Along the way
Don't forget me Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Along the way: Don't forget me

T - Words: 1,601 - Last Updated: Sep 16, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Sep 16, 2012
543 0 2 0 0

"Dad!" the kids shouted as they ran into their parent's room and jumped onto the bed. Blaine was the only one in the bed. Kurt had gone to work ages ago and the kids were up at eight watching cartoons. They were bored after an hour of watching them and decided to go in and wake up their dad, who was still asleep. Jack and Lily started jumping on the bed and they knew if Kurt were here he would off gave out to them for doing it but, Blaine never did. Blaine mumbled into the pillow for them to go away but, they just laughed and kept bouncing. Blaine turned around sitting up quickly on the bed and pulled the two kids down onto the bed playfully as they all laughed.

"I'm hungry and you two are going to be my food." Blaine put on a different voice as Jack and Lily half screamed and half laughed as they jumped up from the bed.

"Don't be scary, dad." Jack laughed as him and Lily stood at the door getting ready to run away from the door when Blaine got out of bed to chase them.

"I am not your dad, I am the food monster!" Blaine shouted jumping up from the bed chasing after the kids as they ran from the door and down the hallway into the living room.


Blaine, Lily, and Jack are sitting on the couch watching a film with the curtains pulled, the lights turned off, and eating sweets and popcorn when there's a knock on the door. Blaine gets up to answer it. He opens the door to find Cooper standing there with a big grin on his face.


"Don't I get hug, little bro." Cooper pulls his brother in for a hug.

"What are doing here? I thought you were doing another film." Blaine asked, shocked he was here.

"Well, I was supposed to be but, then I found out it could go on over half a year and I didn't want to do it. I would miss Sarah too much and all you guy's. I need a break from it all." Sarah was Cooper's fianc�e. They have been going out for five years and last year they had got engaged. Cooper lived back in New York City with her. As Blaine and Cooper walked back into the living room the kids turned around to see who it was. Their faces lit up when they saw their uncle.

"Uncle Coop!" they shouted happily as they ran to him. Cooper bends down on his knees to give them a massive hug.

"How are my two favourite kids?"

"Good." They both said.

"Look what I got you both." Cooper pulled out a DVD from his coat pocket and held it in from of them. "No one has got this new film yet but, I was able to get a copy for you two. It's a great film, trust Me." the kids got excited as Cooper handed it to them. They gave him another hug and went to put it in the DVD player. Blaine and Cooper walked into the kitchen and Blaine put on the kettle.

"So, what did you get me?" Blaine joked as he sat down at the table beside Cooper. Cooper gave him a playful slap on the face.

"Dude!" Blaine said trying to look mad.

"What? That's what I got you." Coop laughed. "So, how's my brother in law?"

"Fine. He is at work, while I have to entertain Jack and Lily all summer. Seeing as you aren't doing the film, I can drag you into doing things with us." Blaine smirked as his brother nodded happily at him.

"I would love to. When are you all heading to Ohio? "

"Next Tuesday. Kurt needs the break. He has been working on new designs for weeks now. Their having another meeting today and it's down to Kurt and some girl and they are going to use the designs from one of them." Coop could see how worried he was and knew Blaine was going to say more.

"There was nights were I woke up and he was still up working on his designs. This was like at three in the morning. It means so much to him."

"Hey, he is going to get it. This is Kurt, we are talking about. I have an idea. I will look after the kids tonight while you and Kurt go and spend some time together."

"Coop, I…"

"No, excuses. You two need a break from work and being dads, okay?"

"Okay." Blaine nodded his head and gave his brother a grateful smile.


It was ten to six and Kurt usually got home at six. Blaine was putting the kid's toys back into the box that was lying around the living room. Cooper was in Jacks room playing the PlayStation with him as Lily watched them. The house phone started ringing and Blaine put down the box and headed into the kitchen and picked up the handset that was sitting on the counter. Blaine smiled as he answered it, he couldn't wait to spend the rest of the day with Kurt, just the two of them.

"Hello. Hi, Carole. No he isn't going to be back till six or afterwards. I can get him to…Carole are you okay?" Blaine suddenly became really concerned. Carole's voice was hoarse and started to crack with every word she said.

