One Moment
The End Where It Began Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Moment: The End Where It Began

T - Words: 3,483 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
136 0 0 0 0

It is torture. Actually no it is like walking through hell and knowing there is a way out but having to stay until someone say's lets go. Maybe hell would have a bit more life into it than being back at his parents' home. It just reminded Blaine of the times he and Cooper came home for the holidays. It felt like he was a little kid again and he hated it.

It is all pretend. His Dad acting like nothing ever bad happened between them. Like his Mum was never disappointed in him. And he and Cooper pushing back their feelings so the night wouldn't end up in words they could never take back. But honestly the words Cooper and Blaine would say to their parents wouldn't make a different and they wouldn't regret saying them.

This is not and never was a family. It felt like four random people getting throwing into a pit together and trying to survive the fight of their lives. It made the boys laugh with no hint of humour present at all.

So here they sit at the table with their parents. They arrived just over two hours ago. They had made it through dinner and dessert without a fight. Now they sit with their cups of coffee and cake. He and Cooper decided in the car on the way up they would leave at nine if they hadn't already. Blaine had checked the clock up on the wall more times than he made eye contact with both his parents. Conversation over the past two hours was about his father's business, their trips around the world and them asking Cooper and Blaine how work is. They hadn't once asked Cooper about Sarah or Blaine about, well, a relationship with a girl or a boy. They would just never accept it.

"Julie, this cake is lovely. You mum really does make the best cake boys, doesn't she?" Mr Anderson said. They knew he expected them to agree with him just like when they were kids. It is the truth his Mum made great cakes, but it didn't change anything. It is just a cake. If she had cared as much about the boys as she did with making the perfect cakes maybe the she and her boys would be a little closer. But you can't change the past, and they sure as hell didn't want to change how their relationship is with their boys in the future. This is how it will always be and Blaine and Cooper accepted that years ago, but it didn't hurt any less because to make it hurt less than it already did would require them to care.

Cooper and Blaine nodded. Their father looked at them with a little disgust in his face. That wasn't new. It is just how he looks most of the time. He is disgusted in everyone else but not himself.

Blaine looks to Cooper who looks just as fed up with being here than he is. When Cooper meets Blaine's eyes he mouths half nine. Blaine nods and forces himself to stay for the next 20 minutes.

"Sweetie how long has it been since your friend passed away?" Blaine felt like his breathing had stopped along with his heart. He couldn't understand why she would ask that. He wrapped his hands into fists under the table. He is either going get upset or angry or both. He can't even form words. He looks down to his hands that are turning red with the pressure.

"It's been a few months, Mum." Cooper said. He sees the way Blaine is getting and decided he would answer for him. He knew how hard it is for Blaine to speak about Sebastian, especially to his parents that didn't care and called him Blaine's friend.

"Such a shame. His parents must have been in bits." Julie said. There wasn't much saddest in her voice. The words were said like she was reading them from a script, like she was trying to learn the line.

"I'm sure they still are. Losing a child would be the most heart-breaking thing; I don't know how anyone could ever not be upset over it." Cooper had a hint of angry in his words. How could she even bring it up? The horrible thing is they knew, they knew Blaine and Sebastian were more than friends, but choose to pretend they were never told that and kept on the lies that they made up in their heads.

"Of course dear. He's in a better place though. I'm sure he is healed from how he was in this life. God would have forgiven him and that's all anyone ever wants when we die." Now she shows emotion. A smile spreading across her face. It makes Cooper's stomach turn. He is about to say something when Blaine speaks.

"Cured from the accident that torn him apart or…or cured from loving me?" Blaine slowly lifts his head and looks to his mum. If anyone was to be passing the window and looked it on the scene in front of them you would swear it was a boy after getting shouted at from his mother, like his little heart broke from his mother's words. Only this scene it was a strong young man and his mother saying heart-breaking words to him and him speaking back to his mother.

