Our Distance
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Our Distance: My home is where you are

T - Words: 3,950 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Sep 04, 2013
299 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: For anyone who forget's, Ryan is Rachel's 'friend' from NYADA :) ENJOY :)
Kurt woke up to the sound of coughing and sniffing. It took him a few seconds to realise that he wasn't dreaming. It was getting bright outside. The coughing and sniffing got worse with each passing second. Kurt felt a little awake now. Enough to focus on the things around him. He looked over to the other side of the bed where Blaine had his back to Kurt. His body was shaking as he coughed. Kurt slowly moved over on the bed to get closer to Blaine.

"Blaine, hey, are you okay?" Kurt whispered, so he wouldn't startle Blaine or wake up Rachel. The only reply Kurt got was a moan from Blaine before he took into a fit of coughing again. Blaine didn't move and the coughing got worse,

"Sit up and I'll get you a glass of water." Blaine shock his head.

"Please, Blaine. It might make the coughing stop quicker."

"It hurts." Blaine said, barely getting the words out.

"I know, but just do what I say and I promise I'll make it better." Kurt was pleading with Blaine now. Blaine finally moved to sit up on the bed. Kurt went to get Blaine a glass of water.

Blaine just wanted to lye back down and go to sleep, but he felt so sick. Maybe he could fall asleep really quickly and not wake up till he felt much better. He rested himself up against the headboard and leaned his head back against the wall, looking up to the ceiling and let his barley opened eyes close again.

Stupid cough.

Stupid cold.

Stupid head.

Stupid Rachel for making him go out with her yesterday in the pouring rain to get food.

He felt so close to being back to sleep when he started to cough again. Jesus, it hurt. It felt like something was trying to rip out of his throat. It be sore, but funny.

A few seconds later Kurt appeared back with a glass of water and boxes of god knows what. He put them all on the bedside locker.

"Kill me now." Blaine moaned as he opened one eye to see what all Kurt had put on the table. Kurt chuckled and used his index finger and thumb as a gun, pointing them to Blaine's head.

"Any last words?"

"Yes. Play…play Katy Perry at my funeral and if you don't…" Blaine looked at Kurt serious. "I will come back and haunt you for the rest of your life."

"And is that supposed to scare me? Anyway's I'd smell your hair gel so I would know it is just you."

"Don't be mean. I don't…" Blaine coughed into his hand as Kurt picked up one of the boxes.

"Okay, is it just your throat that's sore?"

"And my…my head. I can't be like this. I have to go home tomorrow and practice for regionals." Blaine could fell himself drifting back to sleep.

"Blaine, shut up. I mean that in a nice way. Please, think about yourself for once. If you still feel this bad in the morning or worse you are not going home and regionals is ages away. So take these before you fall asleep on me." Kurt put two tablets in Blaine's hand and the glass of water in the other. Blaine threw the tablets in his mouth and took a sip of water, letting some spill down his mouth.

"Oops." Blaine said as he looked to Kurt. Kurt shook his head and got tissues out of the draw. He dried the water of Blaine's chin and t-shirt. "Sorry."

"It's alright. There's tissues there for you and I swear to god Blaine Anderson if I see one tissue in our bed I will kill you."

He might have been sleepy and not taking in half the thing's Kurt was saying to him, but he did catch something that made him smile.

"What?" Kurt raised an eyebrow.

"You…you said our bed, not my bed." It made Blaine smile even more repeating Kurt's words. Kurt let out a little laugh as he got up from the bed and over to his chair, picking up two jacket's.

"Are you cold? The heating isn't on anymore and I don't want you getting sicker. Blaine was about to answer Kurt when he started to cough again.

"I'm just going to take that as a yes." Kurt said, walking back over to the bed and getting back in beside Blaine. He handed one of the jacket's to Blaine. They both popped on the jackets, to keep themselves warm. Blaine took another sip of his water. Kurt was trying to get comfy again.

"You okay my little sick baby?" Kurt said joking, half concerned. Blaine gave a nod as he yawned. They both lay back down on the bed facing each other.

