One Moment
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One Moment: Braver with You

T - Words: 5,574 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
141 0 0 0 0

2 weeks later

Kurt knocks on Cooper’s door. Cooper had given Kurt a key, but Kurt would only use it if someone didn’t answer after five minutes. A few seconds later Cooper opens the door. He is dressed up in his suit and ready to go to work.
“Hi, Kurt,” Cooper takes his coat of the coat hanger and his bag of the ground. “Could you kick Blaine’s ass out of bed. He won’t get up for me.” He throws the bag onto his shoulder and picks up the keys on the small table in the corridor of the hallway. He stops for a second to catch a breath and looks back at Kurt. “He’s been such a pain these pass two days!” Coop says louder for Blaine to here. No answer from Blaine. Kurt laughs as Cooper leaves them behind.
Kurt drops his stuff into the kitchen, only bringing a plastic bag with things for Blaine into Blaine’s room. He opens the door to Blaine’s room. The curtains are pulled, glasses on the bedside, clothes in a pile, and his get well soon cards on the dresser, along with the Flowers Kurt and Hayley picked him, that are pretty much dead. Blaine is under the duvet; Kurt can only see the top of his head. Kurt hadn’t seen him yesterday or the day before because of getting things ready for work, but he had called and Blaine had seemed okay to him.
“What’s wrong with my boyfriend?” Kurt playfully said, not wanting to sound too worried, but of course he is. He is worried about everyone affected by what happened two weeks ago, more so Hayley and Blaine, he wasn’t worried about himself because that horrible man is dead and telling Hayley was one of the hardest things he had to do.
“Do you understand what I am saying, Angel?” Hayley is sat on Kurt’s lap, as he tells her about Danny. He told her, that her Papa tried to harm her Daddy and Blaine and they had to protect each other from her Papa.
“Th-that Papa did ba…bad things and he is not here any-anymore.” She doesn’t know what she is feeling. She knew that when no one was hardly saying anything about her Papa, that it must be bad, so she didn’t ask. Her Papa scared her yesterday. She couldn’t open her eyes. Mr Anderson protected her and her Daddy. He is a hero to her and Papa had been bad.
“Is Papa in Heaven?” Danny and Kurt never said to Hayley there is a hell because how could they when they didn’t know what happened when you died. Whenever she asked they said people are forgiven because they lose their way. Kurt didn’t know how to answer Hayley’s question. He didn’t know if there is a Heaven or not. But for Hayley’s sake he says, yes.
“There is. And Papa lost his way here, but in Heaven…he won’t have anymore. He is okay now, Hayley.” It brought a little comfort to her to know her Papa isn’t bad anymore, but she is sad he couldn’t do it here.
“And Sweetheart, I am so sorry for what you had to go through yesterday…and for everything else.” She smiles her sweet little smile. She makes Kurt smile too.
“Daddy, don’t…don’t be sorry because it…it’s not your fault. If we…we hadn’t moved in with grandpa, grandma and Uncle Finn, we wouldn’t have…have met Mr Anderson.” She gives him a big hug and Kurt holds her tight.
He didn’t know what to expect, but sometimes he felt Hayley raised herself because of how brave she is and how quickly she understands.
“You’re my little angel, Hayley Hummel.”
When Blaine doesn’t answer, Kurt hops onto the bed gently and pulls down the duvet from Blaine’s face. Blaine squints from the light. He tries to pull the duvet back up, but Kurt stops him.
“Blaine, why did I have to hear from your brother that you won’t get up?” Blaine looks away from Kurt. Kurt rests his fingers on Blaine’s chin and moves Blaine’s head back for their eyes to meet.
“That’s a lie. I do. I’m just more tired and I don’t want to get up as much. And I miss school and…you. And I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to be a moaner and I know you, you would give up your work for the day just-“
Kurt cuts Blaine of as he kisses him. “I would much…much rather be here with you.” Kurt mumbles against their mouths. “And it’s a good thing that I am staying with you the whole day and I am bringing you too see the kids if you are able for it.”
