Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Sept. 4, 2013, 5:20 a.m.
Blaine and Kurt are walking down the hallway past students, hand in hand.
It was the second week being back at school, second week of Blaine being a senior and Kurt helping out Mr Schue with the Glee club. It was always there in the back of Kurt's mind, a voice saying you should go to New York. He decided in the summer he was going to wait till Blaine graduated. Of course Blaine kept telling him he had to go to New York but Kurt had just simply replied it's what I want. Blaine had to let it go because he knew Kurt had his head set on staying but, his heart wanted something else. So, Kurt has it planned out, help Mr Schue for the rest of the year and apply for NYADA again. If he didn't get it again it would hurt so badly but, he would go to New York with Blaine anyways because that's where they belong.
As they walked to where they had to go, Blaine looked over to Kurt. He decided that he would give Kurt two weeks when they went back to school to see if Kurt was happy staying here. Kurt could try to hide it all he wanted but, Blaine saw he wanted to go to New York. Whenever he got a text or call from Santana and Rachel about New York, Blaine saw that sadness in his eyes. Whenever Kurt went on the internet Rachel always had new pictures up of New York. It might be only a year but, it would be a year wasted and Blaine didn't want Kurt to do that.
It was Friday after lunch and Blaine had two classes left and then Glee club after. He had made sure he had what he was going to give to Kurt after Glee club, in his bag. He had to get it for Kurt because he knew Kurt wouldn't. He loved him so much and this is why he had to do it.
"You're doing it again." Kurt shyly smiled as he blushed.
"What?" Blaine asked pulled out of his thoughts.
"Staring at me," Kurt let out a little laugh. Even after being together so long Kurt still always blushed when Blaine did it.
"You should be used to it." Blaine said playfully as they stopped at Blaine's maths classroom. Blaine let out a sigh as he looked into the classroom and turned back to face Kurt.
"Don't make me go in." Blaine moaned.
Kurt pretended to look shocked. "The geek doesn't want to go in and learn all the fun stuff about maths, am shocked." Blaine laughed as he hit Kurt playfully on the arm.
"I better head on. Mr Schue and I have to go through songs for Glee club."
"What are they?" Blaine said excitedly.
"You know I can't tell you," Blaine gave Kurt the puppy dog eyes and stuck out his bottom lip. All Kurt could do was laugh because he wasn't going to tell Blaine. "That isn't going to work. In a way I am like a teacher for Glee club."
"And you are going out with a student. Now, that's pretty hot. Is Mr Hummel allowed to kiss his student in the hallway?" Blaine said as he was inches away from Kurt's lips.
"Allow or not, I am going to." Kurt leaned in and captured Blaine's lips with his. It only lasted a few seconds before they heard someone speak and pulled away a bit from each other.
"Hello boys. Blaine I think it's time to learn more about maths, not to explore Kurt's mouth." Mr Erikson joked with a smile. Now this 'is one of the teachers in McKinley that was a laugh and accepted everyone. He is in his twenty's. Black short hair, tall and has big blue eyes. This is his second year teaching maths at McKinley and Blaine's favourite teacher for many reasons.
"Hi sir," Blaine and Kurt both said at the same time.
"So Blaine, you thinking about coming into class anytime today? I know for a fact most of the other students won't have the homework done and I need you to show a good example."
"Go be smart then. I will see you in Glee club." Kurt smiled as he went to walk away and Mr Erikson and Blaine went to walk into the classroom. Kurt turned back to them and spoke.
"Oh sir, Blaine doesn't have his homework done. He was too busy last night." Kurt looked from Mr Erikson to Blaine and smirked at him. Blaine's checks went red as Mr Erikson looked down to Blaine and Kurt headed down the hallway, laughing to himself.
"He didn't mean that kind of busy, just…he…em..."
"Blaine, I was your age once, I know right well." Mr Erikson chuckled as he walked into the classroom and Blaine followed behind.
This is for you
"Remember to come up with a theme for next week and on Monday we will pick the best one." Mr Schue said and clapped his hands together just as the bell rang. All the students gathered up their bags and headed out the door. Mr Schue headed out after them, leaving Kurt and Blaine on their own in the choir room. Blaine walked over to the piano where Kurt is standing putting his sheets into a pile on top of the piano. Blaine took in a deep breath and out before wrapping his left arm around Kurt's waist. Kurt turned his face to Blaine's for a second giving him a smile. It's now or never Blaine thought. Blaine took his arm from Kurt's waist and put his bag on top of the piano and opened it slowly. In the front of the bag was the thing to give to Kurt. Kurt finally had all the sheets together and looked back over to Blaine, who suddenly looked sad.
"I got you something." Blaine said softly as he pulled out a ticket from his bag. He pushed it over on the piano to where Kurt's hand rested on the piano.
"What's that?" Kurt asked meeting Blaine's eyes.
"A plane ticket to go to where you should be," Kurt let his eyes fall on the ticket to read where it was for. New York. "It's for next Friday and you are going to be on that flight, Kurt." Kurt shook his head.
"No, no I am not going. We already talked about this."
"Yes we did but, it's not what you want. I can't see you like this anymore. I can't see you not living your dreams. I love you and that's why I got this for you." Blaine gave a sad smile.
"No! I am not leaving you! This is crazy, Blaine. I would wait for you no matter how long it took but, it's a year Blaine, it's only a year." Kurt couldn't believe this, how did Blaine think Kurt would leave him. Blaine tried to hold his voice together; he knew this was going to be hard.
