Chasing Heaven
Chapter 6 Previous Chapter Next Chapter Story
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Chasing Heaven: Chapter 6

E - Words: 3,895 - Last Updated: Dec 31, 2015
Story: Complete - Chapters: 31/? - Created: Apr 23, 2014 - Updated: Apr 23, 2014
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Author's Notes:

Can also read on ff net

Follow me on tumblr: whiteeleffant

Chapter 6


3 weeks later

‘'Hello? Mr. Brown? Are there any news?'' Elizabeth sat in her home office, speaking on the phone.

‘'I'm sorry, Mrs. Anderson but there's nothing,'' the man on the phone answered, ‘'Do you want to continue the search or should we just quit?''

Elizabeth was shocked but wanted to cry at the same time, ‘'No! No way!'' she tried to keep her tears back, ‘'I will not end his search. I know it's been years but I won't stop until my dying day.''

‘'Yes, mam!''

‘'Keep searching, detective!''



From Blaine:

Are you free?

Kurt smiled when his phone buzzed and he saw there was a message from Blaine.

To Blaine:


From Blaine:

I'll be outside in 10


Kurt could definitely say he was happy. He and Blaine have been going out for three weeks now. He wanted to define them as dates, but he couldn't.  They were more like hang outs. They got to know each other more and more.

Blaine shared his stories with Rachel. How their relationship grew apart but now their starting to ‘like' each other again. Kurt was glad. He's never had siblings. He wished he would. At least, the kids in the orphanage felt like family. Even if they weren't blood related.

Kurt told Blaine about his dreams. How he wishes to be a singer. How he loves to cook, and dreams for a family of his own.

The only time they kissed, was a kiss ‘hello' and a kiss ‘goodbye'. Only little pecks when it felt like the right moment.

Blaine was determined to make Kurt his. He didn't rush Kurt. He wanted to take it slow. Well... slower. Slower than usual.

Right now, there were coffee ‘dates', long-talks on the phone, walks by the beach and other little friendly, innocent occasions.




‘'Blaine! That was awesome!'' Kurd bounced a little, holding his hand intertwined with Blaine's, ‘'I know cinema's existed but I've never been to one.''

 ‘'I know, gorgeous, ‘' Blaine kissed Kurt on the cheek, ‘'That's why I took you here. I want to make the best out of your days.''

Kurt smiled from ear to ear. How did I get this lucky?

‘'But the date's not over,'' Blaine continued, ‘'I want to take you to a picnic. I know It's kind of ridiculous and cheesy-‘'

The date? Kurt squealed inside. ‘'No. It will be perfect. As long as I'm with you,'' Blaine looked adoringly in Kurt's eyes, ‘'Now that was cheesy.''


They both laughed and Blaine's opened his car door to Kurt.

‘'I need to take you home first, though. I have to get ready and I know you and your clothes. There will be dirt, Kurt.''

Kurt rolled his eyes and nodded, ‘'Sure. Okay.''



When Blaine got home Elizabeth was standing in the kitchen very serious. She was looking down but as soon as she heard the door open she looked up.

‘'Hi, Blaine.''

‘'Hello,'' he looked a bit confused, ‘'What's going on?''

There was an envelope on the table.

‘'What's that?'' he pointed to the letter.

‘'It's for you, actually. But I wanted to talk to you about something.''

Blaine looked at his mother giving her a ‘go on' look.

‘'You and Kurt have been pretty serious and...   as much as I see him in Cantare, I would like to properly ‘meet' him over dinner.''

Blaine smiled. He wanted to introduce his future-husband to his family.

‘'I think he'd love to. And we're very serious,'' Blaine said looking Elizabeth right in the eyes.

Blaine needed his family to trust him with this. He's been nothing but trouble and Kurt's actually changing him. He wants his mother to understand, he'll do anything for Kurt. He'd go anywhere for Kurt. He's stopped to mess around.

‘'Is he your boyfriend?'' Elizabeth's face brightened.