“Really?” Blaine hasn’t looked so happy in days. Kurt nods and gives a quick kiss to Blaine’s lips.
The look on all of the kids’ faces when they see Blaine walk into his classroom. Clay had been filling In for Blaine and will be until he comes back. Clay smiles as he sees Blaine talking to the kids. Kurt stands at the door and looks at all the kids gathering around Blaine, Hayley amount them. Clay walks over to Kurt and stands beside him.
“I have never seen a teacher so loved.” Clay said. Kurt looks to Clay and waits. A few seconds pass and Clay says nothing else.
“I was waiting for you to say something inappropriate.” Kurt said. The both of them laugh.
“I’m not that bad, Kurt. I know when not too speak.” Kurt nods at Clay for them to step outside the classroom. They leave Blaine with the kids. Kurt closes over the door a little.
“Thank you. I never got too say that. Thank you for protecting my daughter. You’re her second favourite teacher now.” They chuckle at the last bit.
“Well, I am honoured to come second too, Blaine. How are you all, really?”
“Really? We are just going one day at a time. I don’t even think that with Hayley, that it has sunk in yet that Danny is dead. He was a horrible man, but he was still her Papa. He wasn’t always horrible; most of the time when he was with Hayley it was like he was always the kind man I first met.” Clay doesn’t know what to say. It was harder to know what to say when Clay had slept with Danny.
“I’m disgusted in myself that I sleep with him. I didn’t…there’s no excuse and I don’t know what to say, expect for, I’m glad you are all safe now.”
“Thank you.” Clay smiles and starts to walk away, the class is nearly over for lunch time now.
“And Kurt, you know if you and Blaine ever want to experience with a third-“
“Go Clay! Ewww…just no,” Kurt laughed as Clay winked at him and headed into the teacher’s lounge.
As the kids pile out for lunch and Hayley says hello and hugs her daddy, before running out after them, Kurt walks into the classroom, freezing as memories flood back from that horrible day. His eyes catch Blaine’s which look like he is thinking of the same thing as he sits on his desk.
“I didn’t even think when I walked in here of that day. The first thing I saw was the kids and only them.” Blaine looks like he is in a daze. Kurt walks over to him and joins him on the desk, taking Blaine’s hand in his and leaning his head on Blaine’s shoulder.
“It’s the past and…we are in the future, and every time you walk in here, the good memories will fade out that day.” There is a pause for a few seconds. “Hayley said to me when she thinks of that day in here sometimes, she thinks of the really happy memories and then she’s okay again.”
“You raised the bravest little girl, Kurt.”
“She makes me brave too. And so do you.” Kurt leans his chin against Blaine’s shoulder. Blaine looks to him. “You are the bravest person I know. And I promise I will be the bravest for you.”
“You already are though, aren’t you?” Blaine leans his forehead against Kurt’s. “I, the brave, found you, the bravest, Kurt.”
“You could just carry me.” Blaine chuckles. Kurt has his arms wrapped gently around Blaine’s waist, to keep him from falling. The pain may be getting less painful and Blaine might be able to walk better, but Kurt still doesn’t let him stand on his own for too long.
“I would end up dropping you.” Kurt shakes his head as Blaine just continues to laugh. Blaine plants kisses onto Kurt’s cheek and neck as Kurt tries to get them up the corridor to Cooper’s apartment door. Kurt laughs with Blaine and tries taking out the apartment key from his bag. Blaine just won’t stop distracting him. So he turns his face back to Blaine’s and pulls him in for a long kiss. Blaine starts to step backwards and bring Kurt with him. Blaine’s back hits the wall gently as he and Kurt don’t separate. Blaine takes the key out of Kurt’s hand and throws it up the hallway.
“Blaine…” Blaine brings his hands on the back of Kurt’s neck and pulls him in more. “I…I don’t want to hurt your side.” Kurt says through a breath of air.
