One Moment
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One Moment: You're Mine

T - Words: 2,921 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
132 0 0 0 0

Author's Notes: The sun is shining bright in the sky, along with all their smiles. Kurt pushes Hayley on the swing, over and over, trying to make her go higher up to the sky. Blaine lays his back against the bark of the tree, which the swing is handing off on a strong branch. He looks over to Hayley and Kurt, who seem so happy in this moment, of course this makes Blaine really happy to see them like this. He puts his sunglasses on top of his head. The sun makes him squint a little, but now he can see Kurt and Hayley more clearly.
“Daddy, it’s not high enough!” Hayley shouts for her Daddy to hear. “Higher!”
“No way! This is as high as you are going.”
“Daddy…” Hayley moans.
“Boring Daddy!” Blaine said with his hands cupped around his mouth. Kurt looks unimpressed by him.
“Says the one reading an English book.” The Swing starts to slow down in the air. When the swing slows down enough, Hayley jumps of it. She lands on her feet.
“I want Ice-cream.” Hayley says as she starts too run up to the house.
“Okay. Just don’t let Uncle Finn give you too much!” Kurt turns to Blaine.
“It’s what I’m teaching tomorrow by the way.”
“Sure you just aren’t reading it for fun, Mr. Anderson.?” Kurt takes a seat beside Blaine. He puts his legs gently over Blaine’s and leans his head against the tree. Blaine sticks out his tongue at Kurt. That makes Kurt laugh.
“It’s a middle school English book, Kurt. Look!” Kurt takes the book out of Blaine’s hand and looks at the cover.
“I’ll read you what I have to teach the kids tomorrow.” Kurt hands the book back to Blaine. Blaine flicks through the book until he finds the marked page.
“Are you paying attending Mr Hummel?” Blaine jokes. Kurt nods his head, excited, like a kid.
“Okay, so it’s a poem and it goes like… ‘Tomorrow is not here, but today is. Don’t live by tomorrow, live by today. Live by all the seconds, don’t waste a second. Greet every morning, hold everyday close. Because tomorrow might not ever come, but today, today has already come.’ “Blaine puts the book down beside him. He runs his two free hands over Kurt’s warm legs. He looks to Kurt, who has his eyes closed. Blaine brings his right hand up to Kurt’s cheek, rubbing his thumb over the soft cheek. Kurt leans into the feeling that makes him smile anymore. After a few seconds he opens his eyes to see Blaine staring into his.
“Kurt?” Blaine says shyly. Kurt is curious to see what has gotten Blaine so shy in himself.
“Mm,” Blaine goes to say something, but let’s out a laugh. He clams himself and tries to speak his words again.
“Would you…would you and Hayley want to get a house with me? To live in together? The three of us?” Blaine lets out a breath of relief after. But he holds another for Kurt’s answer.
“To live in together is usually what you would do Blaine.” Kurt jokes, making himself and Blaine laugh. “I guess living with you wouldn’t be that bad. I guess that could work.” Kurt has a cheeky smile on his lips, it’s how Blaine knows it’s a yes, but he needs to ask as well.
“Do not ask if that’s a yes, because you know right well it is. Yes, after I talk to Hayley and if she’s okay will it then yes, Blaine Anderson I would love to spent every second with Hayley and you.”
“Really? You are going to get sick of me. Waking up together, going to sleep together, and seeing me at school…”
“You are making me jealous of my future self.” Kurt moves closer to Blaine’s lips. He looks to Blaine’s lips and back to Blaine’s gazing eyes. Their lips are slightly touching.
“Mr Anderson! Daddy!” Hayley’s voice comes from inside the house. She then runs outside to them. She holds a big cone with three scoops of ice-cream with a flake, syrup, sprinkles and love from one Mr Finn Hudson. “Uncle Finn made me the biggest ice-cream.” She is really excited. The sun hits of the ice-cream and it starts to dribble onto her skin.
Blaine is laughing at the way Hayley eats it. It goes all over her face. Kurt gets up and takes the ice-cream gently from her.
“Daddy!” Hayley moans. “My ice-cream.”