‘'Yes. He is. And it's going to stay that way for a long time. I'm not letting him go.''

That voice. She recognized it from Blaine's father. A deep, dominant voice. Elizabeth could  hear how serious her step-son was about the young man. She wanted him to find someone already. She was just afraid that Blaine will ditch Kurt after a while, just like with...




Blaine looked down at the letter, when he was in his room.

He had decided to make Kurt his today. He was tired of waiting. He had this urge to protect him, to keep him safe, to love him.

He got home to change his clothes but the letter...

He didn't want for it to ruin his relationship with Kurt. A relationship that was about to start.

He placed the letter on his bed, deciding to read it when he got home.

Ruin his mood after seeing Kurt.

Though, if Kurt says ‘yes' to his question, nothing could ruin his mood.





Kurt turned the keys in the lock, unlocking the door.

‘'Oh my god!''

Kurt screamed when he saw Tina and Mike making out on the couch, moaning.

How did I not hear that from the door?

'I-I'm so sorry.. I-I will just to my room a-and change ‘cause t-the date...'' Kurt placed his palm on his eyes, trying to go in the direction of his room.

‘'Geez, Kurt,'' Tina was laughing hysterically, though Mike looked uncomfortable, a little blushing, ‘'We're sorry.''

‘'N-no.. i-it's okay,'' Kurt went into his room, ‘'I support love. I'm a Tike shipper.''

‘'A what?''

‘'Ya know.. Tina... Mike... Tike,'' Mike explained.

‘'Hey, Kurt! I heard you stutter som'som' about a date, huh?''

‘'Well, it's Blaine. I don't know if it's a date,'' Kurt explained, ‘'at least I'd like to think...''

‘'He likes you Kurt,'' Tina said to Kurt encouragely, walking into his room. ‘'Oh! You should definitely wear that!''

Tina pointed to a sweater that Kurt had bought a few days ago. For a special occasion. This was a special occasion.

But Blaine said dirt will be taking a part... Blaine's worth dirt.

Kurt smirked and grabbed the sweater from Tina's hands.



No words.

Kurt was the most beautiful man he's ever seen.

Blaine was leaning against his black Lexus LS LU, holding a bouquet of peonies.

He was wearing black not-too-tight jeans and a simple gray dress shirt. He wasn't afraid to smear his clothing for Kurt. Kurt deserves eye candy.

‘'You look beautiful!'' Blaine said, placing a feather light kiss on Kurt's right cheek, ‘'These are for you.'' Blaine handed Kurt the flowers.

‘'Thank you,'' Kurt smelled the flowers, ‘'Peonies are the queens of flowers. They're fabulous,'' Kurt's eyes met Blaine's, ‘'And you look gorgeous yourself.''

Blaine smiled. He took Kurt's hand and placed a kiss on it.

‘'Kurt, will you go on a date with me?''

Kurt blushed at both, the kiss and the question. His smile could cure cancer, ‘'I thought I already agreed.''

‘'I want to make the date official.''

‘'Of course I will.''



When the water reached the skin it felt so relaxing. It calmed Rachel's body immediately. It was amazing what one shower could do.

It  had been a long day. Getting rid of all the stuff that reminded the girl of her broken relationship. The photos. The gifts. The CD's. Everything. Out.

This was going to be a new start.

A towel wrapped around her upper body, she opened the door and almost fainted.


Those. Brown. Eyes.

Those damn brown eyes looking at her.

‘'What the hell are you doing here?'' Rachel screamed wrapping her hands around herself.

Finn's face was red. It's never been red-er. His mouth was open widely. This could not be real.

‘'Why are you pinching yourself?'' Rachel asked pointing to the now dark pink bruise on the gardener's arm.

‘'I am checking if this is not a dream,'' Finn answered with wide eyes, seriously.

Rachel saw him grinning, ‘'Or maybe this could be a fantasy.'' He wiggled his eyebrows and had a ridiculous smile on his face.

