One Moment
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One Moment: I Got You

T - Words: 3,110 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
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Author's Notes: "Kurt, she's going to be okay. I know you're always going to worry about her, but you are allowed to relax too." Kurt looks up from his phone and looks to Blaine who is in the driver's seat and driving them to the lake house. Blaine turns to him for a second and gives him a smile and puts his hand on top of Kurt's knee, rubbing it for before bringing his hand back on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. Its pitch dark and Blaine tries not taking his eyes of the road to often. It's a straight forward road from here till the house.

"Well, if you had let me drive I wouldn't check my phone every minute." Kurt joked.

"If I had let you drive you would have, and we would be in an ambulance, not this car." Blaine chuckled for a second and stopped when he remembered what happened last time. Kurt's jaw drops a little.

"I'm a great driver. You just don't have faith in me."

"I have all the faith in the world in you." Kurt grins and turns his head out the window watching as they pass the last town till the lake house. It feels unreal. Unreal to have Blaine beside him. The last time he was going to the lake house was with his husband years ago. Before Hayley, before marrying him, before everything started to turn to nothing.

"Just to warn you at night that's when the ghosts come out. They like to watch TV and eat the food in the fridge." Kurt said serious as he switched the lights on and they walk into the hallway of the house. Blaine stopped at the front door and looked a little terrified. Kurt put down the bags in the hallway and turned around to look at Blaine.

"Do not joke about ghosts. They terrify me. Cooper told me so many ghost stories when I was a kid and they never went out of my head." Blaine took a step into the house and put down the rest of the bags and shut the door behind him.

"If they can feel the fear they won't let you out of the house." Kurt is about to break into laughter, but he tried to keep as serious as he could.

"Kuuuurt, I hate you right now." Blaine folded his arms over his chest and walked into the open living room on the left hand side.

"But I heard someone who isn't scared that is with that person protects them from the ghosts feeling the fear." Kurt shouts after Blaine who disappears into the other room. Kurt got no reply. He wanders after Blaine but Blaine isn't there. "Blaine?" Still no answer. Kurt goes into the kitchen but Blaine isn't there either. There is only the hallway, Kitchen, and Living room downstairs. Kurt would have heard Blaine go up the stairs. This is what I get for trying to scare him, Kurt thinks.

"Kurt," Blaine comes out of nowhere and is standing behind Kurt. Kurt turns around to him and chuckles. "You can't stay here. It's not safe." Blaine said serious. A dead look in his eyes.

"Blaine, stop kidding around." Kurt's chuckling turns nervous.

"Blaine? Who is this Blaine? You came alone." Blaine walks back out into the hallway. This is creeping Kurt out.

"Okay, really, stop kidding around." Kurt follows him out into the hallway, but he's gone. What the hell, he just walked out into the hallway. "Blaine!" Kurt walks to the front door, opens it and walks out onto the porch. He didn't hear the door open, but he checks anyways. He's standing on the porch, the lights on, when Blaine comes up behind him.

"Rawwwr!" Blaine shouts and wraps his arms around Kurt's waist. Kurt screamed when Blaine grabs him. His scream eventually turns into a laugh and Blaine lets him go. Blaine leans against the frame of the door, holding himself up from laughing, while Kurt has his hand on his stomach and is trying to get his breathing steady.

"That's what you get for trying to scare me." Blaine laughs. "Telling ghost stories isn't the only thing Coop used to scare me with. And plus I used to act."

"How…how are you at acting dead?" Kurt joked and pushed Blaine back inside and shuts the door. Blaine's still laughing as he walks into the kitchen. Kurt follows behind.

"Not great, but I am good at making coffee and lighting a fire." Blaine picks up the kettle from the counter and starts to fill it with water.

"Well, you make the coffee and I will go light the fire. And let's promise not to scare each other because we are in the middle of nowhere and its pitch dark." Blaine nods and holds his hand out for them to shake on it. They do and then Blaine pulls Kurt closer to him and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. And once more before Kurt goes to light the fire.