“It will make you sick, sweetie. Tell Uncle Finn to make you one again with one scoop and if he doesn’t, tell him this ice-cream will be on his head.” Hayley giggles and runs into Finn.
“How does Finn not have diabetes yet,” Kurt mumbles to himself. The ice-cream is still in his hand. Blaine jumps up from the ground and wanders the few steps over to Kurt.
“That actually looks really good!” Blaine looks at it with delight on his face.
“No! You are not getting it either. It is disgusting looking. It’s going in the bin.” Before Kurt can stop Blaine, he already has taken the ice-cream from Kurt’s hand and licked it. “Blaine…”
“That’s really good.” Blaine takes another lick. “Finn needs to open an ice-cream shop.” Blaine said with an ice-cream full mouth. Kurt looks at him amused but at the same time disgusted. “Have some.” Kurt shakes his head and gives Blaine the, I will kill you look. Blaine takes a scoop of the cone and throws it at Kurt. It hits Kurt on his chin and falls down his blue checked shirt and black jeans. Kurt’s mouth hangs open in shock. Blaine is nearly falling over with laughter.
“It’s…its g-good isn’t it-it.” Blaine mange’s to say through his laughter. “If I say I love you, will that help?” Blaine puts on his best smile for Kurt. Kurt doesn’t say a word. He walks over and stands in front of Blaine. Quickly he snatches the cone from Blaine’s hand and runs it down his face and back onto his hair. He then lets the cone fall onto the grass.
“You look much better now!” Kurt said proudly. Blaine wipes the ice-cream from his own eyes. He looks too Kurt who is smirking. Kurt moves his hands up to Blaine’s face and wipes away the remaining ice-cream.
“I only threw a bit at you.” Blaine mumbled. Kurt giggles.
“Well it had to end with one of us. And anyways…I know how to make it up to you.”
“Ice-cream?” Blaine asks. His eyes light up even more. Kurt shakes his head. His puts his hands on the back of Blaine’s neck and leans in and kisses Blaine softly. Blaine can’t stop smiling, making it difficult for Kurt to kiss him.
“Blaine…” Kurt laughs. Kurt doesn’t have time to say anymore because Blaine is the one kissing him now with his hand resting on the back of Kurt’s back, pulling Kurt into Blaine closer.

“Hey, Burt,” Finn says. Finn is standing at the kitchen window looking into the back garden.
“Yeah?” Burt stops making the ice-cream to look to Finn. Finn nods his head to the window. Burt makes his way over with his new ice-cream. Hayley had to go in the garage freezer for more ice-cream.
“I think Kurt may have found the one.” Burt and Finn are looking to Kurt and Blaine who have just pulled away from the kiss and are laughing like they seen or heard the funniest thing in the world.

“Sure you have to go?” Kurt asks hoping that Blaine will decide to stay longer. He had a grip with both hands on the zips of Blaine’s coat. Their bodies are just inches apart. Blaine nods his head. “But it’s such a beautiful night, look at the stars. We could stay out here all night.” Kurt smiles at his own idea.
“I have school in the morning, you know that. I have to be able for those kids tomorrow.” A smirk appears on Blaine’s face. “I have to be ready for you tomorrow.” Kurt hits Blaine lightly on the arm.
“If you can handle those kids, you can so handle me!”
“Mmm, if you say so, handsome.” Blaine gives a peak to Kurt’s cheek and lets his right hand fall from Kurt’s cheek. He backs away knowing what Kurt will say.
“That’s it? That’s all I get. Not even a hug.”
“Nope! I’ll never leave you if I do. You just kind of have that little effect on me.” Kurt just wants to shout as loud as he can, you are the love of my live Blaine Anderson. Blaine keeps taking little steps backwards to his car. He’s almost there.
“Hey Blaine…thank you.” Kurt had to say it.
“For being handsome?” Blaine gives a wink at Kurt, but he knows Kurt means more.
“For that and everything else.” Blaine puts his hands together, like it would somehow stop him from what he is about to do. He walks over quickly too Kurt and puts his hands on Kurt’s cheeks. He places his lips on Kurt’s. Kurt pulls him in much closer. The kiss gets deep, stronger, and they know they will both have to pull away in a few seconds. When they do they are completely breathless.
