Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
Sept. 7, 2013, 2:03 p.m.
"So seeing as you and I are getting to know each other how about we play a game. We take turns on asking one question at a time and if it's too hard for us to answer, we can leave that till another time." Blaine said as he sat across the table from Kurt. There was hardly anyone in the coffee shop and it felt nice that way.
"Okay, I'll go first." Kurt said. He thought about what to ask for a few second's. He didn't want to ask anything to personal, but this was supposed to be them both getting to know each other better. "Your first kiss?"
"I was sixteen and complaining that I'm never going to find someone who I love, that I will have my first kiss with. And my best friend said he loved me and he would kiss me. I thought he was joking. I said back to him that I loved him to, as a friend, but I really did love him."
"Was he straight?" Kurt asked.
"Nope. But he did have a boyfriend so that's why I never told him I loved him. We shared a dorm room at school and later that night he woke me up and before I could ask him what was wrong, he kissed me."
"That's adorable. What about his boyfriend?"
"He had broken up with him a weeks before hand. It was the distance from being at difference schools and he told him he loved me." Kurt could see the smile on Blaine's face that appeared for a second. "Okay, my turn." Blaine said before Kurt could say anything else. But he already had his go.
"One of your best memories." Kurt didn't have to think about this.
"When I was four, my parents brought me to the beach. It was getting dark and by the time we got there it was dark, but the light's lit up the beach and it looked so beautiful. Dad got the picnic bag out of the car; we spread the rug and sat down. I remember sitting down and looking at my mum and dad so happy together. They were laughing at something I can't remember now, I smiled and looked out to the water, the waves were so calm, everything feel so calm, like everything was okay, even if it wasn't." Kurt said. Kurt had gotten lost in the memory for a second before looking back to Blaine. "It was the last night with my mum I ever had."
"It's okay. It's honestly okay. Two day's after that night she had passed away in her sleep with my dad by her side. Dad didn't want me spending nights at the hospital and I think he regrets not letting me in them night's…but I thanked him. It was the perfect last night as a family who was always going to be a family no matter what happened to us."
"I couldn't imagine something like that. Do you remember her well?" Blaine asked.
"Even being that young when she died, yeah, I do. I don't think I'll ever forget her. I remember her like I see her everyday still." Kurt smiled as he took a sip of his coffee. "Now my turn to ask a question. Last night you didn't want to talk about your parents and I guess I'm wondering why that is. Why didn't you want to talk about them?" Kurt knew it might not be a good time to bring this up but when would the right time be?
"They're not the best parents. They never really cared much for Coop and I. Cooper and I always had to look after each other. I didn't want to go to Dalton and Cooper didn't want me to go either." Blaine said. "I wanted to go to public school but my parents wouldn't let me because they thought I was too weird as a kid and I would just get bullied. So, when I went to Dalton, Cooper moved away from home and went to an acting college that was just two hours away from Dalton. He got an apartment half way between his college and Dalton and I stayed with him every weekend."
Kurt was left speechless. Cooper must be the most caring brother ever.
"Every weekend? You never went home?"
"Except for when we went home for Christmas and that, but we always came home together. There was this one time since I started Dalton and I had to go home for thanksgiving that weekend on my own because Cooper had a lot of college work and god, it was horrible. Cooper had rung me that night I got home and I don't know how but we spent ages on the phone. Then after Dalton I went to New York and that was the first time I was ever going to be away from Cooper that long and it was so hard. We talked all the time and we visited each other a good bit. Then after college I got a job teaching and Cooper told me to take it, that New York is where I needed to be, not here in Lima. And that's the way it was for a while until I came back here, got a job and living with my brother and his fianc�. Woo, that turned into more about Cooper than my parents, but I think you get the idea why I don't like talking about them. I haven't seen them in a year and really Cooper is the only one that is family to me." Blaine let out a little laugh. "Okay, I'm going shut up now and ask you your next question." Blaine thought about this next question. He didn't want to upset Kurt, but there was a voice in his head that kept telling Blaine to ask Kurt.
"Are you going to stay in Lima or are you going back to New York?" Blaine studied Kurt's face, but it didn't give Blaine any answer's.
