Keep it together
The rest is our history Previous Chapter Story
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Keep it together: The rest is our history

T - Words: 2,763 - Last Updated: Oct 08, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 20/20 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Oct 08, 2012
554 0 2 0 1

Author's Notes: I don't think I ever said this but the name of the story comes from Tyler Ward and The Co, it is a really amazing song, check it out :) So, I was going to end this in a way that they were telling their children about how they finally got to New York and there was were they belonged but, then I just decided to end it like this :) So, here is the last chapter, Enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
10th December 2013

"Blaine! Do not walk away from me when I am talking to you." Kurt shouted from the kitchen as Blaine walked down the hall to their bedroom.


"I need to do college work. Just go hang out with Rachel, see if I care." Blaine said crossly as the bedroom door slammed. Damn it. Kurt whispered as he rested his elbows on the kitchen counter dropping his head into his hands.


"Kurt! I am so glad you came. Wait…what's wrong?" Rachel's smile was lit up but quickly dropped when she saw Kurt standing in her doorway looking really upset.

"I…I had a fight with Blaine." He whispered to Rachel as she nearly didn't hear what he just said. She didn't say anything and just pulled him into a hug.

Kurt was sitting at the table as Rachel was making coffee for them in the kitchen. She made her way over with the two cups of coffee sitting them on the table as Kurt said Thank you. Rachel sat in the seat opposite Kurt. She looked over at Kurt who had his hands wrapped around the mug looking down at it. Rachel didn't ask anything for a few minutes but, then she decided she wanted to know what happened so she could help sort this out. Blaine and Kurt didn't fight much so, she always got worried when they did. Sometimes it was nothing other times, it was.

"So, what happened?" She asked concerned and Kurt didn't look up at her.

"I don't know. One minute we were fine and the next I said about going over to you because he had a load of college work to do. He said we never spend any time together anymore and that I am always over here. And I said well, if you weren't so focused on your music course things would be different, that I felt like he wants this course more than he wants me." Kurt finally looked up at Rachel tears forming in his eyes.

"I thought New York would bring us closer together but, it feels like it is just ripping up apart. He has been so distance in the last few weeks and I just want my Blaine back." Rachel moves her hand across the table taking Kurt's hand in hers looking at him.

"That is Blaine, Kurt. Couples have fights, it is just something that happens and you need to talk to him. No shouting, just talking. You both have been through way more worse stuff than this. This is nothing compared to everything else." Rachel gave him a smile as he gave a sad one back. The next second they heard the door open and Tina appeared in the kitchen.

"Hey Kurt" Tina said happily as she made her way to the fridge. "How's Blaine getting on with that massive essay we have to do?"

"What essay?"

"The one we have to write up in what way does music help people in their lives. It has to be pages long and done by next Monday. I didn't think college would be this hard. Lately we have been getting two essays to write up in a week along with everything else and write and make the music for a song we have to do on our own." Tina said as she sat down at the table with them. Tina was in the same course as Blaine and she knew how hard the last few weeks have been.

"I didn't know you both had all that to do."

"Yeah it's a lot. Hardly have time for anything else. Did Blaine not tell you? He has been so stressed at College lately it's starting to worry me. He fell asleep in class today. And yesterday he was like two minutes late handing up one of his papers and now they might end up taking marks of him." Rachel and Kurt both looked at each other concerned. Kurt knew he needed to go home and sort this out. Blaine hadn't told him any of that. Why hadn't he of told, Kurt? He could off helped in some way.


Kurt walked into the apartment and made his way down the hallway to the bedroom. He knocked on the door lightly.

"Blaine?" he said loud enough so he would be able to hear but, he got no answer. Kurt opened the door and saw Blaine at the right hand side of the room sitting at his desk with his head lying on one of his books on the table. Kurt smiled for a second before he headed over to Blaine and bent down on his knees.

"Blaine. You awake?" Blaine moved his head slightly as he slowly opened his eyes seeing Kurt on front of him with a smile on his face.

"You're adorable when you sleep. You know that?" Blaine chuckled as he sat up in the chair looking down at Kurt. Blaine patted his lap for Kurt to sit on. Kurt did so as Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. He put his head on Kurt's shoulder as he said.

"I am so sorry. For fighting, for shouting, I didn't mean to."

"I know. I am sorry to. Why didn't you tell me you were stressed out?" Blaine rested his chin on Kurt's shoulder looking up at him.