"Let's not start this nonsense, Blaine. I though you would have growing out of it by now. It's better that boy isn't here anymore. Now you can move on with your life and live it how god wants you too." Julie picks up the coffee pot and starts to pour more coffee into her cup. She doesn't look to Blaine's hurt face.

"I'm sorry…when did you and Dad turn into, god?" Blaine let out a humourless laugh. He looked from his mother and then to his father who is putting his napkin onto his plate. "I don't think god is an ignorance person who doesn't care about anyone but himself and thinks that going to church every Sunday makes him a good person."

"Enough, Blaine! You do not speak to your mother or I like that." His father raises his voice. Too anyone else it would make them jump, but they were used to it.

"Who? Last time I looked the people sitting in front of me is not my Mother and Father. Cooper is the only parent I ever had." Blaine is surprised at himself that he is keeping this strong, but another minute and he wouldn't be. So he stands up as does Cooper and walks to the door. Cooper is walking behind Blaine when Blaine stops and turns back to his shocked parents. "It's funny how you are left speechless when I am not a little boy anymore that you can shout at or send me to my room. I can't do this anymore. I can't pretend anymore. I'm gay and I was going to marry Sebastian. His family was more of a family than you two ever were. You two are nothing to me; you never were and never will be. This is where it ends. This is where you lose a son. But really it shouldn't matter because I was just a kid who lived with you for a few years. Did I ever mean anything to you both? Expect for the great disappointment? Because if I didn't than me walking out this door and never seeing or talking to you both again won't hurt at all, will it?" Blaine felt numb. No one should ever have to say these words to their parents but he had to and it didn't break his heart because he would have needed a place in his heart for them and it's not there. He's starting to realise there never was.

Blaine pulls his eyes away from them and walks out the door. Cooper looks as Blaine shuts the front door behind him. He takes a deep breath and turns back to his parents. His father just sits with a blank expression on his face and his Mother looks like she is about to cry. But the tears will never come.

"Did you ever expect a day to come where Blaine tells the honest truth about you both? And I walk straight out after him just after I tell two strangers, never come back into our lives again." And with that said, he's gone, opening the door and then closing it hard, so hard that it would never open again by the strength on the outside keeping it shut.

They drove home without saying a word to each other. But once they got home Cooper walked into the sitting room where Blaine is sat on the couch, a cushion against his chest and his face in the cushion, crying. Cooper sits beside him and pulls him into his side and holds him close. Blaine lets the cushion fall to the ground and buries his face into Cooper's chest.

"I am so proud of you, Blaine. I always have been. We are going…going to be fine. We never had them so this won't be hard I-I promise little brother. It's you and me. It's always…always been you and me." Tears face down Cooper's face as he tries to stay strong, but he can't help it. He knows they will be okay, but what happened tonight should never have to be done between parents and their kids.

"Hey, sweetie. What are you up to?" Kurt asks as he stands in the doorway of Hayley's room. Hayley is leaning over a box and taking things out.

"Building our new house." She said excited. "I am creating a room where half of my new room is full of secret places to hide and they led to magical places. My room is called Hayley in Wonderland." Kurt chuckles and sits on the front in front of Hayley who continues taking out bricks.

"I better call Tim Burton and tell him he needs to remake Alice in wonderland to Hayley in wonderland." Hayley looks at her Daddy confused.

"Who is Tim Burto?"

"No sweetie it's Tim Burton. I grew up on his films and one of them is Alice in wonderland."

"Is…is he still alive?"

"I don't know whether he should be offended or me for you thinking I am that old that he isn't alive anymore. But yes, he is." Kurt pretends to look shocked.

"You're not old Daddy." Hayley giggles and starts taking out more bricks again.

"Well, thank you. Could I talk to you for a second? And I promise we can get back to discussing what our new house will look like afterwards." Hayley nods and sits on Kurt's lap. Kurt had gone over so many times in his head on how to say this all to Hayley. How is he meant to say he and her Papa isn't going to be together again? That they are never going to live together in Lima or anywhere else again. That Blaine is more than just a friend to him.

