Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Cooper walked into their living room seeing Blaine lying on the couch eating ice-cream and watching, okay he didn't know what was on the TV. Blaine was still in his pyjamas and it was two in the afternoon. Cooper walked around the couch and stood in front the TV with his arms folded.
"Cooper move. I am going to miss the best part." Blaine moaned putting more ice-cream in his mouth giving Cooper a look to move out of the way.
"I will give you the best part. I am going to ask him to marry me, I know this is right. Life's too short." Cooper pretended to be Blaine a week ago. Blaine looked at him confused.
"That's not…oh." He said as he realised what Coop was on about.
"There's no oh about it. A week ago you told me you were going to ask Kurt to marry you. Hate to break to too you bro but, lying on the couch ending ice-cream and watching some crap on TV isn't doing that."
"Dude, it is One Tree Hill and a very important moment is going down. Kurt and I love this show." Blaine said seriously.
"Kurt? Sorry can't seem to remember that person; he must have disappeared like your balls." Blaine sat up quickly putting the tub of ice-cream on the table looking up at Cooper.
"Fine. You try proposing to someone who means the world to you. Then you can see how nervous you are beforehand and have all these thoughts of what could happen when you ask."
"First of all, Kurt already gave you his answer. Second, being nervous is a good thing; it shows how much you want this. Third, you just said he means the world to you so the only thing stopping you is you. Step out of your own way and just do it. I am going to help." Cooper smiled as he walked out of the way and sat down beside Blaine.
"Cooper, what exactly do you have planned in that head of yours?" Blaine asked worried of what mad idea Cooper was coming up with.
"It isn't planned in my head. It is already done."
"Oh, god." Blaine dropped his head in his joined hands.
"By the way you are proposing tomorrow." Cooper grinned as he picked up the tub of ice-cream.
"Finn, I can't do this. I swear there are these little things inside me called nervous creatures and they keep eating your inside until you finally die." Kurt was pacing up and down his room biting his nails as Finn sat on the bed not knowing how to calm him down. "Why are you doing this to me? Why are you making me do it tonight?"
"I am doing this because you want to and you need a push."
"I am going to get sick. Oh, god I…what…how…am not going." Kurt shook his head as he headed out of the room and down the stairs as Finn called after him. He passed Burt in the living room as he walked into the kitchen walking over to the sink to pour himself a glass of water. Burt walked in after him leaning against the doorway looking over to his son who turns around leaning against the sink with a glass of water in his hand.
"You look very relaxed."
"Dad, do not joke about this. I can't do it." Kurt said as Finn walked up behind Burt.
"Dude, you are not backing out of this."
"Leave it with me Finn." Finn nodded as he headed out of the room.
"Kurt, sit down for a minute." Burt pointed to a chair as he pulled out a chair himself. Kurt slowly walked over to sit beside Burt putting the glass of water on the table.
"Let me guess. Every single thought in your head is going through everything that could happen in that one moment. You think when you say those words there is no going back. It feels like it has to go perfect that nothing, not even one single thing can go wrong because if it does that might ruin everything. You're not scared of doing it, your scared of realising that one person in this whole world knows you better than you know yourself. Mostly you just realised with every passing day they make you happier and that is how you want to feel every day." Burt smiled as he saw the look on Kurt's face that said yes.
"Kurt, you will never forget your first love whether you are with them your whole life or not. It is the first time you understand what people mean when they say love. Your mum was my first love and as long as I live I will never forget her. She was the first person who knew me better than I knew myself and every day with her was all I needed. She is looking down at you now thinking that's our boy Burt. Our little boy is all growing up now. He is going to feel the way we did. He does feel it because he has what we had and always will. He has that already with, Blaine."
"You always know the right thing to say, dad. Thank you." Kurt said softly as Burt pulled him into a massive huge. When they pulled away from each other Kurt was calmer and ready.
"Hey, Finn you ready? I have something to ask my boyfriend and you're delaying me." Kurt shouted for Finn to here as him and his dad chuckled.
"That's my boy."
"Cooper seriously give me my hair gel. I am not walking out that door if you don't." Blaine said madly as he walked into Cooper's room.
"No. It is fine. You got it cut a few weeks back and it looks Fine. I promise." Cooper said as he comes out of his bathroom all ready to go looking at his brother all dressed up in a suit looking mad and nervous.
