Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
Oct. 8, 2012, 9:49 a.m.
The next night was the same and all the other nights after that. Everyday Kurt got more tired and he didn't want to go to sleep and end up having that nightmare. Every time it just got worse and he couldn't handle this anymore. It was just over a week since they had found Kurt and he thought of something that could maybe put this nightmare behind him, he had to try. The only thing now was he had to tell his family and Blaine this something that might help him. He didn't know what he expected them to say but, however scary this was going to be he wanted to. He was tired and even though they didn't admit it Blaine and his family were as just as tired as he was, having to get up every night when they heard Kurt shouting. He was tired of them worrying all the time. He would do this with or without them. He had to.
10th July 2013
Burt and Carole sat across the table from Kurt and I. Finn was sat at the top of the table as we were all eating dinner.
"I need to say something." Kurt said as he looked down at his plate moving the food around the plate. We all looked over to him for a few seconds before he said.
"These nightmares need to stop and…I know a way that might help. That could stop them."
"What is it sweetie." Carole asked softly as Kurt looked up to her slowly.
"I could visit…Dave."
"No. Way." Burt said straight out as he looked to Kurt shaking his head. "No son of mine is going near him." I let my hand find Kurt's under the table as I wrapped my fingers around his to let him know I was there and that I thought it was a good idea. Kurt didn't look away from his dad but, he squeezed my hand tighter.
"Dad, I need to. I need to see Dave to stop these nightmares. When I see him locked up I will feel safer knowing he is there." I can hear it in Kurt's voice how much he wants to do this.
"What if it doesn't? What if it makes things worst? You already know he is going to be locked up for years for doing this and after that he is going to need help. He can't get out, Kurt. You know that. Why do you have to face him again?"
"So my mind can be at peace. If I see him locked up I wouldn't have all these thoughts of him coming back for me again. Please dad, understand I need to do this." Kurt begged Burt and as I looked over to Burt as I saw him conceding it. Burt didn't say anything for a few seconds but, when he looked back to Kurt he said.
"You're not going on your own. If I let you, you can't go on your own." Burt said meaning it. It was hard enough to let him think about letting Kurt face Dave again. I looked from Burt to Kurt.
"I will go with him." I say as Kurt turns back to face me with a smile. Thank you he mouthed to me.
The noise of a buzzer went off as a door opened and we stepped into the prison. I held Kurt's hand tightly as we walked down the long hallway to the next door. A prison guard walked in front of us as she opened all the doors of the prison. We were a few steps away from the next door when I stopped and turned to face Kurt who looked so scarred.
Promise me right now if it gets too much or you want to leave, you will tell me." I say meaning every word and needing him to understand it.
"I promise."
"Okay. Let's get this over with."
"Okay so at any time you want to leave just call us and we will open the door and let you both out." We nod our heads as the prison guard pushes open the door to let us in. As we step in there is a row of prison cells either side and then we see the one Dave is in. We walk slowly over to the first one on the left hand side. Glass covers all along the top half of the cell. The bottom has bars along it and the steel door on the left of the cell. We both stop in front of the cell and see Dave looking out the small cell window with his back turned to us with his arms folded. Kurt looks up to me with fear in his eyes. I mouth it is okay. As Kurt nods his head and looks back to Dave, he turns around to us with a big grin on his face.
"Guess you both just couldn't keep away. Are you not able to talk, Kurt? Are you to scared to?" Dave laughed. Kurt let go of my hand as he took a step towards the cell and stopped.
"Why would I be? I am not the one going to be stuck in here for years. I am not the one that needs help. I am not the one who fell in love with someone that they couldn't have." Kurt's voice was shaky but he was doing it.
"You just can't admit you love me. You should be glad I love you because no one else will. No one loves you, not even Blaine. You see Kurt, you are worth nothing and you never will be."
"Is that what you tell yourself every day? Does it make you happy to think that? You can't hurt me anymore. You can say all these things to me but, I don't believe any of it. I believe everybody is worth fighting for but you…you're not. You can make up all this stuff in your head but, the only person that will ever believe it is you. You have tried to make my life a nightmare since that first day of school. Well, guess what. That ends today."
"It will never end. You will be always be looking behind you to see if I am there. You won't be able to close your eyes at night. And when you aren't with your family or Blaine you will think I have them." Dave smirked and Kurt took another step forward.
"First of, Blaine is my family. I am going to be with him for the rest of my life. I will marry and have kids with him. My last day on earth, it will be him I am with. You need to accept that because that is a fact. I won't be looking behind me because I will be looking forward to my future. My eyes will close at night and the last thing I will see isn't everything you done to me it's Blaine. I guess I should thank you because if it wasn't for you I would probably have never meant him. I being happy is because you forced me to go to Dalton to find a safe school. So, well done Dave this is all because of you." Kurt's voice was getting stronger with every word he said and Dave was getting angrier with every word Kurt said. Dave walked as close as he could to the Glass and Kurt didn't move.