Kurt and Blaine are sat on the couch in their night clothes. Kurt on the left side on the couch and Blaine on the right, facing each other and sharing a blanket. It's so cold in the house that they have hoodies on as well as having a big blanket over them, the fire lit and a cup of coffee in their hands. The pouring rain outside makes it feel even colder, but it's nice, it's a sweet moment for them.

"I'm glad we got away together. I cannot explain how much I've been looking forward to this weekend." Blaine said happily. His eyes shining brightly. Kurt loved seeing him this way. Especially after what happened last weekend. That night after what Blaine had said to his parents, Kurt had gone over on the Sunday to Blaine after Cooper had rung and told Kurt what had happened and that he was afraid Blaine would think too much of it and it would bring up a lot of bad and sad memories. So Kurt came around and stayed with him for a few hours as Blaine told him about everything that happened. Kurt decided to get him out of the house and bring him ice-skating. Kurt had remembered Blaine telling him that Cooper always used to do it when Blaine was feeling sad as a kid. It always made him happy afterwards for a reason Cooper never knew why. But he didn't need to as long as it made Blaine happy. Sarah and Cooper had come along with them and it did the trick. It made Blaine smile, laugh and too let himself know he can always get through these things. The best part to Kurt, Blaine, and Sarah of that day was watching Cooper fall over and over again and finally giving up and lying on the ice till they pulled him up.

"I couldn't wait either. Are you okay? I know how hard last weekend was for you." Kurt's eyes turn concerned. Blaine had told him he would be okay, but what he says and what he might be thinking is two totally different things.

"I'm getting there. I'm getting there because of Cooper, Sarah and you. What you did for me last weekend, that was pretty amazing, Kurt. When you went home you know what Coop said to me?" Kurt shook his head and waits for Blaine to tell him. "That if I ever let you go he will kick my ass every day." They both laughed at that.

"I thought he already does that?"

"He does. But he will find new ways." Blaine shook his head at his big brothers words.

"Then I guess you better never let me go then." Kurt grinned and if his smile could get any bigger it would. It kicks in then that he has to tell Blaine the rest of his past. Blaine had pretty much told him everything about his life, now it is Kurt's turn. It's Blaine, it wouldn't be as hard to tell him, but this is the first time he will tell the full story to someone. He remembers coming back to Lima with Hayley, his family thinking they were just coming for a visit, then a week later Kurt sat down with his Dad and told him everything. It took Carole and Finn hours to calm him down and to stop him from getting on a plane to New York. It was when Carole told Burt to look at his son and think about how much Kurt needs him right now that he realized the right thing to do was to stay here and be here for Kurt.

"Kurt, hey, what's wrong?" Kurt had gotten lost in this thought, that he hadn't seen Blaine put down his mug and Kurt's on the table and take Kurt's hands in his. Kurt looked up to Blaine and knew he had to tell him.

"I need to tell you about why I really left New York. I left because yes he was cheating on me, but that was my excuse to leave. I didn't leave just because of that." It took all the strength in Kurt to have the courage to say the next few words to Blaine. Tears had already formed in Kurt's eyes. "He…he abused me, Blaine. For anything…and everything." Blaine felt his heart break for Kurt. Kurt had to go through that. He had to go through that pain, that fear from someone who was meant to love him. "It um…it started four years after Hayley was born. She had started pre-school and he told me I had to take care of her because he was working all the time. I had starting working from home when she was born and when I had to go into work the two days a week he would mind Hayley those days." Kurt wiped the tears of his cheeks, took a deep breath and continued. "But when she started pre-school of course she had to be dro-dropped off and picked up…and neither of use wanted a nanny, but we were going to fit work in with minding her…but when the time came…work was more important than his fam-family and over the months working from home turned into losing my job."

'You lost your job? How hard is it to mind Hayley and work, Kurt? It's not. Great! Now it's all up to me too keep this family with a roof under their head and food on the table.'

