Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
Sept. 16, 2012, 4:46 a.m.
"You embarrass me all the time! I hate going to the same school were you teach!" Lily stormed into the house with Blaine walking behind her. Jack hadn't even got out of the car yet, he was on the phone.
Kurt came out of his designing room as he heard Lily shout. Here we go again Kurt thought. Kurt walked up the hallway just as Lily was coming down the hall looking really mad and then he looked to Blaine who looked wrecked.
"Lily I just don't want you near that boy." Lily stopped in the hallway and turned around to look at Blaine who was walking slowly towards her.
"What boy? Clay?" Kurt asked confused and Blaine nodded his head. "Lily you are just sixteen and he is, well…" Kurt said as he walked up beside Blaine and Faced Lily who just kept getting madder.
"Rude, annoying, a smart arse…"
"Okay Blaine, just, don't go over the top."
"Oh my god, dad, you are his teacher, he is your student, what do you want him to be like towards you? A teacher's pet!" Lily snapped as she folded her arms.
"No, but I expect him to have respect for me seeing as I am his teacher and no daughter of ours is going out with someone like him." Lily signed as she tried to calm herself.
"He is different around me. He acts like that to try to be cool around his friends. He…he just feels that there's a lot of pressure at school for him to be like that." Lily said more calmly and thought maybe by telling them the truth they would understand more.
"Why didn't you just tell us that?" Kurt asked softly as he gave a little smile to Lily who returned it.
"He didn't want people to know. If they did, well then, he thinks he would just be this uncool loser that nobody wants to hang out with, just because he would be himself and be nice to people." She shrugged her shoulders as she bit her bottom lip and waited for her dad's to say something.
"Reminds me of Noah and your uncle Finn in high school. And I guess if they can become the nice people they are today then so can Clay."
"Does that mean I can go…?"
"No, no way. You are not going out with him." Blaine shook his head. Before Lily could say anything Kurt did.
"Lily just go and do your homework or something and I'll call you when dinner's ready." Lily just nodded her head and headed to her room.
"I think you and I need to talk." Kurt said as he took Blaine's hand and led them to the kitchen table.
When they were sat at the table Jack walked in, his school bag still on his back and the phone in his hand as he looked down at it and was texting.
"Hey Dad." Jack said as he didn't look up from the phone and went to the kitchen.
"Hey Clay. Did you have a good day at school?" Kurt asked and now Clay looked up from his phone with a grin on his face as he looked to Kurt.
"Oh yeah. It was awesome. Before we left school dad embarrassed Lily. She was talking to Clay and he was asking her out when dad goes up and takes Lily's hand and pulls her away from him before she could answer. And he did it not just in front of Clay but, wait for it…a load of her friends were just a few feet away from them and they saw the whole thing." Jack was laughing when he finished and Blaine just put his head down on the table. "Where is Lea? I need her to do something for me."
"Rachel picked her up from school and wanted to spend the day with her. Why?"
"I need her to do my maths homework. It's really hard." Jack said as he shoved some chocolate into her mouth. Kurt looked at him shocked.
"First of all, close your mouth when eating and second she's only eight, your nearly eighteen, how do you expect her to do your homework?" Kurt asked raising an eyebrow and Jack just shrugged.
"She has both of your DNA, she's smart, trust me, she can do it."
"Why can't you do it?"
"I can't because I didn't get the brains from you guys. I got the looks. And Lily got the…well…she got the being dramatic from you two." Jack chuckled and headed down the hallway to his room before Kurt could answer him back.
"We are not dramatic. But after what you did today, maybe you are a bit." Kurt couldn't help but let a laugh escape his lips and Blaine just moaned as he lifted up his head to look at Kurt.
"I am a bad dad. I can't believe I did that. It was just a spur of the moment thing and I don't like that kid and seeing Lily flirting with him, I just…I don't know." Kurt put his two hands across the table and held onto Blaine's and looked him in the eyes.
"You are a great dad, Blaine. Lily will get over what you did but, she's a teenage girl and of course she is going to want to have a boyfriend. I can see where you are coming from. Clay has been your student for years and he seemed to be a brat but, you don't know the real him. You only ever see what he is like around his friends and we both know how scary it can be to be yourself because it can lead to bullying. Finn used to be someone like him and now look at how nice he is. But I know you and I know it's not just about Clay, she's our little girl who is growing up and it's hard to see her all growing up and her not being that little girl who would always want to follow us whenever we went. Let's just give Clay a chance, like we do with everyone and if he turns out to be the boy who Lily says he really is, great. And if he isn't trust me he wouldn't be long going out that door if we have something to say about it." They both let out a laugh at those last words.
Blaine let go of Kurt's hand's and got up from his seat and walked around to Kurt, who also got up and meet Blaine halfway. Blaine pulled Kurt in for a hug and they wrapped their arms around each other.
"Their growing up too fast. Maybe Lea can just stay eight forever." Blaine mumbled into Kurt's shoulder.
"Well at least their still young. We are old. I wish we could stay young forever. I would have stayed seventeen forever."
"Um, me to. But then I guess if we had of we wouldn't have three amazing kids." Kurt pulled back a little enough to see Blaine's face fully.
"That's true. Nice work by the way, daddy. They got your brains."
"They got your looks and also your bitchy glares." Kurt pretended to be shocked and before he could say anything Blaine's lips were already on his. Blaine pulled up one of his hands and leaned it on Kurt's cheek, rubbing his thumb over it while the other hand rested on Kurt's waist. Kurt's arms were wrapped around Blaine's waist as he pulled him in closer. Their lips gently swiped over each other's before the kiss got deeper and just as it was getting deeper a voice came up from behind them.