In Hayley's mind her Papa is coming to live with them soon in Lima. That soon their little family will be back together. And that Blaine is her nice teacher and her daddy's friend.

"Is this about me getting bullied?" Her face turns worried. "Am I going to have to…move schools?"

"No of course not sweetie. We are going to get that sorted out very soon and no one will bully you because everyone is going to be watching out for those mean bullies." There had been no more word about it but Blaine had said next week it will be all fully sorted. And that there had been no bullying since those few weeks ago. But that didn't erase what had happened to Hayley. He couldn't think of that right now or he wouldn't be able to tell Hayley what he has too. He pushed that at the back of his mind for now and prepared to tell her the truth.

"I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but your Papa isn't coming to Lima to live with us. It's just going to be you and I. And the reason for that is because your Papa, well…he did things that are unforgivable. And that's why we left New York." Hayley nods her head like she understands. "And I am so sorry I lied and told you that we were going back to Lima to stay for a little while because we aren't going back to New York. And you're Papa, I don't know where he is because I haven't heard from him since the day we left New York." Every word is breaking Kurt. He didn't want to tell his sweet kid any of this. A kid shouldn't have to go through this.

"Will I see him again?" She asks with so much wonder in her eyes.

"I don't know, angel. I don't know where he is and I don't know what is going to happen. But I promise you I will keep you safe." Hayley wraps her little arms around Kurt and rests her head against his chest.

"Did he hurt you, daddy? He got mad sometimes." Kurt closes his eyes at the sound of his daughter's broken and hurt voice. There is no right answer for this. But Kurt can't keep lying to her.

"Sometimes when he got mad he took it out on me. But I am okay. As long as you are okay, I am okay." That is the truth and it's the best way Kurt could put it. He is glad Hayley isn't looking up to his face right now because if she was she would see her daddy's painful expression.

"I am okay…because y-you are my daddy." Kurt could have cried at those words, but he stopped himself for Hayley's sake. "Daddy, is Mr Anderson apart of our family?" Kurt remembers just then there is one more thing to tell her.

"You like Mr Anderson, don't you?" Hayley nods her head. "Well, I loved your Papa and…"

"You love Mr Anderson now." Kurt is about to say something when it clicks with him that he does. It took his daughter to tell him before he knew it himself. Hayley lifts her head up and looks to Kurt who is looking towards the door, lost in his mind of realization. "Daddy?" Kurt looks down to her wondering face.


"I see the way you look at Mr Anderson. And I seen you looking like that with Papa, but then it stopped." Hayley let out a little breath. "I'm sad that you don't love Papa anymore, but I'm glad you love Mr Anderson. I like him." A tear falls down Kurt's face and Hayley wipes it away with her little hand. "Don't cry, Daddy." Kurt gave her a smile to show her he wasn't upset, well, not by what Hayley is saying.

"I'm not upset, Angel. I'm just sorry that you have to go through this."

"It's okay. I have you, Grandpa, Grandma, Uncle Finn and now Mr Anderson." Kurt didn't expect Hayley to be like this. He didn't know what to expect, but not this.

"You really are my little, Angel, Hayley." That earns Kurt a big smile from her. "I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy." She kisses Kurt's check and he holds her close in his arms. His job is to protect her and he always would. She is his little miracle and how he got so lucky to have her, he will never know.

"Alright kids, there's the bell. Don't forget to do your homework tonight." All the kids are rushing out of the classroom to get home. Blaine couldn't blame them. He would love to run out too, but he had more tests to correct. The weekend is nearly here. Just two more days until Friday. He couldn't wait to have the weekend with Kurt. With everything that happened last week he just wanted his mind to forget about it for a while.

"Mr Anderson," Hayley said as she stood in front of Blaine's desk that he is sitting at.