Those words his husband had said was the start of it all. And Kurt thinks back on that and kicks himself for not getting away from him sooner. He hadn't hit him that time, just shouted. Months went on where he would get madder and madder each time he would shout. Sometimes it was over work, Hayley, and little things with not getting something cleaned in the house yet. He would always say sorry to Kurt after that led to sex. Sometimes Kurt didn't want to, but he would get scared that his husband would just get mad again. So every time, he said nothing and felt dirty afterwards. It makes Kurt's stomach turn every time he thinks about getting touched by him.

"For a year th-that's all it was. I would do s-something wrong and he would raise his voice and the next day…It would be like nothing ev-ever happened." Kurt looked down to his and Blaine's fingers entwined together. He smiled at being here with Blaine, but crying for his past.

"The night he first hit me…Hayley was at her friend's house and she got scared and rang because she wanted to go home. I said I would pick up. Then we started fighting because he said she needed to learn to be away from us. I said she was only a child and that I was going to pick her up." Kurt looked back up to Blaine who had tears falling down his face. "He… he hit me and when I was falling to the ground I hit my head of the table, but I wasn't unconsent, so he grabbed me, pulled me up and pushed me towards the stairs. He said he would go get Hayley and for me to… to clean myself up before our daughter comes home. It was the most scared I had ever been. I was scared for Hayley, but something told me he would never touch her."


"Don't, I need to keep going or am afraid if I stop I won't be able to tell you again." Blaine nods slowly and holds onto Kurt's hands a little tighter. "After that it was a few weeks before he did it again, this time over not having his shirt cleaned. It started to happen every few months; it…it would get worse every time. And every time I would dream about leaving with Hayley, but…I was afraid if I did he would hurt use, I didn't know what he was capable of, so I stayed and keep my eye on Hayley all the time, but he never hurt her. Then one month before I caught him cheating I…it was the worst thing he ever did to me. The day before he was after hitting me in the stomach a few times. He did it where no one would see the bruises, the…the first time he hit me was the only time he hit me in the face." Kurt closed his eyes, trying to pull himself together, but nothing could pull him together for what he was about to tell, Blaine. He hadn't told anyone this before. "I haven't told anyone about this, but I need to tell you, Blaine. I ne…need to tell someone."

"Okay." Blaine whispered. He needed to let Kurt know he is listening. He had gotten so lost in everything Kurt was saying he had to say something to let Kurt and himself know he was still listening to every word.

"Hayley's school had brought them all away for a night. They got too go to a massive theme park and there was a place set up beside it for groups to stay the night. She wanted to go so much and she got too." Kurt smiled at that part. She had such an amazing time and all Kurt wanted for her is to have a happy childhood. "I had to fight with him for him to let her go and he agreed in the end. I thought that was the end of it. Hayley had rung that night and told me all about her day, she was so excited. When I got off the phone to her I got ready for bed. I…I was so sore and I just needed to sleep. He…he wasn't home yet and I was gone to bed."

Kurt heard the footsteps come into the room, his heart racing with every sound. He thought he would have been asleep before he got home and he could have cried for not being asleep already. He couldn't stand the feeling of being in the same bed as him. A tear fell down Kurt's cheek, but he didn't make a sound. He had stopped and Kurt could hear the sound of his husband taking of his clothes and throwing them to the ground. Kurt knew he would get blamed for that in the morning, even when it wasn't him who left them there. The only thing that made him get up in the mornings was Hayley, without her, Kurt wouldn't be able to handle any of this.

Kurt felt the movement of the bed dip as he got into bed. But he didn't lie down, his hands moved across Kurt's stomach. Kurt was just wearing a t-shirt and boxers. Kurt tried not to move; maybe if he saw Kurt was asleep he would leave him along. He didn't. He started to kiss Kurt's neck and his hand wandered up Kurt's stomach and rubbed at one of his nipples. Kurt couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore.

"I'm tired, baby. Another night." Kurt whispered trying to hide the fear and disgust in his voice and holding back the tears.