"Gross! Why do you guys have to do that so much?" Lily said with a disgusted face on her. "Plus you two are too old for doing that." Kurt and Blaine chuckled as they turned around to face her.
"Hey, early forties are not old. And you better not be cheeky if you want us to say yes about Clay." Blaine said as her face light up and she grinned.
"Does that mean you don't mind if…"
"Hold on. First we met him. Even if your dad teaches him we what to see the real Clay before you go on any dates or anything like that with him." Kurt said serious and she nodded her head excitedly.
"Just please don't embarrass me again, please?" she begged as they both nodded their heads.
"Promise!" they both said with a smile.
"Thank you, thank you! I promise he is really nice. I would hug you guy's but you two can just keep making out, even though it's gross." She chuckled as she grinned and headed back down the hallway happily. Kurt and Blaine both turn back to each other.
"I need to buy a shotgun before he comes over." Blaine said as serious as he could and Kurt just burst out laughing and let his head fall onto Blaine's chest. Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt's shoulder laughing to as he kissed Kurt's head and then leaned his on top of Kurt's, closing his eyes and just thinking how much he loved his family.
It was twenty minutes before school was finished for the day. Blaine had a free class and was heading down the empty hallway back to his classroom when he heard shouting coming from a distance. Blaine started to walk faster as the shouts got louder. He turned around the corner and saw a group of lads cheering on two guys fighting on the floor. Blaine started to run and shouted.
"Hey! Stop it!" the group of lads that were standing and one of the guys on the floor got up and started to run out the corridor. Blaine saw Clay get up and was about to run after them but Blaine pulled him back by the waist.
"Don't think about it Clay! My room, now!" Clay didn't say anything. He didn't even look at Blaine and just headed into Blaine's room as Blaine followed.
Once they were in the room and the door was shut Clay sat at one of the desks and didn't lift up his head. Blaine sat on the edge of his own desk in front of the desk Clay was sat at.
"What was that all about?" No answer. "Clay, tell me or I will ask them myself and I know you will only think that will make it worse." Blaine was calm when asking but he would get it out of Clay before he left this room.
"Their assholes. Their just pricks." Clay whispered in angry. Blaine knew he should probably say something about the swearing but he didn't give a crap if he swore or not, finding out what happened was so much more important.
"I thought they were your friends. Why were they doing that to you if your friends."
Clay shook his head slowly and finally lifted up his head to look at Blaine. Blaine tried to hide his surprise at seeing Clay's face. Blood was running from his noise, his lip was bleeding; his left eye was bruised and down the side of his face was scratched deep. Blaine's mouth fell open a bit and he felt so sorry for Clay, the same Clay who was acted like such a brat in music class and who wanted to go out with Lily.
"Why didn't you fight back?" Blaine asked in shock and knew what Clay's answer would be.
"I did." Blaine just shook his head not believing it.
"No you didn't. I know that because you do boxing and you would have been able to beat their asses, at the very least your face wouldn't be that bad." Clay looked at Blaine wondering how he knew that. Blaine knew what he was thinking. "Lily told me you did boxing and also I did boxing when I was in high school."
"Why did you do it?"
"Well, I enjoyed it but, that wasn't the reason I started. I had a pretty hard time being in high school. In my first high school I got beating the crap out of and then when I went to another school, Dalton, it had a fight club and I joined it to be able to protect myself if anything like that happened again and because I got all my angry out with bullies and everything. It was better hitting a bag then hitting anyone else, no matter who it was." Clay didn't know what to say so he just nodded. A few seconds went by before anyone said anything.
"We were outside and Joe was walking by us and the guys started calling him horrible stuff and he just ignored us and kept walking. I thought that was it that they would just leave him, but they didn't. They ran after him and started pushing him and then one of the guys pushed him into the wall really hard. I just couldn't take them doing that to him…so I pushed Michael of Joe and told Joe to go, he did. The guy's just started at me with such angry and I started to walk away, they came after me and that's when you found us. I didn't fight back because like you said…boxing is better than hitting someone. I am not like them it's just…"
"You want to fit into the crowd and not be like Joe getting bullied every day because you wouldn't be able to cope with what they say and do to you every day for just being you." Clay just nodded and his eyes looked to a spot on his table. Clay was just a bit taller than Blaine, had bright blue eyes and a messy hair look every day at school, of course it was even messier now. These were Clay's walls coming down and the truth finally being told. "Lily's dad Kurt went throw what so many kids have to. He had slushies' throwing at him every day, got pushed into lockers, got called names every day, got laughed at for what he wore, laughed at for who he was. Now he never changed who he was because of that but there did get to a point in his lift where he though he couldn't deal with high school anymore and he had had enough."
"And then he went to Dalton and met you. You helped him and when he went back to McKinley you transferred there, back to a school that wasn't safe, not like Dalton was, to be with him and to face bullies." Clay gave a small smile and Blaine just looked shocked he knew that. "Lily told me. She looks up to you guy's so much and wants to have someone special in her life like you so with her dad."
"I didn't think she would have really said anything about us."
"Well, all I know is that I don't talk about my parents the way she does with you two. Lily's really the reason why I did what I did today for that kid. I mean I always wanted to do that, to stop them from bullying kids, but I couldn't, I didn't have the courage to and I was a bully to. I don't want to be like them anymore. I just want to have people who treat people nice and accept me for just being me and Lily, she knows the real side of me, this side and just knowing that at least one person likes me like this, is enough." Blaine smiled. Lily was right about him really being a nice person and because she talked about him and Kurt a good bit to Clay.
