One Moment
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One Moment: I Always Will

T - Words: 3,548 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
244 0 0 0 0

Blaine couldn't wait till the weekend. It had been a long week and he hadn't seen Kurt in a few days. Kurt is busy looking for a job he would actually like, finding a few and now just waiting on the calls if they ever came. Blaine was always correcting papers after school, not getting home till late. He thought correcting papers would never end. The Christmas holidays are coming up in two weeks and in another week there will be a few more exams and more correcting. As much as he got tired of correcting papers sometimes, he loved this job.

Blaine is sat in his classroom correcting his finally few papers. School had just finished and he decided to get straight into it so he could get home earlier. It's a Thursday and he liked getting home and knowing the next day is a half day at school and no papers to correct. He happily corrected them; taking sips of his coffee beside him. He can hear the noise from the kids outside, but it doesn't annoy him. He's used to it.

His phone starts ringing in his pocket, he thinks about not answering it, but it could be important. He drops his pen and takes out his phone; he doesn't recognize the number, but answers anyways.


"Blaine. Sweetie, I am so glad you picked up." A woman's voice said. She sounded happy. Blaine knew who it was the second she spoke his name.

"Mum…Hi." It's not that he doesn't talk to his Mum on the phone that much; it's her sounding really happy. Usually when she rings there's always something wrong, most of the time. Wherever he got her on the phone and she was happy it was either, I want you to meet this girl I know, your Father's business is doing fantastic, or I am so sorry about your friend, Sebastian. Did you get hurt?" The last time he had spoken to his Mum and also his Dad on the phone was on his first day off starting here. They would text once every few weeks to see how he is. And the last time he saw them it hadn't gone well, it was when his Dad had throwing a party over a year ago in their house, two hours from Lima and he had brought Sebastian. Of course his Mum and Dad had said to anyone who asked that it was Blaine's friend from school. When someone had asked Blaine who the gentleman was with him Blaine had said his boyfriend and it all went downhill from there. Cooper had stood between his father and Blaine from them shouting, trying to calm them both down. He and Sebastian ended up pulling Blaine away from the party, getting him outside and calming him down. His Father came after them a while later, clam and all he said was you never stop disappointing this family, Blaine. I think it's best you don't come back for a while. He had gone back I and after that the three of them left. Blaine hadn't been back to the house since.

That wasn't the worst part of them not accepting Sebastian with him, it was Sebastian passing away and them not coming to the funeral or not even coming back from their trips around the world to be with Blaine for a little while. He was so numb from Sebastian dying he didn't even think about this parents, it wasn't till a few months later that it hurt that they didn't. But he wasn't surprised.

"You sound surprised. I have news." Of course she did. Blaine rolled his eyes, picked up his pen and started grading the papers again. "Your father and I will be back tomorrow from our trip to Ireland and we are staying for a little while. We would like you and Cooper to0 come for dinner on Saturday evening. I hope you both can make it." The amount of answers that ran through his head. He always tried to keep the peace, no matter what his parents did. He knew one day they would push him to far, but today wasn't that day.

"I'm sure I can. What time?" Blaine tried to sound as nice as possible.

"Great! Six would be good." Blaine said he would be there at six. They said their goodbyes and Blaine hung up, sliding his phone onto the table away from him. He moans and drops his head onto the test he was correcting. It's like being back in school and going home for the holidays. At least Cooper would be there. He better be there or Blaine's dragging him too it.

There's a knock on the door and the door opens. Blaine doesn't bother to look up. It's probably just Clay.

"I don't think that's how you correct papers. Usually it's with a pen." That voice puts a smile on Blaine's face, even after that phone call. He lifts his head up and looks towards the door that Kurt shuts. He walks towards Blaine. He laughs, his eyes looking towards Blaine's forehead. Blaine doesn't notice Kurt is laughing at him because his eyes are too busy looking at Kurt's body. He is wearing skinny red jeans with black converses and a white shirt tucked into his jeans with a buttoned black up waist coat. And his hair is a little messy.

"Okay, that's not fair. You know I have papers to correct and you come in here looking like that." Blaine lifts his left hand up, moving it up and down at Kurt's body. Kurt's very flattered. He takes a seat on the edge of the desk in front of Blaine, who is sat up in his chair now.

"What can I say? I'm just good at picking out clothes and making them. And you have pen on your forehead." Kurt laughs as Blaine tries rubbing it off. It takes him a while but eventually gets it all off and leans back in his chair, his eyes on Kurt.

