One Moment
I'll never let go Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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One Moment: I'll never let go

T - Words: 2,364 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
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Author's Notes: This chapter is dedicated to the beautiful, strong, kind and talented, Cory Monteith.Cory, you left the world too soonYou shined brighter than the starsYou left your mark in this worldYou loved, you laughed, you smiled, you inspired, you saved, you believedYou will alway be a strong personYou will always be a part of something specialYou are loved and always will beWe don't think of this as goodbyeThis is just a 'see you soon'Wherever you may be, I hope you will be happy and smileWherever you may be, look down on them all and smileWherever you may be, we will look up to you and smile
Blaine didn't know if this was going well or not.

One minute things seemed to be looking up. The next it didn't. Most people agree with Blaine, others don't.

I agree with Mr Anderson, something has to be done.

They are just kids; they don't know what bullying is.

Let their parents deal with it.

Give them one chance.

Kid's like that shouldn't be allowed into this school.

This has got nothing to do with us.

That's what it was like. People just kept saying their opinion and nothing seemed to be getting done. The staff and principal had been sitting in this room for at least an hour. Nothing was getting done. This was bullshit. Blaine felt like standing up and given out. Then he would remember what Kurt had said.

Blaine whatever happens in there stay calm, okay? Don't lose your job over this. Promise me you will stay calm.

"I'm sorry but what has this got to do with us? They are not our children. We can't be watching them all the time making sure nothing happens." Sam said. He was a middle aged man. Blaine never liked him. He couldn't understand how he had gotten the job. All he wanted was the money, the holidays and when no one was looking he took a sip out of his flask. It was drink. He had never been caught. He was sneaky and either no one could smell the drink on his breath sometimes or else they didn't care. He had heard he wasn't a great geography teacher, but yet, he's still here drinking away. As for his personal life, Blaine didn't know, nor did he care.

When Blaine thought about it there was only about three out of the seven teacher's at this school that he liked.

Josh Collins. In his 30's. Hair down to his ears. Joker. Maths teacher.

Sarah Hope. Twenty five. Sweet. Quiet. Drama teacher. Blaine knew she liked Josh.

Clay Ackles. Twenty nine. Always singing. Friendly. Blaine was pretty sure he was gay, not because Blaine knew by just looking at him. That always annoyed Blaine when people think they know if everyone's gay or not by just looking at them and being an ignorant asshole, no. Clay had tried to hit on Blaine one day, but was interrupted by Sarah. He was glad for that.

Blaine let out a laugh. "And down the line, how do you think that would affect those kids that got bullied and nothing was done about it?" Blaine tried not to sound too pissed, but come on, that guy was asking for it.

"It will make them tough. Fight they're own battles. If we defend them now, they are just always going to need people to stand up for them. Let them stand up for themselves is what I say." Sam looked at Blaine smirking.

"You couldn't give a crap could you." It wasn't a question. "All you care about is yourself. You're money. You're holidays. Oh, and not forgetting about the drinking part." There was silent. Just silence after Blaine had said that. Anger appeared in Sam's face.

"Enough! Fighting will not solve this. I have decided by what has been said here today, something will be done. Bullying in our school will not be tolerated. It is not just Hayley who I realize is being bullied and her and the other kids won't be the last if we don't do something about this." Mr Burton said. He closed over his folder and stood up. "This meeting is now over. Thank you everyone for attending. You will be informed when an agreement has been made." Mr Burton made his way out of the classroom, while everyone else started to get up. Blaine picked up his bag and got out of that room as fast as possible.

When he got outside he felt like he could breathe. The wind pushed against his body. He could hear the sound of the kids on the pitch.

"That really is a fucked up situation," A voice spoke coming up behind Blaine. He knew who it was and he seriously was not in the humour. "There shouldn't even have to be a meeting about bullying. It shouldn't happen and everyone should care and the bullies should not be allowed away with it." Okay, Blaine had to agree with Clay there.