"It just takes one person to save you from the unreal you and to the real you. Honestly it just takes one person who can get you through anything, Clay. And by the way I much rather this side of you to. This is your senior year, enjoy it the way you want to and don't forget to be yourself because being yourself is all you can be. Trying to be other people will never work."
Kurt was picking up Jack and Lily today from school. Lea was sitting in the passenger's side playing with one of her dolls. Blaine was going to be at a teacher meeting today after school and wouldn't be able to bring the kid's home.
"Daddy can we go and see daddy? Please?" Lea looked up to Kurt with her puppy dog eyes-just like Blaine's eyes. She had long curly brown hair and her cheeks were always red a lot that made her even more adorable. She was wearing a stripy colour full dress that she never took off because she liked looking like a rainbow.
"Okay, sweetie." Her face lit up at Kurt's answer and they both got out of the car. Kurt didn't lock it because Jack and Lily would be getting in. Kurt picked up Lily in his arms resting her against his side and headed into the school. They had seen Josh on the way in and he said he would just wait in the car and listen to some music. They headed down the hallway through the last few students that hadn't left school yet. Lily had seen her dad and Lea heading down the hallway just a little bit away from Blaine's room.
"Hey dad! Hey Lea!" Kurt stopped as he turned around and saw Lily walking up to them.
"Hi Lily. Were just going to see daddy before we head home."
"I'll come with you guys. Mrs Clarkson was looking for him a while ago and couldn't find him." They headed to Blaine's room and stopped at the door. Only Kurt could see through the glass seeing who was in the classroom. Clay and Blaine.
"Dad are we not going in? Is someone in there with him?" she asked when she heard talking. She listened a bit longer and heard Clay's voice. "Oh my god. Why is he talking to Clay?" Lily didn't wait for a reply and pushed the door open looking half mad and half confused.
"Lily." Kurt whispered to get her back but she was already in the classroom. Lea saw Blaine and got down from Kurt's arms and ran to her dad.
"Daddy!" she squealed as she ran over to him and Blaine picked her up in his arms. Kurt and Lily looked to Clay wondering what happened his face but neither of them asked yet.
"How's my little princess?" Blaine said as he took his eyes of Lily's confused and angry expression.
"Good. Dad's getting me Ice-cream on the way home." She said excitedly. Lily looked to Clay who gave her a little smile, okay, now she was really confused.
"Only if you promise to do your homework tonight." Blaine looked to Kurt who was standing beside him now and they smiled at each other but he knew Kurt was wondering why Clay was in his room when school was over.
"So is anyone going to tell me why you two are in here? Clay what happened to your face?" Lily finally asked.
"We were just talking and I will explain later." Clay said with a shrug.
"That's it?"
"Yeah that's it. Well there's more clearly but Clay can tell you in his own time. Now go on with you two and Lily bring your sister with you. I have to talk to your dad for a minute." Lily nodded her head still confused but told her dad Mrs Clarkson was looking for him and headed out of the room with Lily holding her hand and Clay walked behind them stopping at the door for a second with a smile.
"Thank you, sir. I mean it."
Blaine nodded his head. "Anytime Clay. See you tomorrow." Clay gave a nod before shutting the door and catching up to Lily and Lea.
Kurt looked to Blaine with a grin on his face and a raised eyebrow.
"So sir, what was that all about?" Blaine just laughed at Kurt calling him sir. He pulled Kurt on front of him from where he was sitting on his desk and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist.
"I'll tell you later but what I will say is he does seem nice."
"Well good. So what did you have to talk to me about?" Kurt smirked as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulder and they gazed into each other's eyes.
"We both know what I meant." Blaine whispered lowly before Kurt leaned down and captured his lips with Blaine's. A few minutes went by as they kissed before Kurt whispered against their lips.
"Don't you have a meeting to be going to?"
"Crap, yes." They let go of each other and Blaine headed around his desk picking up the papers he needed.
"So, what's your excuse for being late?" Kurt chuckled as they both headed to the door.
"That I was making out with my husband." Blaine opened the door and let Kurt walk out first.
"That's not an excuse." Kurt said standing in the middle of the hallway. Blaine shut the door behind him and faced Kurt.
"No, it's the truth." Blaine smiled as he gave Kurt a quick kiss. "See you at home." Blaine said before heading down the hallway quickly to his next meeting. The first being making out with Kurt. Yeah the first was much better.
"Hey sweetheart, are you enjoying yourself?" Kurt asked Lea as she came in the door with her new dress on and a party hat on. She nodded her head and picked up one of the plastic cups with coke in it and took a drink.
"Yeah today is awesome. All my friends can't wait till the cake." Lea said excitedly as she put the cup back on the table and walked over to Kurt who was at the counter putting the icing on top of the chocolate cake.
"Either can I." Blaine said serious as he walked in the door to and over to Kurt and Lea. They laughed at Blaine who picked up the spoon covered in icing and started to lick it.
"Manners you. Put down the spoon and go check on the food in the oven." Blaine did as he was told and nodded when he saw the food was fine and walked back behind Kurt with icing on his fingers and quickly wiped it on Kurt's face.
"Blaine!" Kurt shouted high while laughing. Lea laughed at her daddies and watched as Blaine legged it out of the kitchen and back outside before Kurt could get him back.
Lea's eight birthday party was going on till six that evening. They had hired a big blow up slide for the party and the kids loved it. They had been outside most of the day expect for went the kids came in to eat.
It now after eight and Lea, Jack, Lily and Clay were still on the slide having fun. Kurt and Blaine were walking over to the slide. They were all lying on the bottom of the slide went Kurt and Blaine got to the slide.
"Daddies, can we keep this? Please?" Lea said as she sat up looking towards them.