"If I am being honest, I don't know. I felt like New York was once my home but now home is wherever Haley and I are. This right now, is home, in Lima. All there is in New York is a broken marriage. A dream that never came through. And missing my family every day. I always thought New York would make everything better and yes it did for a while until everything started going downhill. But that's just how I feel right now, maybe later on that could all change." There was hope in Kurt's voice; he wanted to believe his words so bad.
"Kurt, if this is too personal, you don't have to answer it, but what happen to your marriage?" Blaine hoped he hadn't overstepped.
"He wanted me to be someone I wasn't. After years of being together I think he got sick of who I was and needed me to be someone else. He hated the idea of me working, saying I couldn't because someone had to mind Haley." Kurt tried to hide the angry in his voice and he must have been doing okay because Blaine didn't seem to notice or maybe he did.
"So you left?"
"Yes. But not for that reason. One day after I dropped Hayley of at her friend's house and after I was supposed to be going to the theatre for a job interview, but I had forgetting some paper work and I went home to get it. And there he was in the sitting room; on the couch…fucking his co-worker that he always told me he hated so much. I guess me not pretending to be someone else made him go do that."
"Kurt…no. Don't say that. He was an ass to go and do that. He does not deserve someone as special as you." Blaine was so shocked by that. He didn't know Kurt's husband, but he must be some bastard to do that to someone as nice as Kurt. Kurt didn't really know what to say back to that, so he just smiled.
"How about we stop with the question's today and continue them another day?" Blaine said. He could see Kurt didn't want to say much more and either did Blaine.
"Okay. So, what do you want to do?"
"If you want I could always make you dinner tonight. My brother and his fianc� are away for the night."
"Or we could both head back there and make it together."
"Do you not trust my cooking Kurt?" Blaine joked. Kurt nodded his head and they both laughed.
"I will prove you wrong. I am going to prove you wrong." Blaine said confident as Kurt just looked amused.
Kurt looked around the apartment while Blaine had gone into the bathroom to put on clean clothes. Kurt ended up in Blaine's room. It looked very simple, like he was just staying here for a few days. It wasn't messy and there was hardly anything that would have been Blaine's out on display. Kurt then made his way out of the bedroom and into the living room. There were pictures everywhere. As Kurt looked at each picture, he didn't see Blaine and Cooper's parents in any. Not that he knew what they looked like but he would be able to tell, and nope, no picture's that he could see. Kurt had nearly finished looking at all the pictures when he saw one on a shelf, in the corner where it wasn't noticeable for too many people to see. Kurt walked over to it and picked it up in his hands. It was Blaine a lot younger at a graduation, his own Kurt guessed, with a beautiful boy. Blonde hair, a bright smile, his arm around Blaine's waist and his head titled against Blaine's.
'We shared a dorm room at school and later that night he woke me up and before I could ask him what was wrong, he kissed me.'
Sebastian? Was that…
"Kurt?" Kurt nearly dropped the photo when he heard Blaine's voice, luckily he didn't. He looked to Blaine. Kurt tried to hid the sadness he felt for Blaine. Sebastian was his first love. His first boyfriend. His first kiss. His first heartbroken lose.
"Sebastian was the boy wasn't he? He was the boy you told me about in the caf�." Blaine saw the picture Kurt was holding, and it took everything in him to not think of that day. To not think of the happy times with Sebastian because if he did, it would just make reality a thousand time's worst, because he was gone.
"Yeah, that was him." Blaine said. He didn't want to say anymore.
"He was beautiful, Blaine." Kurt said softly as he looked to the picture one more time before putting it back onto the shelf. "He could have been a model."
Blaine let out a laugh that surprised Kurt. "He didn't like when people said that."
"Because he thought modelling was just for people who wanted a partner. And he said he didn't need to because he already…already found him." Blaine was surprised he was telling Kurt this, but he didn't stop himself, he just kept telling Kurt all these things that he would never say to anyone else.
"Blaine, if you think that I could model, than you are high. What did they give you at your last college party?" Sebastian laughed as he looked up from his laptop to Blaine, who was standing at the kitchen counter making something that Sebastian hadn't a clue what it was. But food was everywhere.
"Nothing. I was good. I just had fun with my friends and I would have had fun with you, but oh yeah, you weren't there." Blaine said trying not to be too disappointed that Sebastian hadn't come to a party a few nights ago.
"You know why, Blaine. I have a lot of work to get done by next week, I can't fail. My dad will kill me if I have to repeat this semester."
