One Moment
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One Moment: Home

T - Words: 6,128 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
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Author's Notes: Kurt sits on the house step, laughing, as Hayley screams, running around their new garden, while Blaine chases her around trying to get paint on her. They had only gotten to the house half an hour ago and Blaine already has paint over him. Kurt had kept clean, not being a messy painter and Hayley would soon have Blaine’s handprints on her.
The house they brought is twenty minutes out of Lima and just fifteen minutes from Kurt’s Dad’s house. It was the first and only house they looked at. They got stuck into it and Blaine always over did it, when his ribs are still healing, but in the last couple of days, the pain is hardly there anymore, just once or twice a day it can get sore. So Kurt gives Blaine jobs like painting to do, which Blaine likes to put everywhere.
Kurt shakes his head and goes back inside. Downstairs, mostly everything is done, having the basics in, downstairs is ready to move into, but all the bedrooms are upstairs. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. The bathroom being done, not needing much done to it at the start. Then there are the three bedrooms. Hayley’s was the first to get done. All that was left is for her to move in all her things in which, half the job is done already. Blaine and Kurt’s room is done; they just need to move they’re things in. And then the room that is Kurt and Blaine’s work space. The floor is done. That’s it. It’s the smallest bedroom, but still pretty big and about half a wall is painted a light blue.
In one week it is Christmas Eve and what they brought new for the house and the rest of the things are all coming in 3 days, when they aren’t so busy and have a break from work, too here and then the unpacking is just left to do and here they are for Christmas, having their family come over here for Christmas Day, that’s if Blaine gets the painting done and if Kurt finishes unpacking the kitchen things.
Kurt pops upstairs to check the study room. They locked the other two rooms as to not throw anything in there and leave them shut until moving all their things in. Okay, so Blaine has one wall done now. Kurt picks up the paint roller and starts on a new wall. After a few minutes he hears footsteps on the stairs. Kurt stops painting and turns to see Blaine still covered in blue paint. He holds on hand behind his back with a grin on his face.
“Joining me?” Blaine asks, with a smirk on his lips.
“If it makes you paint faster, than yeah,” Kurt chuckles. “Did you cover Hayley in paint?”
“You mean the little Smurf downstairs doing her homework? Yea, she is.” Blaine pulls his hand behind his back and is holding a white rose. “I stole it from the neighbour’s garden. Well, more like Hayley wiggled into a hole in the fence and grabbed it.” Kurt walks towards him and takes it from Blaine.
“And in what way did she bribe you?” Kurt smells the rose as he listens to Blaine.
“Ice-cream for the next three weekends and too not give the class any Music or English homework for Christmas. Joke is on her, I wasn’t going too.” Blaine laughs evilly.
“You can just help her with all her homework on Christmas because you’re the teacher, not me.”
“And in return I get?” Blaine asks.
“You get the joy of being my Christmas Miracle.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“She has what?” Kurt asks in shock. Blaine and Kurt are sat on the lawn watching as Hayley gets up on her new trampoline. Blaine goes to get up to try and escape any questions from Kurt. “No you don’t.” Kurt holds Blaine’s arm and pulls him back down beside him. Kurt looks to Blaine with a surprised look on his face.
“You look so beautiful today, Kurt. I think I would get a better view from…” Blaine trails of from Kurt’s evil look.
“If you dare get up without telling me, that piano is not getting moved into our study room.”
“You play too dirty.” Blaine can’t stop a smile appearing on his face. “Okay, Hayley kind of has a boyfriend. And I have only been back at school one week so you can’t be mad at me.” Blaine said the last line very quickly.
“Who is he?” Kurt asks calmly.
“He just came in three weeks ago when I wasn’t there. Remember Hayley was talking about a new boy in her classes named Josh…that’s him. Kurt you should see them. When they were in my classes on Thursday she was helping him with his work. They’re never apart. I think they even go to the toilet together.” Blaine jokes, but by the look on Kurt’s face, Kurt didn’t think he was. “I’m joking. You would have seen him when you were collecting Hayley; he has red hair and wears a white and red hoodie a lot. Clay said the first day Josh started school; Hayley was the first to go up to him, take his hand and sit beside her. And he said they are inseparable since.” Kurt looks over to Hayley who is laughing as she goes really high into the air. “Just please don’t ask Clay anything about them...he makes inappropriate jokes. “ Kurt looks back to Blaine, with a softer expression on his face. “He is very sweet and he needs a friend like Hayley. His Dad passed away a few weeks ago and his Mum wanted to stay with her Mother and Father here. His granny told me on Friday how much happier he has been since starting school here and always talks about Hayley and he brightens up their day and especially his Mums day when he talks about school and Hayley.”
“I’m glad. Hayley has seemed to be much happier these past few weeks.” Kurt entwines his fingers through Blaine’s. “Just keep an eye on them, okay?”
“I will. I love when you get all caring. And Kurt just to let you know, you really do make me the happiest person in the world. No wonder Hayley makes Josh so happy when she has you as her Daddy.” Kurt looks to Blaine in aww.
“And just to let you know, I may be madly in love with you.”
“So that’s why we have a house together. I was wondering because…” Kurt cuts Blaine of by pushing him to the ground. Blaine puts his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulls him down with him. They can hear Hayley laughing at them. Kurt lies beside Blaine, and rolls onto his stomach, Blaine still lying on his back. Kurt looks down to Blaine, who looks up.
“We are never going to get the painting done in time.” Kurt picks at pieces of the grass.
“Not with your messing.” Blaine jokes, earning him Kurt to stick out his tongue at him. Blaine brings his left hand up to the back of Kurt’s neck. He plays with the pieces of hair at the bottom of Kurt’s neck. “I still have a sore side, you know?”
“Do not use that on me. If it was still that sore, you would not spend half your time on that trampoline.” Blaine pretends to be hurt by that.
“I’m making sure it’s safe for Hayley. And by the way, I nearly have the study room painted.”
“A wall and a half is not nearly painted. Most of the paint goes on you just like this grass.” Blaine doesn’t have time to say what because grass is over his face and Kurt is legging it to the trampoline.
“Kurrrrrrt…” Blaine laughs as he gets up and runs over to the trampoline opening the space on the net to get in, but Kurt’s stops him. Blaine wanders away, coming back the next second with the hose, water splashing out of it.
“Don’t you dare, Blaine Anderson!” Hayley’s laughing, not caring if she gets soaked. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Kurt covers his face with his hands knowing that will do no good.
“Too late,” Blaine says and points the hose at Kurt, water soaking Kurt. Hayley is clapping and laughing in amusement. She then gets out the hole of the tent as Kurt is getting soaked. She runs over to Blaine who stops soaking Kurt when Hayley gets there. Kurt looks over at them with pay back in his eyes. Hayley and Blaine keep laughing.
“Run,” Kurt says, hoping out of the net hole, picking up the hose and running after them.