"So, what are you interrupting me for? You know I was having a great time correcting papers." Blaine jokes.

"Fine, I guess I'll leave you and your papers alone." Kurt goes to get up, pretending to look upset, but Blaine grabs his arm to stop him. Kurt smiles and gets comfortable again. Blaine drops his hand back against his leg. "Well, I was picking up Hayley, and then she comes up and tells me she wants to play football for a little while. And I got my orders from her too go in and see Mr Anderson while she played."

"Well, Mr Anderson is happy you came to see him."

"Oh, I know. But there's something you aren't telling me. Spill." How Kurt knew something is wrong with him, got him. He had lightened up when he saw Kurt.

"My mum rang just before you came in. Her and Dad are back from Ireland and want me and Cooper to go up for dinner on Saturday. I haven't been there since I was told you never stop disappointing this family, Blaine. I think it's best you don't come back for a while. I wonder what I'll be told this time." Blaine tried to joke about it but he couldn't. He hurt, and he couldn't hide that.

"Hey, don't go. Why should you after the way they treated you?" Kurt felt himself getting mad. He had never meant his parents, but he didn't need to too know that they weren't nice, that they didn't deserve Blaine. How could any parent treat their son like that? It's a question neither of them knew the answer too. It would be always left unanswered.

"If I don't something will be said anyways. I'll have Cooper there anyway's. Once he's there I'll be fine." Blaine gives a little smile, which Kurt doesn't buy. He's broken by the way his parents are to him, whether he shows it or not.

"You really are strong. Just promise me if they say anything that's hurtful, you walk right out of there and come over to me. Promise?" The smile on Blaine's face is a real one now.

"Promise, Kurt."

"Good, now get up and kiss me because I haven't seen you in days and I feel like I am dying without-" Blaine is up standing and pulling Kurt into him, their lips connected before Kurt can finish talking. Kurt moves his hands up to the back of Blaine's head and pulling him down closer. Blaine's hand is on Kurt's back and the other on his waist. He doesn't have to lean down much to kiss, Kurt.

The kiss forms quickly into a deeper kiss, the need for each other had been building up for days. And the days they hadn't seen each other and when Kurt was collecting Hayley every time he wanted to go in and see Blaine, but he knew Blaine was busy and he would see him soon. They might not have seen each other, but they had texted and called when they could. They didn't know how much they missed each other until this moment.

Kurt pushes himself of the table and moves him and Blaine against the wall behind Blaine's desk. Blaine's back hit's against the wall, Kurt's body against his. Blaine lets his hands wander up Kurt's back, underneath his clothes. Kurt shivers against the touch of Blaine's hands on his back. Blaine's thankful that his classroom only has two windows with the blinds down over them. Kurt brings one of his hands down along Blaine's chest; he can feel Blaine's heart beating fast as his hand passes there. Kurt moves his hand back up Blaine's chest, underneath his T-shirt this time. His hand wanders to Blaine's waist; his finger's run gently against it.

Blaine moans into the kiss, pulling Kurt as close as he can now, they brush of each other, earning a gasp from them both as they pull away a little from the kiss. Their eyes open and meet.

"I blame you. You…distracted me." Blaine said trying to get his breathe back. Kurt smirks and leans back in too kiss Blaine. The kiss is quick again, tongues gliding against each other's. Not soon after they are interrupted by the sound of Kurt's phone ringing. Kurt's about to let it ring out, but it just keeps ringing. He pulls away from the kiss giving Blaine a sorry look. Blaine is just trying to get his breathing even again and his heart steady.

"It's really warm. I-I need to open a window." Blaine said as Kurt pulls away from him. Kurt nods his head and Blaine goes to open a window. Kurt takes the phone out of his pocket and answers it. It's unknown.


Blaine gets too the window and pulls up the blind and pushes open the window. Standing at it that cools him down. The voices of the kids get louder. Out the window he can see the kids running around on the pitch from a distance.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?" Kurt turns around to look at Blaine looking out the window. "Hello?" No one is talking on the other end of the phone. It's silent. Kurt's gives it a few more seconds before handing up. "Why do people ring and not talk, it's really annoying." Kurt puts his phone back into his pocket. Blaine turns around to him.

"Pocket Dial, probably. I wouldn't mind but they interrupted something pretty hot." Blaine walks back up the classroom, pretending to fan himself while he laughs. "You have a bad influence on me, you know that?" Kurt raised him eyebrow with a smirk on his face.