“Then thank you for saving me, Kurt.” Blaine takes another breath. “I love you till kingdom come.”
“Till kingdom come and on, Blaine.” Kurt leans back in for another kiss, this time softer and not as needed. They just need to hold each other, feel each other, always.
He looks to them being so close. It disgusts him. How did he ever let this happen? That man just walked right into Kurt’s life. He’s a primary school teacher, he’s nothing. What on earth could he give Kurt that he hadn’t already given Kurt? He had given Kurt a massive house, a child to raise, fantastic sex, money, clothes, high class parties and that wasn’t good enough for him? If Kurt ran away from him and into the arms of someone else, he is going to tear Kurt out of those arms straight back into his along with his beautiful daughter Hayley, who shouldn’t have been taking away from him. Too long he let this go on.
He takes a sip out of his can of beer as he sits on a rock behind trees as to not be seen. He Then takes a smoke from his cigar. He blows the smoke out slowly that blocks his view of Kurt and his dirty lover, which he probably blows every now and then and gets paid for it. It’s the only way Kurt could ever get money. Sucking of someone and even then he wouldn’t get paid much. Don’t get him wrong Kurt could suck a dick, nice and hard, but over the last few months it’s like he didn’t even try. He feels himself get hard in his tracksuit bottoms. He’s mad it’s happening from thinking of Kurt, but he misses him. What he would do to have Kurt back. Kurt, Hayley and himself could be a family again. All he has to do is keep Kurt in his place, that wouldn’t be so hard to do. A beating every once in a while will keep him in line.
Blaine drives away in his car and as he looks to Kurt standing at the door, Kurt is there looking up at the stars. He stares at Kurt, puts down his beer can and puts his hand under his tracksuits; he grabs on to himself and starts moving his hand up and down. He takes another smoke at his cigar, blows out the smoke and puts it out. He puts one hand behind himself to steady him. Kurt runs a hand through his hair, trying to get it out of his face. He can’t help but moan as Kurt does it, not loud enough to be heard. Two more pumps and he’s coming.
Kurt shuts the door behind him and now there is no one to stare at. He gets up from the rock, taking out another cigar. He lights it and puts away the lighter. He takes a smoke and then a big gulp of his beer, which is now finished. He throws it away and opens another. He leans against one of the trees and stares to the house.
Kurt is half asleep, hardly able to keep his eyes open. But he can’t keep his mind from shutting off. He had asked Hayley after Blaine had left what would she think if she and her daddy moved in with Blaine. She grinned at the idea and demanded there had to be a lot of space at the back for a treehouse, a big waterslide, a tire swing and many more things that all Kurt could do was laugh and listen. He knew she liked Blaine, but moving in with him was a whole different thing and her reaction made this a whole lot more special. He would tell Blaine tomorrow the good news. As much of happy thoughts he had the bad ones kept coming into his mind and took over.
What if his husband eventually shows up?
How much can he protect Hayley?
He needs a divorce.
He needs to be braver than ever.
He needs to keep Hayley away from her Papa, which will have to go to the courts and how is Hayley going to handle it?
He didn’t know what would happen but like Burt always tells him, when the time comes we will sort it out. Now I know this can’t go on just hoping he won’t turn up, but first give Hayley till Christmas, she needs time and so do you before anything big goes down. Then after Christmas we will get a lawyer and get a divorce, keep Hayley here with us and put that bastard in prison for what he did too you.
He knew his dad was right. And maybe going to the police so late about the abuse, nothing could be done, but he didn’t care. The day he ran with Hayley, all he needed was to be free and have Hayley by his side and he has it here, but it’s time to tackle his husband for complete freedom.
He is scared. Christmas is in a few weeks and in the New Year it’s when everything will have to start being tackled and it’s going to be the fight of his life, but with Hayley, his family and now Blaine, he’s stronger than ever.
Scared, but stronger.
He hears scratching at the window. He thinks he is imagined it from his thoughts. A few seconds go by with silent. He closes his eyes.
Kurt keeps his eyes closed. Scratch…Scratch…he opens his eyes. He doesn’t see anything. He sits up in bed to try and catche his breath. He grabs his phone on the bed side locker and finds Blaine’s number. He stares at it before throwing the phone on the bed.