“Wait…how many times did Rachel and Finn get together in high school?” Blaine asks. Kurt and Blaine are in the study room in their new house, sat on a new mattress across from each other, which had been lying in the hallway to be brought in, once the walls were painted. They had got the room fully painted an hour ago. Kurt had brought in two cushions and a blanket to make it cosy. They were tired and decided to stay here for the night. It is their first night staying here. They didn’t even know what time it was. They left their phones downstairs and just got to work a couple of hours ago.
After their water fight that day, they went back to Burt’s, got changed and had something to eat. It was seven o’clock before they were done. Kurt and Blaine decided they would go back and get the house finished before everything had to be moved in, Hayley wanted to go, but of course she was too tired and fell asleep twenty minutes before they left.
“That’s like asking how many stars are in the sky. I guess it just wasn’t the right time for them to be together. But now is.” After 12 years of their last break up, their back together again, hopefully for good this time. And the fact Finn is moving to New York with her is amazing. Kurt really is happy for Finn, Rachel makes him the happiest he can be. He is just glad he got a job in New York before going to keep him going. He doesn’t want him to leave, but if he is leaving with anyone he is glad it’s with Rachel. “I’m glad they’re not going till after New Year’s though. It’s weird, when we were in High school, Finn would rather have stayed in Lima to help Dad and I was mad to go too New York. And now I’m staying here and he is going too New York with Rachel this time, not me. It’s crazy.”
“The city of dreams turned into…just not good for either of us. Would you ever go back?” Blaine asked Kurt, but he was also asking himself. He never thought about it. When Sebastian passed away, Blaine came to live with Sarah and Cooper. Then the teaching job came along and with that he was dealing with his parents. He never really got time to think about that. Now he does. But why would he? Yes, New York is a beautiful city, but it’s scary without anyone there with you. It’s amazing when you have someone you love with you. It’s still amazing on your own, but there is a big part missing.
“I couldn’t. I mean…to go back for a few weeks or that, yea, but I could never live there again. I had my experience of it, and it was amazing. But I never felt it was home, even after having Hayley, it just wasn’t the place. And now…I am home.” Kurt smiled at the good memories. They weren’t all bad. He lived there for so long, he loved it, but he knew he wouldn’t stay there forever.
“Tell me one of your best memories there.” Blaine had only heard the bad things in Kurt’s life about New York, never something beautiful that happened in his life there expect for Hayley.
“It…it was Danny,” Kurt looks to Blaine with serious eyes. He never thought about his best memory, but it was Danny. With everything that happened, he couldn’t even lie about the best memory of New York was with the man who in the end nearly broke him.

“Kurt, it’s this way.” Danny looks down a narrow street, that he was pretty sure they came up. Lights lit up the city, but it was still too dark to really remember the way now.
“You may live her longer, but I know New York really well.” Kurt was positive. He was grateful he wore his coat because it is getting cold out. He looks over to Danny who is just wearing his jacket. “You had a coat, didn’t you?” Danny put his hands on his jacket, feeling another material than his coat.
“Umm, I think I forgot it at the Restaurant.” Danny had sorry written all over his face. “Our phones, they were…” Danny cut himself of and looked into the distance. He started to laugh. He turns back to face Kurt who is trying not to laugh himself.
“Danny, it’s not funny. I think we are lost in New York City.”
“We think a lot, so we don’t have to say we are, don’t we?” Kurt laughs, nodding his head.
“Of al-all places to be lost without any phones,” Kurt looks around him. Where is everyone? “Okay, I think I’m scared, or maybe I’m just feeling stupid now.” Danny wraps his arms around Kurt, holding him close. He feels Kurt’s warmth. Kurt does the same, looking up to Danny’s eyes. Danny was just that little bit taller.
“We might be lost with no phones, no people, no cars moving and houses that I’m guessing no one is living in, but we are still alive.” Danny said trying to brighten this moment up.
“For now. Until a zombie or werewolf comes to eat us. It’s eating you first by the way.” Kurt smirks.
“Well, I guess I was the one who made us go out tonight, so seems fair. But before we do, can I just say, how much I love you. And being lost with you, I’m not scared at all. I never feel lost when you are here. So think of that when I’m being eating, okay?” Kurt’s not laughing; he is just looking at Danny.
“I might just go first now because of those words. I didn’t think I would have been on that train a few months ago, if it wasn’t for Rachel sending me the other side of New York to get weird coffee. And I wouldn’t have run into you getting back on the train and you holding the door for me, a second before it took off. “
“One second longer you would have been gone and wasn’t I glad to see you legging it to get the train.”
“I was glad you saw me. Thank you, by the way, for holding the door that day.”
“Thank you for running,”
“I’ll always run to you, never away.” Danny kisses Kurt’s lips. He can feel Kurt smiling against his lips, so he smiles too. He would always smile with Kurt.

“Eventually a car passed through and gave us a lift back home. We talked so much that night, we just got lost along the way. And I think the fact that we had only each other and we were so happy is why it’s the best memory.” Kurt was smiling, but it started to fade. “What he has done nearly broke me, but he wasn’t always like that. Money took over and that was it.” Kurt is broken from that memory because he never could have imagined the way it would end. “But before it all, he made me smile every day. I don’t know what the right way to think is, but I know I want to remember him like that.” Blaine takes Kurt’s hands in his and looks into his beautiful eyes.
“Then remember him like that. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should remember him. How can they tell you when they don’t understand? Remember the boy you fell in love with. Remember him as Hayley’s Dad and remember he just got lost along the way and the person who dealt with it, is the one person he loved.” Kurt gives Blaine a little smile. He didn’t expect Blaine to say he shouldn’t be remembered, but he didn’t expect him to say this either, but then he smiles bigger, of course Blaine would. Blaine tries to see the good in everything. “No matter what he did, remember there was a time he made you happy and he just couldn’t be saved in this life. But Kurt, wherever he is, he is saved now.” Kurt had told Hayley her Papa is okay now and he tried to believe it when he told her, but he just couldn’t believe it fully. With Blaine now saying it, he’s just a few steps away from really believing it.
“I’m glad I met him because if I hadn’t…I might never have met you. We met at the right time.” Kurt pauses and gives a hint of a smile, as he is lost in the first day they met. “I fell in love with you at the right time.”
“Close your eyes for a second,” Blaine whispers. Kurt gives him a suspension look, that makes Blaine chuckle. “Trust me,” Kurt trusts Blaine and closes his eyes. “Sometimes when you close your eyes and you can’t see, things feel like they have never changed. They can’t see things have and how far they may have come.” Kurt is listening to what Blaine is saying, but he’s listening to the tone of his voice more. “Sometimes from where someone was too where they are now, isn’t a good place. But other times they are. Life was trying to pull them down so much, which they felt like letting go.” Blaine is letting himself get fully lost in the moment. “I was about to let go before you and Hayley. I couldn’t deal with not having Sebastian with me every day. And then a new student came into my classes and could brighten up my day in a heartbeat. Then one day…she told me just her Daddy was coming in. And I didn’t understand her family’s life. But then a Beautiful guy walks into my classroom, late, I might add.” They chuckle. “Not even when Sebastian died, could Cooper or the kids, fully bring me out of feeling like, I was going to let go soon. And the moment you walked in, I smiled for real, the first time before a car collided into ours. And for someone to make me do that, I knew there was something about you I didn’t know yet.” A tear falls down Kurt’s cheek, but he doesn’t open his eyes. Blaine wipes the tear away.
“And because of you…that’s why I’m not letting go anymore. I’ll never let go of someone who made me so happy again.” Blaine feels tears forming, but he pushes them away. “You were the love of my life the day you walked in saying, sorry for being late. And you…you helped me live again, Kurt. And I know…Sebastian would be so grateful to you. I thought he would only ever be the only one…and then came along the person I love so much today.” Blaine failed to stop the tears falling. Kurt opens his wet eyes and looks into Blaine’s. “I’ll never stop loving him…but I love you. You’re here and you saved me and don’t you ever think because he-he was my first love, that I don’t love you half as much because you know I do. You can’t replace a first love…but you can-can’t replace a second one either. And this is the way our lives went, and what happened in the pas-past, brought us to here. The past nearly broke me…but once the future has you right there, I know, I’ll be okay.” Kurt leans his forehead against Blaine’s.
“Every word, Blaine, you know is everything I say back to you. You saved a broken Daughter and Dad, and brought them back into happiness. And you literally saved my life. And yes, the past could have broken us, but we knew where to go. We knew how to find each other, when we didn’t know at all. Our hearts lead us home, to end up with a brand new life and a brand future of a happy new family brought together by sadness, but staying together with love and hope. And I hope every day I wake up to you and fall asleep with you because you, Blaine…I could have never loved anymore more than I love you. I loved Danny, yes, but I didn’t know what would happen. But you, we know so much about each other in these first few months. And I hope Danny and Sebastian are okay. I hope they are happy because they gave us each other and to be lead to you Blaine…is too be lead back home. And you didn’t just give me the perfect guy, but you gave Hayley the perfect other Daddy because honestly, no one can top myself.” Kurt grins as does Blaine. Blaine would agree with that. Neither says another word. Kurt just wraps his arms around Blaine, as does Blaine. And they thank the world for bringing them together.
Blaine is sat at the piano, playing different keys, while Kurt is in the kitchen making coffee. The sound of keys always makes Blaine feel something that he can’t feel without it. And in beautiful days and beautiful moments like this, it’s even a more magical sound. He’s just playing random notes, but it all sounds stunning to him. And then he starts playing a song, which reminds him of Sebastian.
It’s just another night and I’m starting at the moon, I saw a shooting star and thought of you
I sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew, if you were here id sing to you
Here on the other side as the sky line splits in two
Miles away from seeing you

