Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
The bag was pulled from over his head, but all Kurt could still see was mostly darkness. For the few seconds he could see a lamp switched on in the corner of the room. The light lit up the room a bit. Kurt looked and saw the room he was in looked normal. It looked like a living room, just a normal room. He looked round to see were the person was but he wasn't quick enough to see, a rag was wrapped around his head covering his eyes.
"I better give you some water, maybe something to eat. Don't want you dying on me." The man said as he walked in front of Kurt opening a bottle of water putting it up to his lips, but Kurt turned his head away.
"Drink." He demanded his voice angry. Kurt didn't move or say anything.
"Drink it."
"No. Leave me alone."
"Is that what you want?" he sounded calmer.
"You know what I want? My boyfriend, my family, to go home and not be this scared." Kurt said as his voice went from angry to sad.
"Am sorry, I, I didn't want to make you feel this way. You weren't supposed to be scared."
"You kidnapped me, tied me up, I don't know who you are, you played a voicemail from Blaine to me…how do you expect me to feel." Kurt's voice was getting higher.
"I need to go…I don't like it when you're like this." footsteps went to the door and closed behind him leaving Kurt on his own. Once the door shut, Kurt tried to pull his hands out of the rope, but it was tied to tight.
"God damn it." Kurt shouted as he dropped his head on the back of the chair. He stayed like that for a few minutes until his thoughts came back to him.
I don't like it when you're like this.
He knows me then. Why one anyone I know do this to me? I have never treated anyone badly. Have I? When he comes back I will ask questions and maybe, just maybe I will find out who it is. But the voice, I don't remember it from anywhere.
"Cooper, I am able to go in to get two coffees myself. I won't be long." I tell my brother who has that same look, am sorry from when I saw him last night. I didn't sleep last night. Cooper on the other hand thinks I did. I just sat on my bed with the lights turned off and looked at my phone. Waiting and waiting for Kurt to text or ring me, to say he was okay. But that never happened.
I hope out of the car and walk over to the door of the limo bean pushing it open. The warm air hits me as I go in. It's freezing outside and looks like it's about to start snowing. I go up to the counter and order mine and Cooper's coffee. I was going to drive here myself, but no, Cooper doesn't want me to be on my own. I hear someone talking loudly on the phone and turn around. It was a woman with brown hair, a red dress, with a black coat over it. Her voice kept getting louder as she starts to laugh. She kind of reminds me of Rachel.
"Okay, I will meet you at the limo bean for coffee tomorrow, promise. Okay, bye." she hung up the phone and started to drink her coffee. Those words remind me of the day I left New York. The last time I saw him face to face.
"I really don't want you to go." Kurt said as he had his arms wrapped around Blaine, his head lying under Blaine's chin. Blaine had one hand on Kurt's back, the other through Kurt's hair as he kissed the top of Kurt's head. Blaine pulled him in closer, doing his best not to cry as was Kurt. Two months wasn't long, they both knew. Two months then Kurt would be home for the summer and then they would be going back to New York together. Blaine would be starting his music course and Kurt would be in his second year in college. Kurt loved New York, but he knew he wouldn't complete love it until Blaine was there with him.
"I know babe, I don't want to go either. But just think once those two months are up, we get to spend the rest of our lives with each other. I can't wait to be in New York with you." Blaine smiled as Kurt lifted up his head meeting Blaine's eyes and nodded. They were both stood in the middle of the airport when they heard the announcement for Blaine's flight. Kurt collided his lips with Blaine's in a long needed kiss. When they final pulled their lips away they rested their foreheads against each other, eyes shut.
"We've talked every day since I left for New York. Promise me we still will for the next two months until am home." Kurt whispered bringing his hand to rest on Blaine's neck.
"I promise." Blaine said and a tear feel down his eye. Kurt lifted his other hand up wiping it away and smiled to Blaine as he pulled away still standing on front of him.
"Go on. Don't want you missing your flight." Kurt said as he looked to the ground and back up to Blaine who nodded his head giving back the smile. Blaine turned around and started to walk towards his flight area until he stopped and turned around walking quickly back to Kurt pulling him into a hug and the tears Kurt was holding back came flooding out as he held Blaine closer.
"I love you so much Kurt." Blaine cried in to Kurt's shoulder.
"I love you to." Kurt said kissing the side of Blaine's head and then pulled back enough to see Blaine's wet, red eyes. He put his hands on either side of Blaine's face as Blaine met his eyes.
"When I get back…the first thing we will do is, we…we will go to the limo okay. I miss that place."
"I promise…ring when you get home, okay."
"Okay." Blaine smiled wiping the tears away from his face, giving Kurt one last peak on the cheek and let Kurt's hand fall out of his as he made his way to his plane. He pushed open the door turning back round to see Kurt giving him a smile as he waved bye, as did Kurt who blew him a kiss that Blaine catch and mouthed "I love you." as did Kurt. Blaine took one last look of his boyfriend and made his way out the door. He smiled knowing the next time he would be at this airport, him and Kurt would be starting their life together in New York. He couldn't wait.
I felt tears behind my tears and pushed them back. I couldn't cry here in public.
"Am going on my break now, will you finish making the coffee?" I heard the girl say who was making my coffee. She took of her apron grabbing her bag and coat.
"Yeah, have it done." A voice said that sounded familiar from the other side of the counter. I tried to see who it was but his back was turned. The girl came out from behind the counter and I looked as she went out the door.
"So that's two medium drips. Can I get you…" the voice trailed off and I look away from the door to the person standing in front of me. No way. He looks at me shocked and looking a little embarrassed as he puts the two cups of coffee on the counter.
"Sebastian?" I say surprised as he gives me a little smile.
"Hi Blaine. "
Okay. Wow. KURTIE! Where are you? :( Me all sad now. Oh no, did Sebastian or Karofsky kidnap him? Oh dear god, no!
I promise you will find out in chapter seven :)
This is hearybreaking :/ and sebastian ugh I hate him