"You know I said our bed because it is. No matter how many few times you've slept in it and when you move to here you will be staying in it every night, only if you want us to keep this bed."

"God, yes. My bed's not as comfy as this."

"I miss that bed. I miss your room." Kurt said feeling a bit sad thinking about it.

"It's not changed much."

"God, I haven't stayed at yours since…since I left for New York."

"Well then how about the next time your home you stay at mine for a whole weekend and we never leave the house?"

"Deal. I miss high school us. You and I are going to relive high school us."

"So we are going be a really happy, cheesy, so in love couple."

"Did we ever stop?" Kurt asked as they both chuckled.

"No! And right now you two are being so annoying and need to stop talking. I love you both but just please, stop!" Rachel shouted from her bed. Kurt and Blaine looked at each other before shouting back.

"Sorry! Night!"

"Well, it will be morning soon but night boys!"

"I love you Blaine, but can you turn around because I don't want to get sick to and I'll spoon you." Blaine rolled his eyes playfully before turning around. Kurt put his arms around Blaine.

"If I wake up with a boner which I'm hundred per cent sure I will, I am not dreaming about any other guy except for you…and maybe Justin Bartha." Kurt rested his head on top of Blaine's and his arms wrapped around Blaine's waist, their legs entangled.

"Just to let you know I approve and I'm happy to share your dream of me with him." They both chuckled and Kurt gives a quick kiss to Blaine's check.

"I love you, Blaine." Kurt whispers as he finally closes his eyes.

Blaine's eyes are already closed when he hears Kurt whispering the word's that make him smile.

"I love you to, Kurt."

Kurt was in the city buying food. There was hardly anything left in the flat and he wanted to get Blaine some more medicine and some soup. He was just finished picking up everything when his phone rang. It was Rachel.


"Kurt, would you do me a big favour and pick up some tampons for me?"

"Oh god, Rachel. You know I hate going into that section and trying to find the right ones." Kurt moaned, but made his way to that aisle.

"I know but please. You know which ones I get any ways."

"Unfortunately yes I do. Fine, I'll pick them up. Is Blaine awake?" Kurt asked as he stopped to pick up what Rachel needed.

"Nope he hasn't woken up all day. Maybe he's dead." Rachel chuckled, Kurt did not.

"Rachel, that is not funny. Well, don't wake him up any ways."

"Did you ring his mum yet?"

"Yes, I rang her this morning. She said she would get the ticket changed for another flight and to ring her tomorrow to see if he's any better and if not to give him another day or two." Kurt found the right ones and threw them into his basket.

"Well, there's no point in sending him home like that. But you do know he's going to be annoyed he's going to be missing practice for regionals. It's this Friday isn't it?"

"Yeah I think so. His health comes before that. Okay, I'm getting of the phone now; I'll see you at home." Kurt hung up the phone and headed to the till to pay for his shopping.

"Ryan, just go. I can't deal with you right now." Rachel said as she stood at the door, blocking Ryan from getting in. Rachel had done something she regretted with Ryan a week ago. Since then, he hadn't stopped calling or texting her. She tried avoiding him as much as possible in NYADA. None of that had worked because he was now here, wanting to talk.

"Did it not mean anything to you? You can't just use me. Nobody uses me like that." Ryan said angrily. Kurt appeared up the stairs and saw Rachel and Ryan at the door.

"I'm sorry, please just leave. I can't do this right now." Rachel was pleading with Ryan to leave but he wouldn't.

"Well I can." Ryan pushed open the door more to get in. Kurt dropped the shopping bag and walked quickly over to them. Ryan was already in the door. Rachel was pushing at his chest to get out.

"Ryan, leave here right now." Kurt said as he stepped in the door and over to Rachel.

"Stay out of this you. It's nothing to do with you." Ryan snapped.

"She's my best friend, this is my apartment and my boyfriend is sick and you are leaving before you wake him up." Kurt was getting pissed off now. He might have only seen Ryan a few times but he didn't think he would be like that.

"If you knew why I'm here you might understand."

