Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
"Really dude? You love going to weddings and seeing everybody all dressed up and stuff."
"Well, let's hope they all put in more of an effort than you did." Finn let out a little chuckle as he and Kurt entered the hotel. He loved his brother and his smart answers.
Cooper and Blaine were sitting down at a table on their own and Blaine had no idea who most of the people were in this room. Come to think of it, there was like five out of fifty people he knew, one being the bride who was called April. April was Cooper's college girlfriend, they had lasted for a year but that had stopped after she had moved to another college and long distance was too hard for them. They had stayed friends and all these years later they are still friends. Blaine had thought it would have been awkward for Cooper to be here but turns out; Cooper was fine and couldn't be happier for the couple. Cooper had found the love of his life and it made things easier for Coop to be here today. April wasn't just a one year girlfriend; she was his first girlfriend, his first love.
More and more people started coming into the dining room and so far it was only half full. Everyone was still coming in from the bar to have the meal.
"Finn, are you sure were in the right room?" Blaine heard a voice ask unsure before two guys' walked in the door. Before Blaine even had time to think of where he had heard that voice before Kurt and –that must be his brother- Blaine thought, walked in.
Cooper looked over to his brother who was looking over to the door at two guys; Cooper swore he had met the tall awkward looking guy before. Why is Blaine looking at them like he knew one of them, Cooper wondered.
Coop snapped his fingers in front of Blaine's face to snap him out of starring at them. Blaine took his eyes of them and to look at his brother.
"Yeah?" Blaine whispered and he wasn't even sure Coop heard him.
"Do you know them?" Coop asked curious.
"Ah…yeah. That's one of my student's dad and uncle." Blaine said as his eyes went back to looking over at Kurt.
Coop just nodded his head and didn't say anymore. He didn't say Blaine looked like he was in love with the guy, that a smile appeared on his face for a split second, because if he did, that would make Blaine remember the love of his life he lost and knowing Blaine, that wouldn't be good, so Coop didn't say a word, but Blaine's eyes told a hell of a lot.
Kurt and Finn were stood talking to the bride and groom. Finn knew the groom, Liam, from the army years ago. Liam and Finn had this friendship that Kurt had never seen anyone have before, they were closer than brothers, and after everything they had saw in the army and what nearly happened to one of them, they are as close as ever. Kurt's whole family adored Liam and Hayley always wanted him to play when he came over, like every time.
When they had finished talking to them Kurt and Finn went over to sit at a table a few steps away from them, Kurt followed behind Finn and then he saw him, Blaine. Kurt wanted to leg it out of the room or tell Finn to sit somewhere else, he couldn't sit beside someone who he really wants to ask out, but it's too late to do anything.
Act cool, Kurt, don't…oh god, why does he have to look so good in that grey suit and red tie, damn it, focus.
"Blaine, hi." Kurt said as steady as he could. Blaine looked up at him with a grin on his face, eyes bright, those big brown adorable eyes.
"Hey, Kurt." Oh yeah, he's in love with that guy Cooper smirked.
"It's good to see you again."
"Yeah, you to. Here, sit down." Kurt shyly smiled as he and Finn took a seat. Kurt sat beside Blaine and Finn beside Kurt.
"This is Hayley's Music and English teacher." Kurt said to Finn who nodded.
"Nice to meet you man." Finn said with that dopey smile he always wore.
"You to. Oh and this is my brother Cooper. An ex of the bride." Blaine chuckled as Coop hit him in the arm. Blaine's hand flew up to cover were Coop had hit him.
"That's what you get. You could have just introduced me as Cooper."
"Yeah but it's funnier the way I said it."
"Little brothers can be a pain in the ass sometimes." Cooper chuckled as did Finn.
"Yeah tell me about it. Kurt's always giving out to me about my dress sense, my hair, and so on." Kurt gave Finn a death glare.
"First of all, am older and second, I have good reason to, you didn't even do your hair and you wouldn't let me do it for you." Kurt turns back to Blaine who is trying not to laugh and Kurt couldn't help but smile at the beautiful man in front of him. Maybe he could get through tonight without saying something stupid to Blaine, maybe.
Blaine and Kurt sat at their empty table. Cooper and Finn had had a few drinks and were now on the dance floor, dancing like, let's say, mad drunken idiots.
"Finn could never dance in high school and he still can't."
"I don't know, he's not that bad." Kurt looked over to Blaine with raised eyebrows before they both burst out laughing.
"So, did Cooper drag you to this?"
"Pretty much. Did Finn drag you?"
"In a way. I always liked weddings. I actually was the wedding planner for my dad's wedding and Finn's wedding to." Kurt said proudly, but he left out his own wedding.
"Is that your job?" Blaine asked wanting to know everything about, Kurt.
"Nope, I do that for my friends and family, but it's not my job. I did musicals when I was in New York and I also write them. But, I haven't done any of that for years, since Hayley came, I gave up my job and was just a full time dad to her. I write musicals in my spare time." Kurt didn't want to mention why, he stopped performing on Broadway.
"That's amazing. I used to go to musicals all the time with…that would be an amazing job to have. I used to want to be an actor in high school but then I realised I wanted to be a teacher even more." Blaine tried to stop himself from remembering, from remembering Sebastian.
"Did you always live in Lima?"
"No. I was in Westerville when I was in Dalton high school and then moved to New York to go to college there and then stayed there until I came back here over a year ago." Kurt nodded his head with a smile. That was as much as either of them was going to say about their lives for now, even though both felt they could say so much more to each other.
"Do you um…want to get out of this room for a while?" Kurt asked unsure if he should have said anything or not.
"I'd like that."