“You’re not…I promise.”
“Umm, yeah I don’t believe you. It will hurt afterwards and I am not letting you be in any pain Mr, okay.” Blaine gives Kurt those adorable big eyes look, but he looks away and walks up the corridor and gets the key. “You can kiss me as much as you want when your better.”
“I am better.” Kurt gives him his Liar look and puts his hand back around Blaine’s waist and they walk to the door. Kurt goes to put the key in, but the door opens and Cooper appears, he steps out and closes the door behind him a bit. Cooper doesn’t look happy.
“Blaine, I’m sorry, but they won’t take no for an answer anymore.” Kurt knows who he is on about, but Blaine doesn’t.
“Who?” Blaine asks confused.
“Mum and Dad.” Coop whispers.
“No…no get them out. I don’t want anything to do with them!” Blaine raises his voice and pulls away from Kurt.
“Blaine…” Blaine doesn’t want to listen to what they have to say. They always tried to make him into a person he wasn’t, they never cared for him, only the person they imagined him to be. They broke his heart over and over again and they weren’t going to do it anymore. He knew they had come to the hospital and he had told Cooper he didn’t want to see them and it was left at that until right now. They were breaking him again. He feels his legs go weak, but he keeps walking.
Kurt walks after him. Cooper is stood at the door, but knowing what to do. He had told them to get out but they refused. He was glad Sarah was away with a friend for the night because he never wanted her to meet them again. Cooper looks up the corridor, seeing Kurt a few feet away from Blaine, and Blaine not looking as strong as he was a minute ago.
Blaine gets slower and puts his hand against the wall to steady him, he is going to fall. He felt sick and dizzy. Cooper sees Blaine leaning against the wall and runs to him. Blaine is falling against the wall as Kurt is calling out his name. Blaine is about to hit the ground, but Kurt catches him before he does and sits him gently against the wall. Tears are falling from Blaine’s face and he tries to shut out Kurt.
“It’s me, Blaine, it’s just me.” At the sound of Kurt’s voice, Blaine slowly stops fighting against him. Kurt is kneeled in front of Blaine, his hands either side on Blaine’s cheeks. “Deep breaths Blaine, slow, deep breaths.” Blaine does as Kurt says, as he gets his breathing back on track.
Cooper kneels down beside them with sorry written all over his face. Blaine looks from a sorry Cooper and back to Kurt. Blaine’s breathing is coming back to even again.
When they got in the door, Kurt brought Blaine straight to his room, while Cooper went into the sitting room and shut the door, so Blaine wouldn’t hear.
Kurt gets Blaine back in bed and throws the duvet over him. Kurt stays with Blaine for a while until he falls asleep. The day wore him out and what just happened made him so tired that he couldn’t keep him eyes open any longer. When Blaine falls asleep, Kurt kisses his forehead and heads out of the room, shutting the bedroom door behind him. He doesn’t hesitate to open that living room door, shutting it quietly behind him.
“Why can’t you both just leave,” Cooper says disgusted. “You upset him, you broke him, and you are never doing that again. If you are not gone in 5 minutes I am calling the police and getting a restricting order against you two. Imagine I have to get that because of you two being the worse humans, the worst parents to us. You didn’t accept me or Blaine for who we are, you are two lost in that fantasy of yours with whom you think we are.”
“Parents accept their children for who they are. They don’t try to change them. Surely all a parent wants for their kid is to be happy? And if that’s not the case, you have no right to call yourself a parent to them anymore.” Those are the first words Kurt has spoken to Blaine and Cooper’s parents and it felt damn good. “If you can’t see how amazing they are as who they are, why do you both even care?” Cooper is grinning at Kurt’s words. He has never seen anyone apart from himself and Blaine stand up to their parent’s. “Your son took a bullet for me. It was my fault what happened to him, but he said he would do it again. He loves me that much. Would you both take a bullet for your own sons?”