"You will regret this. You and Blaine." he looks over to me for a second and then back to Kurt. "You both will regret this because you will never be happy together. You will always think of me, Kurt. You will think how great your life could have been with me. You both have made the biggest mistake of your lives."
"No Dave, being with Blaine is the best thing that could off happen to me." I take a step forward and stand beside Kurt taking his hand in mine.
"And Kurt was the best thing to happen to me."
"So, this is where it ends Dave. You won't see us again. Have a great life with your mistakes because they made you end up here." Dave just stared at us with a look where Kurt's word's just maybe got through to him. We both go to move away when Dave says more calmly.
"You could have been happy with me." We stopped as we turned around to look at him standing in the same spot.
"No, I wouldn't off. Being scared and unhappy is what I would off felt with you? Happiness and being loved is what I feel with Blaine. Goodbye Dave." We took one last look at the guy who terrified our lives and as we turn and walk away from him, he is gone. Once we get outside the prison I stop and face Kurt. As I look into his eyes I don't see fear anymore, I see someone who can move on with their life now. I rest my hands either side of Kurt's neck as mirror his smile.
"It's finally over Blaine, the nightmares over." He says with relief as I lean in slowly to catch his lips with mine. As our lips touch I can finally believe that it is a fact everything is going to be okay. I have never seen him braver and I have never been as proud of him as I am today. How could I not love him a bit more with every passing day?
11th July 2013
The next morning I woke up to light shining through Kurt's bedroom window as it shone on my face. I bring my hand up to my face as I rub my eyes and let out a yawn. I turn my head to the right side of the bed where Kurt is sound asleep. His eyes closed with his head lying on his crossed arms and I swear he has a little smile on his face. I realise that last night was the first night since Kurt started to have these nightmares that he didn't have any. I smile as I move one of my hands up between his neck and face, rubbing my thumb against his cheek. If that wasn't a smile beforehand it was now.
"You can be such a pervert sometimes." Kurt mumbled with a small laugh.
"Well, I won't be a pervert if you didn't look so beautiful now, would I?" Kurt's cheeks went a little read as he buried his face into the pillow.
"Shut up." He mumbled into the pillow and I knew he was smiling.
"I know your smiling." I say as I move my hand down to his waist and start poking it.
"Sorry I can't hear you. I need to see my beautiful boyfriends face to hear him." I said putting my hand under Kurt's t shirt to tickle him as I sat up in the bed. Kurt let out a squeak as he turned around on his back playfully hitting my arms away. I didn't stop. Kurt only got to sitting up against the headboard when I sat on his legs, my legs either side of his as I continued to tickle his sides.
"Ha. Blaine, stop. That really tickles." Kurt said between laughs and I hoped to god whatever time it was that everyone else was up in the house or else we would of Woking them up. Kurt buried his head into my shoulder as he screamed as low as could from me tickling him.
"You want me to stop?"
"Yes. No. I don't know." Kurt said as he threw his head back against the headboard looking up at me and I stopped tickling him as I rested my hands on his chest. He put his arms around my waist and stopped behind my back.
"Both nightmares are over, aren't they?" Kurt said sounding happy and said it like it was a fact and it was.
"Yes, they are finally over." I smiled as I leaned it and collide our lips together as he kisses me back bringing one of his hands up between my neck and cheek.
"Hey, I know what we can do today." He mumbles against my lips as I rest my forehead against his.
"Let's go to your house. I'd like to see your family. Plus I haven't seen Cooper to thank him properly." I open my eyes to meet Kurt's.
"When you mean properly…" Kurt playfully hit me in the arm chuckling.
"Don't be gross, just because I used to have a little crush on him."
"A little? Know your score Free credit rating today dot com slash savings ." I sang doing an impressing of Cooper as Kurt laughed.
"Okay, that was so weird and hot at the same time."
"It's what I aim to do, bro."
"Never call me bro again or I will be broing your bro, bro." Kurt hit me in the arm a little harder this time as I pretended that it hurt.
"Okay, sisterrrr."
"Really Blaine? Just get up."
"Kurt, come on, not in the house with your, oww…meanie." I give him a bitch look as I hop of the bed and walk towards the door.
"Keep on walking, bro." I get to the door as I turn around and look at him with a smile.
"I love you."
"I love you, Blaine. Where are you even going?"
"I need to pee badly. I feel like my bladder is about to explode." Kurt's face turns from a smile into a gross look but, I can see he's not trying to laugh as I start to make my way down the hall as he shouts love how your never gross, bro.
Awww I love this chapter. I like that they faced Karofsky and the little bro parts at the end made me laugh :) Great chapter
Awwwh thank you :) I loved writing it :)