Left Picking Up the Pieces
I Can't Help But Worry About You Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story Series
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Emergency Exit: I Want A Way Out

Left Picking Up the Pieces: I Can't Help But Worry About You

E - Words: 1,189 - Last Updated: Jun 29, 2012
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/31 - Created: Jun 19, 2012 - Updated: Jun 29, 2012
412 0 4 0 0

Author's Notes: Warning talks of eating disorders and there's some language.Okay so this chapter is from Blaine's point of view on how the dinner went, the next chapter shall be in Kurt's.Enjoy!! God, I feel like such a bad person saying 'enjoy' two lines down from the warnings, I just sounds so wrong. Like oh enjoy reading about someone with an eating disorder. Doesn't sound good does it? But I'm rambling so I'll stop now.Enjoy.

They pulled into the parking lot of some diner and got out of the car. Blaine stepped out from his side first opening the door for Kurt.

“Always the gentleman.” Kurt laughed taking his hand.

“Oh Blainey! Aren’t you gonna open my door?” Finn teased.

“Nope.” Blaine replied.

Finn faked a hurt look and they all walked over to where Burt and Carole had parked.

The family walked in together and was seated in a small booth in the corner.

The waitress came over and took their drink orders. Finn and Blaine had gotten soda while Carole and Burt got iced tea and of course Kurt would simply get ice water.

Kurt had never been one for empty calories and sugary things but now Blaine began to question why he did the things he did.

He felt like a creepier examining his boyfriend like this, but he needed to. He needed to know he was safe.

He shook it off as Kurt just didn’t want a soda or something, but he knew he’d keep that in mind.


He was snapped out of his thoughts when Kurt’s hand was waving in front of him.

God, his wrists were so thin, and you could see the scaring from the self mutilation. It wasn’t just his wrists that were thin; his whole arm was, as was his entire body. His collar bone stuck further out than natural from what he could see where his shirt had slid down. Even his face was thin, it looked hollowed out. He was just so skinny.

“EARTH TO BLAINE?!?” Kurt said still waving his hand in front of his face.

Blaine was brought back to focus, “Sorry love, what were you saying?” He asked separating himself from his thoughts.

“I said what are you starring at?” Kurt questioned.

“You.” Blaine answered simply and truthfully.

“Oh.” Kurt said sadly.

He didn’t mean to upset Kurt, why would Kurt be upset by that?

Kurt immediately began touching his face self consciously and looking down at the table.

Was Kurt really that self conscious that Blaine could make him feel that bad by looking at him?

Kurt was beautiful. Perfect even. How couldn’t he see that?

“Sorry I didn’t mean to stare, I was just so happy you are okay I couldn’t help but look.” Blaine tried to cover up has gawking at Kurt’s frail figure.

“Oh.” Kurt said again. Blaine gave him a reassuring smile and it seemed to have worked because Kurt began to speak, “Yeah I’m happy I’m okay too.” He said quietly.

The waitress brought back their drinks and asked if they were ready to order. Blaine and Burt both got a burger and fries while Carole got a chicken club and Finn got practically everything on the menu, Kurt got a salad. A fucking salad. He hasn’t eaten in weeks and he gets a salad? Something was most definitely wrong.

The waitress walked away to place their orders with the chef and the family began talking.

“Are you sure you only want a salad sweetie? You haven’t eaten since you were taken to the hospital. Aren’t you hungry?” Carole asked softly.

“Oh no, I’m fine.” He said politely. They all kind of looked at him. “I think it’s all of the medication, I’m not feeling very hungry.” He explained further.

“Oh, okay then dear.” Carole replied.

“Yeah, I think loss of appetite was one of the side effects.” Burt said remembering what the nurse had told him.

“You know, you’re right. Okay sweetie no problem. Just let us know if you need anything else.” Carole said sweetly.

“Okay, thank you so much.” Kurt answered.


Kurt was really good at playing everyone, but Blaine could see right through his façade. Kurt didn’t want to eat and that was that.

When their food came everyone ate hungrily while Kurt moved the lettuce around his plate. Never even bringing the fork to his mouth.

And because Kurt was so good at lying no one noticed or if they did they just thought it was the medicine. What a crafty excuse.

Blaine was going to approach Kurt about it later.

The issue needed to be addresses.

He may have stopped cutting but he also stopped eating.

Why was he so set on hurting himself?

Were things really that bad?

Maybe the doctors were right when they said he might have a mental condition.

That would certainly explain some of the things.

Kurt was perfect; he didn’t need to starve himself.

Why did he think he needed to?


“Blaine, you’re starring again.” Kurt said kicking him under the table.

“Sorry.” Blaine mumbled and went back to looking at his now empty plate.

He couldn’t help but glance back at Kurt’s, it was still completely filled. Things were just pushed around.

Blaine began to wonder, had Kurt always done that?

Was he really just noticing it?

That didn’t matter, what did matter was that he was going to bring an end to it.

That was just another thing Blaine would have to bring up to Burt and Carole.

He hated being the bearer of bad news, but he knew Kurt would never admit to having a problem, and if he did he wouldn’t go to them about it.

Lately Kurt had been distancing himself, not just from his parents, but his friends, and also Blaine.

It hurt Blaine to think about how Kurt was suffering and didn’t even want to let Blaine in to help.

Kurt still hadn’t even told Blaine about what really happened that day in the choir room.

I mean he knew, everyone knew. Doctor and police reports explained what happened, but he wanted to hear it from Kurt.

Because of Karofsky’s confession Kurt got out of having to make a statement. It was no longer needed, they had enough evidence.

And so far Kurt had yet to tell anyone, himself, what happened that dreaded day.

Blaine saw how secluded Kurt had made himself lately. He was so bottled up and it wasn’t healthy.

He cared so much about Kurt and he needed Kurt to talk to him, to trust him. But how was he going to manage that? He needed to talk to him, approach him about the whole not eating thing as well but he didn’t want to do so in a way that would anger him. But how could one just bring something like that up in an everyday conversation. What was he supposed to do be like ‘Hey Kurt, how are you, I’m good, I had a math test today, did you catch the game last night, oh hey by the way would you happen to be anorexic?’

Nope, not gonna work.

He needed to figure something out.

He just loved Kurt so much, and needed him to be okay.

And no matter how many times Kurt said he was okay to his dad or Mercedes or someone, Blaine knew Kurt was not okay.

He just wasn’t okay.

And Blaine wished more than anything he could help Kurt.

That’s what he needed to do.

He needed to help him.

End Notes: TBC.


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Very sad. Poor Kurt. =S I'd smack his family for not paying enough attention to notice he's seriously sick.