Blaine closes his eyes, wishing Sebastian didn’t have to go to London for two months. He knew how much Sebastian wanted this job, and if he did well for these two months, he could either come home or continue his work in America, but before any of that, these two months had to go well. And Blaine would have gone, expect he couldn’t, he had three months left of college.
Blaine had to do one extra year for his teaching course and in the months Sebastian was finished college, he had two jobs, one working in a cinema to have money to get by and a 3 day week job for a Photography/Graphic Design company. Sebastian loved it and two weeks ago they told him they were sending over five people from their company too London, to start up a business there. And Sebastian being one of them, if it went well setting up a business over there, Sebastian would become a manger there. And he would get the choice to work either in London or from American dealing with that company and being promoted in American as well. Sebastian already knew he wanted to stay in America. He had been to London before and loved it, but he knew where Home was.
Sebastian had left a few hours ago. One of the guys he was going to London with, Michael had picked him up. He didn’t want Blaine coming to the airport because he couldn’t handle it.
Since Sebastian left, Blaine had tried to do college work, but he couldn’t. So he sat at the piano and played it over and over. The random notes turned into a song they had heard one night, on a drive back from seeing Cooper and Sarah. They had turned to each other with a smile on each of their faces and without saying anything, they knew that was a song to add to their ‘Cheesy couple list’.
As Blaine plays the song, he sings the words, but his voice is cracking from missing Sebastian.

I-I can see the stars from America
I wonder do you-you see them two

A tear falls down Blaine’s cheek as he opens his eyes and watches his fingers play the notes.

S-So open your eyes and see…the way ou-our horizons meet
And-and all of the lights will lead…into the night wi-with me
And I know these scars will bleed…both of our hearts believe
All-all of these sta-stars will…
Blaine stops singing and his fingers stop playing. They just lean against the last notes played. He chokes lightly on his tears.

“Will guide us home…” Another voice sings from behind Blaine. Blaine stops crying, opens his eyes and turns around halfway in the stool. He sees Sebastian standing at the living room door.
“I can see my angel…from right here.” Sebastian sings. He looks to Blaine, who by looking at him, thinks he’s imagining Sebastian here. Blaine then smiles and lets out a happy sob.
“I’m never going anywhere without you,” Sebastian says with a steady voice. He’s still in his black coat and scarf. Sebastian starts to walk towards Blaine, as Blaine gets up to meet him halfway. “I don’t care where I am. I-I just need y-you there…with me.” Sebastian can feel himself start to get really upset, but seeing Blaine in front of him, makes him smile. Blaine throws his arms around Sebastian. He holds him so tightly. Sebastian hugs him back, his head against the side of Blaine’s.
“Angel…I-I love you…but I-I honestly can’t breathe.” Sebastian chuckles, Blaine lets go of him a little and brings his face, to face Sebastian’s.
“Sorry,” Blaine smiles. Sebastian brings his hand up to Blaine’s cheek and wipes away the tears. As he does Blaine brings his hand up over Sebastian’s, he turns over his hand in Blaine’s and entwines their fingers. Blaine puts his lips against Sebastian’s hand. He couldn’t believe Sebastian came back. He didn’t know how he could cop without him.
“Did you miss me?” Blaine looks up at him, trying to not laugh.
“Shut up,” Blaine jokes. “Your job…you wanted this-“Sebastian shakes his head and cuts Blaine of.
“I got to the airport and I was on the plane with Michael. I was about to switch of my phone and I saw the picture of us for my wallpaper. And I fully realized…I can’t leave you for that long. I have never been away from you more than two days. So I told Michael I couldn’t go. He smiled and said ‘I wouldn’t leave him either.’ So…I didn’t leave you.” Sebastian put a hand either side on Blaine’s cheeks. “I am going to London…but in just over three months.” Blaine looks at him surprised, realizing he would be finished college then. “You’re coming with me. And I know you’re going to be an over excited child visiting London for the first time, and I can’t wait to be there with you.”
“Sebastian…” Blaine looks at him, in the most powerfully sweet way you can look when you adore someone so much.
“Mm,” Sebastian lets his hands fall too Blaine’s, entwining their fingers once again. He leans his forehead against Blaine’s. He smiles brightly at him.
“Thank you for coming home to me.” Blaine whispers. Sebastian leans his lips against Blaine’s, kissing him softly and slowly. When they pull away a little, they look into each other’s happy and loving eyes for each other.
“I’ll always be home with you, Angel.”
Kurt stands at the kitchen door, looking into their living room at Blaine sat at the piano, as he plays the final few notes. Kurt walks towards Blaine with two cups of coffees in his hands. He places the two cups on the small table against the wall under the window and takes a seat next to Blaine at the piano.
“I love that we found each other, but I’m sorry that you had to lose him.” Blaine looks to Kurt. It amazes Blaine that Kurt knows when Blaine is thinking about Sebastian. “You know, if he could come back, I’d give you up so you could be with him again.” Blaine didn’t expect that.
“Kurt, I…don’t do that too yourself. Do you think if I had you both on front of me I wouldn’t choose you?” Kurt doesn’t answer because he doesn’t know what to say. “He will always be in my heart and honestly, if you two were standing in front of me and I had to choose, I never could.” Blaine smiles at a memory.
“When I was younger, I had a friend, Sky, in school and her Mother passed away. And she told me how much in love her Dad was with her Mother. Then a year later he got engaged to another woman and she couldn’t understand how he could love someone else.” Blaine puts his right hand against the side of Kurt’s neck, rubbing his thumb against Kurt’s skin.
“So one day she asked him. He said, that is the hardest question I’ll ever get asked. And I don’t have a good enough answer for you. All I can say is this…your mother made me smile so much and I couldn’t imagine being without her. And every day I think of her and smile. She might not be here, but she is in my heart forever. The world works in a way we don’t have to choose. And if we live to a day we do, I believe, the world would work in another way so we wouldn’t have too. And she asked him ‘But what about heaven? When we die, we meet everyone again that we lost, what happens then?’ And she thought her dad wouldn’t be able to answer that because how can anyone answer a question like that? We are in love with people different times in our life, and we get a certain amount of time with them. And when that time is over, we hope to see them again. But we don’t know when or where that we be. We might never be in a partnership with them again and maybe we will, but I believe the world would never let us choose between loved ones. Just like someone’s brother and sister, if they cannot choose they say, they won’t, and any relationship is just like that, the decent won’t choose and the decent won’t make them, so the world doesn’t either.” Kurt is leaning into Blaine’s touch.
“I would never choose because I couldn’t. And the world couldn’t ever ask that of anyone. That part of my life with him is over, Kurt, and you know it nearly drowned me, but there is a reason you came and pulled me up. And if there is one good reason why that happened, it’s the world telling you and me, hey, it’s time to be together you two. It’s time to save each other and love each other. We did and we do, Kurt. And I won’t question that…all I know is I love you like the world wanted me too. The time we have…it’s our time now.” Neither of them has tears in their eyes, they are just smiling and accept that it’s their time to be happy together.
“That’s the best answer you could have given me,” Kurt said. He kisses Blaine on his cheek and wraps his arms around Blaine. “I’ll always love you.”
“I’ll love you always too, beautiful.”

