Our Distance
New Year's Eve with you Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Our Distance: New Year's Eve with you

T - Words: 2,872 - Last Updated: Sep 04, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 19/19 - Created: Aug 07, 2012 - Updated: Sep 04, 2013
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Kurt and Blaine got to the front of his granny's door. Blaine put his hand on the handle to check if the door was open or not. His family is always telling his granny, Ruth, to lock the door. God knows who could end up coming in. She lived just outside of town, so, it wasn't just like the country side where you could be safer to leave your door unlocked. She lives on her own; she has for five years after her husband, Jim, died. Blaine's family has asked her millions of times, if she wanted to come live with them, but her answer was always, I have lived here nearly all my life, am not moving now.

Blaine pushed the door opened and stepped into the hallway, with Kurt behind him. "She never locks the door; anything could happen while she's…"

"Hey, Blaine, she forgets, just like we forget things. Now, don't worry about this and go see your gran, am sure she wants to see her favourite grandson." Kurt gave Blaine a smile to calm him down a little. Blaine worried about his gran all the time and as sweet as Kurt thought that was, he knew Ruth was a smart woman, and probably just forgot. Besides she knew they were coming, so she probably left it open for them.

Blaine gave him a little nod before closing the door and walking up the hallway to the kitchen, where they could hear her from. Blaine pushed open the living room door, walked through the living room that led to the kitchen.

His gran was in the kitchen baking. Ingredients were all over the counter where she stood. She looked up as she heard the door opening and saw Kurt and Blaine walking in.

"Hey, gran," Blaine had a big smile on his face as he walked over to hug his gran. She grinned and pulled Blaine into a big hug.

"There's my favourite grandson." She said happily as she pulled away enough to see Blaine's face and put her hands either side of Blaine's face, seeing if he looked any different from the last time.

"Told you," Kurt said front behind them and Ruth looked across Blaine's shoulder to see Kurt standing there with a smile on his face looking towards his boyfriend and Ruth.

"And there's my favourite non-related grandson." Ruth said as she pulled Kurt into a hug next. "I will have to have a word with New York for keeping you away from us all." Kurt met Blaine's eyes as he hugged Ruth. For a spilt second Kurt saw the sadness in Blaine's eyes from Ruth saying about Kurt being away from them. But the next second he put on that smile that said I'm okay, when am really not.

Blaine Anderson was too good at hidden his feelings from everyone, expect from his boyfriend.


Kurt and Ruth sat at the kitchen table talking while, Blaine was making coffee for them all and sneaking cookies into his mouth thinking Ruth didn't see him doing it.

"So New York's going well then?" Ruth asked as she looked away from her grandson eating the cookies, to Kurt, who was trying not to laugh from the face of Ruth looking at Blaine.

"Yeah it's really good. It would be way better if Blaine was there, but at least I have, Rachel."

"Oh yes, Rachel. That's the girl Blaine thought he liked wasn't it?" Ruth asked trying to remember if she was thinking of the right person.

"Yeah, that's her."

"She's a very chatty one. Blaine had her over at the house the time he liked her and I swear the girl is never quiet. She's very swee,t but a chatter box." Kurt chuckled as did Ruth.

"I can hear you both, you know?"

"And I can see you eating the cookies, Blaine Anderson. What have I told you before by eating too many cookies?"

Blaine didn't answer for a minute as he swallowed the bit of cookie he had in his mouth and picked up the three cups of coffee and headed over to the table. "That if I eat too many cookies, I will turn into one."

"Yes, and your sweet enough without turning into a cookie, my Darling." Blaine gave Ruth and Kurt their coffee and sat down to join them.

"And how's school going for you?" Ruth asked wanting to know every little detail.

"Okay." Blaine shrugged as he picked up another cookie from the plate in the middle of the table and took a bit.

"That's it? You used to talk non-stop about it." Ruth was disappointed Blaine only said okay.

"There's a lot of work to do, that's really it."

"And what about Glee club? I hope you aren't taking all the solos my child."

"Nope. And am not Rachel thank you very much. We aren't Blaine and the pips either." Blaine looked over to Kurt who was chuckling.

"What? I just said it because I wanted a solo. Besides it sounds like a bad ass gangster name."

"Well, you got your solo didn't you?" Blaine raised an eyebrow trying to be serious.

"With you, yes. You weren't that great but…Ow." Kurt's hand flew up to his shoulder were Blaine playfully hit him. Kurt gave Blaine a dirty look as Blaine just giggled.

"No more cookies for you Blaine Anderson after doing that to Kurt." Ruth took the Plate away from Blaine, out of reach. Blaine put on his puppy dog eyes but his gran wasn't buying it.

"That's unfair. He started it." Blaine pointed to Kurt. Kurt pretended to be shocked from Blaine accusing him of that.

"Well, you hit him. Anyways, what are you to boys at tonight?" Ruth smiled to the two boys looking at each other, giving dirty looks before turning away from each other and looking to Ruth.