"Good. And as much I would love to stay and do much, much more off that I better get Hayley home."

Blaine sighs, disappointed. "Alright. Let me walk you out then. I could do with the fresh air." Blaine stands in front of Kurt, putting his hands either side of Kurt's face and kisses him again, just a quick one this time. They let it linger. Kurt doesn't want to let Blaine's lips go when Blaine pulls back and goes to open the door for, Kurt.

"Stop, Blaine." Kurt said trying to hide his smile. He walks over to the door.

"Stop what?" Blaine asks clueless.

"Being, just…" Kurt can't find the right words. He rolls his eyes and walks out the door. He's just outside the door when Blaine follows behind him and wraps his arm around Kurt's stomach as he closes the door with his other. He wraps his other arm around him too and pretends to bite Kurt's neck. Kurt bursts out laughing and tries to get away from Blaine who has a hold on him.

"Blaine!" Kurt laughs loudly. Kurt wiggles his way around to face his body with Blaine's. He's just turned around when Blaine's lips are on his again. The hallway is empty so Blaine thought why not. They lazily kiss each other in the hallway. Neither heard the footsteps coming towards them. They are lost in each other's kiss.

"Is this just a two way thing or can anyone join?" Blaine pulls away from Kurt's lips, his arms still wrapped around Kurt and looks to Clay walking towards them with a grin on his face.

"Screw you, Clay." Blaine jokes. Kurt's looking to Clay as well.

"I wish you would, Anderson. Still waiting." He winks at Blaine who just has a disgusted face on him. He walks by them, looking to Kurt. He doesn't stop and is by them when he looks over his shoulder at them. "Handsome friend. Nice to meet you, Kurt." Clay's gone before Kurt can say Hi back, even though he wasn't on planning too. He looks back too Blaine who's looking at him.

"So, that's Clay." Blaine said a little amused and a little disgusted.

"Is he always like that?" Kurt asked as he and Blaine are outside and walking to the pitch.

"Honestly? Yes. You get used to him. He's a bit of a dick, but other than that he's a delight." Blaine said sarcastically. They get to the pitch and stop beside others parents watching. Hayley sees them and makes her way over. She looks exhausted.

"Well, if he goes near you I will kick his ass." They both chuckle. They look to each other and Kurt's smile fades a little. "Do you want to go away next weekend? Just you and I too anywhere. Leave everything behind for a night or two?" Kurt's heart races a little bit waiting for Blaine's answer.

Blaine nods his head and smiles. "That sounds perfect. I'll ring you tonight, okay? I'd kiss you right now, but I wouldn't be able to stop." His smile turns into a smirk. Before Kurt could say something back, Hayley is standing in front of them. Her clothes are dirty and there's mud on her face.

"Have fun?" She nods her head happily. "Alright then, we better get you home and cleaned up." Hayley says bye to Blaine and runs to the car. Kurt takes a step to Blaine, his hand on Blaine's stomach and whispers in his ear. "I know you wouldn't be able to stop." Kurt's hand glides across Blaine's stomach before his hand drops to his side and pulls away from Blaine, giving him a smile and walking away.

Blaine watches Kurt walk away. He turns back to the pitch. A man comes and stands beside Blaine a few minutes later. He looks in the same direction as Blaine. Blaine decides to go back in and finish correcting the papers in a few minutes. It's getting really warm and he can't stand the heat for too long.

"They're great at football." The man beside Blaine says. Blaine looks to him. He's wearing a red hat that covers his face a little. He's a little taller than Blaine, and a little bit fatter.

"Yeah. They play most days, just for fun. It's good for them too just get out and run around." The man nods his head. When he looks to Blaine, Blaine can see his face more clearly. He's a good looking man; he looks young enough, just a little older than Blaine

"That's true. It's a good school." The man seems very nice. It's hard to meet a lot of nice people so Blaine smiles and agrees.

"Well, we do our best. Speaking off a good school, I better get back in and correct some papers. Nice to meet you."

"Same with you. Bye." Blaine heads back inside away from the heat. Once he gets these papers corrected, he's heading home, watching some TV and ringing, Kurt. Kurt really did put a smile on Blaine's face after his Mum ringing.

The dinner won't be that bad, Blaine lies to himself.

Kurt gets off the phone too Blaine and heads downstairs and into the kitchen where Burt is sat at the table having tea and reading the newspaper. Hayley had gone to bed at nine and after Blaine had rang him. Kurt sits down across from Burt. Burt doesn't look up to him.

