Dec. 16, 2011, 11:21 a.m.
Dec. 16, 2011, 11:21 a.m.
'Help, my little brother is a disaster! What should I do with him?'
Kurt's reply was almost instant.
'Shirt, good. Bowtie, cute. Trousers, no. Swap them for something red!'
Rachel rushed to his wardrobe and picked out a pair of red trousers. "Put them on, but hurry up or we'll be late" and with that she marched out of the room.
Blaine got a lift to school with Rachel and Finn. Finn was a bit of a dork, but Rachel's boyfriend none the less. It was an understatement to say that Blaine was nervous. He was so scared. What if the people here didn't like him? Rachel always came home with slushie stained clothes, what if they got him too? No he had to stop thinking about this. Rachel said they only did it to the glee kids and he wasn't going to join. No one had ever even heard him sing.
The first few lessons went okay, they were really easy compared to Dalton. This year was going to be a doddle! That is if there are no bullies here. He went through hell in the last public school he was at. So he went to Dalton. Actually the only reason he left Dalton was for Rachel. She was going to college next year and she had her sights on NYADA, and New York was expensive. He knew if he stayed at Dalton their dads wouldn't be able to afford it. So he decided to leave Dalton. Of course he didn't tell his family the real reason, he just made something up about him feeling to sheltered. He didn't tell them how scared he was.
Blaine was assigned lock B36. It was lunchtime so he decided to search the corridors high and low for it. He passed locker B24, he must be getting close he thought.
As he approached his locker he saw a boy standing at B37. He was quite tall, well compared to him he was. His hair was shaped perfectly on his head and, he had a nice tushie. 'Stop it' Blaine thought to himself as he opened his locker 'he's probably not even gay, nobody here is'. The boy looked over, recognizing the short boy as Rachel's little brother Blaine.
"You went with the red then" Kurt said
"What?" Blaine jumped, what was he even...? Oh, that must be Kurt, he thought he recognized him.
"The pants, red pants" Kurt confirmed as he sprayed his hair with hairspray.
"Oh-uh, yeah thanks for that" Blaine said smiling awkwardly. Blaine looked over at Kurt's locker for a moment. The metal door was covered in various things, including a drawing of Kate Middleton... Blaine's locker however was plain, he sighed as he put his books into it.
"No problem, I mean you did look awful in those trousers! You are almost as bad as Rachel!" Kurt said looking at himself in the tiny mirror on his locker door.
"What do you mean?" Blaine asked, he thought his sister dressed okay.
"Well, who else do you think got her out of those silly reindeer sweaters!" Blaine looked at Kurt for a moment and thought... He was right, Rachel had ditched the sweaters and started to wear dresses...
"Hah... I guess you're right" He said closing his locker. Kurt just smiled at him.
"So how's your first day been?" Kurt asked getting a few books out of his locker. Blaine lent on his own locker.
"Okay, as far as first days go... I mean I'm a bit lost, but other than that no trouble and the lesson's are a doddle." He said looking up at Kurt.
"Oh don't even get me started, it's easier than primary school!" Kurt replied putting the books into his bag.
"So where can you get coffee in this place?" Blaine said looking around.
"You can't" Kurt said sighing. Blaine looked up with alarm.
"What? You. Can't. Get. Coffee?"
"Nope," Kurt said shutting his locker "Part of Sue Sylvester's healthy eating plan, she banned coffee when she banned tots, and Figgins never bought another coffee machine..." He said starting to walk down the corridor, Blaine followed.
"But, I need a coffee." Blaine whined
"Me too, I'm now going to the Lima Bean, wanna come?" Kurt asked smiling.
"Uh-uh sure" Blaine said fumbling over his words. A cute boy just asked him to have coffee with him. Okay, maybe he was his sister's best friend and felt nothing by it. He was still very, very cute.
The ride to the lima bean wasn't as awkward as Blaine expected it too be, conversation just flowed between them. For the first time, it was useful having Rachel as a sister, and she wasn't even there. They started talking about her and then New York and then about Kurt's dreams. This boy was remarkable Blaine thought as he walked into the Lima bean, again following Kurt.
"You know, you can walk next to me" Kurt said "You don't need to follow me around like a puppy"
"oh-right uh-sorry" Blaine said catching up with him. Kurt laughed as they approached the counter.
"A non-fat mocha and a..." he looked at Blaine.
"Uh-Medium drip please" Blaine completed. Blaine put his hand in his pocket groping around for his change.
"No, this one's on me" Kurt said smiling, taking out his wallet.
"No don't worr-"
"Hey, coffee was my idea, so I'll pay" Kurt said handing the money over "Anyway, it's to late now" he said winking.
They both took their coffee's and sat down at a table in the corner of the room. Blaine took a long sip of his coffee and sighed. They were both silent for a moment. Until Kurt spoke.
"So why'd you transfer? Rachel didn't even tell me you were until this morning, she said something about you feeling sheltered.." Kurt said sipping his coffee.
"Uh" Should I tell him Blaine thought? "C-can I tell you a secret?" Kurt leaned forward and whispered "Depends"
"Depends on what" Blaine said, also whispering.
"On who you murdered!" Kurt said leaning back in his chair. Blaine laughed. "But yeah you can"
"Oh well, I told my dads and Rachel I moved cause I felt to safe... But uh-really it's because Rachel wants to move to New York with you and it's expensive and Dalton costs so much and maybe if my dads didn't have to pay for it then she could go and live her dream an-"
"Blaine, slow down! Did you really come to this shit hole for Rachel?"
"Uh-yeah, she's my sister and New York is her dream, but don't tell her or she'll force me back to Dalton!" Blaine added quickly.
"Fine, but it is very sweet!"
"uh-thanks?" he said blushing.
"Shit is that the time" Kurt said looking at the clock on the wall. "Come on, we'll finish our coffee's on the way" He said grabbing his bag and rushing out the door. Once again, Blaine followed like a puppy.
They got back to school just as the bell rang for their fourth lesson.
"So how was your first day?" Rachel asked walking into Blaine's room with a mug of warm milk. Blaine sat up and took the mug.
"Warm milk? Really?"
"Kurt said it started conversation...uh" She said sitting down, slightly embarrassed. "So did you make any friends"
"Well..." Blaine said
"What?" Rachel said facing him, interested.
"Sort of, I didn't really talk to anyone, but me and Kurt got coffee at lunch"
"Well he didn't tell me that" She said looking away. "But he did tell me your lockers are next to each other" They were both silent for a while. "So do you like him, he is my best friend after all!" She said.
"Yeah, he was nice! I don't know why I didn't talk to him before, I mean he is always round here"
"I don't give you a chance to talk to him! We have so much to do before we go off to New York..." They spoke about New York and Rachel's NYADA application for about half an hour before Rachel went to bed and left Blaine with his thoughts, which were about Kurt. He was really very very nice and funny and sweet and hot and and... his big sister's best friend. Shit. This is going to be tricky to get over.
Blaine decided it was best to go to bed too, it was only Monday.
Yes! I love the Blaine/Rachel sibling thing! I would love to read more!
good story so far, I want to see where you take it :).. continue!
Sooo cute! Continue, please!
I like it! please do!