‘'Eww!'' Rachel grabbed her slipper and threw it at him.

‘'I'm sorry, miss,'' Finn brought his hands up, ‘'Maybe another time.''

‘'In your fantasies, not mine!'' Rachel screamed after Finn, when he left the room.

What's up with that guy?


Rachel jumped into her bed and let out a whiny shout.

Something was jabbing in her bare back.

She quickly got up and looked down at the bed.

There was a squashed single red rose.




They rode for a while. Their hands were resting on the hand rest, wrapped tightly.

Kurt was looking out the window and admiring the beauty that was California and glaring at the tied hands time to time. He couldn't believe this was happening.


‘'Blaine...'' Kurt walked on the grass. It was brightly green. They were in a quiet area. You could see some people but far away.

All around him was beautiful nature.

The sun was slowly setting and the sky was perfect. It had oranges, reds, blues and purples. He's never seen a scenery more breathtaking.

There was a river not far away and it was filled with lightens triangle lanterns. They looked like bright Christmas trees from afar.


This evening will be perfect. He knew it.

‘'Blaine. This is amazing,'' Kurt was looking around, wide-eyed, ‘'thank you for taking me here.''

‘'Thank you for coming,'' Blaine came up to him and kissed him on the temple, ‘'I want you to enjoy this evening.''


They placed a blanket on the ground and set up a few lanterns for lightning.

Kurt felt guilty for not preparing any snacks but Blaine reassured him. He was the one, who asked Kurt to come and he is handling everything.

Kurt just sat on the blanket and released a sigh of happiness. His vision was full of a fascinating sunset and the most gorgeous man alive.

He didn't know if he should think of Blaine that way. This was their first date. They have made out once but nothing was official.  Kurt was confused but didn't question anything. He wouldn't just ruin every chance with the sexy man in front of him by attacking him, demanding answers.

Blaine made Kurt happy and that was all that mattered.


Over the next hour they shared small talk. They loved to just hang out and talk. It really helped Blaine forget the unwelcome letter that came today.

Kurt helped him escape and be carefree.

‘'You know, I saved a cat from a tree once,'' Blaine said in a cocky voice. He was smiling widely, showing his white teeth at Kurt's reaction.

Kurt's head shot up and his eyes were shining. He had a big smile and Blaine's heart melted at the beautiful man's appearance.

‘'Really? That's amazing,'' Kurt told him, ‘'I thought that only happens in cartoons and stuff.''

Blaine laughed, ‘'as much as I know, cats still get in trouble once in a while.''

‘'My hero!'' Kurt said breathlessly.

Blaine wanted to kiss Kurt so bad. It had been a long time since they made out.

He wanted Kurt to be finally his.

To touch his silk skin, leave marks on it, show everyone he's off limits.

He killed the urge for now.

‘'What kind of person are you?'' Blaine looked at Kurt's question with a confused look, ‘'I mean, what kind of animal person are you? ''

‘'I'm a...I guess I don't have one specific animal I love,'' Blaine explains, Kurt nodded.

‘'I like cats. That time Tina and I snuck out, when we went to the playground nearby, there was a cat. He was the best creature ever,'' Kurt looked ahead, as if he could see the memories in the river, ‘'He was so friendly. He wanted to snuggle the whole time. We spent more time praising it than actually playing in the playground.''

Kurt laughed softly.

One of the best sound in the universe, Blaine thought.

‘'Always have been a cat person. We even tried to convince Thabita, the nanny, to get us a cat. But it's against the rules, so no good luck. If I'd have an animal, it would be a kitten.''

Blaine nodded. And noted that.



Rachel and Elizabeth were preparing dinner for themselves. James was out working so they were alone and wanted something light. They were preparing Greek salad.

Their conversations led from school, to hobbies, to relationships.

‘'It's over for good, mother,'' Rachel said about her relationship with Edward.