They are shocked at Kurt’s words. The last time they had seen him, Kurt looked so broken and now so strong. Blaine’s mum, Hope, is nearly in tears with the truth of those words, while his father, Mike, is just mad at them because he can’t face the truth of how he treats his boys.
“You’re just another Sebastian.” The words came out so fast from Mike’s mouth. “The boy made my son gay. He destroyed his life. Thank god he’s gone!” Mike raised his voice at those last painful words. Cooper and Kurt look at each other, Kurt is nearly in tears.
“How-how dare you talk about h-him that way? He saved Blaine. D-did you ever think for a second…just a god damn second of how much that boy meant to Blaine? Did you ever lis-listen? Because if you did you would realize, it doesn’t matter who he loves, that his happiness is the onl-only important thing.” While Kurt says every word, Blaine is standing behind the door, holding onto his stomach, he feels in so much pain from his Dad’s words, but Kurt defending him is the only thing that keeps him from falling apart. He pushes down the handle and pushes in the door, everyone looking towards him. Cooper and Kurt with the broken expression, his father hopeless and his mother unreadable, as always, because how can you read someone when they are never truly there?
Blaine slow claps in his Father’s direction, unamused.
“And the father of the year goes to Mr unhuman Anderson. Who couldn’t care less about his sons, especially the gay one or maybe terms you are more familiar with, Faggot, Homo, things you and your ‘real’ friends like to call people that, that are like myself.” Blaine takes a few steps forward to his dad, pulls up his jacket sleeve and points to the top of his lower arm. He points without looking, keeping his eyes on his dad. “Dear Diary, my parents sent me to boarding school, I hate it here. I cut myself for the first time. You know people say it doesn’t make you feel as numb, that’s not true.” Blaine points down his arm lower. “Dear Diary, I did it again, three times, deeper, I’m still numb.” Blaine points at his wrist. “Dear Diary, just a few inches away from my veins, should I do it? Dear Diary, I cut a vein today, then another, then another. A boy found me in the bathroom bleeding; he brought me to the hospital as fast as he could. My parents don’t know what happened.” Blaine glances at to his mother, who is in tears. “Dear Diary, I got to hid it from Mum and Dad. Cooper knows though. I’m staying with him for Christmas. Also, that boy…his name’s Sebastian. He saved my life, yesterday.” Blaine pulls down his sleeve. He smiles, humourless. “He did save me and continued to do it and I couldn’t save him. He died right beside me and I didn’t get to say goodbye.” The look in Blaine’s eyes is of that memory. He feels like he is being pulled back to the day he lost Sebastian. He never got to tell his parents what really happened because why would you tell someone that doesn’t care?
“Imagine the love of your life already dead beside you, but still, you…you hold on to that little bit of hope. And when you’re in a hospital looking through the window to him lying there, as the Doctors try to save him and you hear time of death…you feel like you just died in the second he did. And when they lower the coffin into the ground and you hold his favourite picture of you both and let it fall to the ground, you feel your falling with it. And you go day by day without him with no hope in your life and when I felt like giving up, I closed my eyes and remembered the day he saved me. He was sat beside my hospital bed, I wasn’t looking at him and he says…if you had died today, there would have been one less beautiful boy in the world. I looked to him…and that is the first time I fell in love. I fell in love with a boy I didn’t know. I smiled at a boy I didn’t know. And I lost that boy. And there…there was one less beautiful boy in the world.” Cooper had to sit down at the table because he couldn’t stand any longer; Blaine’s words are breaking his heart. Kurt has his hand covering his mouth, tears falling down his face. His mother is looking away from everyone. His father, still standing tall, but a hint of pity in his eyes.
“I didn’t fall in love with Sebastian because he was a boy; I fell in love with his because of who he was.” Blaine felt like breaking down, shouting, crying, but honestly, he would not waste any tears in front of a man who is supposed to be his Father. “You will never walk over the memory of Sebastian.” Blaine takes two steps back, holding out his left arm at his side, and finds Kurt’s hand and holds his in his own, tight. “I didn’t die, as you can see. So you can leave. I have every single person in my life that I love and that includes, Kurt. He saved me the day I met him.” Kurt looks at Blaine with loving eyes, but the pain he feels for Blaine is there. Blaine wipes the tears away from Kurt’s cheeks, which makes Kurt smile.