"What do you want? I know you want something." Burt chuckled. Kurt's jaw dropped a little bit. He wasn't that obvious was he?

"How did you even-"

"Since you were a kid you would always do the exact same thing. Come into the room without saying anything, sit down, wait a couple of minutes until you said something." Burt looks up to him. "Nothing's changed."

"Okay, you are having one of those when-I-was-a-kid-moments. But okay, yes, I do want to ask something."

"Let me guess, something to do with, Blaine." The look in Kurt's eyes confirms that it is. "What is it?"

"Well, would be able to mind Hayley next Friday and Saturday night while Blaine and I go away for the weekend?" Kurt gives his Dad his biggest smile. Burt hadn't seen Kurt this happy in a long time and off course he is going to say yes. Blaine seemed like a lovely guy and he makes Kurt happy and that's what Kurt needed, but it didn't mean Burt isn't still thinking if Kurt is going too fast with Blaine. But Kurt is old enough to know. He knows best what he needs.

"Do you two know where you are going?" Kurt shakes his head. "Well then, if you two want you can always go up to mine and Carole's lake house. It's beautiful, peaceful and only an hour away. And you don't have to waste any money on hotels."

"Wait, really?"

"Yes. If you're going to make a weekend of it the lake house is pretty nice to be and too really remember the weekend."

"Thank you, Dad. That means a lot." Kurt's smile gets bigger.

"But Kurt, you two seem to be getting pretty serious. Have you told him why you really left New York? He deserves to know. And Hayley, she needs to know you and Blaine are more than just friends. She is still hoping her other Daddy is coming back when we both know, he's not. And if he does we are all here to keep him away, okay?" Kurt's smile had faded when his Dad started talking about this. He looks down too his fingers gently rubbing against each other. They didn't talk about Kurt's life in New York much because it hurt. But it wouldn't go away by not talking about it.

"I know. I'll tell Blaine next weekend, I'll tell him everything. And I'll tell Hayley this weekend about, Blaine. Dad, how am I ever going to tell her that her Daddy isn't coming back? That what he done can never be forgiven. That we aren't going back to New York." Kurt can feel the tears forming, it always broke him. Always.

"Son, you are so strong and when you tell her, it will be okay. She's too young to know why you both left, but there is going to come a day where he comes looking for his Daughter, when you want a divorce or when you or him file for full custody. Now, whatever he is at, I am surprised he hasn't done any of them yet. But he doesn't deserve her and he won't get her, okay? I promise we will fight for him to get nothing." The tears fell down Kurt's eyes and he didn't move his eyes away from his hands. Burt moved his hands over the table and grabbed onto Kurt's, letting Kurt know he would always be here; he would always be beside his side, fighting.

Later that night Kurt walked quietly into Hayley's room. His Dad and Carole had gone to bed. He tried to sleep in his bed, but he couldn't. So he went into Hayley's room. She is sound asleep. He smiles at his beautiful, sleeping daughter. He sits at the edge of the bed and throws his legs up. Hayley's asleep on her side facing away from him. He grabs the blanket at the end of the bed and throws it over the both of them. He places a kiss to the side of her forehead and lays down his head on the other cushion. He gently pulls her hair away from her face and then places his arm over her and pulls her a little closer. She stirs a little but doesn't wake up.

"I'll always keep you safe. I promise, angel." Kurt whispers and lets his eyes close. He just needed to be beside Hayley for tonight. He's falling asleep slowly and then all at once.
End Notes: This hasn't been updated in so long and I am really sorry. But the good news is even thought I am back to college on Monday, this is the only Fan-Fiction I am working on now and it will be till this is finished. So I have plenty of more time for this one and I basically know how the story is going to start to unfold now with all the big things coming up. Let's just say the Lake house weekend is a big one for many, many reasons and it's going to be more than just one chapter, it will be a good few. So, I hope you guy's enjoyed this chapter and drop a review and let me know. Also I don't think I'll write Finn out of this, I just really can't, it be hard too and I like him and I want him to be a big part in this, so I just thought I would let you guy's know.I'm really excited by Glee coming back and all the massive Klaine news and Demi coming into it, but even with all off that no matter how painful it will be too watch Cory's tribute episode that's going to be the episode that will stay in all our hearts.'Be nice to everyone, always smile, appreciate things, because it could all be gone tomorrow.' Cory Monteith


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