He is being stupid, he thinks. Nothing is there. And what is Blaine going to do? His instinct was to ring Blaine even with having everyone in the house. He relaxes himself and puts the phone away. He gets out of bed and heads to Hayley’s room. He’s shaken a little. The dark is scaring him tonight. He gets to Hayley’s room and he thinks she is asleep until she looks over to him.
“Daddy?” She whispers with a tried little voice. He steps into the room and shuts the door over a little bit.
“Just me sweetheart. Can Daddy stay with you tonight?” He can’t see much of her in the dark, but sees her head nodding. He’s grateful it’s a double and not a single. He never could sleep in a single bed. He hopes in beside her and pulls up the covers over them.
“Are you okay, Daddy?” She asks, worried.
“I am. I just missed my little girl. Go on back to sleep, princess.” And she does. It takes her less than five minutes to fall back asleep. Kurt is still awake but very close to falling asleep. He feels safer with Hayley; he had from the minute she was born. He would always protect her. He would fight for her every single day of her life. She’s brave thought, with the bullying, that got sorted a few days ago, the boy was suspended from school for a week with extra homework and will be watched carefully when he comes back. If it happens again to Hayley or any other child another meeting will be held with a bigger solution. Kurt was mad when he was told that result, but Blaine had to calm him down. And when Kurt did, Blaine made him realize that the little boy is only a kid himself and he is still learning and he really is sorry. He promised he wouldn’t hurt any other kid. And they had to believe that for now.
The part that made Kurt forgive the little boy is when he saw him hug Hayley and say he was really sorry. Hayley forgave him and if Hayley could, so could Kurt. And for Hayley being so young she was so brave and forgiving. She had said she had gotten that from her daddy.
She looks up too him and he needs to be brave, but one thing Kurt can’t do with his husband, now ex-husband, to forgive him. Brave he will be towards him, forgiven, never.
He sees Hayley as peaceful as she sleeps. He smiles and pushes her hair out of her eyes. He drifts of slowly to sleep thinking of Blaine and Hayley, and then all at once he falls into peace and dreams , until a brand new day.
The sun is shining bright in the sky, along with all their smiles. Kurt pushes Hayley on the swing, over and over, trying to make her go higher up to the sky. Blaine lays his back against the bark of the tree, which the swing is handing off on a strong branch. He looks over to Hayley and Kurt, who seem so happy in this moment, of course this makes Blaine really happy to see them like this. He puts his sunglasses on top of his head. The sun makes him squint a little, but now he can see Kurt and Hayley more clearly.
“Daddy, it’s not high enough!” Hayley shouts for her Daddy to hear. “Higher!”
“No way! This is as high as you are going.”
“Daddy…” Hayley moans.
“Boring Daddy!” Blaine said with his hands cupped around his mouth. Kurt looks unimpressed by him.
“Says the one reading an English book.” The Swing starts to slow down in the air. When the swing slows down enough, Hayley jumps of it. She lands on her feet.
“I want Ice-cream.” Hayley says as she starts too run up to the house.
“Okay. Just don’t let Uncle Finn give you too much!” Kurt turns to Blaine.
“It’s what I’m teaching tomorrow by the way.”
“Sure you just aren’t reading it for fun, Mr. Anderson.?” Kurt takes a seat beside Blaine. He puts his legs gently over Blaine’s and leans his head against the tree. Blaine sticks out his tongue at Kurt. That makes Kurt laugh.
“It’s a middle school English book, Kurt. Look!” Kurt takes the book out of Blaine’s hand and looks at the cover.
“I’ll read you what I have to teach the kids tomorrow.” Kurt hands the book back to Blaine. Blaine flicks through the book until he finds the marked page.
“Are you paying attending Mr Hummel?” Blaine jokes. Kurt nods his head, excited, like a kid.
“Okay, so it’s a poem and it goes like… ‘Tomorrow is not here, but today is. Don’t live by tomorrow, live by today. Live by all the seconds, don’t waste a second. Greet every morning, hold everyday close. Because tomorrow might not ever come, but today, today has already come.’ “Blaine puts the book down beside him. He runs his two free hands over Kurt’s warm legs. He looks to Kurt, who has his eyes closed. Blaine brings his right hand up to Kurt’s cheek, rubbing his thumb over the soft cheek. Kurt leans into the feeling that makes him smile anymore. After a few seconds he opens his eyes to see Blaine staring into his.