"We were going to just stay in and watch a film but…"

"We got roped in to going to a nightclub and then back to Rachel's." Kurt didn't look impressed from what they were doing tonight.

"You both don't seem very happy about it. Why?"

"We just wanted to spend it together, no matter how selfish it sounds."

"It is not selfish, sweetheart. What if you both just went out and then went home afterwards instead of going to Rachel's?"

"We could, I guess." Kurt looked over to Blaine who looked deep in thought before he looked up and meet Blaine's gaze.

"I suppose a lot of them will be drunk any way's, they're not going to notice if we disappear before mid-night." A smile spread across Blaine's face as he thought of the idea more.

"Fine, but if they do, Rachel will never let it go."


"Mum and Dad will be over later gran and please lock the door. It's New Year 's Eve, god knows what could happen tonight." Blaine stood in front of his gran as she gently smiled at him.

"Yes, okay. But I have a gun to shot them with anyways if anyone breaks in." his gran had a serious face and Kurt believed her.

"Wait, seriously?" Kurt asked shocked that Ruth one. Blaine looked towards Kurt, as did Ruth, before they both burst out laughing.

"No, honey. But if Blaine keeps annoying me about that god damn door I will buy one and shot him." Ruth chuckled as Blaine pretended to look hurt.

"Gran, your own grandson?"

"Yes, and your father to. You too are so a like." Blaine shook his head slowly.

"We are not thank-you-very-much, gran."

"Well you two better be heading off to get ready for your night out." Ruth said as she walked in front of Blaine and Kurt door the hallway to the front door.

"It doesn't take that long to get ready."

"Blaine, my dear boy, you take like an hour to put gel in your hair, and Kurt takes ages to get ready to look that gorgeous, even though he doesn't need to." Ruth was now standing at the door holding it open, looking to Kurt and Blaine stood beside each other. Kurt titled his head to the side to whisper in Blaine's ear, loud enough for Ruth to hear.

"She knows us to well."


"Just own the night like the fourth of July. Cause baby you're a firework, come on show them what your worth, make them go oh, oh, oh as you shoot across the sky, sky, sky." Blaine sang the lyrics from the top of his lungs. He was on the dance floor with Sam, both of them dancing like mad. Sam was trying to do his sexy moves to try and impress some girls at the bar, looking over their way. The dance floor was half full and Blaine and Sam were in the middle of the dance floor. Blaine looked over to his left trying to spot Kurt, when he did, he saw Kurt talking to Tina and Mike, well, trying to over the loud music.

Blaine headed over to him after shouting to Sam he was going over to get Kurt on the dance floor. Blaine pushed himself through the crowd of people and eventually got out and headed over to the couch Kurt, Tina, Mike, Puck and Finn were at.

"Kurt, come out and dance with me!" Blaine stood in front of Kurt who looked up at him. Kurt shook his head and let out a laugh that Blaine couldn't here.

"Please!" Blaine put his hands together looking like he was praying and gave Kurt the puppy dog eyes. Kurt still didn't move. Kurt wasn't going to move so Blaine took a few steps towards Kurt and took his hands in his and tried to pull Kurt up. Kurt tried to pull back but Blaine was too strong for him. Blaine pulled Kurt up so fast; they both nearly fell to the ground. Blaine put his arms around Kurt's waist and walked backwards with him onto the dance floor. Kurt tried to get away from him but failed and started laughing.

They were both on the dance floor, Blaine still holding onto Kurt, not wanting to let him go in case he decided to go back and sit down.

"How much have you had to drink?" Kurt asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hey, I only had one. I'm only dancing like mad because I am insane!" Kurt laughed even more and Blaine started singing the lyrics again while moving them both side to side slowly. Kurt let his arms rest on Blaine's lower back, giving up the fight to get away from Blaine.

"Boom, boom, boom even brighter than the moon, moon, moon. It's always been inside of you and now it's time to let it through."

Kurt joined in singing with Blaine while grinning so wide at his happy go lucky boyfriend. "Baby you're a firework, come on show them what you worth, make them go oh, oh, oh as you shoot across the sky, sky, sky." In that moment Kurt didn't care where he was, who was around them, who was looking, who would be disgusted, he just cared that Blaine was right in front of him now and he really wanted to kiss his boyfriend so bad.

Kurt slowly leaned in to Blaine with a smile on his face, looking down at Blaine's lips for a second before moving his gaze up to Blaine's eyes that were starting straight back at him, so bright, so loving, and so happy. Blaine started to lean in to and meet Kurt's lips halfway. When their lips touched, a feeling went through them, an amazing feeling that no amount of alcohol could ever make you feel. Blaine let his hand's move up slowly from Kurt's back and let his arms hand over Kurt's shoulders. Kurt pulled Blaine in closer to him, to feel Blaine even closer to him. The kiss deepened and they both forgot everything around them. In their world, it was just the two of them here on the dance floor.