Clay stood beside Blaine lighting up his cigarette. When he had it lit he put his lighter back in his pocket. Taking a drag and blowing out the smoke slowly. He looked to Blaine who hadn't looked at him yet.

"Sam's such a dick. He really hates you." Clay chuckled. Blaine looked to him for the first time since standing out here. Blaine never realized how good looking Clay was. His eyes are different shades of blue. His black hair going in every direction.

"Yeah thanks. I guessed that. I'd pretend I care, but I don't bother with people like him."

"People like him?"

"Ignorant assholes, I believe they are called." Clay chuckled as he walked to the bin behind them, rubbing the top of the cigarette on the bin to put out before throwing it into the bin.

"Oh, you could call him a lot worse, Anderson. You're just too nice. He's an absolute bastard." Blaine let out a chuckle. He couldn't help it. Clay was English and Blaine always loved English accents. Take Matt Smith for example. Blaine loves Doctor who and all those years ago when Matt played the eleventh doctor, let's just say Blaine was pretty much in love.

"Why did you come to America? You lived in England and you came here."

"Why, thank you for that history lesson, Blaine." Clay smiled and he folded his arms and looked out onto the pitch. "I wanted to get as far away from home. Go somewhere far where nobody knew me. Get a good teaching job. America just seemed like the right place and it was. It still is." Blaine knew better than to ask why he wanted to leave England. "Oh and not forgetting the dudes." And there it was, conformed that Blaine thinking Clay was gay was right.

"I'm pretty sure they have dudes in England."

"They're all stuck up bastards. Well the one's I dated anyways. I guess it's not fair to say they all are, because they're not. Guess it was just the part where am from."

"Well, you don't seem to be stuck." Blaine didn't know him that well, but Clay was always friendly with everyone here.

"Ah, you see, you might think that, but really, you never know. Maybe it's all an act. Maybe am pretending to be nice because am an uncover spy." Clay said seriously. He turned to face Blaine, who was smiling.

"You're a pretty shit spy then." Clay turned around and faced Blaine, getting into Blaine's personal space. They're faces just inches away from each other's.

"I'm good at other things thought. Want to find out what?" Clay's voice got deeper. Here we go, Blaine thought. Blaine stepped even closer to Clay, looking him straight in the eyes. Clay seemed to think this was going somewhere. Blaine put his hand on Clay's chest. He could feel Clay's breathe on him.

"My boyfriend, probably wouldn't be too pleased, about that." Blaine panted Clay's chest gently, twice, and backed away.

"Fine. What do you say we go out for a drink sometime? You're boy to, of course."

"So you can hit on me and Kurt, no thanks." Blaine smiled before walking away.

"I'll take that no as a maybe then!" Clay shouted after him. Blaine didn't turn around. He just laughed and headed to his car. He knew how to handle himself. And Clay was harmless. He just loved to let everyone else think he didn't care, when really, he did. Clay reminded him of someone. Sebastian.

"It's fine, Blaine. I couldn't care really, it doesn't matter." Sebastian said as he walked up the stairs of Dalton to his room. He pretended like it didn't matter. When inside, it hurt. But what's the point of showing that. What's the point of showing our true feelings?

"Sebastian, stop! Hey, will you just stop!" Blaine shouted after him. Sebastian got to his room about to close the door when Blaine put his hands on the door, pushing it open and getting through the gap between the door and the wall. Being small has its perks.

"Christ, Blaine, you never stop, do you? Nor do you listen." He walked over to his wardrobe. He took of his tie and jacket, throwing them down on the bed angrily.

"What? I never listen? I listen every second of everyday and you don't think I do." Sebastian found his zip up blue jacket, putting it on him and zipping it up. Maybe it would keep him warm. It was December and Dalton, even with the heat on was freezing. Stupid weather.

"You mean everything to me."