An hour later, Blaine and Kurt are sat on the couch, Kurt on one side, Blaine on the other. Kurt holds a bowl of popcorn in his hands. They play a game called guess the line. You have to guess a line from a show/film/person/song, basically just from anything.
“Ha! I knew I would get that one. Okay, my go my go,” Kurt said excited. “Sing to me and I will forgive you for packing my heart in the suitcase you packed.”
“I know it! Oh my god, I know it. It’s a song from a show.” Blaine looks very confused. He knows he should know this.
“20 seconds to guess, Blaine?” Blaine hears Kurt, but he is too busy trying to remember. Kurt eats some more popcorn while Blaine thinks. Blaine remembers being in school and loving the song these lyrics are from. He questions his life by not knowing this. Kurt is laughing, knowing Blaine is going to be so mad if he doesn’t get this.
“Ten!” Kurt said throwing a piece of popcorn at Blaine. “Nine, Eight, Seven!” Kurt throws another piece at him. Blaine has time to give Kurt an evil look. “Six!”
“Sing to me like the lights didn’t blind you, like you blinded me…” Blaine mumbles the lyrics that are coming back to him. “WHEN I HEARD YOUR VOICE IN A DREAM!” Kurt nearly drops the bowl of popcorn from Blaine shouting the name. “SMASH! It’s freaking Smash.” Blaine grins, getting it right.
“Well done, Sherlock. It took you forever, but you got it.” Kurt chuckles. Blaine crosses his arms pretending to sulk. Kurt starts throwing Popcorn at Blaine again. When Kurt doesn’t stop, Blaine moves over to Kurt, sitting on his waist and tickling his sides. The popcorn bowl falls onto the ground, with the rest of the popcorn falling out of the bowl and onto the floor.
“Blaine! No,no,no,noooo,” Kurt laughs, loudly and tries to get away from under Blaine. Blaine can’t help but laugh at Kurt laughing. Blaine stops after a few seconds, knowing Kurt can’t handle it anymore. “It’s like one in the morning and we are not tired, how is that possible?” Kurt said trying to get his heart rate slowed down.
“We did have like 2 cups of coffee at twelve, so maybe that’s why.” Blaine chuckles, as he still sits on Kurt’s waist. He puts his hands on Kurt’s chest; he can feel Kurt’s heart. Kurt rests his hands on Blaine’s back.
“That might just be it.” Kurt smile up at Blaine. “Are you just going to sit there smiling or are you going to kiss me?”
“Do you want me too?” Blaine jokes.
“No, Blaine. I don’t want a really beautiful guy to kiss me.” Kurt chuckles.
“Okay,” Blaine messes, going to get off Kurt, but Kurt pulls Blaine down to his lips and kisses him. Blaine happily kisses him back. Blaine lowers himself down onto Kurt, getting a bit more comfortable. Kurt moves his hands up Blaine’s back, pulling him closer to him. Blaine has one hand behind Kurt’s head and the other on the side of his neck. A few seconds go by with just the kissing of lips. They stop for a second and look too each other’s eyes.
“I want to be with you,” Kurt whispers. He watches Blaine’s expression to see if he wants the same.
“I want to be with you too,” Blaine moves his hand from Kurt’s neck, up to his cheek. “Promise me you’re ready though.” Blaine knows himself; he is ready to give all of himself to Kurt. He never thought he could with anyone else, but then came along, Kurt.
“I promise, if you do?” Blaine smiles and nods his head.
“Promise,” Kurt returns the smile. He can feel his heart getting faster again. It was hard back when Kurt was with Danny to think anyone would actually want Kurt, for all of him, not just his body. And then came along, Blaine.
Blaine puts his fingers under Kurt’s chin and kisses him softly. When he pulls away he gets up from the couch and holds out his hands, that Kurt takes, and pulls him up against him. Blaine lets one of his hands go from Kurt’s and holds Kurt’s other still in his own hand. They start to head out the door and up the stairs. They are halfway up the stairs when Blaine slips one of the steps, landing on them without hurting himself, Kurt landing half on him. They both burst out laughing.
“We r-really should have dried up t-the water from the water fight,” Kurt said through his laughter. “Are you okay?” He looks to Blaine, under him, who is still laughing, his head lying against one of the steps, sideways as he looks to Kurt. Kurt balances himself by putting his two knees on the step and looks down at Blaine.
“I think so. Ask me in the morning.” Blaine grins.
“It is the morning,” Kurt shakes his head. “We really can’t do anything straight forward romantic. But I love us like that.”
“So do I,” Blaine said pushing himself up to sit on the step. “Let’s go be us.” Kurt leans up to Blaine and kisses him.
“I love you to bits, you know.”
“Good because I may have just been in bits a few seconds ago,” Blaine said making them laugh again.
“I love you too, till always.”
Kurt sits on the house step, laughing, as Hayley screams, running around their new garden, while Blaine chases her around trying to get paint on her. They had only gotten to the house half an hour ago and Blaine already has paint over him. Kurt had kept clean, not being a messy painter and Hayley would soon have Blaine’s handprints on her.
The house they brought is twenty minutes out of Lima and just fifteen minutes from Kurt’s Dad’s house. It was the first and only house they looked at. They got stuck into it and Blaine always over did it, when his ribs are still healing, but in the last couple of days, the pain is hardly there anymore, just once or twice a day it can get sore. So Kurt gives Blaine jobs like painting to do, which Blaine likes to put everywhere.
Kurt shakes his head and goes back inside. Downstairs, mostly everything is done, having the basics in, downstairs is ready to move into, but all the bedrooms are upstairs. There are three bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs. The bathroom being done, not needing much done to it at the start. Then there are the three bedrooms. Hayley’s was the first to get done. All that was left is for her to move in all her things in which, half the job is done already. Blaine and Kurt’s room is done; they just need to move they’re things in. And then the room that is Kurt and Blaine’s work space. The floor is done. That’s it. It’s the smallest bedroom, but still pretty big and about half a wall is painted a light blue.
In one week it is Christmas Eve and what they brought new for the house and the rest of the things are all coming in 3 days, when they aren’t so busy and have a break from work, too here and then the unpacking is just left to do and here they are for Christmas, having their family come over here for Christmas Day, that’s if Blaine gets the painting done and if Kurt finishes unpacking the kitchen things.
Kurt pops upstairs to check the study room. They locked the other two rooms as to not throw anything in there and leave them shut until moving all their things in. Okay, so Blaine has one wall done now. Kurt picks up the paint roller and starts on a new wall. After a few minutes he hears footsteps on the stairs. Kurt stops painting and turns to see Blaine still covered in blue paint. He holds on hand behind his back with a grin on his face.
“Joining me?” Blaine asks, with a smirk on his lips.
“If it makes you paint faster, than yeah,” Kurt chuckles. “Did you cover Hayley in paint?”
“You mean the little Smurf downstairs doing her homework? Yea, she is.” Blaine pulls his hand behind his back and is holding a white rose. “I stole it from the neighbour’s garden. Well, more like Hayley wiggled into a hole in the fence and grabbed it.” Kurt walks towards him and takes it from Blaine.
“And in what way did she bribe you?” Kurt smells the rose as he listens to Blaine.
“Ice-cream for the next three weekends and too not give the class any Music or English homework for Christmas. Joke is on her, I wasn’t going too.” Blaine laughs evilly.
“You can just help her with all her homework on Christmas because you’re the teacher, not me.”
“And in return I get?” Blaine asks.
“You get the joy of being my Christmas Miracle.”
“I like the sound of that.”
“She has what?” Kurt asks in shock. Blaine and Kurt are sat on the lawn watching as Hayley gets up on her new trampoline. Blaine goes to get up to try and escape any questions from Kurt. “No you don’t.” Kurt holds Blaine’s arm and pulls him back down beside him. Kurt looks to Blaine with a surprised look on his face.
“You look so beautiful today, Kurt. I think I would get a better view from…” Blaine trails of from Kurt’s evil look.
“If you dare get up without telling me, that piano is not getting moved into our study room.”
“You play too dirty.” Blaine can’t stop a smile appearing on his face. “Okay, Hayley kind of has a boyfriend. And I have only been back at school one week so you can’t be mad at me.” Blaine said the last line very quickly.
“Who is he?” Kurt asks calmly.
“He just came in three weeks ago when I wasn’t there. Remember Hayley was talking about a new boy in her classes named Josh…that’s him. Kurt you should see them. When they were in my classes on Thursday she was helping him with his work. They’re never apart. I think they even go to the toilet together.” Blaine jokes, but by the look on Kurt’s face, Kurt didn’t think he was. “I’m joking. You would have seen him when you were collecting Hayley; he has red hair and wears a white and red hoodie a lot. Clay said the first day Josh started school; Hayley was the first to go up to him, take his hand and sit beside her. And he said they are inseparable since.” Kurt looks over to Hayley who is laughing as she goes really high into the air. “Just please don’t ask Clay anything about them...he makes inappropriate jokes. “ Kurt looks back to Blaine, with a softer expression on his face. “He is very sweet and he needs a friend like Hayley. His Dad passed away a few weeks ago and his Mum wanted to stay with her Mother and Father here. His granny told me on Friday how much happier he has been since starting school here and always talks about Hayley and he brightens up their day and especially his Mums day when he talks about school and Hayley.”
“I’m glad. Hayley has seemed to be much happier these past few weeks.” Kurt entwines his fingers through Blaine’s. “Just keep an eye on them, okay?”
“I will. I love when you get all caring. And Kurt just to let you know, you really do make me the happiest person in the world. No wonder Hayley makes Josh so happy when she has you as her Daddy.” Kurt looks to Blaine in aww.
“And just to let you know, I may be madly in love with you.”
“So that’s why we have a house together. I was wondering because…” Kurt cuts Blaine of by pushing him to the ground. Blaine puts his arms around Kurt’s waist and pulls him down with him. They can hear Hayley laughing at them. Kurt lies beside Blaine, and rolls onto his stomach, Blaine still lying on his back. Kurt looks down to Blaine, who looks up.
“We are never going to get the painting done in time.” Kurt picks at pieces of the grass.
“Not with your messing.” Blaine jokes, earning him Kurt to stick out his tongue at him. Blaine brings his left hand up to the back of Kurt’s neck. He plays with the pieces of hair at the bottom of Kurt’s neck. “I still have a sore side, you know?”
“Do not use that on me. If it was still that sore, you would not spend half your time on that trampoline.” Blaine pretends to be hurt by that.
“I’m making sure it’s safe for Hayley. And by the way, I nearly have the study room painted.”
“A wall and a half is not nearly painted. Most of the paint goes on you just like this grass.” Blaine doesn’t have time to say what because grass is over his face and Kurt is legging it to the trampoline.
“Kurrrrrrt…” Blaine laughs as he gets up and runs over to the trampoline opening the space on the net to get in, but Kurt’s stops him. Blaine wanders away, coming back the next second with the hose, water splashing out of it.
“Don’t you dare, Blaine Anderson!” Hayley’s laughing, not caring if she gets soaked. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Kurt covers his face with his hands knowing that will do no good.
“Too late,” Blaine says and points the hose at Kurt, water soaking Kurt. Hayley is clapping and laughing in amusement. She then gets out the hole of the tent as Kurt is getting soaked. She runs over to Blaine who stops soaking Kurt when Hayley gets there. Kurt looks over at them with pay back in his eyes. Hayley and Blaine keep laughing.
“Run,” Kurt says, hoping out of the net hole, picking up the hose and running after them.