"We can't, it has to go back tomorrow morning am afraid which is why me and daddy is going on it now." Kurt said as him and Blaine hoped onto it.
"Please don't." Jack moaned as he stood up on it.
"Don't embarrass us." Lily moaned as well.
"Go daddies!" Lea shouted as Kurt and Blaine climbed up the right side of the slide. Kurt was in front of Blaine climbing up it. The kids moved of the end of the slide so Kurt and Blaine wouldn't crash into them on the way down. They all stood on the grass and looked as the other two tried to get up. They couldn't stop laughing as they tried to get up it.
"We are too old for this." Blaine joked as he got to the top.
"We are never too old for fun, Blaine." They both sat at the top of the slide. Kurt was just about to say for Blaine to go first when Blaine put his hands on Kurt's back and pushed him of.
"Blaine!" Kurt shouted as he slid down the slide. The kid's laughed as Kurt slid down. Kurt had just landed at the bottom when Blaine pushed himself of the top and went down crashing on top of Kurt.
"You are so dead!" Kurt mumbled as Blaine laughed on top of him.
"You're going to have to catch me first." Blaine said as he quickly got up and he and Lea started climbing up the side again.
"Your dads are pretty cool." Clay said as he looked to Lily. She looked from her dad's to him with a smile on her face.
"Yeah their embarrassing at times but I couldn't ask for better parents." She put her arms around Clay's waist hoping that she had or will have what her dads have always had.
"Not that I expected any less from you but, this cake is so amazing." Blaine said as he and Kurt were lying down on the top on the slide. No one could see them up there and they enjoyed being together along after the long day of Lea's party. It was after ten that night and it was already half dark. Lea had gone to bed and Lily, Jack and Clay were in the living room watching a film.
"I guessed when you couldn't stop eating it." Kurt chuckled as he turned his head to the side seeing Blaine putting his paper plate beside him and also turned his head to look at Kurt. Kurt laughed even more when he saw Blaine's face with chocolate on it.
"I have stuff on my face don't I?" Kurt nodded his head as Blaine wiped his face but kept missing a spot. Kurt moved himself half on top of Blaine and half of while he licked the bit of Blaine's face.
"Are you trying to turn me on or did you just want some chocolate?" Blaine smirked.
"A bit of both." Kurt said his voice low as he kissed Blaine's lips for a few seconds and then kissed down his neck and bit down a bit earning a little gasp from Blaine. Kurt brought his lips back up to Blaine's and let his tongue enter Blaine's mouth. He felt Blaine's tongue against his. Kurt put his hand's either side of Blaine's head while Blaine let his hands move slowly down Kurt's back and rested them on Kurt's ass. They pulled away from each other's mouths for a second for breathe.
"I love you." Blaine breathed out.
"I love you to." Kurt replied before meeting Blaine's lips against. Kurt bit down on Blaine's bottom lip before sucking on it. A groan escaped Blaine's lips as he grabbed onto Kurt tighter. He let one of his hands gently and slowly move up Kurt's back as they rubbed against each other.
"Oh, god, Kurt!" Blaine managed to moan out before Kurt also let one of his hand's move down to Blaine's waist and under his shirt and up Blaine's chest. The kiss kept getting deeper.
"This…reminds me of…when we were in high…school and…we always made out in…my back garden behind that tree swing… so no one could interrupt us." Kurt said through kisses.
"God, I could never forget that. That was…pretty hot doing that."
"So is this." Kurt smirked before Blaine lifted his head up a bit and pulled Kurt back down into the kiss.
Jack had just turned eighteen two days ago and Kurt and Blaine decided that they would give him the letter Burt had written him, today. The one he would open when he turned eighteen.
They had given him the letter half an hour ago and he said that he would read it in the room. Jack didn't cry a lot but when he did he hated people seeing him cry. He knew he would probably end up crying reading his granddad's letter to him. He remembers his granddad from when he was small and he wished so much that he was still here today. Even though he can't remember it as well anymore, he remembered that moment seeing his dad floating on top of the swimming pool. He got told more about that time when he got to the age were he could understand it more. He couldn't imagine what he would be like if he ever lost his dad's or any of his family. But he did lose his granddad and it was tough but being that age it isn't as tough as when you're older.
Jack sat on his bed as he opened up the envelope slowly in his hands and pulled out the letter. He unfolded the letter, taking in a deep breath and started to read his granddads words that were over ten years old. The letter was never opened, it was just for Jack.
Dear Jack,
My first grandchild. Holding you in my arms for the first time was one of the proudest moments in my life. Of course it was going to be. My son having a son. When I held you in my arms I looked over to my right side and seen two of the happiest boys I have ever seen, your two dads. Now I know you will know what's right and what's wrong when you are older. I know you are going to do great. I know you will find the love of your life. I know all this because you have both your dad's to help you and I will be watching over you and making sure you are happy.
Just look at your two dads'. They have been through hell and back and they are still together, happy and in love. Yes, this letter will be over ten years old by the time you get reading it but I know for sure they are still together. You will have what they have someday; you will find your other half that makes you happy.
Whatever you do in life don't lose your way, Jack. Never pretend to be someone you're not because you will never be happy. If people can't accept you for who they are then screw them. I know you will be like your dads and I don't need to worry then because putting their strength together nobody could bring them down and no one will bring you down.
If I left this world with you still very young, I am sorry. I wanted to see you all grow up. I wanted to see Kurt and Blaine get even happier with their lives. Look after your sister Lily and I know by now you have another brother or sister and I wish I was there to meet them. I can just look over you all from up above. Jack, look after them all and especially your dads. Their getting older and I know you already are but always look after them.