"Then why can I not meet your parents? You met mine. Why don't you ever tell me anything about them? The only thing you ever told me about them is what they do for a living and that they travel around a lot. I don't-"

"You really want to know. Okay, fine. They don't care about me. It's like they never have and never will. I wonder why they even had kids. I dread going home in the holidays. It's like a nightmare, expect that nightmare happens more than one. Being home is like a prison. I am only allowed to go into town if it's with one of them. I have no friends back home. It's like they are never happy to see me and the only real reason they want me home in the holidays is so people won't wonder why am not home for the holiday's." Blaine had tears in his eyes at this stage. He couldn't help of all the truth he was saying. It just kept coming. "And oh yeah, here's the best part, me being gay, guess what? They don't expect it and think it's disgusting. What. A. Shocker."


"Don't. It's okay. I've dealt with it so long that am used to it."

"Use to it? That is something you should never have to get used to." Sebastian walked over to take Blaine in his arms. Blaine held up his arms to stop him.

"I'm fine. I just…I never told you because I didn't want you to know how much of a wreck my family is. Your family is so lovely and welcoming. My parents are not one bit like that. That is not something I wanted y-you to know."

"That they have the most wonderful son, how they can't see that, I don't know. But Blaine, no matter who it is, if they don't accept you, screw them. They are not worth it. From now until the end, you tell me everything and anything." Sebastian had tears running down his cheeks. How could any parent think that of their child? How could they not love their kid no matter what?

"Sebastian," Blaine met his eyes. A little smile appeared on his face. He took a step forward to step right in from of him. He held onto either zips on Sebastian's jacket, his hand's into fists, holding onto his jacket tightly, like Sebastian was falling and he had to hold on tight to bring him back to him, to save him. "I-" Blaine choked out, the words getting caught in his throat. But that was okay, because he would eventually say them. Blaine had an adored look on his face and his smile a little bit bigger. "I t-think I love you. No-no I do. I love you. I love you so much Sebastian Smythe. I have since the day you spilled coffee on me and said-"

"As if you weren't hot enough I go and spill coffee on you. I feel like this is meant to be." They both laughed. "I have been dying to tell you how much I love you." Sebastian looked relieved to say it.

"And you didn't why?" Blaine didn't hold back his massive smile. Sebastian put his arms around Blaine's waist and leaned his forehead against Blaine's. His eyes shut. his voice quiet.

"Because I was scared. Scared that once I said it out loud that I always would love you. And being in love with you meant that I would never let go. And I have never loved anyone this much. Being in love is scary, because t-the more you love, the more it-it hurts knowing someday you could be g-gone, and it…would tear me to pieces not having you in my life every single day." Blaine wiped Sebastian's tears away; they're foreheads still touching, Sebastian's eyes still closed.

Blaine ran his hands through Sebastian's hair as he held him close. "I'll n-never leave you…I promise, sweetheart. I promise." Sebastian opened his eyes and pulled back a little from Blaine's face, but still close.

"I-I will never leave you either. God, I love y-you so much, Blaine. So, freaking much." Sebastian's lips were on Blaine's. It was soft, loving and caring. Smiles are on both of their faces as they kissed. Sebastian Brought one of his hand up to rest on Blaine's cheek.

"Tell you what. This weekend your coming somewhere with me for the whole weekend. It's about time my brother meet the love of my life."

"Really?" Sebastian wanted to meet this amazing brother.

"Yes. Besides Cooper already see's you as part of our family and he can't wait to meet you." It was true. The first time Cooper listened all about Sebastian he had said he was already part of the family because he made his little brother happy. "Family is the one's you love and you, you are my family."

"You make me so happy. I just- I am never going to stop loving you. How could I? I could never, not love you. Don't ever let go of me, Blaine." They felt like the world was so much easier to fight against together. You try so hard to fight it on your own and when you find the love of your life, your other half, that's when you know, that's when your life gets easier, and that's what makes life worth living. Love is always there, no matter how far or where they are, love keeps going, love never dies.

"Whatever happens…I'll never let go."
End Notes: To Cory's family, friends and his dear Lea. I hope they find the strength to make it through.The world lost a great person today, and heaven gained one.You will forever be in my heart, Cory.We will never forget you.'Just be you. Cause that's good enough for me.' Cory Monteith


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