Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Burt and Kurt were sitting at the table having a long overdue talk. Blaine and Carole had gone out shopping for food with Jack and Lily. One thing Kurt missed so much about being a teenager was having his dad just upstairs whenever he needed him and now he was miles away. No phone, Skype, Internet, not anything could ever be better that having the person you loved in front of you.
"It's all down to having a great father that would fight for me even when I was wrong. No matter how bad my day was you would always try to make me laugh. It worked and all."
"Well, that's what you do for family, always." Burt smiled as the door to the house open and the kids came running in.
"Granddad, Granddad! Look what dad got us?" Jack said excitedly as Burt pulled him up on his lap. Jack put the little ukulele on the table.
"Jack, was dad in that music shop again?" Kurt asked as Jack said nothing and just nodded his head.
"That's a pretty cool thing your dad got you two." Burt said messing with the four strings on it. Kurt picked Lily up who was stood beside the table and put her on his knee as she laughed at her granddad trying to play it.
"He spoils you two." Kurt said looking at his kids as they giggled. The next minute Carole and Blaine came into the kitchen with bags in their hands as they rested them on the counter.
"Blaine. What have I told you about going into that music shop?" Kurt said as he looked over to Blaine who was about to take things out from the plastic bags.
"I know but, it was so cute and I what to teach the kids how to play it. Don't give me that look because I will give you a look and then it will turn into this look war and it will not end well." Burt and Carole looked at each other confused.
"They don't speak in English sometimes." Lily said serious and they all just started laughing.
"I think the only two kids here are you two." Burt chuckled as he looked to Kurt and then to Blaine shaking his head.
Burt and Carole was after putting Lily and Jack to bed and was walking up the hallway talking as they came into the living room looking towards the couch.
"Ssh. Look." Carole whispered to Burt who was standing beside her and she pointed to Blaine and Kurt, who were asleep. They had left them watching TV. Kurt had his head resting on Blaine's shoulder, while Blaine leaned his head on top of Kurt's. Burt and Carole gave each other an adorable look.
"I don't think we should wake them. I will go get a blanket." Carole headed out of the room to get a blanket while Burt went over to the table picking up one of the kids markers and went back to stand in front of them about to lean over to them when Carole walked back in giving him a don't think about it look.
"Honestly Burt, a man of your age going to draw on their faces and you couldn't even nearly wait till I got back to help you." Carole laughed quietly as she also picked up a marker and put down the blanket and stood beside Burt and started to draw on Kurt and Blaine's face, laughing quietly to themselves hoping the boys wouldn't wake up just yet.
Kurt slowly opened his eyes. He felt a pain in his neck suddenly go through him before realising it was early in the morning. He gently pulled his head from under Blaine's and let Blaine's head fall onto his shoulder for the few seconds he was still asleep until he woke up lifting his head of Kurt's shoulder and looked around him. Blaine looked to Kurt who had a confused expression all over his face. Kurt suddenly laughed while Blaine noticed the marker over Kurt's face.
"You have marker over your face. Well, either that or you have suddenly grown a red beard."
"You are one to talk, Hitler." Blaine smirked as Kurt's eyes widen.
"Oh, the kids are so dead tomorrow."
"We promise we are not mad. We just want to know if you two did it." Kurt said softly as he was sitting beside Blaine at the table and Jack and Lily were sitting across from them. They shook their heads as they looked towards their dad's. They didn't look guilty because they didn't do it and Kurt and Blaine believed them. They hadn't wiped the marker of their face and they told the kid's to pretend that they never had this conversation and to say nothing go granddad and grandma. Jack and Lily knew their dads were up to something and couldn't wait to see what it was.
The kids were playing in the living room while Burt and Carole were sitting at the table drinking their tea. Kurt was cleaning the dishes up in the kitchen while Blaine headed into the kitchen giving Kurt a wink before sitting down with Burt and Carole. The marker was of their faces and no one had said anything about it and now it was time to get Carole and Burt back. Blaine started scratching his face, neck and around his shoulders.