"I didn't want you to worry about me. I didn't want to say I feel like giving up on college only after a few months. I love this music course but, if it gets any harder I don't know if I can do it. I miss you so much. I just want to spend time with you and I can't because I always have to do something for college."

"Blaine, listen to me. I know it is hard. My first year was hard but what got me through was knowing that you were always there supporting me. You might have been back in Ohio but, I still knew you would say to me you are not giving up. You are not giving up because I won't let you. I know for a fact if you gave this up you would regret it. Take every change in life Blaine because you don't know where it will lead and I promise wherever it leads you I will be right there with you." Kurt smiled as he brought his hand up pushing back the curls handing in Blaine's face and kissed his left check resting his forehead on Blaine's.

"Thank you, Kurt. Damn you for always being right." Blaine said as they both lightly laughed.

"I heard you fell asleep in class tonight so you are going to bed now and tomorrow you and I will start getting all of your work done before the Christmas break. Trust me, when you get into your second year of college the work won't be half as bad and you will be used to it. So, now bed, Anderson." Kurt got up as he went to head out the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I am going to make hot milk for you." Kurt said with a smile before heading out the room as Blaine got up to get ready for bed.


23rd December 2013

"New York is so beautiful at Christmas." Kurt said excitedly as he and Blaine walked down one of New York's many beautifully lit up streets. They were walking back to the apartment when they decided to go to central park. It was coming up to nine pm and they were getting a flight back to Ohio in a few hours and decided not to sleep so they headed out to the streets that were New York. They had just been in their regular coffee shop called "Coffee for two" and both had coffees in their hands while their other hands were holding on to the other's hand.

"I would pretend to be adult about this but, oh my god it is so awesome." Blaine grinned as he looked around him. It was a good thing they had worn their coats because it was starting to get really cold. "That is such a colourful tree with all the lights on it. It's kind of like our tree at home."

"You know I would have loved to spend Christmas here but, I do want to go home to." Kurt said as him and Blaine sat down on a bench. It was dark now the only thing that lit everywhere up was the Christmas lights on the trees in the park all around them. Only a few more people were walking around.

"I can't believe it was two years ago that you gave me that promise ring and now two years later we are here, where we always said we would end up."

"Even after everything we went through, we still got here, together." Blaine smiled as he leaned in to kiss Kurt.

"I can taste your coffee." Kurt mumbled against their lips.

"Does it taste good?"

"Damn right it does." Kurt chuckled as he leaned in to kiss Blaine's lips again. Kurt pulled back a bit enough to see all of Blaine's face.

"I would love to get married here. It is so beautiful."

"Why don't we then?" Blaine whispered as Kurt's face lit up even more.

"Are you serious?"

"Of course I am. Kurt wherever we get married I don't mind as long as you are there. But, yeah this would be perfect." Blaine looked around smiling back to Kurt who was biting his bottom lip trying to stop smiling so much as he laid his hand gently on Blaine's chest looking into his eyes.

"How…how did I get this lucky?"

"I ask myself that same question everyday but, it is the only question in the world that I can't answer because it was more than luck finding you, Kurt." Blaine looked at the boy he thought he might never find but, he did and he is here right now with him having tears fall down his eyes. "They better be happy tears." Blaine chuckled as Kurt put down his coffee beside Blaine's and put his arms over Blaine's shoulders tilting his head to the right hand side. Blaine had his arms around Kurt's waist.

"You know I am never letting you."

"Good. Because I am never letting you go either. All the bow ties in the world would not even make me want to trade in you for them."

"You are so weird." Kurt shook his head as he laughed with Blaine.

"You still love me though."

"Yeah, I love you more than anything."

"I love you to which is why I think we should have a summer wedding." Kurt looked at him a little confused until he coped on.

"Do you mean this summer? Like this summer? This summer, coming up in the next few months? Like the one that is…" Kurt was cut off as Blaine collided his lips with Kurt's that lasted minutes.

"Yes Kurt, this summer." Blaine said softly as Kurt threw his head back a bit and looked up to the sky as little bits of snow fell down on top of them. It didn't come down slowly it came down fast. He closed his eyes taking it all in before looking back down to Blaine.

"Yes. We're getting married this summer you and I getting married right here. Just when I thought Christmas couldn't get any better my amazing fianc� does this." Kurt shook his head not believing it.

"And another thing I am going to make you do is run before the snow gets worse." Blaine laughs as he lets go of Kurt picking up the two empty coffees and throwing them in the bin. As Blaine stands he looks back to Kurt who didn't moved, he was just smiled looking down at his ring.