"I don't care what it is. I just need you to leave."

"Or what?"

"Or you won't end up leaving here like you came in." Everyone was surprised by a different voice. They all looked over in the same direction to see it was Blaine. Kurt hated to think it, but Blaine looked like crap, even if he did look really adorable. Ryan started laughing not believing Blaine could do anything to him.

"Look dude, I am not here for a fight. I just need to talk to Rachel but your little queer boyfriend is being a bitch about this." Blaine let out a humourless laugh as he walked closer to Ryan.

"Blaine, leave it. You're too sick."

"One last time…leave, now." Blaine was giving him one last chance; maybe Ryan could be smart and take it.

"Aw look at you, defending your two little princesses." That was all it took for Blaine to swing his fist straight at Ryan's face.

"You bastard!" Ryan shouted about to hit Blaine back. Kurt pushed Ryan out of the way before he could. He didn't stop pushing him until he got Ryan out the door.

"Fine I'm going. I'm not saying here with a bunch of psychopaths!" Ryan snapped before heading as fast as he could down the stairs. Kurt picked up the shopping bag and went back inside closing the door behind him and dropping the bag on the floor.

Blaine held his hand to his head. His head was spinning fast and he needed to sit down before he collapsed. When Kurt turned to look at Blaine he saw how ill he looked and walked quickly over to him, wrapping his arms around Blaine's side and bringing him over to the couch. Kurt kneeled down in front of Blaine when he got him sitting down.

"Sweetheart is it your head?" Kurt asked concerned as he rubbed his hands up and down Blaine's arms.

"Yea…yeah." It was a whisper that Blaine barely managed to get out. Kurt got up quickly and got Blaine a glass of water, returning as fast as he could. He put the glass in Blaine's hands.

"Do you want to take anything for it?" Kurt asked. Blaine just shook his head.

Kurt looked to Rachel for the first time since Ryan went. She looked so upset.

"Rachel, are you okay?" Kurt asked. Rachel didn't look to him she just made her way over to the couch. She sat down beside Blaine. Kurt was sat on the coffee table in front of them. Rachel still hadn't answered Kurt. Kurt wondered if she had even heard him.

"Blaine, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have answered the door and woken you up." She whispered, still lost in her thoughts.

"Its okay, Rach." Blaine said as he looked to Rachel, who gave him a little smile.

"What happened between you both for him to act like that?" A million things ran through Kurt's head of what could have happened, but he waited till Rachel told him.

"I um…I slept with him. Last week. I shouldn't have because I regret it." There was silent after she said it. Now that Kurt thought about it, Rachel hadn't seemed her happy self, most of the week. But then again it was Valentine's Day and her once a month, that either made Rachel sad, bitchy or both. He felt bad for not noticing now.

"We all make mistakes, Rachel. That was just one of yours." Blaine said taking another sip of water and putting it down on the table.

"Yeah. I don't really want to talk about it though. Thank you both for standing up for me. I just hope he doesn't come back. I'll go unpack the shopping." Rachel said and headed over to get the bag and unpack it.

"How's my hero?" Kurt smiled as he rested his hands on Blaine's knees.

"I'll be okay. No one say's shit like that to you and gets away with it."

"Well he didn't. Show me your hand. It's probably sore." Kurt was even more worried about Blaine now.

"It's fine. I don't want to go home tonight."

"Well good, because you're not. I rang your mam this morning and she told me not to send you home until you're feeling better. So, I get you for longer. Now, are you able to get up for a second?" Kurt asked. Blaine nodded and got up from the couch as Kurt got up from the table and pulled Blaine in for a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around Blaine. Blaine let out a little chuckle.

"I've wanted to do that all day." They stayed in each other's arms for a moment longer before Kurt pulled back to see Blaine's face.

"Do you want some soup? I got your favour." Blaine smiled and nodded his head.

"Good. Now give me one more hug before I make it."

Kurt was dancing in the kitchen as he made breakfast. Rachel had gone to school half an hour ago and Blaine was still asleep in bed. So to amuse himself while cooking he danced and sang while making pancakes.

