Along the way
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Along the way: Days we remember

T - Words: 3,112 - Last Updated: Sep 16, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 16/16 - Created: Aug 27, 2012 - Updated: Sep 16, 2012
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Blaine sat out the back of the house in one of the sun chairs, holding an envelope in his hand.

Kurt had falling asleep on the couch and Blaine felt like now, was the right time to read Burt's letter to him. Maybe Burt had answers that could help the two of them, to make Kurt feel just a bit better.

Blaine looked up to the sky turning darker and darker every few minutes, until he decided to open the letter. He didn't think about it, he didn't think about how this was the last time he would read something that he wrote for Blaine; he just opened it and started reading it. If he thought about it, he knew he wouldn't want to read it, he would want to save it, to always know there was still something left Burt gave him that he didn't open yet. He read and didn't stop.

Dear Blaine,

Don't go looking down to the bottom of the page for the final words you will read because I know you want to, you forget how well I know. So, I guess, well, I know you're looking for answers, son, but to say I had any for you, well, that would be a lie. I don't have any Blaine; no one's pain is going to be the same as someone else's, it might come close to it but, it will never be the same because we all deal with things differently.

When I lost Kurt's mum, I never really got into this dark place where I felt like I could never get out of. I could have ended up there but, I didn't, because of one person, Kurt. I couldn't rely on someone else to take care of Kurt, because I wouldn't let anyone else take care of him that was my job. It's because of him I never got to that dark side. I was scared though that if anything ever happened to me, what would happen to Kurt. I stopped being scared the day he told me he met you in Dalton. Now I didn't know you then, I hadn't even met you but, the way Kurt lit up when he talked about you, it was clear how much you meant to him, even at the time when you were just friends, you made him become a happier person and protected him. Then you two became boyfriends, lived in New York together, got engaged, got married and had Jack and Lily. I could never forget the day you came to the house and you and Kurt had just started going out. I hadn't seen you since the day you came to the garage and talked to me about talking to Kurt about sex. You had the courage to come up to me and talk about that, I could have never done that. It showed you how much more you cared for Kurt. I know you were scared that day of me after we had, had that talk not so long ago. Kurt had left us sitting in the living room just for a few minutes, just the two of us. I swear you thought I was going to murder you. I turned to you and said I know you will always take care of him. You gave me a smile and nodded your head and you didn't feel scared of what I would say anymore. I knew I was right and over fifteen years later, you never proved me wrong and I know you never will. I guess, what I am trying to say is, I have left my boy, to his wonderfully husband and you're amazing kids. This is more than want I wanted Kurt to have, I didn't think it was possible for Kurt to find someone just as amazing and loving as he is, but he did.

You're the only answer I can give, Blaine. However bad Kurt is feeling, I can't give you all of these answers to make him better, the only answer I can give is you are going to pull him through this, just like you have any other time. With the help of our family's, you will make it. But, I know you are the only one that will make him happy again. He's your other half and it is always that person that has the most strength to do this for the love of their life. He might end up in any type of dark place, because unlike me, Kurt knows that Jack and Lily still have you to turn to, that they just don't have one person, like I did with Kurt. He has seen how strong you are, he knows you will look after the kids and he might think that it's okay to go into this dark place for a while because of this, but it's not. Don't let him get to their Blaine and if he does get there pull him back out to where he should be, with you and the kids. I know you can get through this with him.

You're my boy to, Blaine. Over the years we have growing so much closer together and I am so glad we did. I will always be so grateful for you coming into our family and giving Kurt his own with you. This is what life's about. It's not about how much money you make, how popular you are, how your business keeps growing. It's about finding the love of your life and spending the rest of your life with them. There will be days were you feel like you can't do it anymore but trust me Blaine, look around you and you will know why you keep fighting every day. I love you and everything you have done, since the day you met, Kurt.

Love, Burt

Blaine didn't cry, he just smiled, even if it was a watery smile. No tears fell though; he wished Burt knew that this letter is the answer. Maybe he did. He was never going to stop fighting for Kurt and Burt just made him realise it even more. Everything they went through was worth it and he just had to show Kurt no matter how bad he got he would always make him happy again. He had to show Kurt they would get through this dark stage and back into the light, back into happiness. For now he was going to be even stronger for both of them. Life can try to break them but, it never would.

Blaine put the letter in his back pocket as he made his way back into the house. When he got into the kitchen he saw Kurt sitting at the table with Burt's box sitting in the middle of the table.

"You awake long?" Blaine asked as he took a seat beside Kurt.