“Kurt and Hayley are a part of my family now for always.” Blaine smiles back at Kurt. He turns back to his father. “Family love you no matter what, and you will never accept me. So I’ll never accept you as a Father or a decent human being. So, please leave and never again contact me because you’re dead to me. You’re just a memory that will fade each day and eventually you will be gone.” Blaine thought it would hurt more to say that, but how could it when the person he said it to deserves every word said to him. His father’s expression changed a little, like there is now hurt in his face, for the first time ever. It was always disappointment. As for Blaine, there is no emotion on his face for his father. It used to be hurt or angry, now it’s lifeless, now, it’s nothing.
Blaine’s father looks to his wife. “Hope, we are leaving. I’m not wasting another second here.” She doesn’t move or answer. “Hope!” He raises his voice. If this was a few years ago, Cooper and Blaine would have defended their Mother, but she knew how to make her own choices.
“It’s him or us? You walk out that door with him, we will accept you feel the same, if you stay, we can talk.” Cooper said his voice hearse. Hope lifts her head up and looks to her husband. After a few second she stands up.
Mike walks out the door when he knows Hope is following him. He doesn’t look at anyone on his way out. Hope stops on front of Blaine and looks into his eyes as she places something in his hands. “My little boy,” She kisses him quickly on the cheek, then looks back to Cooper with a smile and heads out the door. They hear the door shut after them. Silence fills the apartment for a few seconds. Blaine looks down to a bit of paper folded up in his hands. He lets go of Kurt’s hand and starts to unfold it with shaky hands.
My Boys,
I’ll never get too say sorry enough times or say I love you every day. I can’t forgive myself for being so blind by my ideas of how you’re lives should be, when I had no idea to live mine.
Your Father was not always like this. He was like you both in your teenager years and we fell in love. But money, success, control got in the way of him and us. And he does love you both, when you two were kids, you would light up his day. But as he, I, and you both got older it felt like I married a different person. And for too long he has had control, and I can’t see a way out for him, but there is for me.
I’ll be okay. I’ll be gone from the States, to somewhere I have always loved as a kid. I have a childhood friend who I will be safe with. When I am settled I’ll let you both know I’m okay and I promise I will. Please promise me, whatever happened, you won’t tell your father. Please know I have to do whatever happens today when I get to see you both. Just know I did not mean it, like I did not mean every other thing I did wrong in your lives, I was blinded.
Cooper, take care of Sarah and your little brother. I am so very proud. You raised yourself as a great man.
Blaine, I am sorry I wasn’t there to comfort you, especially after Sebastian. And I may have never met him, but I know your heart only falls for the right people. Love is love and you are my strong son.
Sarah, I always liked you, I’m sorry I didn’t show it more. Keep my Cooper on track and I know he will continue to treat you the best.
Kurt, take care of my boys. They are a handful, and I just wish they got to be my handful a lot longer. And please, mind Blaine’s heart. It has been broken to many times, and I know you will never break it, you mend the pieces.
Mum x

Cooper and Kurt had read the note along with Blaine. When they are finished reading, Blaine steps away with the piece of paper, finds a lighter in the drawer and stands in front of the kitchen sink as he lights up the paper in flames.
“You’ll be safe soon, mum,” Blaine drops the paper unto the sink and lets the final pieces burn out. The smell of smoke gathers around him. Cooper and Blaine smile at each other.
“I’ll be back in a while. I promised Sarah I’d ring two hours ago.” He walks up and hugs Blaine. “I always knew you were the braver one.” He whispers into Blaine’s ear and places a kiss to the side of Blaine’s head. A few seconds later Cooper heads out the door.
