Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Before leaving Ohio, Burt's will had been read out on the Monday. They had gone through what Burt had left them all but, none of them had expected Burt to have left letters. No one had opened their letters the day they got them because they knew they weren't ready yet to read the final words Burt had written. Rachel, Finn, Carole, Kurt and Blaine had all gotten one. For Burt's grandchildren they all got one but, it was when they turn eighteen they will get them, now they are too young.
Burt had a box with all his stuff in it that was important to him. This box just had things to do with Kurt's mum and Kurt. There had been another box that was for Carole and Finn. Kurt didn't know Burt had kept something like Kurt did but, clearly he did. Kurt didn't open the box yet nor did he open the letter, he couldn't, but he wanted to.
Kurt felt no better, he knew it was going to take a long time and that there was an ache in his heart that wasn't there before, it was always a reminder of what he lost. He just wanted to wake up and feel a little bit better but, that didn't happen. Somehow he found the strength to be okay when the kids were with him.
Kurt sat in the bedroom at his desk with Burt's letter in front of him and his sketches. He just started at them, not doing anything, just looking. Blaine came into the room and stood at the door, looking to Kurt.
"Hey Hun, the kids wanted me to bring them to the park. Do you want to come?" Kurt nodded his head as he got up from the seat. Blaine gave a little smile; glad Kurt was coming with them. He had expected Kurt to say no. It would be the first time Kurt would be out of the house since they got back.
"Kurt, you do know am here to talk, whenever you need to." Blaine said concerned, but Kurt just gave him a smile and was now standing in front of Blaine. Kurt put his hand on Blaine's cheek and rubbed his thumb over the soft skin, meeting Blaine's eyes.
"I know and I love you for it." Kurt leaned into Blaine and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
"I love you to."
Jack and Lily ran into the house and into the living room to watch one of their favourite shows on TV. Kurt and Blaine walked in after them. When they were at the park after half an hour Kurt wanted to go back home, he wanted to read that letter Burt had written him. He didn't say anything thought, the kids were having too much fun and he didn't want to stop that. After an hour they decided to head home.
Kurt walked down the hallway and into the bedroom, shutting the door behind him. Blaine was starting to make dinner for them all, so Blaine hopefully wouldn't come down anytime soon. Kurt sat at the table where he had left the letter. He picked it up and looked at it in his hands for a few seconds, looking at his name written on front of the envelope. He started to open it slowly before pulling out the folded up letter. He unfolded it slowly and was now fully open. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in and out before opening his eyes again, looking at the words and started to read.
Dear Kurt,
I don't know where to begin because I know these are going to be the last words you will hear from me. When we lost your mum, I didn't know how to feel. The love of my life was taken away from me just like that and I wanted to just hide away. I couldn't though, because I had you and you needed me. You shouldn't have had to lose your mum at that age, no one should. You pulled me through and made me realise no matter how hard life got I still had you. If I didn't have you, I don't know how I would have coped. I couldn't have asked for a better son because you are the best. I know your mum would be so proud of you because I am. You and I got through a lot together.
There are so many days I could never forget with you. The one's I remember the most are you telling me you had a boyfriend, you getting that letter from NYADA, you moving to New York, your wedding day, the day Jack was born and the day Lily was born. I remember them the most because those were the days I saw you being so happy, those are the days you will look back on when you get older and know all the pain and hurt was worth it, for this life you have now. Jack and Lily are two of the most amazing and luckiest kids I know, I am so proud to be their granddad and I will look over them when they are growing up. I just wish I was there in person to see them grow up. They will get you through this, just like you got me through when your mum died. I know right now it feels like it will never get better, but I promise, it will.
One thing I ask Kurt is, don't push your kids and Blaine away. They are the ones that are going to get you through this, I know they will. Blaine has gotten you through so many things before, he was the one who made you see that there is happiness in this world, if you just keep holding on and have faith. I've left this world knowing I have left you in safe arms with our family. Take care of them all Kurt. With sadness, comes happiness. We lost your mum but, I got a second chance of love with Carole, I got another two sons, Finn and Blaine. I got a daughter in law and Rachel has become a daughter to me. I got three wonderful grandchildren, Jack, Lily, and Summer that is growing up to have the most amazing parents. My life became something I thought it wouldn't, it became happy again and that is because of you and everyone else in my life. Now, I get to be with my first love again and both of us will look down on you all. I love you Kurt and I won't ever stop. Till we see each other again, I will look over you and wait for you.
Love, your dad
Kurt choked out sobs as he held the letter to his chest. He got up from the desk and walked over to the bed sitting on the edge of it. He still held the letter close to his heart, like the words could comfort his broken heart. He had read the last words from Burt and wished there was more. Reading the letter just made it even more real. He thought he could do this, he thought he could pretend everything was going to be alright. He couldn't, he couldn't because his dad was gone, what if he never got to see him again, what if the last time he would ever see his dad again was pulling out of their drive way, waving goodbye. What if the last words but would ever speak to him on the phone two days before the heart attack was I love you son. I will see you next week. The next week had come and Burt wasn't here, he should be here.
Jack is walking up the hallway after coming out of his room and passing his parents room. He stops when he hears something that sounds like crying. His little smile turns into a frown when he realises his daddy is crying. Jack walks into the living room beside the couch where Lily and Blaine are sitting, watching TV.
"Dad?" Jack said his voice sad. Blaine looks up at him and becomes concerned. Jack comes to stand in front of Blaine.
"Hey, what's wrong?"
"Daddy's crying."
"Is it because of granddad?" Lily asked her now becoming sad. Jack sat in-between Blaine and Lily. The two kids looked to Blaine as he looked to them both.
"Daddy's just still very sad about losing granddad but, I promise in time he will become better." The kids nodded their heads sadly. "I will be back in a minute." Blaine said softly as he got up and headed down the hallway. He got to their bedroom door and heard Kurt crying. He knew that Kurt was going to cry so many times and he would want to be left on his own but, he had seen the letter sitting on the table and knew he could have opened it. Blaine opened the door slowly and in front of him sitting on the end of the bed is Kurt crying into his hand, while the other holds a piece of paper. Kurt looked up to see Blaine standing at the door. Tears ran down Kurt's face, some landing on the piece of paper.
"H-he's really gone, he's g-gone, Blaine." Kurt choked out through the tears and Blaine came to his side wrapping his arms around him and pulling Kurt into his chest. Blaine took the letter out of Kurt's hand gently and put it beside him. Kurt cried into Blaine's chest, and Blaine felt the tears behind his eyes ready to fall. In the next second Jack and Lily came in getting up on the bed and putting their little arms around Kurt to. Blaine looked to their two kids who leaned their heads against their daddy, with little tears falling down their faces, wishing a smile would replace the tears on their daddy's face.
it gets sadder than this???
Yeah am sorry :( But I promise after like two more chapter's, it get's better :)