Whenever I am and wherever you go I promise I will be waiting to see all my family again but for now I will always watch over you all and see how amazing you live your life. You are still that sweet little boy and always will be. Oh and Jack, if your dads are anything like I was giving Kurt the talk, I apologise for that.
I would say my first grandchild will turn into something great, but that would be a lie because son, you already are great and always will be. I love you.
Love, your granddad
Jack knew he would end up crying and he did. He wiped his eyes and just felt like he needed to go up to his dad's. He left the letter on his bed and headed out the door. He saw his dad's in the kitchen making a cake with flour all over them and food all over the counter. He wouldn't be surprised if they started having a flour fight. They looked up to Jack as he walked into the kitchen. His eyes were still red and puffy from crying but he had stopped crying for now.
"So granddad said if you two are anything like he was when giving me the talk, he apologises." The three of them couldn't help but chuckle at that.
"Well, you can blame your dad for that one, telling my dad to give me the talk. Are you okay, kiddo?" Kurt asked concerned as he walked over to Jack who nodded his head.
"Of course I am. I have you two." Jack smiled as Blaine went over to them and Kurt and Blaine pulled Jack into a hug, holding him tight.
"I love you guy's but, you two are seriously hugging me to hard." They laughed as they pulled away from the hug.
"We love you to." Blaine said as he ran his hand through Jack's hair.
"Dad! Watch the hair." Jack chuckled as he tried fixing his hair.
"Well you certainly got the whole watch the hair from Kurt." Kurt raised an eyebrow as he looked towards Blaine.
"Who was the one who used to wear a hell of a lot of hair gel in school? You," Kurt pointed to Blaine.
"Yes I did but I stopped, didn't I."
"I think I got it from both of you two. And plus you don't have to give me the talk."
"Um, yes we do. You need to know how to respect a girl and so on." Kurt said crossing his arms.
"And what if it's a guy?" Jack said serious. Blaine and Kurt just burst out laughing.
"What?" Jack asked confused and amused.
"Jack, buddy, you have had like two girlfriends and at school you were always all over the girls. Look me in the eyes and tell me that you like guys."
"Fine, but I was only trying to make a point. Having sex with a boy or a girl is the same thing or falling in love with a boy or girl is the same thing. Who gives a crap about the gender? It's not the gender you fall in love with it's the person. But yes, I like girls and I will treat them with respect like I always do because they deserve that. It might be important to them and they might not think it's as important to guys but it is. It is to me anyways. I grew up learning that from the best two guys' I know, my dad's. If it's a boy or girl I love for the rest of my life, I don't care, as long as they make me happy." Jack smiled proud at what he just said seeing his too dad's taking back by that, in a good way. "I hope I have what you two have one day." Jack said before turning around and heading back to his bedroom.
Kurt and Blaine turned to look at each other with a smile.
"That's our son." Kurt said with so much proudness in his voice. Blaine nodded his head slowly and felt a few tears behind his eyes because of how proud he was of Jack.
"I think he just gave us the talk." Blaine said as they both chuckled.
"We raised amazing kids, Blaine."
"We sure did, sweetheart."
"There's the old couple!" Cooper announced as he walked into the kitchen with his fifteen year old daughter Haley. She looked a lot like Cooper with her long brown hair with a fringe and big brown eyes. She was smart and she got that from Sarah. She was texting on her phone as she walked over to her two uncle's sitting at the table.
"Dad, don't be mean. You're older than them. Like seriously, dad has a lot of grey hair's showing." Blaine, Kurt and Hayley laughed as Cooper's mouth hung open.
"Cheeky." Cooper chuckled and sat down at the table with them.
"Well she has your DNA Cooper, so it's your fault she's cheeky." Kurt said as he got up from the table and went to put on the kettle.
"Well said Uncle Kurt. Besides I take after Uncle Blaine more."
"I hope not." Cooper joked earning a punch from Blaine.
"Ow! When did you get so good at hitting?" Blaine gave him a, you should know look.
"Have you forgotten I used to do boxing? And that was for calling Kurt and I old."
"Well it is your twenty fifth anniversary today. So, what are you two planning on doing today? Please tell me you two are not just going to stay in the house." Cooper asked with the grin he always wore when he was planning something.
"No. We are going out for dinner, then to see a show and then walk around central park." Blaine said as he smiled over to Kurt who was making coffee for them all. Kurt looked up and returned the smile to Blaine.
"What are you two going to see?" Hayley asked as she put her phone back into her pocket.
"Rent, for like the, third time."
"That's it? Are you two not even going to do I..."
"Woo! Fifteen year old in the room. I am going to talk to Lily." Hayley said her eyes wide as she got up and headed to Lily's room.
"I think you forget your daughter is here sometimes." Kurt chuckled as he set down three cups of coffee and sat down. The three of them took a drink from their coffee.
"So is that all you guys are doing?"
"Yes. We don't care what we do as long as we are with each other."
"Yeah but you two could go somewhere for the night. Lily and Lea are staying with us tonight and Jack's at his girlfriend's place, so why not?"
"Coop, stop! We are fine with what we are doing. Now, how is Sarah?" Blaine asked trying to change the subject.
"I am going to kill your brother, Blaine. I will end up in prison but it will be worth it." Kurt complained. He was blindfolded and Finn was guiding him wherever they were going. Blaine was also blindfolded and getting guided by Cooper. Finn couldn't help but chuckle at what Kurt said.
"I am going to kill you to Finn." Kurt snapped and even though Blaine was mad at them to, he let a laugh escape his lips.
"We are right here Kurt." Cooper said.