“Wait…how many times did Rachel and Finn get together in high school?” Blaine asks. Kurt and Blaine are in the study room in their new house, sat on a new mattress across from each other, which had been lying in the hallway to be brought in, once the walls were painted. They had got the room fully painted an hour ago. Kurt had brought in two cushions and a blanket to make it cosy. They were tired and decided to stay here for the night. It is their first night staying here. They didn’t even know what time it was. They left their phones downstairs and just got to work a couple of hours ago.
After their water fight that day, they went back to Burt’s, got changed and had something to eat. It was seven o’clock before they were done. Kurt and Blaine decided they would go back and get the house finished before everything had to be moved in, Hayley wanted to go, but of course she was too tired and fell asleep twenty minutes before they left.
“That’s like asking how many stars are in the sky. I guess it just wasn’t the right time for them to be together. But now is.” After 12 years of their last break up, their back together again, hopefully for good this time. And the fact Finn is moving to New York with her is amazing. Kurt really is happy for Finn, Rachel makes him the happiest he can be. He is just glad he got a job in New York before going to keep him going. He doesn’t want him to leave, but if he is leaving with anyone he is glad it’s with Rachel. “I’m glad they’re not going till after New Year’s though. It’s weird, when we were in High school, Finn would rather have stayed in Lima to help Dad and I was mad to go too New York. And now I’m staying here and he is going too New York with Rachel this time, not me. It’s crazy.”
“The city of dreams turned into…just not good for either of us. Would you ever go back?” Blaine asked Kurt, but he was also asking himself. He never thought about it. When Sebastian passed away, Blaine came to live with Sarah and Cooper. Then the teaching job came along and with that he was dealing with his parents. He never really got time to think about that. Now he does. But why would he? Yes, New York is a beautiful city, but it’s scary without anyone there with you. It’s amazing when you have someone you love with you. It’s still amazing on your own, but there is a big part missing.
“I couldn’t. I mean…to go back for a few weeks or that, yea, but I could never live there again. I had my experience of it, and it was amazing. But I never felt it was home, even after having Hayley, it just wasn’t the place. And now…I am home.” Kurt smiled at the good memories. They weren’t all bad. He lived there for so long, he loved it, but he knew he wouldn’t stay there forever.
“Tell me one of your best memories there.” Blaine had only heard the bad things in Kurt’s life about New York, never something beautiful that happened in his life there expect for Hayley.
“It…it was Danny,” Kurt looks to Blaine with serious eyes. He never thought about his best memory, but it was Danny. With everything that happened, he couldn’t even lie about the best memory of New York was with the man who in the end nearly broke him.