"Tell you what. Whoever gets back to the flat first doesn't have to cook for two weeks when we get back in the New Year, the New Year that we are getting married in. And go." Blaine shouted the last bit as he started to run on the grass.

"Cheater." Kurt shouted laughing as he got up and started running as fast as he could after Blaine. They had only started running and Kurt was a few feet behind Blaine.

"I can't run in tight skinny jeans, Blaine." Blaine turned around laughing at Kurt as he stopped as did Kurt who was out of breath already.

"Fine. Jump up on my back lazy bones."

"Then you win." Kurt moaned wiping the snow of his coat.

"I won a long time ago, Kurt." Blaine smiled as Kurt walked towards him.

"Okay but, don't drop me." Kurt pointed at Blaine as Blaine shook his head.

"You see I know you're talking to me because you pointed." Blaine chuckled as did Kurt hoping on Blaine's back. Kurt dropped his hands around the front of Blaine's neck leaning his head against Blaine's. Blaine held Kurt's legs tight enough to him so he wouldn't drop him. Blaine turned his head around enough to see Kurt's.

"You ready? I won't let you fall, I promise." Kurt nodded his head slowly looking serious for a minute. He would never be able to type into his laptop how did I find Blaine Anderson? He would never know what would off happened if he hadn't of found Blaine. He would never find out what life would have been like without, Blaine. He would never know what would of happened if he hadn't of gotten away from Dave. He didn't want to know any of those things but, he knew what he was going to find out. He was going to find out what being married to Blaine is like. He was going to know what being a father is like. He was going to know how happy he was going to be through his life, even when bad things happen. He was going to spend his last day on earth with Blaine but, he was never going to say goodbye. He knew his life was with, Blaine.

"I know you won't, you never do." Blaine smiled brightly as he looked to the love of his life. He wished every person in this world could have what he and Kurt had. You can buy everything you want in the world to make you happy but, will you ever be truly happy without love? We are in this world to find so many things but, the biggest one is love and they both found that with each other. Blaine knew some people thought only being with one person for your whole life was stupid and ask how you know they are the one if you have never been with anyone else. They are the people who haven't found it yet. People can judge you for who you are but, why do they bother. They might not even know you and they will do it anyways and Blaine knew why, because they were jealous of you. They were jealous that you are happy and accept yourself for who you are and only care what the important people in your life think. All of those other people can judge but, in the end you won't remember them because you will be happy and living life like you should. Blaine had learned this all over the eighteen years and when he finally accepted who he was and was happy because of that, the love of his life came along being just like he was and together they are both more than happy with who they are, who they love, and who is important in the lives. Maybe there was more happiness out in the world for them but, Blaine wasn't going to rush to find out, he was happy right where he was, with Kurt.

Blaine kissed Kurt's lips for a few seconds and as he pulled away he looked into Kurt's eyes smiling as Kurt mirrored that smile.

"You ready for this?" And Kurt knew Blaine wasn't on about just running through the snow on his back.

"Yes, I know I am, Blaine. I was the day I meant you. Are you?"

"I am more than ready. I am ready for the rest of my life with you." Blaine said happily taking one last look at his future and turned around looking up through central park as the snow fell all around them.

"One. Two. Three." Blaine started.

"Go!" Blaine and Kurt both shouted as Blaine ran across the grass laughing as the snow fell on top of them. The people that they passed by smiled and all they seen between them two boys were love, any one could see that but, really only Kurt and Blaine were the two people in the world who knew what their love felt like. No one else would ever feel their kind of love.

End Notes: And the story closes. So there it is the complete story of Keep it together. I really wanted to end it in New York and I did. For one last time review and tell me what you thought of the story overall. The longest story I have ever written and finished. I enjoyed writing it so much; it had to end somewhere though. I am proud of this story and didn't expect it to be that long but, there you go when you don't expect something it happens no matter how small or big.This chapter was written while I was listening to KeyWest's song, the message. I think listening to music when you write moments like this is a great way to get you to write something you really enjoyed writing. Plus it makes it a hundred times cheesier ha :) So, check out KeyWest, you won't be disappointed. Like I say a lot in the story, I promise.Thank you from the bottom of my heart to every single person for reading Keep it together :) Xxxx"Trust in me, I will guide your message home." Keywest...The message.Turn your dreams into your everday life, because you can :)


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Awwww this ended perfect they are so happy why couldn't glee be like this instead of that bs breakup. Thank you for writing and sharing this story I truly loved it.

Awh thank you so much :) Awh well let's hope Glee will give them a happy ending :) Thank you for reading :)