"Good. Now that you know my plan you can have time to run."
"Hey, wait till you see what we have planned first. And we are good at planning stuff. Might I remind you what we did for you over twenty five years ago? We brought you to Dalton and you both ended up proposing to each other." Finn said and Kurt could hear the smile in his voice. Kurt didn't say anything back and in the next few seconds they stopped. They both felt Cooper and Finn moving their hands away from them and heard them walking away.
"Where are you two going?" Blaine asked confused. "Are we standing on grass? Where are we?"
"Hold on." Cooper said. A few more seconds passed and then Cooper spoke. "Okay, you can take of the blindfolds now." They heard the excitement in Cooper's voice.
They took of their blindfolds and when they did all their family was standing in front of them. That was the first thing they noticed and then they coped on they were in central park, the same place they got married, the same place they always came to, loads of time's every year. Then they turned to each other with a surprised smile before looking back to their family. Cooper, Finn, Carole, Rachel, Sarah, Blaine's mum and dad, Lily, Jack, Lea, Hayley, and Summer were all standing in front of a massive tree with big smiles on their faces. It was nearly dark and there are lights all over the tree.
"Happy twenty fifth anniversary!" everyone shouted.
"We know you were planning on the night you had planned but, we had this planned for ages and what better way to celebrate twenty five years of being married than the place those twenty five years started." Jack grinned at his shocked dad's. They had never expected this.
"Yeah and plus Uncle Coop said we had to do this or we all wouldn't get that twenty euro he was giving us to be here." Lily said as everyone laughed. "Seriously though, you two are the best dad's in the world and Jack, Lily and I couldn't have asked for better parents."
Lily, Jack, and Lea walked up to their parents and had a group hug. Everyone else looked in awe at them.
"We love you dads." Lea said as she was getting squeezed in the family hug and giggled.
"We love you all too so, so, much." Kurt said with a tear falling down his face. Kurt and Blaine couldn't believe how lucky they have been so far. So much sadness has happened and losing Burt was the biggest one, but they made it through, they always did.
They had the best family in the world. Rachel and Finn were expecting a baby boy. Cooper and Sarah are also expecting, with twins. Carole had moved to New York and had lived with Finn and Rachel for a while before getting a place five minutes away from Rachel and Finn. Blaine's mum and dad started to travel the world two years ago when Blaine's dad retired. Jack was moving in with his girlfriend Dianna soon and had graduated from college and was now looking for a job as an Art teacher. Lily was in her last year of college studying creative writing. She's also still with Clay and living with him when she's at college. Lea is going into her second year of high school and has taken an interest in science. Summer is in the same college with Lily and Clay studying nursing. Hayley has another year left of high school and is taking after her dad with the acting.
Kurt and Blaine sat at the little table under the tree of central park. Everyone had left and let Kurt and Blaine start to enjoy their night. A picnic basket sat beside the table. There had been loads of food-not hot of course- in the basket that was now nearly all gone. They were eating the dessert now that was a chocolate cake with strawberries on the top.
"This really is not good for us." Kurt laughed as did Blaine who nodded his head with his mouth filled with cake. "Don't laugh with your mouth full."
Blaine swallowed the last piece of cake in his mouth. "Now it's gone. I can't believe they did this for us. It's so simply but so amazing."
"We have a great family. I have a great husband." Kurt grinned as Blaine nodded.
"Sounds like a great guy. Tell me more."
"Well, he's kind, loving, generous, extremely cute and sexy, very talented, a great teacher, a great father, an amazing husband and never for one second stops thinking about other people. He's the kind of guy that you only find every like billion years. Did I mention he was sexy?" Kurt smirked as Blaine tried not to grin so much.
"I think you did. Well now as great as your husband sound's, mine is way better."
"Oh really?" Kurt leaned back into his chair. "Do tell."
"I don't think you have ever met anyone like him before because he's one in a million. I didn't think I would ever meet anyone like him. I mean what are the chances that I would find a sweet, amazing, hot, strong, talented, creative, guy that treats his husband and kids like they're the only people in the whole world. I thought it would be impossible to have someone in my life like that, but I always knew it would never be impossible for me to love him as much as I do now. It might sound cheesy but the kids and him are my world." Blaine didn't notice the few tears that escaped his eyes and ran down his cheeks until Kurt was leaning over the table and wiping them away with his thumbs that leaned against Blaine's cheeks.
"It's…its n-not cheesy Blaine, not to me. I kind of got used to your cheesiness after nearly twenty eight years together. Come here." They both got up from the little table and wrapped each other in their arms tightly.
"Coop's right, we are old." Blaine laughed through the tears as did Kurt. Kurt pulled back a little to see all of Blaine's face and meet his gaze.
"We are still those seventeen year old boys who fell in love with each other. We always will be no matter how old we get."
"Am I still the clueless boy who couldn't see you liked me?"
"Well, that has changed certainly." Kurt chuckled as he wrapped his arms around Blaine's waist and let his head drop to Blaine's shoulder. Blaine's hand stayed on Kurt's waist as the other ran up Kurt's back and into his soft brown hair. He kept running his fingers through it.
"I could honestly sleep like this forever. You're so comfortable to sleep on." Kurt mumbled into Blaine's chest.
"So I've been told by you like a thousand times."
"Get use to it." Kurt chuckled as did Blaine.
"Already have." Kurt lifted up his head and leaned in to Blaine's lips and kissed him softly. Blaine's hand stopped running through Kurt's hair and rested on the back of his neck. Their lips slowly danced on each other as they just enjoyed being together. It was starting to get cold now but luckily they were both wearing coats to keep out the cold. It was pitch dark now and the only light now was the ones on the tree and the city lights in the distant. If they could see all of this from a distant they would think this was a beautiful moment, but then again, they were the beautiful moment and they knew it was special.
