One Moment
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One Moment: Fix you

T - Words: 2,146 - Last Updated: Sep 07, 2013
Story: Complete - Chapters: 24/24 - Created: Sep 05, 2012 - Updated: Sep 07, 2013
887 0 5 0 0

Author's Notes: There's a flashback and that starts under the stars and stop above the stars :)Enjoy :)
"Sweetie, please, I need you to do your homework." Kurt said softly as he sat down on the floor across from his seven year old daughter Hayley. She had Kurt's bright blue eyes and his smile and the thing that hurt the most was she had her papa's light brown hair that fell down to her shoulders and his laugh. She reminded him of his husband every day.

She looked slowly up to Kurt with her long brown lashes, and there were her sad eyes, looking so lost, and it broke Kurt's heart. He had to be strong for his daughter; she was the only thing from him losing it at times, running away from it all, but he had already ran away, there was nowhere to go but here.

"Mr Anderson won't mind. He-he said if we couldn't do it that-that it was okay." Her voice was shaky as she spoke, but she didn't cry, because she didn't want to make her daddy upset.

"But I am sure he didn't mean, don't try at all. Remember I have to go in and see him for the parent teacher meeting tomorrow and I don't want him telling me my little girl isn't working in class. Now I know starting a new school was really hard for you but you like it there don't you? You know you can tell me if anything's happing in school." She shook her head slowly and tried giving her daddy a smile, but it faded quickly.

"No, I like it. I like my friends and Mr Anderson is my favourite teacher."

"Well, that's good, angel. Mr Anderson will be telling me a lot of good things about you then tomorrow, will he?" Kurt asked with a smile and Hayley nodded her head as she crawled over to her daddy and sat on his folded legs. Kurt put his arms around her and kissed the top of her head. A few minutes had passed as they just sat in silent before Hayley spoke.

"Is papa coming tomorrow?" Hayley asked with hope in her voice. Kurt didn't reply for a few seconds as that horrible memory flashed into his mind. He couldn't think of it, it was too painful, too painful to know in that one moment is when his whole starting to fall piece by piece under him. He thought they were happy, thought their family was happy, how wrong was he. Why his husband did it he didn't know, he thought he loved him until that very moment.

"No, sweetie. Papa isn't going to be there tomorrow. Is it okay if it's just me? I promise I won't embarrass you." Hayley turned her head around a bit to see her daddy's.

"You don't embarrass me daddy. I love you." Her eyes suddenly got rid of that little bit of sadness and it was replaced with love for her daddy.

"I love you to, angel. Now, how about we go and help grandma and granddad with dinner. I think they need experts like us around." Hayley nodded her head excitedly and she pushed herself of her daddy and headed to the door. She stopped at the door and looked towards her daddy with a serious face.

"Is Uncle Finn going to eat everything again? He ate my last chicken dipper last time." A smile spread across Kurt's face. Finn hadn't changed at all, and that was good.

"If he does it again, he gets no dessert. And Uncle Finn does like his dessert." Hayley giggled and a few seconds later Finn was at the door standing in front of Hayley.

"There you are squirt. Do you want help with your English homework?" Finn had that goofy smile on his face as he looked down to Hayley.

"No offense Uncle Finn, but I don't trust you to help me after I got most of my answers wrong last time." Hayley giggled again and let out a squeak as Finn lifted her up and put her sitting on his shoulders. "Don't drop me."

"I promise I won't. Anyways who is this Mr Anderson? I need to have a word with him about his teaching, those answers were right." Finn said feeling very confident that they were right.

Kurt got up from the ground and tried not to laugh at how sure Finn was that he had gotten those questions right.

"Finn, did you look in a book or the internet for them? Or was it just what your brain told you what the answers were?" Kurt was not stood in front of them with his arms crossed. Hayley was enjoying being up on her Uncle's shoulders, she felt like she was in a pretty high castle, expect for the face it was just Finn holding her up, but he was tall like a castle.

"My brain. He was just wrong."

"Yes Finn. An English and Music teacher that went to college and got a degree and is working in a school teaching young kids, was wrong." Kurt chuckled as Finn just shrugged.

"Uncle Finn let's go to the kitchen."

"Now that you mention it, I am hungry." Hayley and Kurt shared a, your always hungry look.

The three of them walked out of Kurt's old bedroom that he and Hayley now shared. Yes, maybe Hayley should be sleeping in her own room but Hayley wanted to stay with her dad, Kurt needed her as much as Hayley needed her daddy. They might have only been a few steps away if she had her own room, but to them two, it felt like miles away and for this father and daughter, they needed the other to be there with them and brighten up their day. They had left behind something a few months back and while one didn't fully understand why, the other fully understood why and was never going back.


"Come on little bro! It will be fun! Hannah is having a girl's night over at her friend's Bethany's house. I want to go out with my little brother, get drunk, fine you a really hot guy and-" Blaine cut Cooper of.

"No, no, no no, no. I don't want to go and get drunk and have meaningless sex with some guy I don't know. Plus I have work in the morning, I can't lose this job." Blaine laid his head on the back of the couch with his eyes closed and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Blaine, listen to me. For over the last year since you came back, all you have done is wake up, go to work, eat, watch telly, corrected school papers, and sleep. You need to go out and meet new people." Cooper said worried as he sat on the couch beside Blaine, looking at him on the edge of giving up on not meeting anyone ever again because it would be to heart breaking.