‘'You never told me the reason why you broke up with him,'' Mrs. Anderson pointed out.

‘'I-It's an awful memory, mother. Only Amber, Blaine and Kurt know about it.''

‘'What is it, dear?''

‘'He...'' she sighed and hesitated for eye contact, ‘'he hit me.''

‘'Oh my god, Rachel,'' She wrapped her hands around her daughter and placed soft, love full kisses at her scalp.

‘'Why didn't you tell me earlier? When did it happen? We could've done something. Gone to the police or... anything, Rachel.''

‘'No need to spend any more time on it, mother. I've forgiven him. He was drunk and he was jealous-‘'

‘'That's no excuse!'' Elizabeth cut Rachel off.

‘'I know... but... he's out of my life for good.. I hope. And he was sorry. I tried to shake it off but I guess I was too proud.''

‘'That's not proudness, honey,'' Elizabeth let her grasp around Rachel loosen so she could look her daughter in the eyes, ‘'That's unacceptable from a man to abuse a woman. It's against the law and you did the right thing.

Maybe he didn't even deserve forgiveness but you have a good heart so I understand.''

Rachel nodded and kissed her mother on the cheek.

She loved her mother dearly. She could always tell her everything. She was understanding and was the one to calm down a person. Could call it even a talent. Rachel was sad for people who didn't have moms like hers.

‘'I'm just ready to move on,'' Rachel said silently.

‘'I should have listened to Blaine,'' she continued.

‘'What did your brother say?''

‘'Mom...  Remember when Blaine was a bad boy?'' Elizabeth nodded, ‘'I don't know why but I adored him that way. He was so confident and careless, you know.''

Rachel laughed at her own silliness, ‘'When he got more mature I met Edward and he was just like the ‘old Blaine' if not even a worse kind.''

‘'Oh, honey,'' Elizabeth opened her arms more widely and Rachel was more in her lap now.

‘'I guess I was just naive''

‘'No, dear. It's okay to look up to your older siblings. It's perfectly fine. Everyone in this world needs a role model.''

‘'You're mine now,'' Rachel looked up to her mother.

A tear of happiness escaped Elizabeth.



With time passing, Kurt and Blaine's conversations grew more serious and deep.

It was time.

‘'Kurt,'' Blaine scooted closer to Kurt and took his hand in his own, ‘'I want you to know that I care about you. You mean so much to me.''

Kurt looked in Blaine's eyes and saw he was completely serious. He couldn't deny it. He felt the same.

‘'You, too.'' He said simply. Blaine smiled. Kurt couldn't believe how good-looking the man was.

‘'You're my best friend.''

‘'You're mine, too.''

‘'I want more.''

When Blaine said those words, butterflies started flipping and turning in his belly. Finally.

‘'I want to be more with you. I really, really like you,'' Blaine took Kurt's hand to his lips and kissed it tenderly, ‘'I want to protect you and be with you. Love you.''

Kurt felt like he was dreaming. He was waiting for those words for two weeks. Now when it was happening, it was perfect.

‘'Will you be my boyfriend, Kurt?''

Kurt let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and he nodded swiftly.

‘'Yes. Yes, Blaine, ‘' Kurt was smiling from ear to ear, ‘'I'd love to.''

Blaine felt complete. He didn't know he could feel this way.

So full of love and happiness. And a little bit of relief.

He didn't even want to think about what he would do if Kurt would've declined.

Blaine leaned in and connected their lips. They both closed their eyes and went deep into the kiss. It was desired and waited for.

Blaine licked Kurt's bottom lip asking for permission to enter his mouth. Kurt immediately opened his mouth and let Blaine explore it. Blaine wrapped his hand around Kurt's waist and brought him closer so they were chest to chest, while Kurt was caressing Blaine's side.

Blaine slowly started getting lower, bringing them to a lying position. The kiss got more passionate and hot. Loud breathing, teeth and tongue. Kurt's hand slid from Blaine's side to his ass, wanting to bring him closer. Blaine moaned at the thought of what Kurt wanted and grinded their hips together. He was happy to notice Kurt was starting to get hard.