Their teeth rubbed against each other and then Blaine let Kurt's tongue enter his mouth as did Blaine's in Kurt's mouth. The tongue's gently touched each other until the kiss got more passionate. Blaine pulled Kurt's bottom lip into his mouth as he sucked on it and Kurt let out a moan.
"Oh…god, Blaine. I…I…let's go to the hotel. We better not…let it go…to waste after Coop…booked it for…us."
"It's really hard to make out with you when you're talking. More making out less talking." Blaine collided his lips again with Kurt's and started to push Kurt back against the tree. Kurt's back hit the tree gently. At least no one was around to say anything. Kurt didn't say anything more for a while and just kissed Blaine deeper, pulling Blaine closer against him. They both moaned into the kiss and Blaine's hands moved down to Kurt's hips. They pulled away from the kiss to get some air and looked at each other breathless.
"What are we going to do with that stuff?" Blaine nodded over to the table and chairs and food. "I guess I can just text Coop to get it."
"I don't know about that stuff. But I really, really, like badly need you and to get to that hotel room." Kurt was still trying to catch his breath.
"Yeah I don't care about that stuff either. Let's just go to the hotel. Shit, we have no clothes or anything."
"I am sure Coop left stuff there for us." Kurt smirked with so much love and want in his eyes as he titled his head to the side.
"Oh good god stop giving me that look. We still have to get back to the hotel you know." Blaine said needy.
"What look? Is it the one were…" Kurt moved his face back close to Blaine's again, their lips nearly touching. "…the one where I really want and need you like right now?" yeah that did it for Blaine. He pressed his lips to Kurt's again for a few seconds.
"You know right well." Blaine whispered against their lips.
"I love you so much. And I need to say this before I don't get a change to tonight." Kurt's expression turned serious and loving. "I couldn't imagine my life without you. I couldn't have gotten through half of the bad times in my life without you. And I thank whoever it is that, I wake up to you and get to fall asleep with you. That every day is better because I get to know you more, even now."
"I thank the world every day for you Kurt Anderson-Hummel. They gave me the greatest person in the world, you. I haven't and I never will let you go because guess what sweetheart? The only life I was meant to life was with you and it's the best life ever. Like seriously, it's freaking awesome!" they chuckled at that last bit and Kurt gave a quick kiss to Blaine's lips.
"I love you to Kurt. I'll never stop." Kurt grinned in response and took Blaine's hand in his.
"Let's head to the hotel room and along the way, am going tell you a moment that changed my life, like, forever."
"Oh I like that one. It's the sweetest and oldest story in the world." Kurt nodded his head slowly as they started walking on the path away from their favourite place, the place they both share of an incredibly memory. Kurt let go of Blaine's hand and put his arm around Blaine's waist as did Blaine around Kurt's and they kept walking.
"I think I know it. Doesn't it start with two boys on a staircase where they met there for the first time?" Kurt and Blaine looked into each other's eyes not being able to help gazing at each other.
"Yeah that's the beginning. The end still has to be written but, I don't think their ever will be an end. It sounds impossible for their not to be an end but this love story has done impossible things so far."
"Well, I don't think there's an happy ending because there needs to be an end for us to know if it was happy." They both smiled so brightly and with so much love.
"There's a first time for everything. It's one love story with no ending. Oh and by the way, happy anniversary beautiful."
"Happy anniversary, sweetheart."
Kurt walked back and forward in his wedding tent that he was getting ready in. It wasn't big but it didn't matter, it was just somewhere to get ready. Blaine was in another wedding tent getting ready before they both were ready to go and get married. Walking up and down wasn't calming Kurt down. He was so nervous. Was he going to get sick from nerves, from the butterflies in his stomach? Oh god, what if Blaine didn't want to get married at the last minute. What if something horrible went wrong? Was he even sure he was wearing all his clothes? Kurt looked down at himself. Okay, at least he has all his clothes on. Wait the hair. Kurt walked over quickly to the mirror and made sure his hair was styled right and sitting okay. He stood looking at himself in the mirror, telling himself to calm down, that everything was going to be okay. He didn't notice anybody coming in until they chuckled a little. Kurt turned away from the mirror and saw his dad standing a few feet away from him with his hands in his pocket. Burt wore a simply black suit with a red tie. Burt gave him a warm smile.
"You okay bud? Don't tell me your nervous, your Kurt Hummel, well, Kurt Anderson-Hummel soon."
"Don't remind me. I am too nervous to actually think about it, which sound stupid because this is why I am nervous. Wait, why are you here? Does Blaine not want to get married anymore?" Kurt asked in a panic. Burt took the few more steps to Kurt and put his hands on either side of Kurt's shoulder and looked in his sons' eyes.
"I am here because you are my son and I wanted to see how you were doing. And of course Blaine still wants to get married; he is crazy about you, Kurt. Now relax, everything is going to be fine, it's going be perfect." Kurt nodded his head slowly and it felt like he had been holding his breath for a long time when he breathed in at that moment.
"Is he okay?"
"Well expect for being extremely nervous, then yes, he is fine. He was about to sneak out on me and come here to see you before I stopped him. He's small but, he can't get away from me that easily." They both chuckled as Burt pulled his son in for a long hug. A few minutes passed and Burt and Kurt were sitting down in his tent.
"What was it like the day you married mum. Like I mean when you were waiting to marry her?"
"I was happy, nervous, excited, and couldn't believe I was getting to marry her. I thought she was going to do a runner the last minute before the wedding." Burt let out a soft laugh and remembered that day so well, remembered every little detail.
