take any path in life but I have always believed the important things are always going to be on each path. Do you want me to tell you your best is good enough? It is. That you are talented? You are. That I love you? Always." Kurt smiled. He knew Blaine was listening.

"Will you love me still even if am a mess sometimes?" There was a smile in those words. Kurt could hear it.

"Yes. We can be a mess together. So how about my mess of a boy opens the door? Because I kind of really want to hug you right now." Kurt chuckled. He could hear Blaine get up from the floor and the lock on the door unlocking. Kurt got up of his feet and watched as Blaine opened the door. Blaine's eyes were red and his cheeks wet.

Kurt pulled Blaine into his arms, tight, not letting go anytime soon.

It's two o'clock at night. Blaine is asleep in bed. Kurt is sat in a chair beside the window looking out into the night sky. He loved this time of night, looking up at the sky. It was peaceful. Some of the world is resting, while others are awake. Stars lit up the sky. Was anyone looking back he wondered? If anyone was there was only one person he would want it to be. His mum. She's somewhere, wherever that may be, it's somewhere.

"Kurt," Blaine mumbled as he moved his hand on Kurt's side of the bed. "Kurt,"

"It's okay. I'm here." Kurt whispered. He made his way back to the bed. Blaine sat up and rubbed his eyes.

"Do you want to go outside?" Kurt smiled. Blaine looked at him, returning the smile. He didn't question it.


The boy's sat on Blaine's old swing set at the back of the house. His mum and dad wanted to throw it away, saying it was old and unsafe, but Blaine never let them get rid of it.

"When I was little I remember Coop tried to see if he could swing me high enough that I would go the full way around." Blaine said seriously. Kurt couldn't help but picture that and laugh. He earned himself a smack in the leg by Blaine.

"Kurt, it's not funny. I could have died." Kurt took his hands of the robes and over his face, his head in his hands falling onto his knees. "I haven't even told you want happened and you can't stop laughing." Blaine smiled, being amused by Kurt. Kurt lifted his head up and looked to Blaine.

"So did you e-end up in t-the bush or on t-the g-ground?" Kurt tried to stop laughing, but he just couldn't.

"I ended up in heaven because am such an angel. They wanted me to stay, but I said I better go back to earth and be an angel there." Blaine smirked.

"Calling yourself an angel, that's low." Kurt smiled as he pushed at Blaine's swing.

"Hey, I know what an angel is like, there's one right beside me."

"Alright, Nicholas Sparks, you can stop with being cheesy." Kurt chuckled. "Are you cold or do you want to go back in? I don't want you getting sicker."

"I'm fine. Promise. I have your lady gaga jumper keeping me warm."

"Yeah about that. Am I getting that back anytime soon?" Kurt gave him an evil look. Blaine has had that jumper since September.

"When I move to New York, then you can have it back. Deal?" Blaine put out his hand to shake Kurt's.

"Deal," Kurt put his hand on Blaine's. Blaine pulled Kurt into him and kissed him. He could feel the smile on Kurt's lips. Kurt brought his hand up onto the back of Blaine's neck. Blaine put his hand on Kurt's waist. It was a bit of an awkward position.

"Yea, nope, that's too much of an awkward position." Kurt got up from his swing and sat sideways on Blaine's legs, throwing his arms around Blaine's neck. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist to keep him from falling. Kurt let one hand come up and into Blaine's hair, messing with it. The curls were lose and soft as Kurt ran his fingers through it. His eyes met Blaine's.

"Why do you have those worried eyes? What's wrong?" Blaine asked concerned.

"You'll be okay won't you? You're going be okay until I come back for Nationals and your graduation. I can always stay, you-"

"Kurt, listen, I will look after myself. Besides you have to go back to New York. You have to go back to Rachel and Vogue. And you have to be there seeing as your NYADA audition is in two weeks. You'll be busy. And I have mine in three weeks while also getting ready for Nationals and my exams. I'll be busy and so will you. But when you come back for Nationals it will nearly all be over. I'll just have graduation and my exams left. It's all going to be over in a few weeks and when it is that's when we can relax. I won't have any more school; you won't be working in vogue again till August. We are going to have the whole summer just spending day after day with each other not having to worry about anything." Kurt rested his forehead against Blaine's.

"I can't wait." Kurt smiled and gave a kiss to Blaine's cheek. "I think we better go inside before your cold or cough gets worse. Is your head okay?" Blaine nodded.

"I want coffee."

"Blaine, no, you won't sleep. How about hot chocolate instead?"

"With little marshmallows?"

"With little marshmallows, yes angel." Blaine grinned at that.

"Told you I was an angel."

"Well, you are-"Kurt stopped talking when he heard a noise. It sounded like it came from the bushes behind them. "Did you hear that?" Kurt got a bit spooked.

"I don't want to say yes, but yes." They looked at each other a little scared. The noise came from the bushes again. "I don't really feel like getting murdered tonight." Blaine joked. Kurt got up from Blaine. He took hold of Blaine's hand and pulled him of the swing. "Go, go, go." Blaine whispered. They both ran into the house not looking back. The noise from the bushes again and out came a cat. It was there cat's neighbours. The cat ran after Kurt and Blaine, catching up with them. It ran right pass them nearly giving them both a heart attack.

"Christ, that cat scared the shit of out me." Kurt held his hand to his heart, trying to get his breathing steady. Blaine began to chuckle. "Stupid cat,"

"Go on and get inside. Stop insulting the poor cat." Blaine opened the door and held it open for Kurt.

"You wouldn't be saying that if it killed us. But then maybe it wouldn't have seeing as you didn't want to die tonight, like dying any other night would be okay."

"Well tonight and the night of the Katy Perry concert, then, any other night would be fine." Blaine joked. Kurt shook his head and leaned into Blaine, giving him a quick kiss. He pulled away a little to look into Blaine's happy eyes.

"Blaine Anderson you are ridiculous."


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