“Kurt?” Blaine says shyly. Kurt is curious to see what has gotten Blaine so shy in himself.
“Mm,” Blaine goes to say something, but let’s out a laugh. He clams himself and tries to speak his words again.
“Would you…would you and Hayley want to get a house with me? To live in together? The three of us?” Blaine lets out a breath of relief after. But he holds another for Kurt’s answer.
“To live in together is usually what you would do Blaine.” Kurt jokes, making himself and Blaine laugh. “I guess living with you wouldn’t be that bad. I guess that could work.” Kurt has a cheeky smile on his lips, it’s how Blaine knows it’s a yes, but he needs to ask as well.
“Do not ask if that’s a yes, because you know right well it is. Yes, after I talk to Hayley and if she’s okay will it then yes, Blaine Anderson I would love to spent every second with Hayley and you.”
“Really? You are going to get sick of me. Waking up together, going to sleep together, and seeing me at school…”
“You are making me jealous of my future self.” Kurt moves closer to Blaine’s lips. He looks to Blaine’s lips and back to Blaine’s gazing eyes. Their lips are slightly touching.
“Mr Anderson! Daddy!” Hayley’s voice comes from inside the house. She then runs outside to them. She holds a big cone with three scoops of ice-cream with a flake, syrup, sprinkles and love from one Mr Finn Hudson. “Uncle Finn made me the biggest ice-cream.” She is really excited. The sun hits of the ice-cream and it starts to dribble onto her skin.
Blaine is laughing at the way Hayley eats it. It goes all over her face. Kurt gets up and takes the ice-cream gently from her.
“Daddy!” Hayley moans. “My ice-cream.”
“It will make you sick, sweetie. Tell Uncle Finn to make you one again with one scoop and if he doesn’t, tell him this ice-cream will be on his head.” Hayley giggles and runs into Finn.
“How does Finn not have diabetes yet,” Kurt mumbles to himself. The ice-cream is still in his hand. Blaine jumps up from the ground and wanders the few steps over to Kurt.
“That actually looks really good!” Blaine looks at it with delight on his face.
“No! You are not getting it either. It is disgusting looking. It’s going in the bin.” Before Kurt can stop Blaine, he already has taken the ice-cream from Kurt’s hand and licked it. “Blaine…”
“That’s really good.” Blaine takes another lick. “Finn needs to open an ice-cream shop.” Blaine said with an ice-cream full mouth. Kurt looks at him amused but at the same time disgusted. “Have some.” Kurt shakes his head and gives Blaine the, I will kill you look. Blaine takes a scoop of the cone and throws it at Kurt. It hits Kurt on his chin and falls down his blue checked shirt and black jeans. Kurt’s mouth hangs open in shock. Blaine is nearly falling over with laughter.
“It’s…its g-good isn’t it-it.” Blaine mange’s to say through his laughter. “If I say I love you, will that help?” Blaine puts on his best smile for Kurt. Kurt doesn’t say a word. He walks over and stands in front of Blaine. Quickly he snatches the cone from Blaine’s hand and runs it down his face and back onto his hair. He then lets the cone fall onto the grass.
“You look much better now!” Kurt said proudly. Blaine wipes the ice-cream from his own eyes. He looks too Kurt who is smirking. Kurt moves his hands up to Blaine’s face and wipes away the remaining ice-cream.
“I only threw a bit at you.” Blaine mumbled. Kurt giggles.
“Well it had to end with one of us. And anyways…I know how to make it up to you.”
“Ice-cream?” Blaine asks. His eyes light up even more. Kurt shakes his head. His puts his hands on the back of Blaine’s neck and leans in and kisses Blaine softly. Blaine can’t stop smiling, making it difficult for Kurt to kiss him.
“Blaine…” Kurt laughs. Kurt doesn’t have time to say anymore because Blaine is the one kissing him now with his hand resting on the back of Kurt’s back, pulling Kurt into Blaine closer.