No I, and we don't ever know where were going and I'm sitting with you and I'm glowing.

Kurt continued to sing, not noticing Blaine was watching him after coming out of Kurt's room and just watched how happy Kurt was this morning. He waited until Kurt was finished singing to go and say good morning.

"Yeah we drove all night with all we got, babe. We had everything we owned in a cardboard box."

Blaine started clapping, making Kurt jump with fright.

"I wasn't expecting a performance this morning but I did enjoy that." Blaine said happily. Kurt grinned and playfully rolled his eyes.

Blaine made his way over to Kurt and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed one of the pancakes while giving a kiss to Kurt's cheek. Blaine took a bit of the pancake.

"Um…god, I love you." Blaine moaned.

"I lo…hold on, you were talking to the pancake weren't you?" Kurt raised an eyebrow before going back to the cooker.

"And you. I love you to."

"You can only have me if you divorce your lips from the pancake." Kurt smirked, taking the pancakes of the frying pan and onto a plate.

"Oh it's okay. The pancake and I had a long talk. It was about me saying that I could never marry the gorgeous pancake because well, I'm already in love with a beautiful boy that I'm someday going marry, but seeing as he won't kiss me because of my cold and cough the pancake agreed to kiss me." Blaine hoped up on the counter beside where Kurt stood.

"Speaking of that, that your medicine."

"No. No. No. No. I don't want to. It just makes me sleepy and makes me feel worse that I already am." Blaine pouted and put some syrup on his pancake that ended up on his fingers.

"Don't be a child. Your mum is going to be worse than me minding you."

"You know you're going to have to kiss me before I go home today."

"I'm I now?" Kurt couldn't help but smile. Of course he wanted to kiss Blaine but then he would end up getting sick and he did not want to have to go to work sick tomorrow. Maybe he could just put a bag over Blaine's head and he wouldn't be so tempted to kiss him then. Nope, that wouldn't work.

"Kurt? Dude!" Kurt snapped out of his thoughts and looked to Blaine.


"You totally stopped listening to me. You got lost in your thoughts and don't tell me you didn't." Blaine had finished his pancake and wiped his hands on a cloth.

"Yeah, sorry. I was thinking about putting a bag over your head."

"Um…okay. Wasn't expecting that." Kurt turned off the oven. "Why would you want to put a bag over m…" Blaine was cut off by Kurt's lips on his. Blaine happily wrapped his legs around Kurt's waist and pulled him in closer to him.

"This is why." Kurt mumbles against their lips. It caused them both to laugh. "Blaine."


"You taste so much of pancake and syrup right now."

Kurt and Blaine sat at the airport coffee shop waiting for the announcement of Blaine's plane. They were both okay for the whole morning. They blocked out that Blaine would be leaving in a few hours to go back home and that he wouldn't be here with Kurt.

They both weren't looking at each other. Kurt was texting on his phone. Blaine was looking around him. He saw a boy drop his suitcase and run. Blaine's eyes followed to where the boy was running to. He ran up to a girl and gave her the biggest hug. Blaine swore they were both crying. He was happy for them. He wondered what their story was. How they met and if the boy was coming to visit her or staying for good. He guessed that would always stay a mysterious to him.

Blaine took his eyes away from them and looked towards Kurt, who was still looking down at his phone. Blaine moved his hand across the table and over Kurt's. Kurt didn't look up, he just entwined his finger's through Blaine's. It was never going to matter how many times they both had to do this, it was always going to hurt to know they wouldn't see each other for a while. They could do it a millions times, it would never get easier. It feels like it gets harder every time.


"Yeah?" Kurt let out a little whisper.

"Are you okay?" Blaine said. He knew Kurt wasn't okay. He himself wasn't okay, but he needed to ask any ways. Kurt nodded his head and put his phone on the table, his phone wasn't even switched on.

"Does looking at…at a screen on a phone that's…that isn't even on answer that question?" Kurt finally lifted up his head. His had tears in his eyes, but he smiled. They both let out a little laugh, that didn't last long.