"Fuck him." Blaine slammed down whatever was in his hands. The bang made Sebastian jump. "It's your life, not his. Do it because you want to, not because he says so."
"I am doing this for me. Why is that so hard for you to understand?" Sebastian got up from his seat. He was starting to get a bit pissed off at Blaine.
"I do understand. You feel so much under pressure because of him, always ringing you up and all he ever seems to ask about is how college is and that's it."
"Well at least he gives a shit about me and…" Sebastian stopped talking. Shit. He did not just say that. It might not have been clear in words but it was to Blaine and Sebastian. They both knew what he meant.
"Yeah, that's true. And thanks Sebastian for reminding me my parents don't give a shit about me. That they would probably have rather not have me at all because all I ever will be to them is a disappointment. So yeah, good for you that you have parents that care." Blaine turned his back to Sebastian and went back to the counter.
"Well then, I guess you and I are both disappointments to our parents. But to each other…we only see each other as each other's worlds. And right now, to you, I am an asshole, but an asshole that is sorry and really wants his boyfriend to turn around and hug him. So, I will stand here forever if I have to. But I might have to leave the odd time to pee and eat, but seeing as you're eating all the food, there will be no food left to eat." Sebastian laughed because he knew Blaine would laugh to.
"You insulted me again. Remind me why I love you again." Blaine turned around and leaned against the counter, looking towards Sebastian.
"Because in this crazy, stupid, world we found each other. And I'm like super adorable." Blaine let out a sob. Okay, that was not the reaction Sebastian thought he would get.
"Hey, hey," Sebastian raced over to Blaine and pulled him into a tight hug, holding him close. "I'm I not adorable anymore?" Blaine let out a little laugh now.
"You're the most adorable." Blaine mumbled into Sebastian neck before pulling back to meet Sebastian's eyes. "I just really love you and I want you in my life every day."
"Well, good minster because I am never going anywhere. And if I ever do you'll be right by my side. "Sebastian wiped the few tears that had fallen down Blaine's face. "You know you're even beautiful when you cry. That just does not happen. But I can't even question it because it's you and you always surprise me."
"Did you always want to be a teacher?" Kurt asked as he was talking things out of the fridge. There was a hell of a lot of food in the fridge.
"No. When I was like six I wanted to be a scientist and I had all these boxes with science stuff in it, but I only used it for a week and then I forgot about it." Blaine laughed remembering the stage of wanting to be a scientist.
"You could have been a science teacher." Kurt joked as he walked over to the other side of the counter and stood across from where Blaine was.
"That would be a disaster. But I will tell you this. I had to mind a science class because the teacher needed to go out for half an hour and I didn't mind doing it because I had a free class. So, I was prepared for whatever the kids was going to be like, but I was not prepared to see them in two's working on a cow's heart." Kurt put his hand over his mouth to stop a laugh coming out, but it didn't work. Blaine couldn't help but laugh to.
"It's funny now, but not at the time. They were all like 'Mr Anderson is this part where we are supposed to cut into?' and I swear if there teacher hadn't of come in five minutes later I would have fainted. It was horrible. And Kurt, I have never stepped back into that classroom again." Blaine was so serious saying the last bit, which made Kurt laugh even more.
"Oh, g-god I'm s-sorry but that's just funny." Kurt said through his laughter.
"You try going into a classroom full of hearts." Blaine joked as he chopped up some lettuce. Kurt could make him laugh by Kurt himself laughing and he loved that Kurt could do that. He didn't know how he would be after Kurt finding the picture of him and Sebastian but it felt okay, it felt like a bit of relief to talk about him. But Blaine always knew when he couldn't talk about Sebastian anymore. Usually after he had talked about him, the rest of the day Sebastian would be on his mind, but he was okay today, for now, any way's. He was just afraid that after Kurt goes home and he's here alone, that he will start thinking too much.
"Blaine?" Kurt asked confused as he looked up to Blaine, who looked back. "What exactly are we cooking?" Blaine looked down to the food on the counter. All there seemed to be was salad chopped up and half of it throwing into a bowl. Blaine looked back to Kurt, both breaking out into a smile.
"I don't know." Blaine chuckled. "I don't think we thought this through. How did we end up doing that?" Blaine knew why and so did Kurt, but they decide not to answer that question.
"Talking too much. Okay, what should we make?" Kurt asked as he thought about his own question himself.