Kurt and Blaine were outside in the dark with only the outside lights giving them light to just about see where they were walking. They walked on the grass as the water slowly flowed down the stream and into the lake. The sound relaxed Kurt, not that he didn't feel relaxed around Blaine, but being around Blaine made his heart race, and the sound of flowing water relaxed him, relaxed his heart.
"Kurt, can I ask you something and please, don't feel like you have to answer it." Blaine said before he could tell himself to shut up and to not ask Kurt anything.
"Okay." Kurt said as he took his eyes of the water and looked at Blaine.
"What happened between you and Hayley's dad? It's just this week, she told me that she couldn't write about her two favourite people in the whole world because one wasn't there and that…could she only write about how much she loved you." Kurt stopped walking once those words were out of Blaine's mouth. What have I done to my little girl? Kurt's eyes became watery quickly.
"God, Kurt I am so sorry, I should have never asked you. That was so stupid of me to ask what…" Blaine stopped himself before he said anything else stupid.
Kurt turned his head away from Blaine and looked up into the sky, where the stars are shining bright. He squeezed his eyes shut, trying to stop the tears.
"She's so little. I…I…don't know what to tell her. How do I tell her…I wanted to leave him, that…that I didn't love him anymore." Kurt choked on his tears and brought his arms around his shoulders. "She doesn't…deserve any of this." Before Blaine knew it he had his arms around Kurt and pulled him in his chest as Kurt let out sobs.
Blaine doesn't know the story of Kurt's life but he was pretty sure he wants to know.
"I'm sorry, for you know…"
"Kurt, trust me, its fine, really." Blaine gave Kurt a little smile as he looked over to the boy on the other side of the couch on front of him with his legs crossed and pulling at a tissue held in his hands as he looked down to the tissue avoiding Blaine's eyes.
They had come in a few minutes ago to the lounge room of the hotel were nobody else was. It was so quiet, but it wasn't awkward, it was nice.
"What was that song you and Haley were playing, the day I met you?" Kurt finally looked up at Blaine. Kurt's eyes were all red and puffy, his cheeks red, his hair messy, but he looked adorable.
Blaine thought for a minute, trying to remember it before answering. "One Direction's song, same mistakes."
"I remember them, they were really good." Kurt's eyes wandered over to the piano a few steps away from them. "Would you um…would you play it? I never heard it just on piano before." I just really want to hear you play.
"Okay." Blaine said and wondered if Kurt had even heard that one word. He gave a little smile to Kurt before getting up and sitting down at the piano.
Why Kurt asked Blaine to play this song? He didn't know because he knew the lyrics to this song. To him someone singing the word's he needed to hear was better than someone just saying them.
Blaine put his hands onto the keys lightly and remembered the beginning of the song. Before he started to play he looked at Kurt in the corner of his eye that was sat with his head lying on the back of the couch and watching Blaine, so he started to play. He played the first three note's before he started singing lowly at first because he didn't' know it until he sang that first word, that he was really nervous doing this in front of Kurt.
Circle's we going in circles
Dizzies all it makes us
We know where it takes us, we've been before
Kurt let a little smile appear on his face as he listened to one beautiful voice and the beautiful sound of the piano notes.
Or else will play, play, play all the same old games
And we wait, wait, wait for the end to change
And we take it for granted that will be the same, but were making all the same mistakes.
Blaine breathed in and out a shaky breath before he continued to sing. Kurt's smile got bigger, even with what the lyrics were saying, he couldn't help but smile because it was Blaine singing them.
Wake up; we both need to wake up
"Sebastian, wake up, please sweetheart, wake up. I can't lose you." Blaine cried as he looked over to the love of his life dying beside him with every second. "Please, please, wake up." Blaine choked out as he tried to reach over to Sebastian.
Maybe if we face up, to this, we can get through this
Closer, maybe will be closer stronger than we were before, make this something more, yeah
"No! Cooper let me go! I need to see him!" Blaine shouted as Cooper held his brother around the waist pulling him back from the room.
"Cooper! I have to see is he okay?" Blaine's voice got louder and it was breaking Cooper's heart because just minutes ago they were told the news that Cooper feared Blaine would never cop with.
"He's dead, Blaine! He's dead." Cooper whispered the last two words, when he realised he had shouted.
"No, no, no, no, no." Blaine shook his head and got out of Cooper's arms running to the room.
Yeah, yeah, yeah that's what crazy is
When it's broken you say there's nothing to fix
And you pray, pray, pray that everything will be okay
While were making all the same mistakes
Don't look back
But if we don't look back
Were only learning things how to make all the same mis, same mistakes again
Blaine stopped at the window were he saw the white bed sheet being pulled over the love of his life.
"Sebastian! Am sorry! Am so…so sorry, sweetheart."
"It's not your fault Blaine." Coop whispered as he stood behind his brother.
Blaine just starred at the keys of the piano, his hands still on them. He wasn't playing anymore, he was remembering.
"Blaine, Blaine, are you okay?" Kurt asked worried as he stood behind Blaine with his hand gently on Blaine's shoulder. Blaine didn't answer, Blaine didn't move, Blaine just remembered.
"I did this, I...I...I... why did…" Blaine turned around to face his brother. Blaine's eyes were massive with shook, angry, sadness, regret, all in one. His face was soaked with tears, his eyes puffy, red, and swollen and the look of blame written all over his face.
"I killed my fianc�, Kurt. I…I killed him." Blaine choked out with tears rushing down his face.
This chapter was really good. I loved seeing Blaine and Kurt interact with each other while also spending time with Cooper and Finn. I feel so bad for Blaine and I am curious to know what actually happened. I am off to read chapter 4.
Awh thank you. I really love getting reviews from you, their always so nice :)