Oct. 6, 2012, 1:06 p.m.
Oct. 6, 2012, 1:06 p.m.
Chapter Seven: The End
“What?” Blaine stared at Kurt, tears filling his eyes.
“If you were anyone else I’d give you the chance but I can’t look at your face every day and not think of the Blaine in my dream,” Kurt replied, quietly, voice breaking with raw emotion.
“No, you can’t, I love you Kurt, aren’t you listening to me. I. Love. You.”
“Please just leave,” Kurt begged, tears once more staining his cheeks.
“No, I won’t,” Blaine grabbed Kurt’s upper arms.
“Blaine, if you love me then you’d leave me alone.”
“Fine, forget it! I’m done,” Blaine snapped, abruptly letting go of Kurt, furious at the guilt trip he’d pulled. He stormed out of the room and out of Kurt’s life, ignoring Kurt’s agonised sob that sounded behind him.
Kurt looked like he was sleeping, he face smooth and care free, except for the smattering of scratches that covered one side of it. His hair had been washed recently by the looks of things and had been brushed back. One arm was heavily bandaged but other than that he looked unharmed by the crash. Most of the damage must be inside, Blaine mused.
He was wired up to several machines, making unsettling, yet comforting noises. Blaine sat in a chair beside him and carefully took his hand.
“I’m so sorry Kurt,” he began, “it’s not fair this happened to you. You’ve been through so much.” Blaine sat there until the silence became unbearable. He stood up.
“I hope you wake up Kurt, please wake up.” With that Blaine leant over and brushed his lips across Kurt’s forehead before straightening up.
“Goodbye Kurt Hummel, be safe.”
Blaine left the hospital and Kurt behind. In his head he decided to put Kurt and this whole tragedy behind him, however he would never forget Kurt’s face. He would unconsciously look for him in every tall, pale, brunette he saw. He hadn’t known that one day he’d find him.
“Blaine, sweetie, is that you?” Blaine’s mother called, stepping out of the kitchen at the sound of Blaine slamming the door. She caught site of her son, his hair roughly yanked out of a gelled down style, tie lost and jacket creased. What was most alarming was his tear streaked face. “Oh darling, what’s wrong?” She asked gathering him up.
Blaine began to sob once more, cuddled tightly to his mother, he held on like he had as a little boy with scrapped knees.
“He b…b…broke up with… me,” he choked out. He allowed his mother to usher him into the kitchen, let her fuss over him, making him hot chocolate and rubbing his back as he drank it.
“What happened?” his mother asked once he’d calmed down. Blaine glanced up at her from his drink.
“It’s a long story, but he’s in love with someone… who isn’t me. I’m in love with him.”
“Oh Blaine,” his mother sighed, stroking his hair back from his face.
“It’s not fair,” he sobbed.
“I know sweetie, life never is.” Blaine found himself pulled back, once more, into his mother’s embrace, he went willing.
“Is this what it felt like when my father left you?” There was a long pause, Blaine had brought up a little spoken about topic.
“I was so in love, when I found out I was pregnant with you I was overjoyed, sure he’d marry me and you’d be the first of many beautiful children. When he ran, I cried for days, not only for myself but you. I hated him from the day he left till the day you were born. One look at you and I realised he gave me the best gift of all. I was holding this beautiful baby in my arms that he’d created with me.
“I could have spent my life resenting him but if I’d never met him I wouldn’t have you and if he hadn’t left I wouldn’t have met Paul, I wouldn’t have Ellie and Holly. Things happen for a reason. You’ll find someone else and you’ll realise what Kurt gave you and what possibilities he opened up for you by leaving.”
“But it hurts,” Blaine moaned.
“I know, but so does antiseptic when you put it on a wound.”
“So he’s antiseptic? But I wasn’t wounded,” Blaine pulled back and raised an eyebrow at his mother.
“Maybe not, but sometimes good things can cause pain. You were happy before tonight yes?” Blaine nodded. “Then remember that.”
Blaine did remember Kurt, he returned to the Hummel house the next day to apologise to Kurt. Once Blaine left Lima for college Kurt became another old acquaintance that faded into the past. An old ex, he sometimes mentioned to his new friends.
Blaine started his new life in a new place. His life moved fast, people came and went. Some boys broke his heart as Kurt and once done and sometimes he broke their hearts. Every so often he would wonder what had happened to Kurt, had he finished high school? Had he made it to New York? Was he still singing? Then the thought would pass.