Kurt One, Sebastian Nil.
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Kurt One, Sebastian Nil.: Chapter 1

K - Words: 1,278 - Last Updated: Dec 05, 2011
Story: Closed - Chapters: 2/? - Created: Nov 27, 2011 - Updated: Dec 05, 2011
658 0 3 0 0

"No Sebastian, I have no idea what you are talking ab-" Kurt's attention was stolen from Sebastian as a boy walked into the choir room, his eyes wide as he took in the surroundings.
"Guys we have a new member joining us today, he just transfered from..." Mr Schue looked at the boy wanting him to finish the sentance, it took a moment but then he responded
"Dalton, I'm Blaine" He said smiling, hands in his pockets. Kurt looked at him for a moment. The boy was short, really short, and short people were not his type. Except this guy, Blaine, he had something about him. He wore a checked shirt, a navy sweater vest and fitted grey trousers, is hair was gelled right to his scalp but a few loose curls were showing behind his ears, he actually looked kind of dorky. But Kut liked it. Definetly on his team.
"Do you have any audition song prepared for us Blaine?"
"Uh-" The boy shuffled his feet "I have one song I could sing for you"
"Take it away Blaine"
Kurt tilted his head as the boy picked up a guitar. A guitar, that's hot. Kurt leaned into Sebastian and whisperd "He's mine." into his ear. Sebastian responded with a raised eyebrow and a shove
"Good luck Hummel, he's got virgin written all over him."
"Whatever" Kurt replied shoving him back. Blaine took his place in the middle of the room as he started to strum the first chords of 'Hey soul sister'. As he started to sing Kurt's head snapped up. His voice was amazing, smooth, but also rugged. This boy was talented. He walked his way around the room as he sang, all eyes trained on him. As the song drew to a close everyone started to clap, Kurt was the first one to jump to his feet, followed by a few others.
"Wow! Blaine!" Mr Schue said standing up to congraulate him on his audition and is unforgettable first impression. Blaine looked to the floor, a bit embarassed from all the attention. "Welcome to the new directions!" He said signaling another applause from the group. Blaine took a seat as Mr Schue rambled on about some idea about sectionals. After what seemed like forever the bell rang and they all left for their next class, Sebastian had Math on the other side of the school so he russhed off leaving Kurt and Blaine in the choir room alone.
Blaine pulled out a piece of paper and looked at it as creases formed on his forehead in confusion. "Excuse me uh.." Blaine fumbled over his words
"Kurt" Kurt completed.
"Kurt" Blaine repeated, "Do you know where room A32 is? I have English in there next"
"Oh, yeah I have English in there next with Miss Ecleston," Kurt said smiling. "I'll take you."
They arrived just as the bell rang, there were only two seats left. One next to Azimo, and the seat behind that next to Brett. Kurt chose Brett, leaving the Blaine kid a year of sitting next to Azimo. He felt a bit bad, but he didn't want to take a year of crap.
The first English lesson of the year went badly. It's not that Kurt didn't like English, he just didn't like having to sit next to a complete idiot that smelt of hemp. He was sure Blaine felt the same, he seemed really smart. Kurt had spent the majority of the lesson staring at the back of Blaine's head.
After English Kurt went to his locker, only to find Sebastian at his own locker next to his. "Hey, you made a move on that hobbit yet?" He asked casually
"No, not yet"
"Well you better hurry up, before I do."
"Oh is this a competition now?"
"It can be, whoever can get him in thier bed first will get thier coffee bought for them by the other for a month." He said with a checky grin.
"Deal" Said Kurt as they shock hands. Sebastian slammed his locker, "See ya' later Hummel." He said walking toward his geography class. Kurt headed toward is calculas class, again he arrived just on the bell, as he scanned the room he saw that the only avalible seat was next to the new kid, Blaine. Was he going to be in all of his classes?
Blaine smiled as he sat down, he had a little blue notebook and his pen's out for note taking.
"Hey." Blaine said, still smiling like dork
"Hey" Kurt replied as he grabbed his notbook from his bag. As usual the teacher was running through his expectations for the the year, it was always the same. Blaine was eagerly taking down notes. "What are you doing?" Kurt mummbled.
"Taking notes" Blaine said, not taking his eyes away from his notepad.
"Why?" Kurt looked at him, boy Sebastian was right, he did have virgin written all over him.
"Well, at Dalton we had to or we'd fail..." he said finally looking up.
"Well here, you don't actually have to. Half the people in this school are failing anyway, so they take things really slow, it's easy."
"Oh, really?" Blaine said putting down his pen, feeling foolish.
"Yeah, you seem pretty smart, you'd ace this class without even atending it. Dalton's that preppy school in Westervile right?" Kurt asked, now faceing the boy.
"Oh god we had to compete against them last year, their lead singer was amazing. I hope we don't have to do that again." Kurt said as a blow off comment.
"Oh yeah, t-that was me." he stutterd.
"What?" Kurt said a little too loudly, a few heads even turned his way. "That was you?" How on earth could the dorky virgin in the bow tie be that guy? He was so Dapper it was unreal and his version of Misery was flawless and if Kurt can remember correctly, kind of sexy...
"Yeah, they thought I'd lead them to victory, but you guys sure killed it with you're original songs"
"Oh thanks, is that why you moved? Because you want to win or somthing? Cause we came twelth" Kurt was rambling.
"I know, that's what it looks like doesn't it." Blaine sighed. "Really, I was just playing it safe at Dalton, I transfered there into the lower school a few years ago because, well it's a long story, but anyway it was just to safe. It's not like the real world, Dalton had done a lot for me, it gave me comfort and prepared me intulectually for the real world, but not for all the shit..." Kurt nodded along, Blaine seemed interesting.
"Well, if you don't want to be safe then McKinley is the right place to come." Blaine had a blank expression."And you might want to keep a change of clothes in your locker cause us glee kids get slusshied a lot..." Shit, did he just say that outloud, what if Blaine leaves the new directions? He tried to laugh it off.
"What? Slushied" Blaine looked a bit taken a back.
"Oh it's nothing, it's a thing the jocks do..." This time he was fumbleing over his words.
"Is that what you did at the competition last year? With the cups and stuff...?"
"What? Yeah." Kurt said simply.
"Oh..." Blaine was cut off.
"Will you two like to share something with the class, or are you going to pay attention." Blaine was silent. Kurt was silent. "Good, now I can carry on with the lesson." Thier teacher continued. They didn't speak much the rest of the lesson until Blaine slipped a note into Kurt's hands
'Do you want to get coffee after school today? Maybe'
underneeth he had drawn a little coffee cup, honestly was this boy 12?
Kurt wrote back.
Blaine returned the note.
'Meet me outside in the parking lot?'
Kurt nodded

Kurt one, Sebastian nil.

End Notes: Please review, this is my first real Klaine fic! I was asked to carry on a little drabble from tumblr so here we are! I'd love all criticism and stuff because lets face it, I need all the help I can get!


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i like it so far! can't wait to read more!

Gah, this story has so much potential! Such a great start.

I like the story so far....next chapter :)