"No. Just been sitting here for a few minutes," Kurt didn't take his eyes of the box while he spoke. It was a light blue box with a black design on the top of it. It had been Kurt's when he was small and had put all of his drawings from primary school in it. Kurt had given it to Burt when he turned thirteen and said he didn't need it anymore, that Burt could throw it out. Kurt didn't know Burt had kept it. He wondered what all was in there, but he didn't want to open it, what if all the memories of what Burt had in the box was too much for Kurt. He didn't want to be remembered he would never have any more memories with his dad. The only thing he had now was seeing his dad down at the pool and every time he saw his dad he was gone to quickly, how was that helping Kurt? Why could Burt not stay and talk to him?

"If it's too hard Kurt, you don't have to open it yet."

"I know but, I think I need to." Kurt pulled the box towards him and carefully took of the lid. He left the lid on the table as he looked into the box. There were pictures, a ring, awards Kurt had got when he was small, cards Kurt had made his mum and dad, the pictures that Kurt had left in the box, and a lot more. Kurt put his hand down to the bottom of the box where he saw an old piece of paper. When he took in out another piece was followed into it. Kurt looked at the first piece of paper, unfolding it and left the other one on the table.

"These were my dad's wedding vows to my mum. I remember he showed them to me after she died." Kurt said a little shocked Burt had left them in the box, but of course, it was one of the most important things of Burt's. Blaine gave him a smile as Kurt met his eyes for a second before looking back down to the page, reading out the words.

"I stand here today with you because this is one of the best ways to say how much I love you. You are the love of my life and make me a better person. I know you will look at me and wonder why I had to write my vows down. It's not because I can't come up with something on the spot, it's just that I want to be able to remember the words I said to you on our wedding day because I forgot nearly everything. I could tell you a million reasons why I love you, Elizabeth, but, I will say the most important ones. Because of you I believe that love is true, that you can find that one special person to spend the rest of your life with. It's you who makes me smile every day. It's you who I turn to when I feel like I can't take anymore. It's you that I get to have children with and spend the rest of my life with. It's you, a wonderfully, beautiful, amazing woman who I was so lucky to find. It's you that I will always love, from the day I met you, till always."

Kurt wiped a tear away from his eye as he put down the piece of paper and lifted up the other piece.

"Your dad does have a really nice way with words." Blaine said as he looked down to where Kurt lay the sheet.

"Yeah, he does," Kurt looked to the sheet in his hands and on the top was written Kurt and Blaine's wedding speech. "Blaine, this is his speech, for our wedding." Kurt said not thinking Burt would have kept it. They both looked down at the sheet and remembered Burt's speech.


"And now I mean, if Kurt and Blaine could have kids, like I mean have kids, like a woman can, well, my god, they would have a lot of kids, because these two," Cooper pointed to Kurt and Blaine who looked horrified at what Cooper was saying. Was Cooper really saying this on front of their friends and family at the wedding speeches? "Since they were, I think, seventeen, yeah, I am pretty sure it was seventeen, they have been having s…"

"Okay, Cooper I think that's enough of you talking for a while." Burt said suddenly getting up beside Cooper to shut him up before talking anymore. Laughs came from the friends and family as Cooper looked shocked that Burt had stopped him during his speech. Cooper sat back down beside his mum and dad who also couldn't help but laugh. Cooper had, had a bit too much to drink and was saying anything. Not that he wouldn't if he was sober but him being drunk was worse. Kurt and Blaine gave Burt a grateful look before he spoke.

"Well, I was going to start by saying that was a lovely speech Cooper but I probably won't." Burt chuckled as did everyone else. "These two boys were so lucky to have found each other. I can't tell you how many times I have looked at Kurt and Blaine and saw that their love, is a once in a lifetime love. Only twenty years old, over three years together and today they are married. I will admit that the day they sat me and Carole down at the table I was shocked at how soon they wanted to get married. I think Blaine honestly thought I was going to get a shotgun and run after him after they told us." Everyone laughed again and Kurt held Blaine's hand in his, giving him a wide smile. "I never was going to do that if anything I wanted to thank him for making my son happy, putting a smile on his face, after school had gotten to a rough patch. It took me a few minutes to realise that this wedding was the right thing because you two are perfect for each other. I didn't think I would approve of Kurt getting married so young, but that was before I met Blaine, that was before Kurt found the love of his life. You are part of our family Blaine and always will be. I know you two will always be together because you don't have to search for your other half anymore, he's right beside you. To Blaine and Kurt," Burt said with tears in his eyes as he looked over to Kurt and Blaine who looked at Burt to. They both mouthed thank you, as everyone shouted, to Kurt and Blaine."