"Guys where is Kurt and Blaine? I need to talk to them about tonight at my house!" Rachel shouted over the music looking towards Mike, Tina, Puck and Finn on the couch

"Sucking each other's faces!" Puck grinded as he pointed over to the both of them.

"Not again!" Finn moaned, but a smile spread across his face.


It was ten minutes to mid night and everyone was either a bit tipsy or full on drunk, expect for Kurt and Blaine.

"Go, go, go!" Blaine shouted behind Kurt as they ran for the door.

"Guy's get back here!" Rachel shouted but they were already out the door before they could hear her.

They both ran down the entry of the nightclub, laughing. Rachel would get them back for leaving or either be too drunk to remember. But this is Rachel and she will remember, drunk or not.

They ran through the doors and down the street that hardly anyone was around. Blaine was in front of Kurt now as they ran to the park.

"Last one to the park has bad fashion sense!" Blaine shouted as he turned his head around for a spilt second to look at Kurt, who looked like he was about to die with tiredness.

"Oh, you're on Anderson!" Kurt laughed as he tried to out run Blaine, which was looking impossible to. Kurt makes himself run faster, even if this was going to kill him. Kurt got faster and was now beside Blaine.

They were a few steps away from the park, running through the snow. Kurt was just that one step ahead of Blaine and got to the park first.

"Yes! I win! You…you have b…bad fashion s…sense!" Kurt pointed at him while trying to catch his breath, resting his hands on his bent knees.

Blaine collapsed to the ground from tiredness, landing in the snow, not caring his clothes were going to be wet.

"Really?" Blaine smirked as he looked to Kurt knowing what Kurt's answer would be.

"No. I just wanted to beat you." Kurt chuckled as he walked in front Blaine and held out his hands.

"Come on, up. I don't want you catching a cold Mr," Blaine sighed before putting out his hands for Kurt to take and pulled him up from the snowy and cold ground.

"One minute to mid night. Any new year resolutions you want to make, Mr Anderson." Kurt asked as he put his phone back in his pocket after checking the time. They were both stood on the bridge on one of the things for the kids to play on in the park. Kurt wrapped his arms back around Blaine's waist as he stood beside him. Blaine did the same. They both looked up into the sky, where snow started to fall again.

"To eat less, I eat way too much." Blaine said as they both laughed.

"Yeah but you don't put on any weight from eating so much stuff, I hate you for that. I know what I'm going to do." Kurt looked back down to Blaine and met his eyes as Blaine looked back into his with a smile.

"To love you more, if that's even possible." Kurt smiled as did Blaine. Blaine leaned his forehead against Kurt's as they heard the countdown around them and they joined in on the last few numbers.

"Three, two…one…."

From the Distance they could hear the faint sound of cheers and shouts of happy New Year. In the sky, fireworks burst through the sky, lightning it up, like it was making a whole new sky for the New Year. Blaine heard the sweetest words from Kurt. Blaine wished he could bring her back into this world, this New Year, for Kurt.

"Happy New Year, mom, I miss you." Kurt whispered as he looked up to the sky, like he could maybe find her, through the clouds, the fireworks. Blaine pulled Kurt in even closer to him as he gave a kiss to the side of Kurt's forehead. Kurt closed his eyes as Blaine's lips touched him, the soft kiss that always took Kurt's breath away and could always make him feel that little bit better, no matter what was happening. When Blaine learned his head against Kurt's, he to, looked up into the sky, which was still bursting with colour.

"Happy New Year, Mrs Hummel. Thank you for giving me my future." A tear escaped Kurt's eye and fell slowly down his face. He turned his head slowly to meet Blaine's eyes.

"Kurt, honey, don't cry." Blaine brought one of his hands up to cup Kurt's cheek, Kurt just smiled.

"Their happy tears. I…I got one of the most important people in my life taking away from me as a kid and…and so many years later…I was lucky, so lucky for you to come into my life and make it so, so much better and h…honestly, I think my mum did this, brought us together. I…I don't know how, but I do know why. You made me…me like this…you saved me." Blaine had tears in his eyes now.

"2010 in November, my life changed the second I saw you. 2011, I fell in love with you. 2010, am…am more in love with you…" Blaine could feel his nerves, but he pushy them aside, he was going to say this.

"2013, Kurt Hummel, my angel, my life, my everything, will…" Blaine grinned shyly as he shook his head and looked up into the sky, where fireworks still lit up the sky and snow slowly fell down onto them. Blaine looked back down to meet Kurt's loving, caring, beautiful, magical eyes. "Will you…you marry me?"

End Notes: So yeah, that ending wasn't original suppose to happen :L I was writing the last part one night and I was suddenly writing that and yeah. Some of you's are probably like, what are you at...other's probably think it's sweet...I dunno....am sorry :L It just happened. So please, comment and let me know your thoughts :)*Run's away from bad comments ha ha*Happy New Year everyone :) Hope you have a great one :) x


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