“Hey, Burt,” Finn says. Finn is standing at the kitchen window looking into the back garden.
“Yeah?” Burt stops making the ice-cream to look to Finn. Finn nods his head to the window. Burt makes his way over with his new ice-cream. Hayley had to go in the garage freezer for more ice-cream.
“I think Kurt may have found the one.” Burt and Finn are looking to Kurt and Blaine who have just pulled away from the kiss and are laughing like they seen or heard the funniest thing in the world.

“Sure you have to go?” Kurt asks hoping that Blaine will decide to stay longer. He had a grip with both hands on the zips of Blaine’s coat. Their bodies are just inches apart. Blaine nods his head. “But it’s such a beautiful night, look at the stars. We could stay out here all night.” Kurt smiles at his own idea.
“I have school in the morning, you know that. I have to be able for those kids tomorrow.” A smirk appears on Blaine’s face. “I have to be ready for you tomorrow.” Kurt hits Blaine lightly on the arm.
“If you can handle those kids, you can so handle me!”
“Mmm, if you say so, handsome.” Blaine gives a peak to Kurt’s cheek and lets his right hand fall from Kurt’s cheek. He backs away knowing what Kurt will say.
“That’s it? That’s all I get. Not even a hug.”
“Nope! I’ll never leave you if I do. You just kind of have that little effect on me.” Kurt just wants to shout as loud as he can, you are the love of my live Blaine Anderson. Blaine keeps taking little steps backwards to his car. He’s almost there.
“Hey Blaine…thank you.” Kurt had to say it.
“For being handsome?” Blaine gives a wink at Kurt, but he knows Kurt means more.
“For that and everything else.” Blaine puts his hands together, like it would somehow stop him from what he is about to do. He walks over quickly too Kurt and puts his hands on Kurt’s cheeks. He places his lips on Kurt’s. Kurt pulls him in much closer. The kiss gets deep, stronger, and they know they will both have to pull away in a few seconds. When they do they are completely breathless.
“Then thank you for saving me, Kurt.” Blaine takes another breath. “I love you till kingdom come.”
“Till kingdom come and on, Blaine.” Kurt leans back in for another kiss, this time softer and not as needed. They just need to hold each other, feel each other, always.
He looks to them being so close. It disgusts him. How did he ever let this happen? That man just walked right into Kurt’s life. He’s a primary school teacher, he’s nothing. What on earth could he give Kurt that he hadn’t already given Kurt? He had given Kurt a massive house, a child to raise, fantastic sex, money, clothes, high class parties and that wasn’t good enough for him? If Kurt ran away from him and into the arms of someone else, he is going to tear Kurt out of those arms straight back into his along with his beautiful daughter Hayley, who shouldn’t have been taking away from him. Too long he let this go on.
He takes a sip out of his can of beer as he sits on a rock behind trees as to not be seen. He Then takes a smoke from his cigar. He blows the smoke out slowly that blocks his view of Kurt and his dirty lover, which he probably blows every now and then and gets paid for it. It’s the only way Kurt could ever get money. Sucking of someone and even then he wouldn’t get paid much. Don’t get him wrong Kurt could suck a dick, nice and hard, but over the last few months it’s like he didn’t even try. He feels himself get hard in his tracksuit bottoms. He’s mad it’s happening from thinking of Kurt, but he misses him. What he would do to have Kurt back. Kurt, Hayley and himself could be a family again. All he has to do is keep Kurt in his place, that wouldn’t be so hard to do. A beating every once in a while will keep him in line.
Blaine drives away in his car and as he looks to Kurt standing at the door, Kurt is there looking up at the stars. He stares at Kurt, puts down his beer can and puts his hand under his tracksuits; he grabs on to himself and starts moving his hand up and down. He takes another smoke at his cigar, blows out the smoke and puts it out. He puts one hand behind himself to steady him. Kurt runs a hand through his hair, trying to get it out of his face. He can’t help but moan as Kurt does it, not loud enough to be heard. Two more pumps and he’s coming.
