Along the way
Memories is all I have left Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Along the way: Memories is all I have left

T - Words: 1,880 - Last Updated: Sep 16, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Sep 16, 2012
544 0 2 0 0

The plane ride to Ohio had been quiet. They had got a last-minute flight back at three in the morning. Driving back would have had taken too long. Most people where sleeping on the plane while others just sat in silent like Kurt did as he looked out the window, only seeing blackness in the sky. They might be high up in the sky now but, the plane would be going down soon, just like his life, the second Blaine had told him about his dad. The kids had been asleep in the row behind them and Blaine opened his eyes every so often to look at Kurt, who was in a trance as he looked out the window. Blaine knew he couldn't say anything to Kurt to make this better. He just put out his hand and wrapped it around Kurt's to let him know he would always be there for him. Kurt didn't look at Blaine; he just gave a tiny squeeze back to Blaine's hand, not looking away from the window.

Telling the kids had been heart breaking. Blaine had told them after Kurt had cried himself to sleep that night in Blaine's arms. Cooper had been with him when Blaine had told them. The look on Jack and Lily's face told him they understood but, they didn't take it in that their granddad had died. They gave Blaine a hug and had asked was daddy okay? Cooper had rung and booked the tickets. He and Sarah would be flying to Ohio tomorrow.


It was two o'clock in the day now and Carole, Kurt and Finn were sitting at the kitchen table. Blaine and Rachel were at the park with the kids. Carole, Kurt and Finn are making the funeral arrangements. It's so hard for them to do it but, they know it needs to get done. Kurt hadn't cried since Blaine had told him, now he just felt empty and numb. Carole had broken down when Blaine, Kurt and the kids had arrived that morning. Blaine and Rachel had taken the kids out so they didn't have to listen to the funeral arrangements.

Blaine and Rachel were sitting on the park bench looking over towards the kids in the playground. Jack was trying to cross the monkey bars, while Lily and Summer were on the swings. Summer is Finn and Rachel's ten-year old kid. Finn and Rachel had been apart for a year when they were in two different colleges. When they had gotten back together after the year apart, they got married two years after. Two years after they got married Rachel became pregnant with Summer. It wasn't planned but Summer turned out to be the best thing to happen to them. She had Rachel's beautiful eyes and Finns hair. She is talented at singing and art. When they would visit each other, she always wanted Blaine to teach her how to play guitar and he did. She was getting better at it every time.

Since they had gotten to the park Rachel and Blaine hadn't said much to each other. They were lost in their own thoughts of what had happened in the past couple of hours.

"How do you tell your kid that they aren't going to see granddad anymore?" Rachel said, breaking the silent in a soft tone.

"Honestly, I don't know. When I told Jack and Lily it was so hard not to break down." Blaine whispered as he looked to Rachel and back to the kids.

"I don't think it has really sunk in yet for them."

"I don't think it has for any of us. I can't believe he is gone." The kids started running up to Blaine and Rachel. When they had got to them they were out of breath.

"Dad, can we go back and see daddy now?" Lily asked as she tried catching her breath.

"Yeah, course we can sweetheart."


When they had got back to Carole's house only Finn and Carole were sitting at the table. Kurt had been gone from the table an hour ago and when Finn when to check on him, he just wanted to be left alone for a while.

Kurt was in his old bedroom sitting on the floor, his back against the end of the bed. Nothing had changed in the room. The bed was still in the same place as everything else that was too heavy or attached to the wall was. The only different in the room since Kurt had left that day to go to New York was, most of his stuff was gone out of the room and things had replaced Kurt's that was once there. The room was now for when they came to visit or any other guests. Just like Finn's old room was to. Now, Finn's old room was so clean you would swear it didn't use to be Finn's.

After an hour talking of funeral arrangements, Kurt had to leave the room. No matter how big the kitchen was he felt sufficed in there and couldn't breathe. When he left the kitchen this is where he came up to. He didn't know how long he had sat there and honestly, it didn't matter to him, he just wanted to stay in here and to never leave this room.