"Yeah, kiddo?" Kurt had told Blaine that Hayley knew about them and that she seemed to be okay with them and he is really glad she is because that would have been a tough thing for her to hear. He hadn't seen her all week because she didn't have class with him, until today.

"Will…will you look after my daddy? He is always strong for me…but…he needs someone to be strong for him too." Blaine smiled and got up from his desk and kneeled down in front of Hayley.

"Always. He has you too and he knows that. You're his world, don't ever forget that. I think he has the best kid in the world." Hayley giggles and her cheeks go a little red. "I swear. And you have the best daddy in the world." Hayley gives Blaine a hug. It is unexpected for Blaine and it warms his heart. When she pulls away she has a cheeky smile on her face.

"Do I have to do my homework tonight?"

"Hey, cheeky. Yes you do." They both laugh. Hayley's eyes wander over to the door a few feet away from her.

"Daddy!" She runs over to Kurt standing at the door.

"Hey, angel," Kurt bends down on his feet in front of her. Hayley gives him a hug. "How was your day?" While Hayley is talking to Kurt, Blaine gets up from the ground and looks over to them.

"Okay, you can for a second, but I'll be out in a second or I will embarrass you by playing football too." Hayley giggles and goes to head outside.

"You know I am getting used to these visits." Blaine said happily as he walks over to Kurt who stands back up and walks into the classroom.

"Good, because I like coming to visit you." Blaine goes to kiss Kurt but Kurt takes a step back and shakes his head. "No, no, no. If I kiss you I won't be able to stop and we are in your classroom and my daughter is outside." Blaine takes a big step forward and wraps his arms around Kurt's back and pulls him in. Kurt lowers his head onto Blaine's chest so Blaine can't kiss his lips. They are both laughing as Blaine tries to kiss Kurt.

"Blaine, Blaine, stop being a kid."

"Sorry, I just hang out with my students so much that I become like them." Blaine stops trying to kiss Kurt and Kurt lifts his head up. Blaine drops his arms from Kurt's back and takes a step back. "Happy?"

"No, but yes. Can I cover you with paper or someone so I don't have to look at you?"

"You could just turn around, Kurt." Blaine chuckled as Kurt nodded in agreement. "I didn't know I looked that bad." Blaine joked.

"We both know that's not the problem, Anderson. Anyways I am just wondering what time you want to leave at on Friday. It will take us just an hour, but it gets dark quickly so wherever you will be ready."

"For you, any time." Kurt gave him his stop joking look. "Okay, I'll be finished here at 5 and I'll already have my stuff packed and in the car. So by the time I get to yours it will be nearly quarter past because I need to stop and get sweets. Add on 10 minutes if I get stuck in traffic…"

"Alright smart guy, you could just say between 5 and half 5."

"But it is so much more fun saying it that way. Now go because I have tests to correct and there is a beautiful guy standing in my classroom which is distracting."

"Where?" Kurt looks around him. "Don't see him."

"Probably because it's you." Blaine sees Kurt's cheeks going a little red and the shy smile spread across Kurt's face.

"Alright I'm going, but first…" Kurt takes two steps to Blaine and kisses him. It's a quick one and when Kurt goes to pull away, one of Blaine's hands is on Kurt's back and the other on his waist. Kurt gives in and lets one of his hands fall onto Blaine's waist and the other on the back of Blaine's neck. It starts off with small kisses, turning into a deeper one. "Bla-Blaine," They pull their lips away and look into each other eyes. "You can kiss me at the weekend." Blaine moans in disappointment, but smiles and nods.

"Okay." Kurt gives Blaine a kiss on his cheek and walks towards the door. He stops and looks back to Blaine who is still standing in the same spot with that beautiful smile on his face that brightens Kurt day or pretty much his life.

"You know, I have the best boyfriend in the world too." Kurt grins at Blaine and disappears from the door. Blaine didn't think he had heard him saying that other stuff to Hayley. That is the first time Kurt had said boyfriend to him. He would think he could get used to it, but he already is.


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