Blaine lets himself lean against the wall and slides down it slowly, he’s so tired. Kurt is kneeled down beside him in seconds. Kurt holds Blaine’s hands in his. Kurt feels Blaine’s hands shaken a little. He rubs his thumbs gently over Blaine’s hands.
“I-I can’t hurt any-anymore, Kurt.” Blaine’s voice is broken and tired. His side is starting to hurt him, so he tries to stop himself from crying, even with no tears left.
“I prom…I promise I won’t let you hurt anymore. You’re sa-safe with me, okay?” Kurt puts Blaine’s hand against Kurt’s beating heart. “My heart is beating because of you saving me just like Sebastian made your heart beat again.” Blaine couldn’t understand how he got too love another amazing person and how he is so loved back once more
“You keep it beating, my beautiful, amazing, boy,” Blaine uses the little strength left inside him, puts his hand on the back of Kurt’s neck and pulls him down to his own lips. Their hearts beat that little bit faster for each other, and not for the first time or not for the last.

“Hey you, you need to sleep.” Kurt looks down to Blaine who is half asleep on Kurt. Kurt is lying flat on the couch, with Blaine lying over him, one arm handing of the side of the couch and the other under Kurt’s head. Cooper must have turned off the TV and the main lights and switched on the light in the corner. A blanket lies over them.
“I…I am…sleeping.” Blaine mumbles against Kurt’s chest. Blaine brings his other arm and places it under Kurt’s arm and behind his back, pulling him closer. Kurt chuckles at him.
“Blaine, it’s not good for your side. You need…you need to sleep on something better for it.” Kurt can feel himself drifting of asleep again. He brings one hand under the blanket and puts it under Blaine’s t-shirt. He uses the other hand to poke at Blaine’s cheek.
“Mmm…stop po-poking me.” Kurt can feel a smile against his chest. Kurt continues to poke him. Blaine pops out his right hand under Kurt’s head and places it flat on Kurt’s face.
“Blainnnnne…” Kurt continues to chuckle. He stops poking Blaine’s cheek and laces his fingers through Blaine’s and places their hands against his chest. Blaine moves his head slightly back to see Kurt’s face.
“Stay with me, tonight. I don’t want you…” Blaine yawns. “…to leave. Please, please…please.” Kurt nods his head with a smile.
“Okay. Let me ring Dad first. My phone is in my pocket and I kind of have a human lying on top of me.”
“A very handsome human according to you. I’ll get it.” Blaine puts his hand in Kurt’s left pocket and takes it out and hands Kurt the phone.
“Very smooth, handsome.” Kurt smirks and unlocks his phone. The light blinds him for a second. He calls his dad. Burt picks up after the third ring.
“And speaking of Daddy, guess who’s on the phone Hayley. I have a little one who is mad to get talking to you and Blaine.” Kurt puts the phone on loud speaker for Blaine to here. He hears Burt handing her the phone.
“Hello Angel. Are you not in bed yet?” Kurt says sweetly.
“Nope, I just finished my homework. Mr Clay gave us a really weird English question…we all think he’s odd. But I like him.” Kurt and Blaine look at each other in aww. “He doesn’t like to be called Mr Dickens, so he told us to call him that.”
“Is he a fun teacher, Hayley?” Blaine moves himself up closer on Kurt’s shoulder and snuggles his head there.
“He…he is more fun at History. He dresses up in different costumes for each class.” Hayley laughs as do Kurt and Blaine. “Mr Anderson, when are you coming back to school? It…it isn’t fun without you.” Hayley lets out a little yawn.
“Really soon, I promise. Seeing you all today makes me want to get better quicker.”
“Daddy…you make Daddy Anderson better.” Kurt and Blaine look at each other from the second she said Daddy again.
“Of course I will, sweetie,” Kurt is grinning at a shocked Blaine. “I’ll um…I won’t be home tonight because I have to look after him. But if you wake up and want me just call and I’ll be straight home, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy. I better go to bed.” Hayley lets out another yawn.