“Kurt, it’s this way.” Danny looks down a narrow street, that he was pretty sure they came up. Lights lit up the city, but it was still too dark to really remember the way now.
“You may live her longer, but I know New York really well.” Kurt was positive. He was grateful he wore his coat because it is getting cold out. He looks over to Danny who is just wearing his jacket. “You had a coat, didn’t you?” Danny put his hands on his jacket, feeling another material than his coat.
“Umm, I think I forgot it at the Restaurant.” Danny had sorry written all over his face. “Our phones, they were…” Danny cut himself of and looked into the distance. He started to laugh. He turns back to face Kurt who is trying not to laugh himself.
“Danny, it’s not funny. I think we are lost in New York City.”
“We think a lot, so we don’t have to say we are, don’t we?” Kurt laughs, nodding his head.
“Of al-all places to be lost without any phones,” Kurt looks around him. Where is everyone? “Okay, I think I’m scared, or maybe I’m just feeling stupid now.” Danny wraps his arms around Kurt, holding him close. He feels Kurt’s warmth. Kurt does the same, looking up to Danny’s eyes. Danny was just that little bit taller.
“We might be lost with no phones, no people, no cars moving and houses that I’m guessing no one is living in, but we are still alive.” Danny said trying to brighten this moment up.
“For now. Until a zombie or werewolf comes to eat us. It’s eating you first by the way.” Kurt smirks.
“Well, I guess I was the one who made us go out tonight, so seems fair. But before we do, can I just say, how much I love you. And being lost with you, I’m not scared at all. I never feel lost when you are here. So think of that when I’m being eating, okay?” Kurt’s not laughing; he is just looking at Danny.
“I might just go first now because of those words. I didn’t think I would have been on that train a few months ago, if it wasn’t for Rachel sending me the other side of New York to get weird coffee. And I wouldn’t have run into you getting back on the train and you holding the door for me, a second before it took off. “
“One second longer you would have been gone and wasn’t I glad to see you legging it to get the train.”
“I was glad you saw me. Thank you, by the way, for holding the door that day.”
“Thank you for running,”
“I’ll always run to you, never away.” Danny kisses Kurt’s lips. He can feel Kurt smiling against his lips, so he smiles too. He would always smile with Kurt.

“Eventually a car passed through and gave us a lift back home. We talked so much that night, we just got lost along the way. And I think the fact that we had only each other and we were so happy is why it’s the best memory.” Kurt was smiling, but it started to fade. “What he has done nearly broke me, but he wasn’t always like that. Money took over and that was it.” Kurt is broken from that memory because he never could have imagined the way it would end. “But before it all, he made me smile every day. I don’t know what the right way to think is, but I know I want to remember him like that.” Blaine takes Kurt’s hands in his and looks into his beautiful eyes.
“Then remember him like that. Don’t let anyone tell you how you should remember him. How can they tell you when they don’t understand? Remember the boy you fell in love with. Remember him as Hayley’s Dad and remember he just got lost along the way and the person who dealt with it, is the one person he loved.” Kurt gives Blaine a little smile. He didn’t expect Blaine to say he shouldn’t be remembered, but he didn’t expect him to say this either, but then he smiles bigger, of course Blaine would. Blaine tries to see the good in everything. “No matter what he did, remember there was a time he made you happy and he just couldn’t be saved in this life. But Kurt, wherever he is, he is saved now.” Kurt had told Hayley her Papa is okay now and he tried to believe it when he told her, but he just couldn’t believe it fully. With Blaine now saying it, he’s just a few steps away from really believing it.
“I’m glad I met him because if I hadn’t…I might never have met you. We met at the right time.” Kurt pauses and gives a hint of a smile, as he is lost in the first day they met. “I fell in love with you at the right time.”
“Close your eyes for a second,” Blaine whispers. Kurt gives him a suspension look, that makes Blaine chuckle. “Trust me,” Kurt trusts Blaine and closes his eyes. “Sometimes when you close your eyes and you can’t see, things feel like they have never changed. They can’t see things have and how far they may have come.” Kurt is listening to what Blaine is saying, but he’s listening to the tone of his voice more. “Sometimes from where someone was too where they are now, isn’t a good place. But other times they are. Life was trying to pull them down so much, which they felt like letting go.” Blaine is letting himself get fully lost in the moment. “I was about to let go before you and Hayley. I couldn’t deal with not having Sebastian with me every day. And then a new student came into my classes and could brighten up my day in a heartbeat. Then one day…she told me just her Daddy was coming in. And I didn’t understand her family’s life. But then a Beautiful guy walks into my classroom, late, I might add.” They chuckle. “Not even when Sebastian died, could Cooper or the kids, fully bring me out of feeling like, I was going to let go soon. And the moment you walked in, I smiled for real, the first time before a car collided into ours. And for someone to make me do that, I knew there was something about you I didn’t know yet.” A tear falls down Kurt’s cheek, but he doesn’t open his eyes. Blaine wipes the tear away.
“And because of you…that’s why I’m not letting go anymore. I’ll never let go of someone who made me so happy again.” Blaine feels tears forming, but he pushes them away. “You were the love of my life the day you walked in saying, sorry for being late. And you…you helped me live again, Kurt. And I know…Sebastian would be so grateful to you. I thought he would only ever be the only one…and then came along the person I love so much today.” Blaine failed to stop the tears falling. Kurt opens his wet eyes and looks into Blaine’s. “I’ll never stop loving him…but I love you. You’re here and you saved me and don’t you ever think because he-he was my first love, that I don’t love you half as much because you know I do. You can’t replace a first love…but you can-can’t replace a second one either. And this is the way our lives went, and what happened in the pas-past, brought us to here. The past nearly broke me…but once the future has you right there, I know, I’ll be okay.” Kurt leans his forehead against Blaine’s.
“Every word, Blaine, you know is everything I say back to you. You saved a broken Daughter and Dad, and brought them back into happiness. And you literally saved my life. And yes, the past could have broken us, but we knew where to go. We knew how to find each other, when we didn’t know at all. Our hearts lead us home, to end up with a brand new life and a brand future of a happy new family brought together by sadness, but staying together with love and hope. And I hope every day I wake up to you and fall asleep with you because you, Blaine…I could have never loved anymore more than I love you. I loved Danny, yes, but I didn’t know what would happen. But you, we know so much about each other in these first few months. And I hope Danny and Sebastian are okay. I hope they are happy because they gave us each other and to be lead to you Blaine…is too be lead back home. And you didn’t just give me the perfect guy, but you gave Hayley the perfect other Daddy because honestly, no one can top myself.” Kurt grins as does Blaine. Blaine would agree with that. Neither says another word. Kurt just wraps his arms around Blaine, as does Blaine. And they thank the world for bringing them together.
Blaine is sat at the piano, playing different keys, while Kurt is in the kitchen making coffee. The sound of keys always makes Blaine feel something that he can’t feel without it. And in beautiful days and beautiful moments like this, it’s even a more magical sound. He’s just playing random notes, but it all sounds stunning to him. And then he starts playing a song, which reminds him of Sebastian.
It’s just another night and I’m starting at the moon, I saw a shooting star and thought of you
I sang a lullaby by the waterside and knew, if you were here id sing to you
Here on the other side as the sky line splits in two
Miles away from seeing you