"Do you think if you just got up and left it would be easier? If we didn't kiss, we didn't hug, we didn't cry, we didn't say bye and just pretended that you had to get more coffee and you would be back in a few minute's that it might be easier?" Kurt was serious, maybe it could work.

"It might. Do you want to do that?" Blaine would do it, if it made it easier for Kurt. Kurt just nodded in respond and gave him a smile. Just a few minutes after, they both heard the announcement. Blaine sat for a few seconds longer before getting up and grabbed his bag.

"I'll be back in a minute. This coffee tastes like crap." Blaine said looking to Kurt. Kurt let out a little laugh.

"Okay." He took a glaze at Blaine before shutting his eyes. He then heard the footsteps get further and further away. He waited a few minutes before slowly opening his eyes and looking in front of him.

Blaine was gone.

It hurt. It hurt so much more than hugging him goodbye. Kurt put his hand to his heart, trying to find a way to make the pain stop. It wouldn't, it's like it couldn't. How, just how on earth could he love someone this much? Blaine had only walked away a few minutes ago. It was a stupid idea, it didn't make things easy, how could it?


He needed to hug him.

He needed to kiss him.

He needed to say I love you.

"Blaine." Kurt choked out before getting up from the table as fast as he could, leaving his stuff behind, and just ran in the direction where Blaine had to get his plane. He tried not to run into people on the way, but ended up failing at that.

Where was he?

Kurt looked through the crowds of people, trying to find the only person he cared for in this airport. Why did he have to be small? He had to be here somewhere. Kurt kept looking through the crowds. He couldn't be gone yet.

"Kurt?" Kurt turned around so fast he could have got whiplash. Blaine was stood a few feet away holding his phone up to his ear. Blaine started to move towards Kurt as Kurt did to.

"I was ringing you…you…"

"I left everything at the table and just ran. Blaine, it was a really stupid idea. Why did you listen to me?" Kurt laughed as he threw his arms around Blaine, holding him as close as he could.

"Because I can't not listen to you, you idiot." Blaine joined in with Kurt laughing. They were both glad they hadn't left each other without a hug.

The final announcement to board the flight rang over the speakers. "Whenever it feels like us being apart is too much…just…just think of us this time next year. What we would be doing right now? And then you tell me and I tell you mind. And we don't…don't stop doing that until the day I come home to see you in Nationals because t-that is the day our dreams together start coming true. Okay?" It always made Kurt feel better when he thought about what him and Blaine would be at in a year's time and they wouldn't be apart, they would be together.

"Okay. I love you so much." Blaine mumbled into Kurt's neck before capturing Kurt's lips in a kiss.

"I love you to. Always." Kurt smiled and leaned his forehead against Blaine's. "And please look after yourself. Your still sick and I…I can't help but worry about you."

"I will, I promise. I'll text you when I get home."

"No, you ring me because I want to hear your voice. Now, go. Before I decide to go with you." Blaine nodded his head and brought his hands up to Kurt's face to wipe away the tears in Kurt's eyes. He gave another kiss to Kurt's lips and one last tight hug, before letting go.

Blaine headed to his flight with the rest of the passengers. He stopped to hand in his ticket and waited to get it back. Once he did he didn't turn back to look at Kurt, he just put his hand behind his back and waved before disappearing with everyone else.

Kurt seen Blaine wave and he shook his head laughing. "It's unreal how much I love you Blaine Anderson." Kurt whispered to himself with a smile.

End Notes: Hope you all enjoyed :) let me know what you thought. It's always lovely hearing from you guy's. So, that is going to be the last chapter I get up for a little while. College is going to be really busy and if I think about writing my stories to, it will get too much. So, I will start writing the next chapter in my Easter holidays.The song Kurt sings is Glowing by The script. It's amazing, check it out. And if you ever decide to see them live, trust me, their amazing, I saw them last week in Dublin :)'Come what May' was just perfect. I won't say anymore in case people haven't seen it yet but god, it really was breath taking :)Enjoy the rest of your week everyone :)


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