"The whole doing a runner isn't helping dad." Kurt laughed nervously.
Well, I know what will help. The moment I saw her walking up the aisle, I couldn't get over it that this was really happening. I was marrying this woman, who I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with. But even after all these years that moment was one of the best in my entire life. I promise you when you see Blaine, you being nervous will all go away, and what will replace that is even more love you feel for him." Kurt felt himself relax a bit and gave his dad a very big grateful smile. He saw his dad was still a little lost in his member of that day.
"Blaine, go away, you can't see him yet. We are ready to get started now anyways, so wait over there." They heard Finn chuckle.
"Okay, fine." Blaine said and Kurt grinned at hearing Blaine's voice. A few seconds later Finn came in.
"Let's get this show on the road, dude." Finn said excitedly as he clapped his hands together, looking over to Kurt. "Woo man, you look really handsome."
"Thank you Finn. So do you."
"Right let's get you married." Finn nodded in agreement before going back out of the tent. Kurt and Burt got up and were now standing at the tent curtain. That was all that was stopping Kurt from seeing Blaine.
"You ready Kurt?" Burt asked, looking at his son who had his hand on the tent curtain, ready to pull it open and taking calming breathes. Kurt looked to his dad with a nervous smile and nodded.
"He's waiting; don't let him wait any longer." Burt said softly and put his hand on the curtain and pulled it open and stepped outside. In front of him up ahead was the row of chairs were the friends and family were seated. Between either side of the row of seats was the long red carpet going up to the arch that was covered in red and yellow roses, were the man, who is to marry them stood. Behind the man was the Central Park Lake that shined from the sun up high in the sky. Puck sat under the tree on the right side playing a soft sweet sound from his guitar. Burt looked back to his left were he saw Blaine standing nervously beside Finn as Finn talked and it really looked like Blaine was lost in his own thought. Burt moved over to them and told Finn to come with him and let Kurt and Blaine have a moment alone. Kurt still hadn't come out of the tent; he would when his dad and Finn walked away.
"I don't need to say this because I know you always have and always will but, take care of him, son."
"I will, Burt." Blaine said and the nervousness showed through his voice. Burt gave him a hug before Burt and Finn walked away to go and stand up at the front, seeing as they were two of the best men. Cooper came out of the tent with a big smile on his face.
"There's my little brother. Oh crap, I should be already up there." Blaine couldn't help but chuckle as his brother stood in front of him. "Before I go up there, I just want you to know how proud of you I am and I hope one day I will find someone I love just as much as you love Kurt. Don't ever let him go, Blaine. I love you." Cooper pulled Blaine in for a hug.
"I love you to, Coop." When Coop had walked away Kurt took another slow breathe in and out and opened the curtain. Blaine was honestly the most amazing, beautiful, boy he had ever meet and he was all his.
Blaine looked to where Coop had walked off to before looking back to Kurt's tent, but that wasn't what he was looking at, it was Kurt, the love of his life was standing a few feet away from him, the most gorgeous guy in the world and he couldn't take his eyes of him. Was he really getting to marry someone as amazing as Kurt?
Kurt's dad was right. This was going to be a moment he remembered for the rest of his life. It was one of those moments were you just get so lost in it and wonder is this real or is it just a dream because dreams can't feel this real.
As they wore the biggest smiles at each other they finally managed to walk the few steps to each other. They hadn't said a word to each other; it was like the words just got caught in their throats.
Blaine let one of his hand's rest on Kurt's cheek as he took in all of the boy who stood in front of him. Kurt did the same and they just gazed into each other's eyes, they could just get lost in each other's eyes.
"You…your…you are…I can't even say it." Kurt whispered gently.
"I know. You are to."
"My heart's beating so fast." Kurt tried not to chuckle at that as he put his hand from Blaine's cheek and onto Blaine's heart. Blaine really wasn't kidding. It was beating so fast just like Kurt's. Kurt looked down were his hand rested on Blaine's chest for a second and looked back up to Blaine's loving eyes. He leaned into Blaine's lips and when their lips touched it felt so…magical. When their lips pulled away from each other they rested their foreheads against each other's with their eyes closed.
"I didn't think it was this possible to love someone this much but, you proved that I was wrong. I love you so much, Kurt, and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Don't make me cry." Kurt whispered as he tried his best not to cry.
"Why? Are you wearing make up? Because I do love when you wear a little bit of eye linear, it's really sexy." They both let out a little laugh as Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine's shoulders. Blaine's arms wrapped around Kurt's waist and he kissed the side of Kurt's head.
"I love you like a million times." Blaine whispered into Kurt's ear. He could feel Kurt smiling against his neck. Kurt slowly pulled back to face Blaine, still wrapped up in each other.
"I love you Blaine Anderson."
You won't love Blaine Anderson anymore soon because it will be Blaine Anderson-Hummel." Kurt hummed in response as the smile on his face never disappeared and neither did Blaine's.
"We better go and get married then, beautiful." Kurt gave one last kiss to Blaine's lips, the last kiss before they would be husbands. They pulled away from each other and looped their arms together and walked up to where the little aisle started. Puck saw them both and started to play another song on the guitar. Everyone knew then that Kurt and Blaine were ready. Everyone stood up and turned to the beautiful couple who were standing with the biggest smiles on their faces. Puck started to sing the few lyrics as both Kurt and Blaine started to walk up the aisle. As they walked they both turned their heads and faced each other with so much love and happiness in their eyes. Their future could wait for a while because right now, this was a moment they would never forget.
A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, but am holding you closer than most, cause you are my heaven.