"You owe me. I do so much for you, I deserve this." He whispered in Kurt's ear. He wasn't drunk. He was sober, there was no excuse for what he was going to do, sober or not there was never an excuse for any of it. His hand ran down Kurt's stomach and under the waistband of his boxers. He took Kurt in his hand and started pumping Kurt's length. "Get hard for me baby. Come on, you know you want to."

"I…I don't want to do this. Please..don't." Kurt couldn't stop his tears. His husband moved Kurt flatly on the bed and took of his boxers. Kurt closed his eyes as tight as he could. "Please…"

"Your so sexy when you roleplay. The man who doesn't want to and I, the man who really does and his husband would do anything for him, like having amazing sex right now." Kurt can't open his eyes because if he does he will see it happen and if he runs he might not make it out alive and he can't leave, Hayley. He feels hopeless in that moment.

"There we go, you're getting hard, Baby. So hard." He takes of his own boxers and climbs on top of Kurt, rubbing against him. He leans down and kisses Kurt hard, Kurt doesn't move, he can't, he is frozen. He keeps his eyes closed and wishes for it to be over, wishes he could run, he needed to run, and he needed to escape this horrible life because he doesn't know how much more he can take. If he doesn't run soon, he's going to fall.

Kurt's sobbing and choking on his tears, it was the hardest thing he had to ever tell someone. He had kept in in his head for so many months, telling no one, and telling Blaine was like starting a new chapter and forgetting the one before. But the thing here is he would never forget something like this, but he could walk forward. He ran, he didn't fall.

"He raped me, Blaine…he raped me and…I had to run. I had to run." Blaine held him close against him, his arms wrapped so tightly around Kurt giving him some comfort, not saying a word, just letting Kurt know he is always here for him. What do you say to something like that? There is nothing. You help, you be strong for that person and listen.

"You ran, Kurt. You were so brave and you ran." Blaine whispered and kissed the top of Kurt's head and held him as long as Kurt needed to him. He would hold him forever and ever.
"Kurt, she's going to be okay. I know you're always going to worry about her, but you are allowed to relax too." Kurt looks up from his phone and looks to Blaine who is in the driver's seat and driving them to the lake house. Blaine turns to him for a second and gives him a smile and puts his hand on top of Kurt's knee, rubbing it for before bringing his hand back on the steering wheel and his eyes on the road. Its pitch dark and Blaine tries not taking his eyes of the road to often. It's a straight forward road from here till the house.

"Well, if you had let me drive I wouldn't check my phone every minute." Kurt joked.

"If I had let you drive you would have, and we would be in an ambulance, not this car." Blaine chuckled for a second and stopped when he remembered what happened last time. Kurt's jaw drops a little.

"I'm a great driver. You just don't have faith in me."

"I have all the faith in the world in you." Kurt grins and turns his head out the window watching as they pass the last town till the lake house. It feels unreal. Unreal to have Blaine beside him. The last time he was going to the lake house was with his husband years ago. Before Hayley, before marrying him, before everything started to turn to nothing.

"Just to warn you at night that's when the ghosts come out. They like to watch TV and eat the food in the fridge." Kurt said serious as he switched the lights on and they walk into the hallway of the house. Blaine stopped at the front door and looked a little terrified. Kurt put down the bags in the hallway and turned around to look at Blaine.

"Do not joke about ghosts. They terrify me. Cooper told me so many ghost stories when I was a kid and they never went out of my head." Blaine took a step into the house and put down the rest of the bags and shut the door behind him.

"If they can feel the fear they won't let you out of the house." Kurt is about to break into laughter, but he tried to keep as serious as he could.

"Kuuuurt, I hate you right now." Blaine folded his arms over his chest and walked into the open living room on the left hand side.

"But I heard someone who isn't scared that is with that person protects them from the ghosts feeling the fear." Kurt shouts after Blaine who disappears into the other room. Kurt got no reply. He wanders after Blaine but Blaine isn't there. "Blaine?" Still no answer. Kurt goes into the kitchen but Blaine isn't there either. There is only the hallway, Kitchen, and Living room downstairs. Kurt would have heard Blaine go up the stairs. This is what I get for trying to scare him, Kurt thinks.