Before anything could get any more heated, Kurt felt a little water drop on his forehead and he opened his eyes.

Blaine didn't want to take his lips off Kurt's, but did so when he felt something wet fall on his neck.

They sat up and it was starting to drizzle.

They stood up and Blaine got even harder when he saw Kurt's lips. They were cherry red and swollen. So fucking hot.

‘'Get to the car, I'll gather everything.''

‘'But Blaine-‘'

‘'Go! I know your relationship with your clothes.''

Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled. Blaine knew him so well.

He ran to the can and got in.

How far was he ready to go? What if they were inside or in a bed? How far was he ready to go?

Kurt believed Blaine wouldn't push him, and would stop if he asked but he got rid of those thoughts when Blaine got to the car.

He quickly tossed all the stuff in the trunk and got into the driver's seat.



They didn't want to stop, when they started to make out in the car again.

It started with a goodbye kiss but turned into their tongues sliding together. Again.

Kurt was the first to pull back and he laughed lightly when he saw the pout on Blaine's face.

‘'We should go on dates more often.'' Blaine face lit up at Kurt's suggestion and his lips twitched into a sexy smile.

Kurt's breath caught in his throat at the thought this handsome man was his boyfriend now.

‘'But I have to go. If Tina's even home now, she's probably worried.''

‘'Ok,'' Blaine kissed Kurt one last time, ‘'Text me. I'll be waiting. I'll miss you.''

Kurt felt his face heat up, ‘'I'll miss you, too.''

He caressed Blaine's cheek and got out of the car.



Kurt felt like he couldn't walk so he took the elevator upstairs. While going up, he couldn't stop thinking about how his life has gone so successful after coming out of the orphanage. His life seemed like a fairytale right now.

He bumped against his apartment door and inhaled the wonderful scent of peonies Blaine gave him.

He felt an overwhelming joy go through his body. He sighed and smiled to himself.

Kurt unlocked the door and took off his shoes. Tina nor Mike's shoes were there so he was home alone.

That's what he thought until he went into the living room, where Lydia stood, smiling at him.



When Blaine got home, it was very late and he was trying to be quiet. He didn't want his mother or his sister starting an investigation about where he was. He was too out of it to talk about his day. He was sure, he'd just giggle and smile.

He got even more happy when he saw two empty plates on the living room coffee table and Elizabeth and Rachel sitting on the couch, wrapped in each other's arms, half asleep.

He adored, how much Elizabeth loved Rachel. He didn't feel less loved, but when Elizabeth always tried to get touchy-feely with him, he managed to get out of her reach. From Rachel, he could see how much Elizabeth loved her children.

She would love Kurt, too.

Blaine got upstairs to his room and jumped into the bed.

He placed both of his hands behind his head and looked at the ceiling.

He couldn't believe this.

He didn't know he would deserve someone like Kurt. All his life he's only been cruel and uncaring for people's feelings.

He didn't deserve Heaven.

But he wasn't gonna let him go either.

After just staring at the ceiling for far too long, he got up.

He went to his closet but only took his bottoms off. He decided to sleep with his t-shirt on tonight, because it had Kurt's intoxicating scent all over it.

When he went out of the closet, he saw the now crunched up letter on his bed. Oops.

He sighed tiredly and slowly picked the letter.

He sat down and opened it.

He got a little sick while reading.


Dear Blaine,

I've missed you like crazy. I know you miss me, too.

I just wanted to tell you, it's been a crazy experience here. It's fun and busy but at the end of the day I see that there's no Blaine to snuggle with.

Blaine rolled his eyes.

Yesterday, I bought a dress I know you will love. I also got some stuff for you.

Blaine rolled his eyes harder.

He didn't read the rest of the letter but before he could place the paper down, the last line got his attention.

Be back soon.



Chapter 6


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