He looked up at the shelves in front of him that held a lot of memories of him being younger. On the three shelves there were memories on each. The first shelf held a photo frame with a picture inside it of Kurt when he was three with his mum and dad at the beach. They wore the biggest smiles on their faces. Beside that were three little shells. Kurt had picked them up that day saying to his mum and dad we are these three shells that I will keep, forever.

On the second shelf held three things that Kurt was going to throw away but, that Burt wanted to keep. The first was his first certificate for singing lessons that was framed. The second was a leaflet of the first play Kurt was in, also framed. The third was a card that Kurt had made Burt for father's day. Kurt and his mum had always made Burt a card together for father's day. But that year was the first time Kurt had made it all on his own and it meant a lot to Burt. Burt had kept all the other stuff Kurt had made him but, this one is framed because it wasn't just a card to Burt, this showed him that it was the first time Kurt had started to do things for himself, even at a young age. They were simple things for older kids but for Kurt's age it was difficult. Burt helped him with everything but when Kurt wanted to do something by himself, Burt would let him.

On the last bottom shelf on the left was Burt and Kurt on his gradation with his certificate beside it. Next to that in the middle was two picture frames. One held the picture of Kurt and Blaine at the junior prom while the other held their senior prom. In between them pictures was the prom trophic. On the right was a picture frame that held three pictures. One with Burt, Kurt and Blaine at Blaine's graduation, one with Kurt and Blaine at their wedding and the picture in the middle was of the family at Kurt and Blaine's wedding.

Kurt looked from the shelves to the wall on the right where a picture of Kurt, Blaine, Lily and Jack together was hung. Beside that picture were Burt and Carole with Lily and Jack. Kurt looked back down to his knees where a box lay. It was a box of memories that held everything that is important to him. His mum had giving it to him and the first thing he had put in was his moms beautiful designed hairbrush she used every so often. His mum had told him it was magical and that every time you brush your hair with it, it would bring you luck. He had put it in a few weeks after his mum had died and since then he had always put the most important things into the box. He still does it when he comes back here. He would never stop putting things in it because it might just be a box to other people but to Kurt it was special because it was the last thing his mum had given him before she had died. The box was black with little designs on each corner. It was only half full and Kurt never wanted it to become full because once it did, there would be no more room left for anymore memories. He wanted all the special memories and important things to go in this one box. Only him, his mum and dad knew about this special box he had. Everything important since he was a kid was in this box and he knew if he opened it now, he would cry and wouldn't stop because those memories he would want to go back to, those memories he would want to relive but, in the end, he knew he couldn't. His mum and dad were gone and he couldn't do anything to get them back, but one thing he knew, they were together once again, happy.

Kurt put the box under the bed and pulled back down the duvet to hang back over the end of the bed. He looked over to his left to look out the window. He hadn't noticed that it had started to rain lightly. It was summer rain and the sun was still half out in the sky. It was nearly five and Kurt could feel his eyes getting too tired to stay open. He had been awake over the past twenty-four hours and that tiredness was starting to kick in. He didn't want to go to sleep though because he knew when he woke up, for the first few seconds, he would still think everything was okay, that his dad was still here, until his memory would go back to the past.

He heard footsteps on the hallway and he prayed it wasn't Finn again. No matter how much he loved his brother, Finn would always make things worse by feeling the need to fill every second of silent with words and Kurt didn't want to talk, it wasn't helping now. Kurt went to wipe away tears when he felt no wetness on his face, he hadn't been crying and he wondered was something wrong with him because he had only cried once for his father passing away. The door slowly opened and Blaine appeared. Kurt didn't look to see who it was until Blaine was sitting down beside him with his back against the bed. Kurt looked up at him for just a few seconds giving him a sad smile, which Blaine returned. Kurt had his head resting on Blaine's shoulder before he even realised it. He felt Blaine's arm go around his back gently and pull Kurt in a little closer as he kissed the top of Kurt's head and rested his cheek on top of Kurt's head. There was no need for words at this moment because, there were none.


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I hope I made it as real as possible for you to read :)Thank you for your review :)