Blaine closes his eyes, wishing Sebastian didn’t have to go to London for two months. He knew how much Sebastian wanted this job, and if he did well for these two months, he could either come home or continue his work in America, but before any of that, these two months had to go well. And Blaine would have gone, expect he couldn’t, he had three months left of college.
Blaine had to do one extra year for his teaching course and in the months Sebastian was finished college, he had two jobs, one working in a cinema to have money to get by and a 3 day week job for a Photography/Graphic Design company. Sebastian loved it and two weeks ago they told him they were sending over five people from their company too London, to start up a business there. And Sebastian being one of them, if it went well setting up a business over there, Sebastian would become a manger there. And he would get the choice to work either in London or from American dealing with that company and being promoted in American as well. Sebastian already knew he wanted to stay in America. He had been to London before and loved it, but he knew where Home was.
Sebastian had left a few hours ago. One of the guys he was going to London with, Michael had picked him up. He didn’t want Blaine coming to the airport because he couldn’t handle it.
Since Sebastian left, Blaine had tried to do college work, but he couldn’t. So he sat at the piano and played it over and over. The random notes turned into a song they had heard one night, on a drive back from seeing Cooper and Sarah. They had turned to each other with a smile on each of their faces and without saying anything, they knew that was a song to add to their ‘Cheesy couple list’.
As Blaine plays the song, he sings the words, but his voice is cracking from missing Sebastian.

I-I can see the stars from America
I wonder do you-you see them two

A tear falls down Blaine’s cheek as he opens his eyes and watches his fingers play the notes.

S-So open your eyes and see…the way ou-our horizons meet
And-and all of the lights will lead…into the night wi-with me
And I know these scars will bleed…both of our hearts believe
All-all of these sta-stars will…
Blaine stops singing and his fingers stop playing. They just lean against the last notes played. He chokes lightly on his tears.

“Will guide us home…” Another voice sings from behind Blaine. Blaine stops crying, opens his eyes and turns around halfway in the stool. He sees Sebastian standing at the living room door.
“I can see my angel…from right here.” Sebastian sings. He looks to Blaine, who by looking at him, thinks he’s imagining Sebastian here. Blaine then smiles and lets out a happy sob.
“I’m never going anywhere without you,” Sebastian says with a steady voice. He’s still in his black coat and scarf. Sebastian starts to walk towards Blaine, as Blaine gets up to meet him halfway. “I don’t care where I am. I-I just need y-you there…with me.” Sebastian can feel himself start to get really upset, but seeing Blaine in front of him, makes him smile. Blaine throws his arms around Sebastian. He holds him so tightly. Sebastian hugs him back, his head against the side of Blaine’s.
“Angel…I-I love you…but I-I honestly can’t breathe.” Sebastian chuckles, Blaine lets go of him a little and brings his face, to face Sebastian’s.
“Sorry,” Blaine smiles. Sebastian brings his hand up to Blaine’s cheek and wipes away the tears. As he does Blaine brings his hand up over Sebastian’s, he turns over his hand in Blaine’s and entwines their fingers. Blaine puts his lips against Sebastian’s hand. He couldn’t believe Sebastian came back. He didn’t know how he could cop without him.
“Did you miss me?” Blaine looks up at him, trying to not laugh.
“Shut up,” Blaine jokes. “Your job…you wanted this-“Sebastian shakes his head and cuts Blaine of.
“I got to the airport and I was on the plane with Michael. I was about to switch of my phone and I saw the picture of us for my wallpaper. And I fully realized…I can’t leave you for that long. I have never been away from you more than two days. So I told Michael I couldn’t go. He smiled and said ‘I wouldn’t leave him either.’ So…I didn’t leave you.” Sebastian put a hand either side on Blaine’s cheeks. “I am going to London…but in just over three months.” Blaine looks at him surprised, realizing he would be finished college then. “You’re coming with me. And I know you’re going to be an over excited child visiting London for the first time, and I can’t wait to be there with you.”
“Sebastian…” Blaine looks at him, in the most powerfully sweet way you can look when you adore someone so much.
“Mm,” Sebastian lets his hands fall too Blaine’s, entwining their fingers once again. He leans his forehead against Blaine’s. He smiles brightly at him.
“Thank you for coming home to me.” Blaine whispers. Sebastian leans his lips against Blaine’s, kissing him softly and slowly. When they pull away a little, they look into each other’s happy and loving eyes for each other.
“I’ll always be home with you, Angel.”
Kurt stands at the kitchen door, looking into their living room at Blaine sat at the piano, as he plays the final few notes. Kurt walks towards Blaine with two cups of coffees in his hands. He places the two cups on the small table against the wall under the window and takes a seat next to Blaine at the piano.
“I love that we found each other, but I’m sorry that you had to lose him.” Blaine looks to Kurt. It amazes Blaine that Kurt knows when Blaine is thinking about Sebastian. “You know, if he could come back, I’d give you up so you could be with him again.” Blaine didn’t expect that.
“Kurt, I…don’t do that too yourself. Do you think if I had you both on front of me I wouldn’t choose you?” Kurt doesn’t answer because he doesn’t know what to say. “He will always be in my heart and honestly, if you two were standing in front of me and I had to choose, I never could.” Blaine smiles at a memory.
“When I was younger, I had a friend, Sky, in school and her Mother passed away. And she told me how much in love her Dad was with her Mother. Then a year later he got engaged to another woman and she couldn’t understand how he could love someone else.” Blaine puts his right hand against the side of Kurt’s neck, rubbing his thumb against Kurt’s skin.
“So one day she asked him. He said, that is the hardest question I’ll ever get asked. And I don’t have a good enough answer for you. All I can say is this…your mother made me smile so much and I couldn’t imagine being without her. And every day I think of her and smile. She might not be here, but she is in my heart forever. The world works in a way we don’t have to choose. And if we live to a day we do, I believe, the world would work in another way so we wouldn’t have too. And she asked him ‘But what about heaven? When we die, we meet everyone again that we lost, what happens then?’ And she thought her dad wouldn’t be able to answer that because how can anyone answer a question like that? We are in love with people different times in our life, and we get a certain amount of time with them. And when that time is over, we hope to see them again. But we don’t know when or where that we be. We might never be in a partnership with them again and maybe we will, but I believe the world would never let us choose between loved ones. Just like someone’s brother and sister, if they cannot choose they say, they won’t, and any relationship is just like that, the decent won’t choose and the decent won’t make them, so the world doesn’t either.” Kurt is leaning into Blaine’s touch.
“I would never choose because I couldn’t. And the world couldn’t ever ask that of anyone. That part of my life with him is over, Kurt, and you know it nearly drowned me, but there is a reason you came and pulled me up. And if there is one good reason why that happened, it’s the world telling you and me, hey, it’s time to be together you two. It’s time to save each other and love each other. We did and we do, Kurt. And I won’t question that…all I know is I love you like the world wanted me too. The time we have…it’s our time now.” Neither of them has tears in their eyes, they are just smiling and accept that it’s their time to be happy together.
“That’s the best answer you could have given me,” Kurt said. He kisses Blaine on his cheek and wraps his arms around Blaine. “I’ll always love you.”
“I’ll love you always too, beautiful.”