"Look at my handsome brother."
"Do not say anything. You look fine and you can do this, okay?" Cooper asked as Blaine nodded his head giving up fighting with his brother because Cooper would just end up winning.
"Cooper, Blaine. Finn and Kurt are here." Their mum shouted up the stairs. Blaine looked at Cooper confused at the mention of Finn's name and Cooper saw that.
"Finn and I did this whole surprise thing together. Have you got the ring?" Cooper pointed at Blaine. "Oh, you should so do that. Kurt, will you marry me? And do the point. That would be epic." Blaine raised an eyebrow at Cooper as he tried not to laugh.
"No, that would be dumb and stupid. God help the girl you ask to marry you. And yes I have the ring. I still can't believe your making me do this."
"Trust me when that moment comes you will know the right time to do it and you will be thanking me little bro."
"So, is this a double date?" Blaine chuckled as Kurt raised up his hand to hi five Blaine.
"Oh, very funny. Were nearly there so be quiet." Cooper said as he was driving.
"Your hair looks really nice tonight." Kurt whispered to Blaine but Cooper still heard. Cooper coughed out told you as he continued to drive.
Finn was sat in the passenger's side while Blaine and Kurt where in the back. Finn pulled two scarfs out of his bag turning around in his seat to give to Kurt and Blaine.
"Here, take these. You can't see where we are going until we get inside." Finn said as he handed the scarfs to them.
"Oh my god, Finn. These are my scarfs; you better not have been looking through my stuff." Kurt gave Finn a dirty look that grinned and turned back around in his seat.
"You should hide your stuff more carefully, Kurt."
"Finn" Kurt raised his voice.
"What is he on about? Hide what stuff?" Blaine looked at Kurt confused. Kurt looked at him like he should know what Finn was on about.
"Oh." Blaine nodded his head trying to hide a smile.
"Okay, put on them scarfs. We are nearly there." Cooper announced happily as they were just a few minutes away.
"Blaine, watch where you're going." Cooper said as he guided his brother down a hallway nearly running into the wall as Finn was guiding Kurt.
"I can't watch when I can't see, Cooper." Blaine snapped back as his hand was on the wall to guide him. Cooper had both his hands on Blaine's shoulders. As they got down the hall they came to three steps. As Finn and Cooper got them down the steps and into the room they stopped.
"Okay, wait there for two seconds." Finn said as he and Cooper made their way over a few steps away from them and then stopped either side of the table facing each other. They both nodded at each other as they looked over to Blaine and Kurt standing beside each other a few steps away from them.
"You can take of the scarfs." Coop said as they did so. Kurt was the first to get his of and his face turned shocked as he looked around the room. When Blaine got his scarf of his face had the same expression. They were in Dalton, in the room where they first kissed. The lights were turned off only the candles lighting up the room. On front of them was that same table all done up. There were a few red and white roses in a small vase sitting in the middle of the table. Either side of the vase two small candles sat lit. Two sets of cultural set's either side of the table. They saw Finn and Cooper with big smiles on their faces as they pulled the chairs out for them.
"Would you both like to take a seat?" Finn asked as Kurt and Blaine looked at each other for a second smiling as they made their way over to sit down. A few minutes after they had sat down Cooper handed them both menus before him and Finn left the room. Blaine picked up the envelope in the middle of the table and opened it as he read.
"Kurt and Blaine, this is just a little something we wanted to do for you both after everything you have both gone through. You guys didn't let it tear you both apart. We all agree you two are the strongest couple any of us know and we admire that. This is from all your friends and family, enjoy and you two know what to do. By the way we didn't break into Dalton, we got permission. Love, Finn and Cooper." Blaine looked up from the note and met Kurt's eyes. They didn't say anything for a few seconds; they just smiled not believing how sweet this was.
"Let's see what is on the menu shall we?" Kurt asked as he handed Blaine one of the two menus.
"Rachel so made these menus. There are stars on it everywhere." Kurt chuckled as did Blaine opening up the homemade menus.