"You are going to stay with Rachel, you are going to find that dream and…"
"Stop! Okay, just stop! You aren't listening to me." Kurt could feel the tears behind his eyes but he refused to let them fall.
"Kurt, you aren't listening to yourself, this is why I got this ticket, this-this is why you are leaving next week." Blaine's throat was getting sore from trying to hold back tears; he had to get Kurt to understand.
"I am happy, okay. I get to still see you every day and…"
"What if I wasn't here? What if we had never met? Would you have been gone with Rachel to New York?" Blaine thought this would have been harder for Kurt to answer, but it wasn't.
"No," Kurt whispered. "Because I probably wouldn't have survived high school, if I hadn't of met you." Blaine was the one who was speechless. Blaine moved his hand across the piano and rested it on top of Kurt's one that was shaking a little.
"We saved each other, Kurt, but, now it's time to leave Ohio and in less than a year, you and I, we will start a new chapter of our lives, I promise." Blaine managed to say and then the tears just fell when he saw in Kurt's eyes that he knew Blaine was right. Tears fell from Kurt's eyes to as he put his hand up to his face and turned away from Blaine, letting out sobs. Blaine took the little few steps to Kurt, putting his arms around him as Kurt turned around into Blaine's arms.
"Don't ever let-let me g-go." Kurt choked looking at Blaine.
"I never could. I never will." Blaine replied as Kurt dropped his head gently onto Blaine's shoulder. They stood, holding each other, crying, and knowing this was for the best, no matter how hard it would be.
A few months apart, are better than a lifetime apart
Blaine and Kurt walked through the airport doors and through the crowds of people. Blaine wheeled Kurt's suitcase behind him with one hand while the other held on to Kurt's. Kurt's grip had gotten tighter as they had walked through the airport doors. They both had a thousand things they wanted to say to each other but, they couldn't. They saw as people said goodbye to others and some had tears in their eyes.
They had spent as much of the week as they could together. It was a week they would remember, a week that would help them get through this, for the months ahead. It was so hard for Kurt to say goodbye to his friends and family. If that was bad, he knew how much worse it was going to be with Blaine.
They put Kurt's bag with all the others and headed to the door that led to the plane, which would bring him to New York. They saw the door up ahead and people going through it. They both looked to the door like it was something scary which in this case, it was. But it also led to a happier life for Kurt. They turned back to each other, facing each other and giving each other a small smile.
"I love you for doing this, but I hate you at the same time." Kurt joked trying to lighting the mood.
"You won't hate me when you get there."
"No, I will ring you when I get there. I wish you were coming with me." Kurt's voice got sadder. Blaine put his two hands either side of Kurt's face as tears began to run down Kurt's face.
"I will be, soon. We are going to start a new chapter soon, remember that." Blaine said as tears formed behind his eyes as he looked into Kurt's. They moved closer to each other feeling each other's breath on their face. Their lips gently collided as Kurt brought his hands to rest on Blaine's waist. Blaine let his left hand rest on the side of Kurt's neck while the other hand lay on Kurt's back. Their tears mixed together as they fell down their faces. When they slowly parted their lips away from each other they pulled each other into one of the longest and sweetest hugs they ever had. Neither wanted to let go, they couldn't. Kurt had his head resting on Blaine's shoulder, eyes closed. He wanted to remember how this felt, to be so close to Blaine, while he was miles away. Blaine let out a shaky breath, he didn't want to let Kurt go yet, he wanted to remember this moment. Seeing each other again in a few weeks would keep them going. A few months apart, are better than a lifetime apart.
The announcement came on for Kurt's flight and they just held on tighter. After a few seconds Kurt knew it was time to go.
"I love you so much." Blaine whispered through the tears, into Kurt's ear.
"I love you right back." Kurt said as he pulled back a little and kissed Blaine's wet check then one last quick kiss to Blaine's lips. Kurt pulled away some more to see Blaine's face fully. Kurt ran a hand through Blaine's hair. A kiss and a look in each other's eyes could tell more, than words ever could with the two of them. After seconds of being in a gaze, Kurt gave a smile to Blaine and then pulled away, picking up his bag of the chair beside him and started to walk away. Blaine watched as Kurt made his way to the door. Kurt handed the woman at the desk his ticket and then she handed it back. Kurt made his way to the few steps to the door.
"New York's going to love you, just like I do." Blaine said as Kurt turned from the door to look at Blaine. Between them was only a few steps to each other and it took everything in Kurt not to go back to Blaine. Kurt gave him a happy smile this time as Blaine returned it. One last look and then Kurt went through the doors. Blaine saw as he disappeared. He's finally gone to live his dream.
Blaine stood at the airport window as he watched Kurt's flight take off into the light darkness. Once the plane was out of sight, Blaine started to head out of the airport. He felt so many emotions, but one emotion he was glad to feel was happiness for Kurt, that he finally got to go to New York. That his boyfriend is going to find his dream and live it.
Kurt sat beside the window as he looked out it, it was so beautiful. All the lights of the place he grew up blended together. He was leaving behind a small town, and he was going to miss it for three reasons; his family, his friends, and his boyfriend. He was going to miss them so much but, he knew this is what he had to do. Blaine knew Kurt had to go to New York. It is because of Blaine he is here now, for many reasons.
Neither of them would understand how they got so lucky, to have each other, for now, and for always.