“Yea, surprise Granddad by going to bed earlier and I bet he will read a story for you.”
I am going to get him to read the book you made for me. I love you this much.” Kurt knows Hayley has her hands held out. He chuckles.
“I love you more, Angel. Say night to Blaine.” Kurt had only looked away from Blaine for a few seconds and when he looks back Blaine has his hand covering his mouth and his eyes filled with tears.
“Night Daddy Anderson. I love you too.” Blaine takes his hand away from his mouth. Those words warm his heart so much.
“I…I love you too, Hayley. Sweet Dreams.” After Hayley says night to Kurt, she heads up too bed after giving the phone to her granddad. Kurt takes the phone of loud speaker. He places his hand on the back of Blaine’s head, running his hand through his hair and Kurt’s lips against Blaine’s forehead.
“Daddy Anderson? That is woo,” Burt said amazed.
“That’s one way to put it, Dad. She always did love him from the start.”
“Everything’s okay, Kurt,” It’s not a question from Burt, it’s a fact. It’s a happy fact from a Father to his Son.
“Yeah…everything is okay, Dad.” When Burt and Kurt say their goodnights, Kurt puts his phone on the floor beside them. Then it hits Kurt that just how much it means to Blaine what Hayley said. Kurt brings his other hand and puts his finger under Blaine’s chin and lifts it up too see his face. There are tears on his face, but they are happy tears.
“Hey, Daddy Anderson,” Kurt says happily. Blaine honestly does not know what to say. He’s always wanted to be a Dad and now for Kurt’s Daughter to say that and too think of himself as Daddy Anderson, is breath-taking. After everything she went through, she is able to call Blaine her other Daddy.
“It will always amaze me how much you two can brighten up my day in a split moment.” Blaine wipes the tears away from his own face.
“We’re just returning our love for you, Mr.” Kurt pushes the little piece of hair back on Blaine’s forehead. The curls are far from curly anymore. Blaine places a hand on Kurt’s right cheek and leans himself over Kurt’s lips.
“I feel like I don’t have as…as much breathe and I-I am blaming you both.”
“Well, it’s a good thing to be blamed for, but if you are being serious, get up for air right n…” Blaine cuts Kurt off by their lips pressed softly together. Kurt puts his left hand back up Blaine’s shirt. Kurt’s fingers glide over Blaine’s soft skin. It tickles Blaine a little, but he doesn’t care. He pushes himself down a little onto Kurt, which causes them both to moan a little.
“Blaine…” Blaine moves his lips back a few inches from Kurt’s, Blaine’s smirking.
“I know,” Blaine places a soft kiss on Kurt’s lips. “Not yet.” Blaine pushes himself of the couch slowly. He stands up slowly, but it feels like needles sticking into his side. He nearly falls backwards, but Kurt catches him quickly.
“I told you, Blaine Anderson,” Kurt wraps an arm gently around Blaine’s waist to help him to bed.
“You love when you’re right too much.” Kurt smiles and places a kiss to Blaine’s cheek.
“I am always right, so you better live with it.” Kurt whispers.
“On one condition,” Blaine says. He starts to feel less and less of the pain in his side. Kurt pushes open Blaine’s bedroom door.
“I’ll say yes when you tell me.” Kurt shuts the door behind them.
“Every day you tell me, I love you, and I say I love you.’” Kurt eases Blaine down on the edge of the bed. Kurt rests a hand either side of Blaine. He leans in to Blaine’s lips, a few inches away.
“For the rest of my life. I promise to tell you, I love you, every day because if I didn’t, that day would not be fully done now, would it.” Not a question, just the truth.
“Promise?” Blaine leans his head to one side. Kurt grins at how adorable he is.
“Promise, always.”
“Beyond Infinite,” Blaine said. Kurt chuckles at Blaine’s words. But he loves the way he put it. Blaine leans back up to Kurt’s lips. Their lips just inches apart. Hearts racing that little bit more.
“For Infinite.”


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