"Are you okay, Blaine?" Carole asked as she looked to Blaine.
"Yeah, I am just really itchy and am starting to get spots on my shoulders and neck. They are really sore."
"When did it start?"
"This morning. It's probably because of that marker stuff that was on my face. Mum said I always used to itch whenever I got some on my skin. I used to get really warm and it made me get sick sometimes." Burt and Carole looked over at each other feeling guilty and concerned. "I might just go lie down." Blaine got up from his seat and headed back down the hallway to his bedroom. When Kurt finished the dishes he walked over to the table.
"Was Blaine, okay?" Kurt asked and it was time to start pretending now.
"He didn't feel too good. He went to lie down." Burt said with guilt in his voice.
"It must have been that damn marker. I told the kids about not putting marker on us before but, they just don't listen sometimes. I will have to talk to them later about this. They won't be getting to go anywhere fun for a while." Kurt whispered so Jack and Lily wouldn't hear. "He is going to be really sick now. Last time this happened he kept getting sick and I had to bring him to the doctor to get something for it to stop. I better see is he alright?" Kurt said concerned as he made his down the hallway before Burt or Carole could say anything.
"Burt, I feel so bad."
"I do to. We will tell Kurt it was us when he comes back up. He is going to be really mad at us." Burt said not looking forward to telling Kurt.
"Blaine, come on, it isn't that hard to do."
"I really will get sick if I do it." Blaine moaned as they were both stood in the main bathroom facing each other.
"I will put my fingers down your throat if you don't."
"Okay, fine. The things I do for you." Blaine said as he put his fingers in his mouth and down his throat. Kurt looked amused and tried not to laugh.
"You know, however wrong, this is a little bit of a turn on." Kurt chuckled as Blaine started to gag.
"Carole, I think Blaine's getting sick." They both looked at each other about to get up from the table when Kurt appeared looking really worried.
"Kurt, is he okay?"
"No. I need to get him to a doctor. This is starting again. He is really warm and sweating and now getting sick." Kurt mumbled as he looked for the handset phone.
"I can look at him." Carole said about to go down the hallway.
"No. I need to get him to a doctor, Carole. Like, right now." Kurt panicked as he found the phone.
"Who are you ringing?"
"The doctor on call."
"Kurt, we were the ones who put the marker on your faces. We didn't think this would happen." Burt said worried and guilty. Kurt looked up from the phone looking to his dad and then to Carole and back to his dad.
"How childish could you two be? He could be sick for day's now! The last time was really bad and it's going to happen again! It is happening again! Kurt's voice got louder every time.
"Bud, we are really sorry."
"Not good enough." Kurt looked back down and dialled the number and it rang until there was an answer.
"Hello, Mr Key. It's Kurt Anderson-Hummel here. My husband won't stop getting sick and I was wondering if you could come over. It's the same thing as before and I don't want it to end up bad again. What should I do?"
"Tell Burt and Carole we just pranked them." Blaine said as he walked out of the bathroom holding the phone up to his ear, grinning. Burt and Carole looked as Blaine and Kurt hung up the phones and started laughing. Jack and Lily were giggling and clapping as they were sitting up on the couch looking over at them all.
"Prank five." Blaine said as he and Kurt high fived before they both turned to Burt and Carole who looked shocked.
"That's what you get for putting marker on our faces. Isn't that right kids?" Kurt said looking towards the kids who said yeah before turning back to watch TV.
"You two are evil." Burt chuckled as he and Carole sat back down and let out a sigh of relief that it was a prank.
"Well, after the lovely make over you two gave us we had to get you back some way." Blaine laughed as Carole and Burt shook their heads.
"See you two in a few weeks." Burt said as he was kneeled down in front of Jack and Lily. "Promise me you will prank your dad's when they are least expecting it.