An hour later, Blaine and Kurt are sat on the couch, Kurt on one side, Blaine on the other. Kurt holds a bowl of popcorn in his hands. They play a game called guess the line. You have to guess a line from a show/film/person/song, basically just from anything.
“Ha! I knew I would get that one. Okay, my go my go,” Kurt said excited. “Sing to me and I will forgive you for packing my heart in the suitcase you packed.”
“I know it! Oh my god, I know it. It’s a song from a show.” Blaine looks very confused. He knows he should know this.
“20 seconds to guess, Blaine?” Blaine hears Kurt, but he is too busy trying to remember. Kurt eats some more popcorn while Blaine thinks. Blaine remembers being in school and loving the song these lyrics are from. He questions his life by not knowing this. Kurt is laughing, knowing Blaine is going to be so mad if he doesn’t get this.
“Ten!” Kurt said throwing a piece of popcorn at Blaine. “Nine, Eight, Seven!” Kurt throws another piece at him. Blaine has time to give Kurt an evil look. “Six!”
“Sing to me like the lights didn’t blind you, like you blinded me…” Blaine mumbles the lyrics that are coming back to him. “WHEN I HEARD YOUR VOICE IN A DREAM!” Kurt nearly drops the bowl of popcorn from Blaine shouting the name. “SMASH! It’s freaking Smash.” Blaine grins, getting it right.
“Well done, Sherlock. It took you forever, but you got it.” Kurt chuckles. Blaine crosses his arms pretending to sulk. Kurt starts throwing Popcorn at Blaine again. When Kurt doesn’t stop, Blaine moves over to Kurt, sitting on his waist and tickling his sides. The popcorn bowl falls onto the ground, with the rest of the popcorn falling out of the bowl and onto the floor.
“Blaine! No,no,no,noooo,” Kurt laughs, loudly and tries to get away from under Blaine. Blaine can’t help but laugh at Kurt laughing. Blaine stops after a few seconds, knowing Kurt can’t handle it anymore. “It’s like one in the morning and we are not tired, how is that possible?” Kurt said trying to get his heart rate slowed down.
“We did have like 2 cups of coffee at twelve, so maybe that’s why.” Blaine chuckles, as he still sits on Kurt’s waist. He puts his hands on Kurt’s chest; he can feel Kurt’s heart. Kurt rests his hands on Blaine’s back.
“That might just be it.” Kurt smile up at Blaine. “Are you just going to sit there smiling or are you going to kiss me?”
“Do you want me too?” Blaine jokes.
“No, Blaine. I don’t want a really beautiful guy to kiss me.” Kurt chuckles.
“Okay,” Blaine messes, going to get off Kurt, but Kurt pulls Blaine down to his lips and kisses him. Blaine happily kisses him back. Blaine lowers himself down onto Kurt, getting a bit more comfortable. Kurt moves his hands up Blaine’s back, pulling him closer to him. Blaine has one hand behind Kurt’s head and the other on the side of his neck. A few seconds go by with just the kissing of lips. They stop for a second and look too each other’s eyes.
“I want to be with you,” Kurt whispers. He watches Blaine’s expression to see if he wants the same.
“I want to be with you too,” Blaine moves his hand from Kurt’s neck, up to his cheek. “Promise me you’re ready though.” Blaine knows himself; he is ready to give all of himself to Kurt. He never thought he could with anyone else, but then came along, Kurt.
“I promise, if you do?” Blaine smiles and nods his head.
“Promise,” Kurt returns the smile. He can feel his heart getting faster again. It was hard back when Kurt was with Danny to think anyone would actually want Kurt, for all of him, not just his body. And then came along, Blaine.
Blaine puts his fingers under Kurt’s chin and kisses him softly. When he pulls away he gets up from the couch and holds out his hands, that Kurt takes, and pulls him up against him. Blaine lets one of his hands go from Kurt’s and holds Kurt’s other still in his own hand. They start to head out the door and up the stairs. They are halfway up the stairs when Blaine slips one of the steps, landing on them without hurting himself, Kurt landing half on him. They both burst out laughing.
“We r-really should have dried up t-the water from the water fight,” Kurt said through his laughter. “Are you okay?” He looks to Blaine, under him, who is still laughing, his head lying against one of the steps, sideways as he looks to Kurt. Kurt balances himself by putting his two knees on the step and looks down at Blaine.
“I think so. Ask me in the morning.” Blaine grins.
“It is the morning,” Kurt shakes his head. “We really can’t do anything straight forward romantic. But I love us like that.”
“So do I,” Blaine said pushing himself up to sit on the step. “Let’s go be us.” Kurt leans up to Blaine and kisses him.
“I love you to bits, you know.”
“Good because I may have just been in bits a few seconds ago,” Blaine said making them laugh again.
“I love you too, till always.”


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