"Kurt," Blaine comes out of nowhere and is standing behind Kurt. Kurt turns around to him and chuckles. "You can't stay here. It's not safe." Blaine said serious. A dead look in his eyes.

"Blaine, stop kidding around." Kurt's chuckling turns nervous.

"Blaine? Who is this Blaine? You came alone." Blaine walks back out into the hallway. This is creeping Kurt out.

"Okay, really, stop kidding around." Kurt follows him out into the hallway, but he's gone. What the hell, he just walked out into the hallway. "Blaine!" Kurt walks to the front door, opens it and walks out onto the porch. He didn't hear the door open, but he checks anyways. He's standing on the porch, the lights on, when Blaine comes up behind him.

"Rawwwr!" Blaine shouts and wraps his arms around Kurt's waist. Kurt screamed when Blaine grabs him. His scream eventually turns into a laugh and Blaine lets him go. Blaine leans against the frame of the door, holding himself up from laughing, while Kurt has his hand on his stomach and is trying to get his breathing steady.

"That's what you get for trying to scare me." Blaine laughs. "Telling ghost stories isn't the only thing Coop used to scare me with. And plus I used to act."

"How…how are you at acting dead?" Kurt joked and pushed Blaine back inside and shuts the door. Blaine's still laughing as he walks into the kitchen. Kurt follows behind.

"Not great, but I am good at making coffee and lighting a fire." Blaine picks up the kettle from the counter and starts to fill it with water.

"Well, you make the coffee and I will go light the fire. And let's promise not to scare each other because we are in the middle of nowhere and its pitch dark." Blaine nods and holds his hand out for them to shake on it. They do and then Blaine pulls Kurt closer to him and gives him a quick kiss on the lips. And once more before Kurt goes to light the fire.

Kurt and Blaine are sat on the couch in their night clothes. Kurt on the left side on the couch and Blaine on the right, facing each other and sharing a blanket. It's so cold in the house that they have hoodies on as well as having a big blanket over them, the fire lit and a cup of coffee in their hands. The pouring rain outside makes it feel even colder, but it's nice, it's a sweet moment for them.

"I'm glad we got away together. I cannot explain how much I've been looking forward to this weekend." Blaine said happily. His eyes shining brightly. Kurt loved seeing him this way. Especially after what happened last weekend. That night after what Blaine had said to his parents, Kurt had gone over on the Sunday to Blaine after Cooper had rung and told Kurt what had happened and that he was afraid Blaine would think too much of it and it would bring up a lot of bad and sad memories. So Kurt came around and stayed with him for a few hours as Blaine told him about everything that happened. Kurt decided to get him out of the house and bring him ice-skating. Kurt had remembered Blaine telling him that Cooper always used to do it when Blaine was feeling sad as a kid. It always made him happy afterwards for a reason Cooper never knew why. But he didn't need to as long as it made Blaine happy. Sarah and Cooper had come along with them and it did the trick. It made Blaine smile, laugh and too let himself know he can always get through these things. The best part to Kurt, Blaine, and Sarah of that day was watching Cooper fall over and over again and finally giving up and lying on the ice till they pulled him up.

"I couldn't wait either. Are you okay? I know how hard last weekend was for you." Kurt's eyes turn concerned. Blaine had told him he would be okay, but what he says and what he might be thinking is two totally different things.

"I'm getting there. I'm getting there because of Cooper, Sarah and you. What you did for me last weekend, that was pretty amazing, Kurt. When you went home you know what Coop said to me?" Kurt shook his head and waits for Blaine to tell him. "That if I ever let you go he will kick my ass every day." They both laughed at that.

"I thought he already does that?"

"He does. But he will find new ways." Blaine shook his head at his big brothers words.