"We will." Jack and Lily giggled as Burt pulled them both in for a hug. Carole gave them a hug after Burt did. They were all stood outside the house saying goodbye. Burt and Carole were heading home. It was ten in the morning. Burt and Carole's flight was for one and they wanted to get to the airport. The taxi had just pulled up. No matter how many times Kurt and Blaine offered to bring them to the airport they would say no because it would be too much trouble, which it wasn't. Burt and Carole hugged Kurt and Blaine before pulling away from them.
"You two look after each other now and these two special little kids."
"You will miss us when were gone. We will see you all soon." Carole said before her and Burt headed to the taxi. When they got in, Burt rolled down his window.
"Love you all." Burt said as him and Carole waved out the window as the taxi pulled away and onto the road. Kurt, Blaine and the kids waved back. A few seconds later the taxi disappeared into the distance and they headed back inside.
That night Kurt was in bed leaning against the headboard and reading a book he couldn't stop reading. Blaine came out of the bathroom in an old t-shirt and tracksuit bottoms. He turned off the bathroom light and the only light in the room was the two bedside lamps, one on both sides of the bed. Blaine pulled over the duvet on his side and hoped in to bed pulling over the duvet with his back against the headboard. He titled his head to the left, looking at Kurt reading.
"What are you reading?" Blaine asked curious.
"The best of me by Nicholas Sparks. It's about two people and they have to come back to the town they grew up in when a friend of theirs die. They used to be together when they were teenagers but, when the girl went to college they didn't see each other again until now. We saw it in the cinema years ago. I just always think his books are better." Kurt said not looking away from the book.
"You must have all of his books by now."
"I have most of them. I still have to get…Blaine!" Kurt giggled as Blaine tried to take the book out of Kurt's hands.
"Give it back." Kurt said as Blaine hid the book behind his back sitting on his knees and leaned into Kurt's face.
"You know you don't want to read, tonight." Blaine smirked as he whispered the words. Blaine let the book fall behind them onto the bed. He moved his hand under Kurt's t-shirt and slowly let his hand move along Kurt's chest.
"Blaine, the kids could walk in." Kurt said as he gazed at Blaine.
"Unless they wake up and can get through our locked door, then I don't think so." Blaine said in a low sexy voice that Kurt could not resist. In the next second Kurt had pushed Blaine down fully on the bed. Blaine's head rested on the pillows while Kurt had his legs either side of Blaine's thighs. Blaine pushed himself up against the headboard just before Kurt crashed his lips against Blaine's lips hard. Blaine let his hands move slowly up Kurt's back, bringing the t-shirt with him slowly. Tongue's touching, teeth hitting gently, biting down on their lips, it got pretty heated. Kurt let his lips fall from Blaine's to his neck. He kissed down his neck slowly, letting his lips graze pass the spot that Kurt bit down on every time.
"You're a tease." Blaine breathed out letting his fore head fall onto the side of Kurt's head. Kurt let out a little laugh as his lips connected with the spot on Blaine's neck. He gently bit into in and after a few seconds of Blaine letting out little moans, Kurt bit on the spot harder and oh yeah, there was that moan from Blaine that he knew he was driving Blaine mad if he kept it up. Blaine pulled Kurt's t-shirt over his head and onto the floor when Kurt pulled away for a second. Kurt then slowly took of Blaine's t-shirt as it landed beside Kurt's, a mess on the floor. Kurt went back to connecting his lips with Blaine's skin. He started from Blaine's shoulder and trailed kisses down his chest. Blaine's breathing got heavier and quicker. Kurt's eyes were back on Blaine's as he gazed at him with love that could fill the world.
"You want me to stop driving you, crazy?" Kurt teased as Blaine brought his hand up into Kurt's hair as he played with the pieces of soft hair for a minute.
"No. I never want you to stop." They smiled at each other before they both leaned in and joined lips again in a soft touch before it got more passionate again. To them this is called making, love.
the fluff and lightness here was great and all (i really loved the beards and revenge), but i can't wait for the angst to hit the fan :)
Awh thank you :) I loved writing that part. It was fun to write.You don't have to wait to long because thats in the next chapter I am about to put up. Hope you enjoy it :)