"Look." Blaine turned his head to the side to look at Cooper. "I know you are just looking out for me but…getting drunk and having sex, it isn't…it's not going to make me…forget him. I am never going to forget him. I would give anything to have my old life back with him and…I am never going to find someone else, I don't want anyone else." Blaine tried to keep his voice steady as he spoke and so far so good.

"Bud, you…you have to start moving on. It's been over a year and I know it's hard but…you can't keep living in the past. The only time I see you happy is when you talk about those kids you teach and you need more happiness in your life. You can't put your life on hold forever." Cooper felt himself get sadder and whispered that last part. Why did he have to say that because the look Blaine was giving him right now, he knew this wasn't going to be good?

"It's not on hold, Cooper; my life won't stop moving on!" Blaine snapped as he got up from the couch. "If I could put it on hold I would, but I can't. This is my life without him. I am living with my brother and his girlfriend back in Lima of all places! I had a life in New York and I was more than happy and then that…that god damn night happened, that one moment that changed my life and every day of every second it won't go away! It is my fault; it will always be my fault! So, go on Cooper, tell me it won't always be like this. Tell me I won't always feel this emptiness inside of me! You can't because nothing like this has ever happened to you! I am going to bed." Blaine wasn't going to cry because he was sick of crying, he was sick of it all. His students were the only thing that would put a smile on his face because when he looked at them, they were so innocent and still didn't have to find out what the real world was like. Teaching them kids was the only reason he felt like he should get up in the mornings and not give up on life just yet, they showed him that little bit of magic left in the world. But as the day's go on its getting harder to find that little bit of magic left.

"Blaine…" Cooper whispered before Blaine walked out of the sitting room and down the hallway, hoping Cooper would leave him alone.

Blaine lay on his bed as he looked up to the ceiling. The curtains were pulled, Blaine was in his pyjamas, and the room was pitch dark expect for the glowing stars on his ceiling above him. Three medium stars. Blaine let a smile appear on his face for a second as he remembered the day his fianc� gave them to him.


"See, one star is for good, two stars' is for very good and three stars are for excellent. Yes, I know it's cheesy but, you always give your students a star when they do well and it's like your thing. So, I was like my boyfriend give's his students to many stars and he deserves some and I got you these that you can put anywhere and when you look at them it will remind you of your classes that you love so much."

"And what do these three stars say about me?" Blaine asked curiously as he smiled to his sweet boyfriend who grinned.

"One star is for amazing, two is for perfect and three is for the most beautiful boy in the world." Blaine chuckled as he rested his wrapped his arms around his boyfriends neck.

"Thank you. That is unbelievable sweet." Blaine couldn't help but melt into his amazing boyfriends eyes.

"Well I was going to get you best teacher in the world teddy but, this seemed to have more meaning in it." He shrugged and looked to Blaine that looked at him in awe.

"Well now, you would have to see me teach to know am the best." Blaine smirked.

"Who said anything about teaching English or Music? I was going more along the lines of…in the bedroom, Mr Anderson."

"Oh, that just sounds so hot when you call me that." Blaine smiled as he leaned into the other boy's soft, sweet lips. He could taste coffee from his lips.

"Mm…you taste so good." Blaine mumbled against his lips with the smile still on his face.

"So do you Mr Anderson."

"Call me that for the rest of our lives. It will never get old with you saying it." He rested his forehead on the younger boy's with their eyes still close.

"Always!" Blaine pulled away and took both of his hands in his own and started to walk backwards down the small hallway to their bedroom in their small but very homey apartment.

"Don't we have to meet up with Nick and Jeff soon." He raised his eyebrow, not even listening to his own words as Blaine pulled him down the hallway.

"Sorry guy's we can't meet up anymore. We both have to work early tomorrow and were knackered. How about another time? How doesthat sound?"

"Not a great excuse babe but…" they stopped at their closed door before Blaine was up against it with his boyfriends hand on the doorknob and the other on Blaine's waistas his lips brushed of Blaine's. "…it will do." He opened the door and they both entered their room with their arms around each other.

"I love you, Blaine."

"I love you to, Sebastian." Blaine said as he collided his lips with Sebastian's again.


The memories should keep Blaine from falling asleep, but the truth is, they make him fall asleep and every time he hoped as he fell asleep that those memories would walk into his dream and make new ones. Dreams of them were the only thing that felt real anymore. The only bad thing was, eventfully, he always had to wake up, and in this place that was his painful life.

End Notes: So shall I continue with this story? I would love to. It would be amazing to hear if you want to see the story go on, what you think about what you know of Blaine and Kurt's life, and what you think happened that made their life's like this.Thank you for clicking onto this story and taking the time to read it :)One moment can change us, that moment is yours.


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Cannot wait to read more

it sounds like kurt's husband cheated on kurt and blaine's fiancé died. but i'm just guessing here. but i would like to know more. you keep writing it, and i'll keep reading it. i gotta find out if my guess was right ;)

im really getting into this story. it has a decent amount of mystery with some of the info but not too thing i have picked up on are some of the words. words like 'ford' should actually be 'forward' and you have written 'committment' instead of 'committee'. some times i have have to read sentences twice to figure out some of the words. maybe look into getting a Beta, just to double check spelling/word placement. the actually story is really well written, its just every now and then a word is wrong or is missing. :)

Thank you :)Thanks for telling me my mistakes, it helps a hell of a lot when people tell me.I'm glad your liking it :)