They had their starter, dinner and were now eating their dessert. When Blaine asked Cooper how did he get someone to cook at half 9 at night for just two people he just said with my charms, bro. And with Finn in the kitchen the chef is cooking for three. After Cooper had brought out the desert he hadn't come back since. They had just finished their dessert and Blaine looked at Kurt who was laughing at a joke Blaine had said. At that moment it was like a light switch went on in his head and he could see now was that moment, the moment Cooper was on about. Trust me when that moment comes you will know the right time to do it. He remembered those wordsCooper had said. Blaine was calm and smiled as he said.
"Hey, come with me for a second." Blaine got up taking Kurt's hand as Kurt got up of his chair and walked with Blaine out of the room and down the hallway.
Kurt smiled down at their joined hands as they walked slowly down the hall and he knew wherever they stopped he was going to do it. This night had been perfect so far and he wanted to make it even more special. He was glad Finn and Cooper did this and he was glad his dad talked to him before he left. Talking to his dad calmed him down and when he saw Blaine he felt more relaxed even with what he was about to do.
They stopped at the bottom of the Dalton staircase where they both first meant. They both looked up the stairs like they were replying that moment in their head again and they were. When they looked back to each other standing opposite from each other Blaine took a deep breath in and out as he met Kurt's smiling eyes with his. Blaine took both of Kurt's hands in his between them as he finally spoke.
"Everything started for us when we met each other on these stairs. Not a day goes by without me thinking I am so lucky to have you. Everybody says to that person that is their other half that they are the luckiest person to have found them. But we all say it for different reasons, these are my reasons. You have got to be the most amazing person I have meant. You are brave, kind, forgiving, funny, and beautiful and you are the first person that I want to tell when something good or bad happens. I am no good at romance with anyone else because I am only supposed to be good at it with you. All this time I was waiting for you and I finally got you. Kurt, you are my first love and my last." Blaine took one of his hands away from Kurt reaching into his back pocket and taking out the little black box. As he turned back to Kurt who had his hand half covering his mouth, Blaine let go of his other hand and dropped to one knee looking up to Kurt with both of his hands on the box.
"I said one day I would ask you to marry me and that one day, is today. So, Kurt Hummel… will you marry me?" Blaine smiled nervously as he looked up to Kurt who took his hand away from his mouth and bend down on one knee meeting Blaine's eye level grinning.
"On one condition." Kurt said as he took a small box out of his pocket opening the lip holding it on front of Blaine. "Yes, I will marry you. But, you have to say yes to me to. Blaine Anderson, the only love I will ever have in my life, the only person who knows me better than I know myself…will you also marry me?"
"How could I say no? Of course I will marry you." They couldn't stop smiling as Kurt put the ring on Blaine's finger and Blaine put the ring on Kurt's finger. As they both stood back up Kurt pulled Blaine into a massive hug.
"Are you crying?" Kurt said as he pulled back enough to see Blaine's face seeing tears fall down his face as he nodded.
"How could I not be? So are you?" Blaine chuckled as he leaned in and kissed Kurt softly. It wasn't a full on kiss, just a soft one but, it was perfect. This night was just perfect.
Cooper and Finn walked down the Dalton hall seeing the two boys sat at the bottom of the Dalton staircase leaning their heads on each other looking down at their hands as they quietly talked.
"They both did it then."
"I guess they did." Cooper whispered back looking over at them.
"I would have loved to have seen you asking my dad if you could marry me." Kurt chuckled as he looked down to the ring on his left hand smiling.
"He knew though. All I got to say was Burt, I need to ask you something really important and straight away he was like I know and it's a yes."
"Guess he knew how serious we were when we were both going to ask each other." Kurt looked up at Blaine facing him.
"I love you so much, Blaine."
"I love you to, fianc�."
"I can so get used to that." Kurt smiled as he gave Blaine a quick kiss before they turned around to the sound of footsteps.
"Finn and I are so going to be involved in planning this wedding." Cooper said as Finn nodded his head.
"Congrats guys." Finn said happily.
"Thank you." Blaine and Kurt both said together.
"That's good Cooper because you and Finn are going to be the best men at our wedding."
"Good because we will have one hell of a stag night. Cooper style." He said as he clapped his hands together.
"Oh god Cooper." Finn, Kurt and Blaine moaned looking up at the happy Cooper already planning it in his head.
Yayyy they proposed to each other :) They are the perfect couple. Cooper as a best man sounds awesome haha I love Cooper and Finn. Great chapter