"Then I guess you better never let me go then." Kurt grinned and if his smile could get any bigger it would. It kicks in then that he has to tell Blaine the rest of his past. Blaine had pretty much told him everything about his life, now it is Kurt's turn. It's Blaine, it wouldn't be as hard to tell him, but this is the first time he will tell the full story to someone. He remembers coming back to Lima with Hayley, his family thinking they were just coming for a visit, then a week later Kurt sat down with his Dad and told him everything. It took Carole and Finn hours to calm him down and to stop him from getting on a plane to New York. It was when Carole told Burt to look at his son and think about how much Kurt needs him right now that he realized the right thing to do was to stay here and be here for Kurt.

"Kurt, hey, what's wrong?" Kurt had gotten lost in this thought, that he hadn't seen Blaine put down his mug and Kurt's on the table and take Kurt's hands in his. Kurt looked up to Blaine and knew he had to tell him.

"I need to tell you about why I really left New York. I left because yes he was cheating on me, but that was my excuse to leave. I didn't leave just because of that." It took all the strength in Kurt to have the courage to say the next few words to Blaine. Tears had already formed in Kurt's eyes. "He…he abused me, Blaine. For anything…and everything." Blaine felt his heart break for Kurt. Kurt had to go through that. He had to go through that pain, that fear from someone who was meant to love him. "It um…it started four years after Hayley was born. She had started pre-school and he told me I had to take care of her because he was working all the time. I had starting working from home when she was born and when I had to go into work the two days a week he would mind Hayley those days." Kurt wiped the tears of his cheeks, took a deep breath and continued. "But when she started pre-school of course she had to be dro-dropped off and picked up…and neither of use wanted a nanny, but we were going to fit work in with minding her…but when the time came…work was more important than his fam-family and over the months working from home turned into losing my job."

'You lost your job? How hard is it to mind Hayley and work, Kurt? It's not. Great! Now it's all up to me too keep this family with a roof under their head and food on the table.'

Those words his husband had said was the start of it all. And Kurt thinks back on that and kicks himself for not getting away from him sooner. He hadn't hit him that time, just shouted. Months went on where he would get madder and madder each time he would shout. Sometimes it was over work, Hayley, and little things with not getting something cleaned in the house yet. He would always say sorry to Kurt after that led to sex. Sometimes Kurt didn't want to, but he would get scared that his husband would just get mad again. So every time, he said nothing and felt dirty afterwards. It makes Kurt's stomach turn every time he thinks about getting touched by him.

"For a year th-that's all it was. I would do s-something wrong and he would raise his voice and the next day…It would be like nothing ev-ever happened." Kurt looked down to his and Blaine's fingers entwined together. He smiled at being here with Blaine, but crying for his past.

"The night he first hit me…Hayley was at her friend's house and she got scared and rang because she wanted to go home. I said I would pick up. Then we started fighting because he said she needed to learn to be away from us. I said she was only a child and that I was going to pick her up." Kurt looked back up to Blaine who had tears falling down his face. "He… he hit me and when I was falling to the ground I hit my head of the table, but I wasn't unconsent, so he grabbed me, pulled me up and pushed me towards the stairs. He said he would go get Hayley and for me to… to clean myself up before our daughter comes home. It was the most scared I had ever been. I was scared for Hayley, but something told me he would never touch her."


"Don't, I need to keep going or am afraid if I stop I won't be able to tell you again." Blaine nods slowly and holds onto Kurt's hands a little tighter. "After that it was a few weeks before he did it again, this time over not having his shirt cleaned. It started to happen every few months; it…it would get worse every time. And every time I would dream about leaving with Hayley, but…I was afraid if I did he would hurt use, I didn't know what he was capable of, so I stayed and keep my eye on Hayley all the time, but he never hurt her. Then one month before I caught him cheating I…it was the worst thing he ever did to me. The day before he was after hitting me in the stomach a few times. He did it where no one would see the bruises, the…the first time he hit me was the only time he hit me in the face." Kurt closed his eyes, trying to pull himself together, but nothing could pull him together for what he was about to tell, Blaine. He hadn't told anyone this before. "I haven't told anyone about this, but I need to tell you, Blaine. I ne…need to tell someone."