"It's Burt, Blaine. He-he had a heart attack. He em, he didn't make it." Carole let out a sob even though she tried to keep her voice steady." Did I really just hear those words Blaine though as he had to put a hand on the counter to steady himself. He can't be, he just can't.

"Blaine." Come's the broken voice at the other end of the phone.

"Yeah, am still here. I can't believe it. Not Burt." Blaine choked out and didn't realise the tears falling fast from his eyes. How could he tell Kurt this? It would break him.


Blaine had hung up the phone a few minutes ago to Carole. Blaine had his elbows leaned on the counter with his head between his hands, tears falling fast from his eyes. Cooper came out of Jacks room.

"Blaine, you never told me Jack is really…" Cooper stopped when he saw his brother crying over the counter. Cooper quickly made his way over to Blaine pulling him into his arms.

"Blaine, what happened?" Cooper asked with so much concern and worry in his voice. He had tears behind his eyes from just seeing his brother look so broken.

"Burt had a heart attack." Blaine choked out. "He didn't make it." The last words were whispered before the sobs started again. Cooper pulled his brother tighter as tears started to fall on Cooper's face. He might not have seen Burt a lot but, he knew how good of a man he was and how important he had become in Blaine's life. How was anyone ever supposed to tell Kurt this?


Blaine and Cooper were sitting out the couch. Blaine was starting at the wall, he was in trance. The kids luckily hadn't come up. It was just after six when they heard a car pull up at the house. Blaine was pulled out of his trance and looked to Cooper feeling his heart racing and breaking at the same time.

"Coop could-could you keep the kids in the room. They d-don't need to hear this yet." Cooper nodded his head rubbing his brothers back before getting up and heading down to the kids room and shutting it behind him. One door shut while another opened and Kurt walked in smiling. Blaine's back was turned to him as he wiped his eyes.

"Blaine, I got it! They choose my designs!" Kurt said excitedly as he shut the door behind him. He couldn't have been happier. Blaine let a tiny smile on his face from what Kurt said.

"That's great, Hun." Blaine whispered but Kurt still heard him. Blaine slowly got up from the couch to face Kurt. When Kurt saw Blaine's face he raced over to him putting his hand on Blaine's check.

"Blaine, what's wrong? What happened?" Kurt said the concern in his voice overtaking it. Blaine put his hand on Kurt's that was on his face, wrapping his fingers around Kurt's. They both walked over to the couch and sat facing each other. Blaine looked down to their joined hands before lifting up his head to meet Kurt's eyes.

"You're scaring me now, Blaine."

"It's your dad, Kurt. He had another heart attack."

"Oh my god, is he going to be okay? When did it happen? How do you know?" Kurt panicked as he rushed his words. Blaine didn't answer. "Blaine?" he pleaded for him to tell him.

"H-he didn't make it." Blaine choked out as Kurt shook his head.

"No, no, no, no, no. Don't say that. He was fine." Kurt said not believing it. "I have to ring, Carole." Kurt let go of Blaine's hand and walked to the kitchen picking up the handset to dial the number. Blaine got up after him and gently took the phone out of Kurt's shaking hands. Blaine put the phone on the table as Kurt slowly walked away from the table before stopping and turning back around to face Blaine. Kurt broke. Tears poured from his eyes as he choked out sobs.

"I'm not ready for this." Kurt choked out as he collapsed into Blaine's arms. Kurt buried his head into Blaine's shoulder crying heavily into it. Blaine pulled him in as close as he could. Blaine's tears started again as he held Kurt in his arms wishing he could do anything to make this all go away, to have Burt back.

End Notes: Killing Burt of was hard. He isn't gone complete yet though. I couldn't get rid of him altogether. I had to bring Cooper back into it because he is awesome and is going to help them through this. I will probably end up bringing Sarah into it to. So what did you guy's think of this chapter? :)


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this was exactly how i envisioned what was going to happen to burt. although i thought kurt would be in a state of shock a little longer than this; i expected kurt to lose it and start crying at the beginning of the next chapter. and those poor kids; i can only imagine how they're going to react to the news. how in the world are kurt, blaine, and cooper going to tell the kids? excuse me while i go sob quietly in the corner :'(

Oh trust me when I say this is the calm before the storm. It's kinda like for him it hasn't kicked in fully yet. Like he knows and all but it hasn't really hit him yet what happened.Awh don't cry :(Thank you for your review :)