Kurt shuts the door behind him and now there is no one to stare at. He gets up from the rock, taking out another cigar. He lights it and puts away the lighter. He takes a smoke and then a big gulp of his beer, which is now finished. He throws it away and opens another. He leans against one of the trees and stares to the house.
Kurt is half asleep, hardly able to keep his eyes open. But he can’t keep his mind from shutting off. He had asked Hayley after Blaine had left what would she think if she and her daddy moved in with Blaine. She grinned at the idea and demanded there had to be a lot of space at the back for a treehouse, a big waterslide, a tire swing and many more things that all Kurt could do was laugh and listen. He knew she liked Blaine, but moving in with him was a whole different thing and her reaction made this a whole lot more special. He would tell Blaine tomorrow the good news. As much of happy thoughts he had the bad ones kept coming into his mind and took over.
What if his husband eventually shows up?
How much can he protect Hayley?
He needs a divorce.
He needs to be braver than ever.
He needs to keep Hayley away from her Papa, which will have to go to the courts and how is Hayley going to handle it?
He didn’t know what would happen but like Burt always tells him, when the time comes we will sort it out. Now I know this can’t go on just hoping he won’t turn up, but first give Hayley till Christmas, she needs time and so do you before anything big goes down. Then after Christmas we will get a lawyer and get a divorce, keep Hayley here with us and put that bastard in prison for what he did too you.
He knew his dad was right. And maybe going to the police so late about the abuse, nothing could be done, but he didn’t care. The day he ran with Hayley, all he needed was to be free and have Hayley by his side and he has it here, but it’s time to tackle his husband for complete freedom.
He is scared. Christmas is in a few weeks and in the New Year it’s when everything will have to start being tackled and it’s going to be the fight of his life, but with Hayley, his family and now Blaine, he’s stronger than ever.
Scared, but stronger.
He hears scratching at the window. He thinks he is imagined it from his thoughts. A few seconds go by with silent. He closes his eyes.
Kurt keeps his eyes closed. Scratch…Scratch…he opens his eyes. He doesn’t see anything. He sits up in bed to try and catche his breath. He grabs his phone on the bed side locker and finds Blaine’s number. He stares at it before throwing the phone on the bed.
He is being stupid, he thinks. Nothing is there. And what is Blaine going to do? His instinct was to ring Blaine even with having everyone in the house. He relaxes himself and puts the phone away. He gets out of bed and heads to Hayley’s room. He’s shaken a little. The dark is scaring him tonight. He gets to Hayley’s room and he thinks she is asleep until she looks over to him.
“Daddy?” She whispers with a tried little voice. He steps into the room and shuts the door over a little bit.
“Just me sweetheart. Can Daddy stay with you tonight?” He can’t see much of her in the dark, but sees her head nodding. He’s grateful it’s a double and not a single. He never could sleep in a single bed. He hopes in beside her and pulls up the covers over them.
“Are you okay, Daddy?” She asks, worried.
“I am. I just missed my little girl. Go on back to sleep, princess.” And she does. It takes her less than five minutes to fall back asleep. Kurt is still awake but very close to falling asleep. He feels safer with Hayley; he had from the minute she was born. He would always protect her. He would fight for her every single day of her life. She’s brave thought, with the bullying, that got sorted a few days ago, the boy was suspended from school for a week with extra homework and will be watched carefully when he comes back. If it happens again to Hayley or any other child another meeting will be held with a bigger solution. Kurt was mad when he was told that result, but Blaine had to calm him down. And when Kurt did, Blaine made him realize that the little boy is only a kid himself and he is still learning and he really is sorry. He promised he wouldn’t hurt any other kid. And they had to believe that for now.
The part that made Kurt forgive the little boy is when he saw him hug Hayley and say he was really sorry. Hayley forgave him and if Hayley could, so could Kurt. And for Hayley being so young she was so brave and forgiving. She had said she had gotten that from her daddy.
She looks up too him and he needs to be brave, but one thing Kurt can’t do with his husband, now ex-husband, to forgive him. Brave he will be towards him, forgiven, never.
He sees Hayley as peaceful as she sleeps. He smiles and pushes her hair out of her eyes. He drifts of slowly to sleep thinking of Blaine and Hayley, and then all at once he falls into peace and dreams , until a brand new day.


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