Along the way
Picking up the pieces Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Along the way: Picking up the pieces

T - Words: 1,617 - Last Updated: Sep 16, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Sep 16, 2012
489 0 2 0 0

It wasn't getting any better, if anything, it was getting worse. They say things get worse before they can get better, well who are they?

Later that week after Kurt had read the letter, Kurt didn't cry again yet, he just kept saying he was fine but, he was fare from it.

"I can't do this! I can't draw these stupid new designs I need to do before I go back!" Kurt said raising his voice as he is sitting at the table and throws the pencils down onto the table, some hitting of the table and onto the floor. Blaine looked over to Kurt from the sink. He is glad the kids are down in Jack's room playing the PlayStation.

"Kurt, you aren't going back for another two weeks, it is okay, just leave them today." Blaine said in a calming voice to try and relax Kurt. Kurt got up from the table and walked over to Blaine and stood beside him picking up the towel to dry the dishes Blaine is washing. They did that in silent until they were nearly done. When Kurt went to pick up one of the plates it slipped from his hand and smashed onto the floor in bits.

"Shit!" Kurt said as he dropped onto his knees and started to pick up all the bits around the floor.

"Kurt, don't. You are going to end up cutting yourself." Blaine said as he looked down to Kurt.

"I am capable of doing it, okay!"

"I didn't say you weren't. Let me help you." Blaine got down on his knees as well and started to pick up the pieces. Kurt ignored him and just kept picking up the pieces to. When they had all the pieces picked up they put the pieces into a plastic bag. When Kurt was putting in his pieces he saw blood on Kurt's hand. Blaine took Kurt's hand in his looking at the cut on the side of his finger. He was deep enough to keep bleeding.

"Let me clean it up, I don't want it getting infected." Blaine met Kurt's eyes, but there was no emotion in them.

"It doesn't hurt; I can clean it up myself."

"Kurt, please!"

"I'm fine, okay. I just need to go and do my designs." Kurt gave him a smile that wasn't real and took his hand away from Blaine's, picking up his stuff of the table and heading to the bedroom. Blaine watched as Kurt walked down the hallway and shut the door behind him. He could hear the kids in Jacks room laughing while they played the game.

"Just give him time." Blaine whispered to no one.


The next days and the days that followed were no different. Kurt had either stayed in the bedroom working on his designs or watched TV with the kids for a while. Whenever the kids and Blaine were heading out Kurt wouldn't go and would just say I have to work on my designs. Blaine had seen the designs and nothing more had been done to them since last week. Kurt started not talking as much and would just answer with one word or nod or shake his head. Blaine was really worried about him now. Whenever the kids asked when is daddy going to be okay again? He always answered with the same answer, soon. Time will make this all okay and then daddy will be back to smiling again. It's the same thing Blaine told himself every day.

Jack and Lily are running around the living room after coming in from their build in swimming pool at the back of the house. Jack had taken Lily's towel and she chased him into the house.

"Jaaaack, give it back!" Lily moaned as she stood on one side of the couch and Jack stood the other side.

"No way," Jack laughed as he started to run again and he ran into the small table beside the couch knocking over a picture frame that fell to the floor. Jack put his hand over his face, his eyes going big. Lily stopped beside him as she bent down and picked up the picture frame. She turned it around seeing some bits of glass still in the frame and then she looked at the picture. It was of Burt, Lily, Jack, Kurt and Blaine at their last Christmas together.

"Jack, what do we do?"

"I don't know, I didn't mean to." they both looked at each other feeling really guilty. Footsteps came down the hallway and Kurt appeared behind them.

"Are you two, okay? I heard something b…" Kurt stopped when he seen the picture frame in Lily's hand. He saw his dad in the picture and then looked to Jack and Lily.

"Daddy I am sorry. It was an accident." Jack knew Kurt loved this picture because Burt had given it to Kurt when Burt and Carole were here last; the last thing Burt gave him.

"Go to your room, the both of you." Kurt said in a calm voice.

"Daddy we didn't mean…"

"Now! Go to your room, now!" Kurt shouted. Lily put the picture frame on the table and they both walked to their room upset. Kurt didn't know anyone was behind him until a voice spoke softly.

"They're just kids, Kurt, it was an accident." Kurt turned around and saw Blaine on front of him with a worried expression.

"Yeah, well…" Kurt turned back around and picked up the picture frame looking to his dad in the picture and memories came back from that Christmas day and for a second Kurt smiled but was quickly replaced with a sad one. Blaine didn't say anymore and went to check on the kids.

"Why did you have to leave me?" Kurt whispered to the picture of his dad. Burt had the biggest smile on his face as he had looked towards the camera when Carole was taking the picture. Where is that smile now? Kurt wondered.


"You guys, you know daddy is just sad and I know I keep saying every time that time will make this okay but, it will and then I promise when Daddy's feeling better we can start doing things together again." Jack sat one side of Blaine as Lily sat the other side. They nodded their heads.

"Come here you little monsters." Blaine pulled the two kids in for a hug as they giggled at what Blaine called them. "You two are great kids, I love you."

"We love you to, dad." Jack and Lily both said.

Blaine left Jack's room when the kids decided they would play the play station before bed time. Blaine closed the door after him. He looked out the window in the hallway looking out to the back where the swimming pool is. It was still bright outside, but, the sun had gone in behind the clouds. It was starting to get cold when he was outside with the kids.

Blaine walked up the hallway and into the living room looking around him, not seeing Kurt here or in the kitchen. He walked back down the hallway and smelt something coming from their bedroom, it was smoke. Blaine pushed opened the door, stopping at the door when he saw Kurt in front of him. Kurt was standing at the desk with the small bin sitting on it and flames coming from it. Kurt was burning his designs, pictures, and had the letter Burt had written in his hand with the lighter in his other hand; Kurt had his finger on the button to light up the flame. The flames got higher in the bin.

"Kurt!" Blaine shouted as he went over to Kurt quickly taking the lighter and letter from his hand putting it on the table before Kurt could burn it. Kurt didn't move he just stared at the flames rising. Blaine picked up the bin going to their bathroom with it putting it in the bath and turning the taps on full blast to put it out. Once it was nearly out he went back to Kurt, standing in front of him putting his hands either side of Kurt's face.

"Babe, are you okay? Did you get burnt?" Blaine asked with so much concern and worry in his voice he felt like his heart was going to explode with it. Kurt looked to Blaine's eyes not realising that Blaine had said anything. Kurt looked as that didn't just happen.

"I need my, dad." Was all Kurt said with a steady voice and pulled away from Blaine and walked out the door. Blaine looked out the door and saw Jack and Lily standing outside Jack's room and they looked to were Kurt had headed to the door leading out the back.

Kurt stood at the edge of the pool with his eyes closed as he breathed in and out slowly with his arms folded against his chest. After a few seconds he opened his eyes and didn't believe what he was seeing. He looked towards the other side of the pool. There stood a person with a smile across his face. Wearing an old cap, checked shirt and worn jeans.

"Dad," Kurt breathed out with a sob. He hadn't realised he was crying. He didn't move, just stood there with a smile. When Kurt blinked Burt was gone. Kurt stood frozen at what he just saw. He couldn't have just seen his dad. Kurt finally moved and walked to where he saw Burt standing. He stopped in that stop and looked around him, thinking his dad could appear again. He didn't though, but Kurt was still shocked and kept his gaze on the ground where Burt stood.

"Dad, come back." Kurt whispered into the cold air. Was it possible he had really just seen his dad? It happened so quick that, he thought he had just imagined it.


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Don't be sad. I promise it get's better after a while :)