"Can I finish my speech now?" Cooper mumbled as Blaine and Kurt shook their heads laughed.

"Oh god, Cooper," Kurt and Blaine said through laughter as Cooper stood back up.

"As I was saying, sex. Kurt and Blaine have a lot o…"

"Cooper!" Kurt and Blaine shouted to shut Cooper up. Cooper just looked pleased with himself, trying to finish his speech.


"I love how your dad's speech was really sweet and Cooper's was just, well, Cooper like." Blaine chuckled as Kurt let a little laugh escape between his lips. Kurt put his hand back in the box and pulled out a cd in a clear case. Nothing was written on it, but Kurt got up and walked into the living room to a small table against the wall where their old cd player was. Kurt took the cd out of the case and into the CD player and pressed play. Blaine leaned his chin on the back of the chair looking over to where Kurt stood. The music started played and they would both know that song from anywhere. Ed Sheeran, Kiss me. This was their song for their first dance at their wedding. Blaine got up from his chair and walked over to Kurt who turned around to face him, shook on his face, because he had given his dad that CD with that song being the only one on it. He gave it to his dad to listen to the song to see if he liked it and he did. Burt never threw it out.

"I can't believe he kept it."

"I can," Blaine smiled as he met Kurt's amazed eyes. "May I have this dance?" Blaine smiled holding out his hand as Kurt took it and moved closer to Blaine. Kurt put his hand on Blaine's shoulder as he let the other rest on the back of Blaine's neck. Blaine rested both his hands on both sides of Kurt's waist and gazed into his eyes as they danced to the music. The memory flashed back to them on their wedding dancing to this song.


They danced slowly gazing at each other with so much love. Friends and family watched as they had their first dance. They didn't say anything because really just a look could tell how they felt about each other.

"You do know that, there is no way I am ever letting you go." Kurt said happily as Blaine let out a little chuckle.

"Well, that's good, because I was never planning on going anywhere. You won't ever get rid of me, no matter if you tried."

"I wasn't going to but, I suppose it depends on tonight." Kurt raised an eyebrow and smirked as Blaine just shook his head.

"Pressure, Kurt, pressure. Like Cooper said, since we were seventeen and if we could have kids. You know how good I am." Blaine was the one smirking now.

"Blaine, shut up. It's not a good idea to talk about this here. It only makes me want to drag you up to the room, like right now." Blaine chuckled as he leaned in and kissed Kurt in a soft, sweet, loving kiss. The song ended as people cheered and came onto the dance floor to join them. Kurt and Blaine's lips were still together until the next song started up.

"I know how special tonight is going to be, because it always is." Blaine said as they both smiled and leaned their foreheads together.

"I love this song!" they heard Cooper shout as he started to dance near them with Finn and Rachel. Rachel didn't look impressed but, Finn just looked amused. Kurt and Blaine hadn't notice what song it was until now. They both looked back to each other and burst out laughing.

"Who put that on?" Kurt said as Nick and Jeff came up behind them singing along with the words.

"Oh, oh, I want some more. Oh, oh, what are you waiting for? Take a bit of my heart tonight. Oh, oh, I want some more. Oh, oh, what are you waiting for, what are you waiting for, say goodbye to my heart tonight."

"We should have known it would have been you two to do something like this." Blaine said as he looked to Nick and Jeff still dancing like mad. In a few seconds a load of the warblers had come over to them and started dancing to the song. They tried to remember the dance but, they all just ended up doing random moves.

"Hey, baby penguin!" Blaine shouted across the music looking to Kurt stood beside him dancing. Kurt kept dancing but kept his eyes on Blaine. "You learned about it one day." They both laughed as Kurt put his arms around Blaine's waist.

"And I did it one day, with you. For us, it made us fall more in love." Kurt said feeling so much happiness he didn't think it was possible. Blaine had the biggest grin on his face and he leaned down to kiss Kurt again. The warblers cheered as Kurt and Blaine kissed.

"I love you, Blaine Anderson-Hummel." Kurt said his lips still slightly touching Blaine's, gazing into Blaine's loving eyes.

"I love you to, Kurt Anderson-Hummel."

End Notes: I warn you guy's now, the next chapter is the big one, it is going to be maybe the really, really, sad one. Until then, tell me what you thought. I loved writing the flashbacks :)


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