"Okay." Blaine whispered. He needed to let Kurt know he is listening. He had gotten so lost in everything Kurt was saying he had to say something to let Kurt and himself know he was still listening to every word.

"Hayley's school had brought them all away for a night. They got too go to a massive theme park and there was a place set up beside it for groups to stay the night. She wanted to go so much and she got too." Kurt smiled at that part. She had such an amazing time and all Kurt wanted for her is to have a happy childhood. "I had to fight with him for him to let her go and he agreed in the end. I thought that was the end of it. Hayley had rung that night and told me all about her day, she was so excited. When I got off the phone to her I got ready for bed. I…I was so sore and I just needed to sleep. He…he wasn't home yet and I was gone to bed."

Kurt heard the footsteps come into the room, his heart racing with every sound. He thought he would have been asleep before he got home and he could have cried for not being asleep already. He couldn't stand the feeling of being in the same bed as him. A tear fell down Kurt's cheek, but he didn't make a sound. He had stopped and Kurt could hear the sound of his husband taking of his clothes and throwing them to the ground. Kurt knew he would get blamed for that in the morning, even when it wasn't him who left them there. The only thing that made him get up in the mornings was Hayley, without her, Kurt wouldn't be able to handle any of this.

Kurt felt the movement of the bed dip as he got into bed. But he didn't lie down, his hands moved across Kurt's stomach. Kurt was just wearing a t-shirt and boxers. Kurt tried not to move; maybe if he saw Kurt was asleep he would leave him along. He didn't. He started to kiss Kurt's neck and his hand wandered up Kurt's stomach and rubbed at one of his nipples. Kurt couldn't pretend to be asleep anymore.

"I'm tired, baby. Another night." Kurt whispered trying to hide the fear and disgust in his voice and holding back the tears.

"You owe me. I do so much for you, I deserve this." He whispered in Kurt's ear. He wasn't drunk. He was sober, there was no excuse for what he was going to do, sober or not there was never an excuse for any of it. His hand ran down Kurt's stomach and under the waistband of his boxers. He took Kurt in his hand and started pumping Kurt's length. "Get hard for me baby. Come on, you know you want to."

"I…I don't want to do this. Please..don't." Kurt couldn't stop his tears. His husband moved Kurt flatly on the bed and took of his boxers. Kurt closed his eyes as tight as he could. "Please…"

"Your so sexy when you roleplay. The man who doesn't want to and I, the man who really does and his husband would do anything for him, like having amazing sex right now." Kurt can't open his eyes because if he does he will see it happen and if he runs he might not make it out alive and he can't leave, Hayley. He feels hopeless in that moment.

"There we go, you're getting hard, Baby. So hard." He takes of his own boxers and climbs on top of Kurt, rubbing against him. He leans down and kisses Kurt hard, Kurt doesn't move, he can't, he is frozen. He keeps his eyes closed and wishes for it to be over, wishes he could run, he needed to run, and he needed to escape this horrible life because he doesn't know how much more he can take. If he doesn't run soon, he's going to fall.

Kurt's sobbing and choking on his tears, it was the hardest thing he had to ever tell someone. He had kept in in his head for so many months, telling no one, and telling Blaine was like starting a new chapter and forgetting the one before. But the thing here is he would never forget something like this, but he could walk forward. He ran, he didn't fall.

"He raped me, Blaine…he raped me and…I had to run. I had to run." Blaine held him close against him, his arms wrapped so tightly around Kurt giving him some comfort, not saying a word, just letting Kurt know he is always here for him. What do you say to something like that? There is nothing. You help, you be strong for that person and listen.

"You ran, Kurt. You were so brave and you ran." Blaine whispered and kissed the top of Kurt's head and held him as long as Kurt needed to him. He would hold him forever and ever.


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