July 20, 2012, 11:35 a.m.
July 20, 2012, 11:35 a.m.
"What are you doing?" Blaine asked him, raising an eyebrow.
"Please just stay here, ok? I'm going to make this up to you, Blaine. I fucked up and I'm sorry, and as an apology I need to make you feel good. So I'm running you a bath." Kurt explained, standing beside the bed and gripping onto to Blaine's hand. Kurt gave Blaine's hand a quick squeeze, but didn't let him answer as he ran off to the bathroom again to check on the steadily filling tub.
Kurt took his sweet time when it came to Blaine's bath, because it had to be just perfect. He used Blaine's favorite smelling bubble bath, blueberrry, and poured it next to the rush off hot water out of the hot tap. A minute or two later the bath water was covered in foamy bubbles, the delicious scent of berries wafting around the bathroom and making Kurt's mouth water. He arranged all of Blaine's shampoos along the side of the bath at easy reach and put his away in the cupboards, wanting this all to be about Blaine. He had to make this up to him somehow. He turned the taps off when the bath was full.
Kurt found Blaine a few magazines and put them to the side for easy reach later, he grabbed the loofah's and put them near the bath too. He stood up and paused, wondering whether candles would be appropriate too. Kurt chuckled at his stupidy, candles are always appropriate in the Hummel-household, especially scented ones. Kurt placed four vanilla candles in different places around the bathroom, then lit them all with a match.
Kurt quickly dampened a cloth, making his way back over to Blaine who was still lying flat on the bed, staring at the cieling.
"I'm back, sweetie." Kurt smiled at him, before getting to work wiping away all of the urine on Blaine's body, not wanting to subject Blaine to a minute more of being covered in his own piss. He cleaned off Blaine's stomach, legs, arms, shoulders, even his feet, and when he was done Blaine's had goosebumps covering his body.
"Let's go, the baths ready." Kurt led Blaine by the hand to the bathroom and shut the door behind them, locking it out of habit.
"Oh." Blaine breathed out as he saw the effort Kurt had put into this. "Kurt you really didn't have to, a shower would have been fine."
"No it wouldn't have been, I need to make this up to you." Kurt told him, helping him into the bath and then kneeling beside it as Blaine relaxed with a sigh.
"Aren't you coming in too?" Blaine asked.
"..Do you want me to?" Kurt answered back with his own question, a little suprised that Blaine didn't want to completley hog his bath time.
"Of course. If you're not grossed out by the uh.." Blaine hid his face with his hands, blushing fiercely again as he thought of the peeing incident.
"I'll come in, I just didn't think you want me taking up all the space." Kurt said quickly, climbing into the bath and crawling up till Blaine was straddling him, Blaine's hands still buried in his palms. "And of course I'm not grossed out."
"It's weird though.." Blaine blushed even more which both him and Kurt thought was impossible, he removed his hands and chewed his bottom lip.
"It was just an accident, Blaine."
"Please don't call it that." Blaine cringed, looking swiftly down to his hands as he nervously wringed them. "I sound like a perverted little boy. Like I can't even control my own bladder, which I obviously can't." Blaine groaned out the last bit, sinking a little lower in the bath and turning his face to the side, his eyes squeezing shut as he did all he could to hide from Kurt.