"Well, at less we have the side salad done. This is going to sound so lazy, but do you just want to…"
"Order a pizza?" Kurt smiled. Blaine nodded. "Thank god you said it before me. As much as I love cooking, just not tonight."
"Right then, I will get the pizza menu and the phone and I'm going to leave you to clean up."
"Oh, how nice of you. Leave me to do the work." Kurt joked as Blaine headed out the door to get his phone and the menu. Kurt threw the rest of the salad into the bowl. He then picked up the tomatoes, lettuce, and the peppers, and headed over to put them back into the fridge.
Kurt and Blaine sat on the couch, eating their pizza and just talked. It was nice; it was something they both hadn't done in a while.
"I would rather do this instead of going out to a restaurant. Like when you're at a restaurant you feel the need to get all dressed up and then when you get there and order your food they could take forever to bring it. And then, if there's something wrong with it I never say there is because I'm afraid if I do they will bring me back a new one and they would of spat in it or something." Kurt looked grossed out just thinking about it.
"Kurt they do not do that. Where did you get that in your head?" Blaine couldn't help but be amused by Kurt telling him this.
"Blaine they could. How do we know? That's why I never complain in restaurants just in case that happened. Like if one of your kids pissed you of would you give them a low grade on their test?" Kurt knew Blaine was too nice to do that, but he wanted to see Blaine's reaction any way's.
"Never. I couldn't even if I wanted to. But if I was a high school teacher I might."
"Are you being serious? Because I can't tell right now if your being serious or not." Kurt chuckled as he picked up another slice of pizza.
"I'm only joking. I probably would be tempted to thought. This pizza is really good. I wonder did they spit in it." Blaine smirked to Kurt. Kurt picked up a piece of crust and threw it at Blaine.
"That's mean. I hope it happens to you someday now."
"Do you really though?"
"No. I'm not mean. You have tomato sauce all over your face by the way." Kurt chuckled as he took another bit out of his pizza.
"I'm not falling for that. If I do then you can wipe it off."
"And why would I do that?" Kurt teased as he put down his crust on the pizza box, now finished eating his pizza. Blaine was tempted to check if there was any sauce on his face.
"I think the question is why you wouldn't?" Blaine teased back and closed over the pizza box lid and got up from the couch to put the box in the bin. Kurt's eyes followed where Blaine walked to.
Blaine threw the box in the bin and went over to get another drink for himself.
"Hey Kurt, do you want another drink?" Blaine waited for an answer, but didn't get one. "Kurt?" Blaine closed over the fridge door for a second to see I if Kurt was still there. He nearly had a heart attack when he closed over the fridge door and Kurt was standing just a few feet away from him, his side leaning against the wall, arms folded across his chest and a smirk on his face.
"Don't do that. I nearly had a heart attack." Blaine chuckled as he looked towards Kurt. "I have wine around here somewhere if you want some."
"I have to drive home."
"Who said anything about you having to drive home? You could always stay the night…if you wanted to. And when I say that I don't mean have sex, I just mean two friends in each other's company."
"Is that what we are?" Kurt asked. He had never thought about what he and Blaine were until now. Blaine was someone who made him happy; he just didn't know how this would end up.
"I hope so. Kurt, I honestly I'm lost in my life right now and I don't want to put any labels on this. I never liked labels, I just always lived by the way I wanted to and even if other people put a label on something in my life, I never did. Whatever this is between us, right now, I just know that it makes every day much more barely." He didn't know would those words make Kurt stay or run, but Kurt had to know how he felt, because he couldn't hurt Kurt.
Kurt took a few steps towards Blaine and gave him a smile.
"How about we are lost together? The future us, can figure out where this is going." Blaine let out a sigh of relief and gave a little nod. Kurt took one last step to Blaine, their chest's now touching and their lips just inches apart. Blaine's eyes fell down to Kurt's lips, he so badly wanted to kiss him.
"I forgot to tell you something today." Blaine whispered, that made Kurt's heart race faster than it already was. Could Blaine feel Kurt's heart pounding against his chest?
"Yeah…what was that?" Kurt barley managed to get the words out because all he wanted to do right now was kiss Blaine. Kurt met Blaine's eyes and he couldn't help but smile.
"That you look beautiful." Blaine said, before leaning in slowly and capturing his lips with Kurt's.